enhancement in natural convection flows has
remained practically unnoticed.
With regards to passive schemes in solid
media, Bhavnani and Bergles [3] measured the
average heat transfer coefficients for vertical
plates owning an incrusted bundle of transverse
ribs exposed to air. The authors determined that
heat transfer enhancement ratio relative to a
similar plain vertical plate of equal projected
area was possible using transverse ribs of
certain size. Thereby, the maximum heat
transfer augmentation ratio reached 23%.
With regards to passive schemes in fluid
media, a distinction should be made between
liquids and gases.
First in the case of liquids, Kitagawa et
al. [4] carried out an experimental study to
investigate the effects of sub‒millimeter air
bubble injection on the heat transfer
characteristics of laminar natural convection of
water in contact with a heated vertical plate. The
simultaneous measurements of velocity and
temperature demonstrated that the heat transfer
enhancement ratio is directly affected by the
flow modification due to the rising air bubbles
near the heated vertical plate. The ratios of the
convection heat transfer coefficient with
injection to the convection heat transfer
coefficient without injection, intensifies with
increments in the air bubble flow rate. This
phenomenon translated into modest heat transfer
enhancement ratios that ranged from 1.35 to
Natural convective boundary layer flows
of a nano fluid past a vertical plate was analyzed
by Kuznetsov and Nield [5] using a standard
similarity methodology of the conservation
equations followed by numerical computations.
The outcome of the analysis included velocity,
temperature and solid volume fraction of the
nanofluid in their respective boundary layers.
An enlargement in the heat transfer performance
with respect to the case of the base fluid was
found for most cases treated.
Second in the case of gases, Petri and
Bergman [6] conducted a dual numerical and
experimental investigation on natural convection
heat transfer next to a vertical plate using as a
coolant a binary gas mixture in laminar regime.
The authors found that a helium‒rich binary gas
mixture seeded with a small amount of xenon
yielded higher heat transfer rates relative to
those situations associated with pure helium. In
sum, the authors concluded that the convective
heat transfer rates are increased by a factor of
8% induced by the seeding of light helium with
heavy xenon. Arpaci [7] investigated the
coupling of natural convection and thermal
radiation from a vertical plate to a stagnant gray
gas theoretically. The study employed the
integral formulation for the two limiting thin
and thick gas approximations.
The objective of the present work is to
investigate the behavior of several binary gas
mixtures composed by light helium as the
primary gas and heavier secondary gases
associated with thermaldriven boundary layers
along a heated vertical plate at constant
temperature Tw. The central idea is to explore the
interaction between the density ρmix, viscosity
ηmix, thermal conductivity λmix and isobaric heat
capacity Cp,mix of the binary gas mixtures
composed with light He and heavier gases. The
heavier gases are seven: nitrogen (N2), oxygen
(O2) xenon (Xe), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6),
tetrafluoromethane and carbon tetrafluoride
Heat convection theory (Jaluria [8]
stipulates the following relation
2. Heat Transport by the Natural
Convection Mechanism
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.18
Antonio Campo, M. Mehdi Papari