Water Desalination Driven by Solar Energy
Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
Maan, 71110 Maan
Abstract: - The abundance of drinking water is necessary for daily needs, but recently it has become a worrying
obsession worldwide, as it requires the use of fossil fuels for its production, and since the whole world is
moving to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, it was necessary to think about using alternative renewable
energy in the production of drinking water and that was through desalination of salty water. Solar energy has
been widely used. The methods that use solar power are divided into direct and indirect, which include several
steps, and the solar energy systems used are varied. In the present study, desalination methods and some types
of solar energy systems used are mentioned with a comparison of the amount of production and costs, in
addition to the improvement resulting from the use of PCM. It was found that the solar Fresnel lens system is
the most effective in producing fresh water compared with its cost. The solar desalination stations in Jordan are
29 and only 1 solar-powered desalination plant out of them, but the universities and independent factories
have their solar deamination systems.
Key-Words: - Water desalination; Solar energy; PCM in solar desalination; direct solar desalination; Jordan
water desalination.
Received: May 28, 2022. Revised: October 29, 2022. Accepted: December 5, 2022. Published: December 31, 2022.
1 Introduction
The fact is that water covers about 71 percent of the
earth's surface, but it’s a challenge to meet all life’s
needs in freshwater, since freshwater is 2.5 percent
as quantity where most of it is groundwater, ice
caps, and glaciers, and only 0.008 percent is the
accessible freshwater on the surface [1]. Water
desalination became one of the most promising
solutions for providing fresh water, which is defined
as removing salts and minerals from saline water
[2]. Water desalination required 10000 tons of fossil
fuel per year to produce 1000 m3 of water each day
Using renewable energy, mainly solar, instead
of fossil fuel for the same purpose of producing
fresh water will decrease the effect of global
warming and climate change by reducing the carbon
footprint and greenhouse gases emission. This
review study will be focused on solar desalination
systems, their methods, comprising cost and
outcomes, and using the PCM in such solar
desalination systems.
1.1 Water desalination
Due to the shortage of freshwater, nowadays, the
world adopted desalination of saline water and it
became a worldwide use technique using different
technologies [4].
The whole process of desalination involves three-
four steps as follows.
1. Pumping water from sea or saline aquifers,
2. Pre-treatment of pumped water like filtration
or chemical addition,
3. Desalination process,
4. Post-treatment if needed such as adding a few
Different ways are used in water desalination with
the aim of producing freshwater, and the most
common ways are Reverse Osmosis, Multi-stage
Flash Process, and Multi Effect distillation [5,6].
Using thermal energy in running the desalination
plans by using fossil fuels, was seen to require a
huge amount of energy which makes it unviable
from both sides; economically and ecologically
which mainly affects global warming and it’s not a
permanent energy source [7,8].
1.2 Renewable energy in water
The use of green energy resources, (Renewable
energy) in water desalination within its technologies
is a good alternative source to lessen the impact on
climate due to the desalination [9].
Solar-water desalination is defined as the process
where the salt is dismantled from the salt water by
using solar energy [8,10]. It was recognized that
solar desalination is a very good technique from the
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.24
Aseel Y. Al-Saidat, Mohamed R. Gomaa
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 17, 2022
economic and environmental point of view that
producing fresh water from saline water [11], and
that’s due to the natural validity of solar which is
free from the cost used directly in water desalination
Many advantages of using solar energy in water
desalination and mentioning here [13]:
1. Zero impact on the environment
2. The least maintenance
3. Low cost in operation
4. Moderately skilled works.
2 Solar Desalination Methods
There are two categories where solar desalination is
applied, those are; direct and indirect techniques, the
direct method means that both the desalination
process and solar radiation are collected at the same
location, whereas the indirect is the opposite, as the
collection of solar radiation in an indirect way to be
used in different locations [6,14]. Fig. 1 shows the
most commonly utilized processes of desalination
which are compatible with solar energy.
MSF: Multi–Stage Flash, MED: Multi–Effect Distillation, TCV: Thermal Vapor
Compression, MD: Membrane Distillation, RO: Reverse Osmosis, ED:
Fig. 1. Direct and indirect solar desalination processes
2.1 Solar desalination in Direct Method
Simply, the direct method is the
direct collection of solar energy and desalination of
the saline water in the same place. And it’s one of
the sustainable methods to get fresh water
from saline water [14]. In the direct method as
shown in Fig. 2, the devices could be operated in
passive and active modes, one of the oldest and
simplest direct water desalination techniques is solar
still, and it featured low fabrication cost as well as
maintenance, and technology is environmentally
friendly [15]. The good use of solar still, which is
designed properly and energy-efficient will reduce
the effect of a carbon footprint on the
environment [16]. Another type of direct solar
desalination is the solar bonds, their design based on
increasing salinity relative to depth, where the solar
radiation would increase the water temperature [17].
Fig. 2. Different configurations of solar stills [18].
2.2 Solar desalination in Indirect Method
3 A combined sub-system is the structure of
indirect solar desalination, one for
collecting solar radiation and another for the
desalination process. The first one is used for
collecting solar radiation via collectors
and supplying it through the heat
exchanger for thermal desalination or
transferring the heat to electricity via PV cells to
run the physical desalination process as shown
in Fig. 3 [18]. The indirect solar desalination
method applies in two ways, the first is the
single-phase process that uses photovoltaic
and the other is a multi-phase process that does
not depend on the membrane [19-21].
4 Therefore, it’s clear the direct method could be
used on a small scale and the indirect for a
large scale, which means the direct method can
work effectively in low temperatures, and for
collecting more solar radiation which means
producing more fresh water, then the indirect
method is more effective.
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.24
Aseel Y. Al-Saidat, Mohamed R. Gomaa
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 17, 2022
Fig. 3. Indirect solar desalination [22].
3 Solar desalination with PCM
Recently, heat storage became present in the theatre
due to its various engineering applications, which
depend on using the Phase Change Material (PCM).
Solar desalination is one of the popular methods
using storage systems [23, 24].
3.1 Solar desalination with PCM components
As shown in the above Fig. 4, the solar desalination
system contains the following: condensing glass
cover; the mixture of heated air and steam; brackish
water, basin liner (Absorber), the storage medium
(PCM), thermal insulation, non-return valve; outlet
of distilled water, floating water level switch, feed
tank, and brackish water reservoir [25].
Fig. 4. System schematic diagram [25].
3.2 Analysis of using PCM in solar
In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the stearic acid has been
used as PCM during summer and winter, 3.3 cm of
it under the basin line showed that the coefficient of
convective heat transfer from the basin liner to basin
water increased to double, and the evaporative heat
transfer coefficient became 27% [26].
Another PCM, which is paraffin wax, has been used
to keep the high temperature of the still to
produce distilled water during the absence
of solar radiation. Especially at night, taking into
consideration that there are some factors affecting
the performance of the still-like distance between
water and glass surface, and the level of water on
the absorber [27]. In Morocco, have been used three
types of PCM with different melting temperatures,
and it was recognized from the results that the
excess energy produced during the daylight, is
stored within the PCMs to be used later, and
highlighted the most important factor to choose the
PCM depends on the temperature of the brackish
water which could reach it [28]. Analysis in Fig.
5, has been performed and comparing the thermal
performance of PCM in solar still, and as shown in
the below figure, the water temperature without
PCM between 9 a.m, and 12 p.m. is the highest,
where we can store energy in this time, with using
PCM caused higher temperature for more time 2
p.m. to 7 p.m. The use of PCM will reduce the
temperature drop, as the energy in the PCM will be
released by sunset [29]. As shown in below Fig. 6,
the performance of solar desalination depends on
the distillation amount, which concluded that adding
more paraffin produces more fresh water which
indicates the performance of the still, and that’s due
to the basin being kept warmer because of
PCM [29].
Fig. 5. Comparison between temperatures in the absence
and presence of PCM and nano-PCMs [29].
Fig. 6. Freshwater production in the absence and
presence of PCM and nano-PCMs [29].
The use of PCM has been a benefit to solar
desalination and that is due to having more time out
of the day using the heat stored, working in a wide
range of temperatures, and producing more
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.24
Aseel Y. Al-Saidat, Mohamed R. Gomaa
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 17, 2022
4 Solar systems applications in solar
Many concentrated collectors were used combined
with still, like the Fresnel lens, parabolic trough,
and parabolic solar dish [30].
Different solar collectors can be companies
and used in water desalination, they can be
classified into concentrating or non-concentrating,
which affect the flux of radiation, also it could be
tracking or non-tracking, the choice of the solar
collector is based on the operative temperature as in
the below Table 1 [31].
Table 1: Solar collectors.
Flat plate
30-80 ºC
Evacuated tube
50-200 ºC
60-240 ºC
60-300 ºC
Linear Fresnel
60-250 ºC
60-300 ºC
60-300 ºC
Parabolic dish
200-500 ºC
Heliostat field
150-2000 ºC
*CR: Concentration ratio
3.1 Fresnel lens application in solar
The use of the Fresnel lens as shown in Fig. 7 has
the attractive characteristic to redirect the
concentrated radiations, which could be combined
with a unit to receive the lights; it was shown that
such use of Fresnel in solar radiation would
produce about 355 kg/day, and the cost of it around
$23.4/m3 [32].
Fig.7 Fresnel lens combined with solar desalination [33].
3.2 Parabolic trough application in solar
Solar desalination powered by the parabolic trough
as shown in Fig. 8, is one of the promising systems
for desalination, although it has less area for less
heat loss, its more commercially distributed, this
solar system by PTC could produce 459.9 MW of
electrical power and 3628 kg/h of pure water [34].
In producing freshwater with a capacity of 4545
m3/day it required 1.57$/m3 [35].
Fig. 8 Parabolic trough combined with solar desalination
3.3 Solar dishes Stirling application in solar
Solar dishes Stirling system is highly considered in
solar desalination as a big amount of solar can be
concentrated which led to an increase in the
temperature to produce more electrical power and
pure water as shown in Fig. 9, it was observed that
can produce 14 kW and 20.05 kg/s of pure water
[39]. The cost of producing fresh water from such a
system is about 0.35$/m3 to produce 1.8 m3/ day
[40]. In below Table 2 and Fig. 10, I conclude the
comparison of the three used systems in three
parameters; electrical power needs, pure fresh water
produced, and the cost for this freshwater
production; as shown the solar dish is the best
among the three systems in producing fresh water
comparing its cost.
Fig. 9 Solar dishes combined with solar desalination [41].
Table 2: Comparison of the solar collectors.
Solar Dish
Electrical power
Pure water
Cost ($/m3)
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.24
Aseel Y. Al-Saidat, Mohamed R. Gomaa
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 17, 2022
Fig. 7. Comparison between the use of Fresnel lens,
Parabolic, and dish.
5 Solar water desalination in Jordan
In 2020 Al-Hashimiya desalination plant run and
the implementation of this project
came following the vision to enhance the principle
of the university's independence and self-reliance in
a very important field, which is the provision of
water and the diversification of its sources. The
desalinated water is desalinated according to the
most advanced technology, which relies on
membrane units for desalination and filtration of
water by reverse osmosis (Reverse Osmosis
Desalination Plant) and in eight stages, with a
production rate of (83) cubic meters per hour.
This product has achieved self-sufficiency for the
university, so that the amount of production is equal
to three times the university’s daily consumption of
its needs for drinking, irrigation, and others, which
led to saving approximately (600) thousand dinars
annually, depending on their sources of water
supply from the three artesian wells located on the
university campus entirely [42].
The Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company
and the British "Solar Water" signed in 2022; the
construction and operation of a seawater
desalination plant using concentrated solar energy
to provide the needs of the industrial complex of
the Phosphate Company in Aqaba from industrial
water. It will contribute to meeting the needs of the
industrial complex of water, which is estimated at
4 million cubic meters annually, and achieve
financial savings for the company of up to 3 million
dinars annually. The work system in the new station
provides high and efficient storage capacity at a
lower cost and enables it to operate 24 hours a
day [43].
Limited freshwater resources in Jordan as
well as suffering from limited sources of fossil
fuel have led Jordan to
consider renewable energy choices like
solar energy, which is an attractive option for
remote areas in small-
scale applications. Another obstacle in Jordan is the
low water quality and shortage in supplies
where solar energy is used to produce fresh water
not only for the remote area but also for additional
Solar desalination is the most promising
source for having fresh water at a low cost and
good quality. The two methods of solar radiation
(direct and indirect) can be employed in an
effective way by coming solar systems (Fresnel
lens, solar dishes, or parabolic), adding a PCM has
highlighted a new great benefit which
is reserving more time during the day to produce
fresh water.
6 Conclusion
The advantages of using solar energy in
water desalination are that it reduces cost, effort,
and time consumed and in parallel produces fresh
water while saving the environment. Comparing the
three, solar desalination systems are driven by
different applications. It has been obtained
that solar Fresnel lens collectors are the most
effective systems in water desalination. In addition
to the high advantage of using the PCM inside
the solar still, which keeps the high temperature of
the still that is mean, keeps the system running for
more time. Jordan is working hard to have on their
map many solar desalination systems. The
universities and some factories in Jordan make use
of such technology to build some water
desalination systems in their area to supply it with
fresh water.
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DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.24
Aseel Y. Al-Saidat, Mohamed R. Gomaa
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 17, 2022