2 2 2 2 2 2
nn NN
Keeping in mind that
, we obtain finally that the
eigenvalues have the form (33). From the orthogonality and
completeness of Bessel functions in
and Legendre
polynomials in
, we obtain the useful property that the
found set of the eigenfunctions (32) is complete and
orthonormal in
. The rest of the proof is totally
analogous to the proofs of the Theorems 3 and 4.
For the considered particular cases of parallelepipeds,
cylinders and spheres, the explicitly calculated spectrum
clearly corresponds to the essential spectrum for general
The constructed systems of eigenfunctions (8), (25) and (32)
are complete and orthonormal in
, which can be used
for solving more general problems in various applications
modelling rotating stratified comressible fluid.
We would like to thank Professor P. P. Kumar for
suggesting the topic of this research.
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6. Conclusion
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DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.23