mantle, which consists of a conducting fluid,
behaves like a porous medium which can become
convectively unstable as a result of differential
diffusion. The other application of the results of
flow through a porous medium in the presence of
a magnetic field is in the study of the stability of
a convective flow in the geothermal region.
Lapwood [10] has studied the stability of
convective flow in a porous medium using
Rayleigh’s procedure. The Rayleigh instability of
a thermal boundary layer in flow through a
porous medium has been considered by Wooding
The properties of ionized space and laboratory
magnetic fluids (plasmas) have been intensively
investigated theoretically and experimentally in
the past sixty years. One of the key aspects
studied in this context is the stability of plasma
structures. Usually, instabilities can be divided
into two categories: macro- and micro-
instabilities. Macro-instabilities occur with low
frequencies compared to the plasma and
cyclotron frequency and they are studied within
the framework of magnetohydrodynamics
(MHD). Physicists have understood the
behaviour of macro-instabilities and they showed
how to avoid the most destructive of them, but
small-scale gradient driven micro-instabilities are
still a serious obstacle for having a stable plasma
for a large range of parameters. Micro-
instabilities are described by models which
include, e.g. finite Larmor radius (FLR) and
collision less dissipative effects in plasmas. Time
and length scales of micro-instabilities are
comparable to the turbulent length scales and the
length scales of transport coefficients. In general,
the FLR effect is neglected. However, when the
Larmor radius becomes comparable to the
hydromagnetic length of the problem (e.g.
wavelength) or the gyration frequency of ions in
the magnetic field is of the same order as the
wave frequency, finiteness of the Larmor radius
must be taken into account. Strictly speaking, the
space and time scale for the breakdown of
hydromagnetics are on the respective scales of
ion gyration about the field, and the ion Larmor
frequency. In the present paper, we explore the
effect of FLR and Hall effects on the thermal
instability of a plasma in porous medium. Finite
Larmor radius effect on plasma instabilities has
been the subject of many investigations. In many
astrophysical plasma situations such as in solar
corona, interstellar and interplanetary plasmas
the assumption of zero Larmor radius is not
valid. Roberts and Taylor [12] and Rosenbluth et
al. [13] have shown the stabilizing influence of
finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) effects on plasma
instabilities. Hernegger [14] investigated the
stabilizing effect of FLR on thermal instability
and showed that thermal criterion is changed by
FLR for wave propagation perpendicular to the
magnetic field. Sharma [15] investigated the
stabilizing effect of FLR on thermal instability of
rotating plasma. Ariel [16] discussed the
stabilizing effect of FLR on thermal instability of
conducting plasma layer of finite thickness
surrounded by a non-conducting matter. Vaghela
and Chhajlani [17] studied the stabilizing effect
of FLR on magneto-thermal stability of resistive
plasma through a porous medium with thermal
conduction. Bhatia and Chhonkar [18]
investigated the stabilizing effect of FLR on the
instability of a rotating layer of self-gravitating
plasma incorporating the effects of viscosity and
Hall current. Vyas and Chhajlani [19] pointed
out the stabilizing effect of FLR on the thermal
instability of magnetized rotating plasma
incorporating the effects of viscosity, finite
electrical conductivity, porosity and thermal
conductivity. Kaothekar and Chhajlani [20]
investigated the problem of Jeans instability of
self-gravitating rotating radiative plasma with
finite Larmor radius corrections. The frictional
effect of collisions of ionized with neutral atoms
on Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a composite
plasma in porous medium has been considered
by Kumar and Mohan [21]. Thus FLR effect is
an important factor in the discussion of thermal
convection and other hydromagnetic instabilities.
Keeping these in mind, an attempt is made to
study the effects of finite Larmor radius and Hall
effects on the thermal convection of
incompressible plasma in porous medium in the
present paper.
2 Formulation of the Problem and
Perturbation Equations
Here we consider an infinite horizontal layer of
viscous, heat conducting and finite electrically
conducting fluid of thickness bounded by the
planes and in an isotropic and
homogeneous medium of porosity and medium
permeability This layer is heated from below
such that a steady temperature gradient
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2022.17.2