Influence of Chemical and Radiation on an Unsteady MHD Oscillatory
Flow using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Humanities,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Kattankulathur Campus, Chengalpattu,
2Department of Humanities and Science,
Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Kuthambakkam,
Abstract: This paper delves into the intricate interplay between chemical and thermal radiation in the context
of an unstable magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) oscillatory flow through a porous medium. The fluid under
investigation is presumed to be incompressible, electrically conductive, and radiating with the additional
influence of a homogeneous magnetic field applied perpendicular to the channel’s plane. Analytical closed-
form solutions are derived for the momentum, energy, and concentration equations providing a comprehensive
understanding of the system’s behavior. The investigation systematically explores the impact of various flow
factors, presenting their effects through graphical representations. The governing partial differential equations
(PDE) of the boundary layer are transformed into a set of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations
(ODE) using a closed-form method. Subsequently, an artificial neural network (ANN) is applied to these
ODEs, and the obtained results are validated against numerical simulations. The temperature profiles exhibit
oscillatory behavior with changes in the radiation parameter (N), revealing insights into the system’s dynamic
response. Furthermore, the paper uncovers that higher heat sources lead to increased temperature profiles.
Additionally, concentration profiles demonstrate a decrease with escalating chemical reaction parameters, with
a reversal observed as the Schmidt number (Sc) increases. This study highlights the efficacy of an ANN model
in providing highly efficient estimates for heat transfer rates from an engineering standpoint. This innovative
approach leverages the power of artificial intelligence to enhance our understanding of complex fluid
magnetohydrodynamics and porous media flows.
Key-Words: - MHD, Oscillatory flow, Porous medium, Chemical Reaction, Thermal Radiation, HMT
Heat and Mass Transfer, ANN.
Received: March 6, 2023. Revised: December 19, 2023. Accepted: February 21, 2024. Published: April 2, 2024.
1 Introduction
There has been a lot of interest in coupled HMT
unsteady situations involving chemical reactions in
recent decades. The drying process, evaporation of a
water body at the surface, and HMT all occur at the
same time. This flow application is employed in a
wide range of industries. Chemical reactions are
employed in a wide assortment of businesses. To
begin, businesses use galvanized products to create
corrosion-resistant steel. In industry, electrolysis is
used to generate pure quality commodities and
minerals. Chemical reactions are used in industry to
recover minerals from ores. In [1], author
contributes to the understanding of MHD effects on
oscillatory flow around a semi-infinite plate. In [2],
the impact of MHD unsteady oscillatory flow
through a porous medium was explored. In [3], the
hybrid nanofluid in the presence of thermal radiation
was discussed. The impact of chemical and thermal
radiation on an oscillatory flow was studied in [4].
The unsteady oscillatory flow with binary chemical
reactions was explored in [5]. The unsteady MHD
oscillatory casson fluid with chemical and soret
effects was discussed in [6]. The heat transfer
capabilities of hybrid and traditional nanofluids were
compared in [7]. In [8], the viscous dissipation of an
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024
unsteady third-grade fluid was studied. In [9], the
author explored the dufour effect and emission
incorporation for MHD Newtonian fluid. The effect
of MHD on an oscillatory couette flow using
analytical methods in [10].
Flows through porous media serve a significant
role in a variety of applications, including gas and
liquid filtering, human breathing, and excretory
discharge through porous skin. Because of its
significance in soil mechanics, the study of
oscillatory flow in a porous channel has received a
lot of interest recently. In [11], researchers
investigated the effects of chemical processes on
oscillatory MHD flow in an asymmetric channel. In
[12], authors investigated MHD channel flow
through a porous medium numerical approach.
This paper deals with radiative heat and convective
In [13] examined the augmentation of heat
transfer rates using the Monte Carlo trace method.
Subsequently, they investigated an alternative
approach, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and
concluded that the computational cost is
significantly lower than that of the traditional Monte
Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT) method. In [14]
explored heat enhancement using the ANN
approach. In [15] delved into the thermos-
bioconvection model using computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) and artificial intelligence. In [16]
employed a CFD machine learning approach to
study modeling strategies, reducing computational
costs and evaluating the machine learning model. In
[17] developed artificial intelligence machine
learning approaches for simulating combustion
thermal analysis. The results indicated that ANN can
be successfully utilized in various heat transfer
applications. In [18] investigated the impact of heat
generation/absorption in non-Newtonian fluid using
the ANN concept.
This research delves into the intricate analysis
and enhancement of momentum equation, energy
equation, and concentration equation in the realm of
fluid dynamics. Accurate modeling and prediction of
fluid dynamics are vital in a variety of engineering
applications, including aeronautical and
environmental sciences.
This research will investigate how a chemical
process and heat radiation influence an unstable
oscillatory magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow in
porous media. The governing equations for fluid
flow, as well as the required boundary conditions,
are solved. The study investigates the effects of
several parameters on velocity, temperature, and
concentration, with the results shown graphically
using MATLAB.
2 Mathematical Formulation
Consider the flow of an oscillatory fluid with
magetohydrodynamic (MHD) properties, electrical
conductivity, and chemical reactivity through a
porous media positioned between two infinite
vertical porous plates at a distance ‘d’. The channel
is oriented with the X-axis vertically and the Y-axis
perpendicular to the plane of the plates. Several
assumptions have been made:
All fluid properties, except for density, are
considered constant.
Temperature influences the density property.
The flow is characterized as unsteady and
oscillatory assuming the pressure gradient
oscillates at the channel ends.
The induced magnetic field is deemed
Viscous and Darcy’s resistance factors are
considered when the permeability of the
porous media is constant.
The governing equations for the flow, under
the typical Boussinesq approximation, are
provided as follows:
The flow's governing equations are:
Momentum Equation
󰇛󰇜 (1)
Energy Equation
 (2)
Concentration Equation
󰆒󰇛󰇜 (3)
with the boundary conditions,
  on 
  on 
Radiative heat flux is given by,
󰇛󰇜 (6)
Dimensionless variables are,
; 
; 
 ;
 ;
 ; 
 ;
; 
 ; 󰇛󰇜
 ;
 ; 
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024
; 󰆓
; 
3 Solution of the Problem
 
 
with the boundary conditions,
  on 
  on 
4 Method of Solution
Assuming pressure gradient for purely oscillatory
flow as, 
 (13)
Let us assume the solutions for
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜and 󰇛󰇜 be in the form,
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇲 (14) (14)
Substituting (13) and (14) in (8), (9), (10), we
 (16)
 (17) (17)
with the boundary conditions,
  on 
  on 
where  , 
Equations (15), (16) and (17) are solved using
equations (18) and (19). we obtain,
󰇛󰇜 
5 Results and Discussion
To investigate the effects of chemical and thermal
diffusion on the radiative oscillatory MHD flow are
graphically depicted against y for various physical
parameters such as Peclet number, Magnetic
number, Schmidt number, chemical process
parameter and so on.
Figure 1 depicts the fluid temperature for
various levels of thermal radiation. It is obvious that
an increase in heat radiation raises the temperature.
This is because increasing the radiation parameter
causes heat energy to be released into the fluid. This
is consistent with the radiation parameter’s
fundamental physical behavior. As the radiation
parameter value increases, so does the thermal
boundary layer, which has an increasing effect on
temperature. We discovered that increasing thermal
radiation thickens the thermal boundary layer, which
improves heat transfer. As the thermal radiation
parameter is increased, the temperature distribution
improves. Thermal radiation values increase the heat
of the working fluid more, raising the temperature
and thermal boundary layer thickness. The thermal
radiation parameter does not affect the concentration
distribution in flow.
Figure 2 depicts the effect of the Peclet number
on temperature. The Peclet number is defined as the
ratio of advective transport to diffusive transport. A
low Peclet number (Pe < 1) indicated that diffusion
is dominant over advection. In such cases, the
temperature within the system is effectively
smoothed out by diffusion. A high Peclet number
(Pe >1) implies that advection is dominant and the
effects of diffusion are negligible. In this situation,
the transport is mainly driven by the bulk motion of
fluid. It demonstrates that temperature rises with
increasing Peclet number.
Figure 3 displays the fluid velocity for various
magnetic parameter values. Increasing magnetic
parameters reduces the fluid velocity. This is due to
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024
the increase in resistive type force known as Lorentz
force caused by the transverse magnetic field on an
electrically conducting fluid and increasing magnetic
field values, which causes fluid velocity to slow
The effect of the chemical reaction parameter is
highly important in the concentration field. Figure 4
demonstrates that as the chemical process is
accelerated, the fluid concentration decreases. This is
because boosting the chemical process speeds up the
reactant rate process on the flow, lowering the
concentration of the reacting species. Interfacial MT
is accelerated by the chemical process. The chemical
reaction decreases local concentration while
increasing concentration gradient and flow. The
chemical reaction parameter has little to no effect on
the flow's temperature profile. The effect of Schmidt
number on concentration profiles is depicted in
Figure 5. The concentration profiles grow
consistently as the Schmidt number Sc increases.
This research investigates the combined
influence of chemical and thermal radiation on
oscillatory MHD flow in a porous media containing
HMT. Converting the controlling PDE to an ODE
offers exact solutions. MATLAB is used to visually
analyze velocity, temperature, and concentration
profiles for a variety of flow parameters.
The recent analysis found that velocity rises with
decreasing magnetic field. Temperature profiles
fluctuate as radiation parameter N changes. It has
also been discovered that temperature profiles grow
in proportion to the heat source. Concentration
patterns drop as chemical reaction parameters grow,
but reverse as Schmidt number Sc increases. It is also
found that temperature rises when the flow parameter
Peclet number increases.
Fig. 1: Impact of thermal radiation on temperature
Fig. 2: Impact of Peclet number on temperature
Fig. 3: Impact of Magnetic field on Velocity
Fig. 4: Impact of chemical reaction on concentration
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024
Fig. 5: Impact of Schmidt number on concentration
6 Modelling - Artificial Neural
Artificial neural networks, inspired by biological
networks of neurons, are designed to perform
specific tasks such as grouping, classification, and
pattern recognition. The activation of a neuron is
determined by weights, and the output of an artificial
neuron is computed using another function.
ANN have found widespread applications across
various domains due to their ability to model
complex relationships and learn patterns from data.
Here are some practical applications of the ANN
Method: Image and Speech Recognition, Financial
Forecasting, Healthcare Diagnostics, Autonomous
Vehicles, Gaming and Virtual Reality, and so on.
These applications showcase the versatility and
effectiveness of ANN in solving complex problems
and improving decision-making processes across
diverse industries.
This study employs a multi-layer feed-forward
neural network with the Back Propagation training
algorithm. The multi-layer perception consists of at
least three layers: an input layer, an output layer and
one or more hidden layers. Weights are adjusted
through the Back Propagation training method to
minimize the difference between expected and
actual results.
The construction and training of the artificial
neural network structures took place in MATLAB.
Back Propagation training was implemented in a
feed-forward network with one hidden layer. The
training process utilized 70% of the entire dataset,
while 15% was allocated for validation, and another
15% was reserved for evaluating the model’s output.
Fig. 6: Graphical Representation of skin friction coefficients
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024
Fig. 7: Graphical representation of Nusselt number coefficient
Fig. 8: Graphical representation of Sherwood number coefficient
The artificial neurons employed a sigmoid
function as their activation function, with training
conducted over a fixed number of epochs. For the
prediction of skin friction, Nusselt number and
Sherwood number three separate ANN models
were trained, tested, and validated using a total of
80 numerical results. In each case, the initial 50
data sets were allocated for training, the
subsequent 15 for validation, and the remaining
sets for testing the model’s outcomes. The
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024
performance of the suggested ANN models on the
training, validation, and test sets for skin friction,
Nusselt number, and Sherwood number is
illustrated in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8
Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 showcase the
performance of the ANN models across training,
validation, and test sets focusing on skin friction
coefficient, Nusselt number, and Sherwood
number. Remarkably, the ANN models exhibited a
high degree of accuracy, successfully capturing the
intricate relationships between input and output
variables. The results obtained from the ANN
models closely align with the numerically derived
7 Conclusion
This research investigates the combined influence
of chemical and thermal radiation on oscillatory
MHD flow in a porous media containing HMT.
Converting the controlling PDE to an ODE offers
exact solutions. MATLAB is used to visually
analyze velocity, temperature, and concentration
profiles for a variety of flow parameters.
The recent analysis found that,
Velocity rises with decreasing
magnetic field.
Temperature profiles fluctuate as
radiation parameter N changes. It has
also been discovered that temperature
profiles grow in proportion to the heat
Concentration patterns drop as
chemical reaction parameters grow,
but reverse as Schmidt number Sc
increases. It is also found that
temperature rises when the flow
parameter Peclet number increases.
In addition to the above conclusion, we found
the following agreement using the ANN Model.
The current study successfully employs the
ANN technique to simulate HMT in the MHD
chemical and thermal radiation flow through a
porous medium. The ANN structure was trained,
validated, and tested in the MATLAB
environment. The artificial neural network
methodology is a viable way for predicting the heat
transfer MHD flow of an inclined
stretching/shrinking sheet, according to the results
and comparison analysis. The ANN model's
prediction of skin friction, Nusselt number, and
Sherwood number fits the standard numerical data
well. The ANN model is a valuable tool and a
potential alternative to traditional time-consuming
numerical approaches since it offers quick, precise,
and trustworthy results.
8 Future Work
Development of Hybrid Models: Explore the
development of hybrid models that combine
traditional mathematical models for fluid
dynamics, MHD, chemical reactions, and radiation
with ANN based models. This could improve the
accuracy and efficiency of predictions.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- R.Kavitha, carried out Conceptualization,
Investigation, Methodology and Software.
- M.Mahendran was responsible writing-original
draft, writing-review and editing.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Data availability
The data used to support the findings of this study
are included within the article. Further data or
information is available from the author upon
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14
R. Kavitha, M. Mahendran
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 19, 2024