7. Conclusion
Based on the finite volume method, we first
described and validated the numerical method by
referring to the previous results. Then, the focus is
on studying the thermal and dynamic fields of
turbulent flow in forced convection. In particular,
we studied the effects of different parameters on the
flow and heat transfer induced by two-dimensional
forced convection within a rectangular cavity heated
from below. Comparisons were made according to
different criteria by using previous results.
In conclusion the results have clearly show that :
1- The pressure rise by reattachement increases
slihtly as the aspect ratio increases
2- maximum heat transfer is achieved at the point
of attachment followed by a decrease towards
the zone of fully developed flow.
3- The local Nusselt number is low in the
recirculation zone and that it is maximal at the
point of recollement, and this maximum
increases with increasing Reynolds number.
4- he increase of aspect ratio enhances heat
transfer, for each nanoparticle volume fraction
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DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.11
Chahrazed Abdellahoum, Amina Mataoui