performance of the suggested ANN models on the
training, validation, and test sets for skin friction,
Nusselt number, and Sherwood number is
illustrated in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8
Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 showcase the
performance of the ANN models across training,
validation, and test sets focusing on skin friction
coefficient, Nusselt number, and Sherwood
number. Remarkably, the ANN models exhibited a
high degree of accuracy, successfully capturing the
intricate relationships between input and output
variables. The results obtained from the ANN
models closely align with the numerically derived
7 Conclusion
This research investigates the combined influence
of chemical and thermal radiation on oscillatory
MHD flow in a porous media containing HMT.
Converting the controlling PDE to an ODE offers
exact solutions. MATLAB is used to visually
analyze velocity, temperature, and concentration
profiles for a variety of flow parameters.
The recent analysis found that,
Velocity rises with decreasing
magnetic field.
Temperature profiles fluctuate as
radiation parameter N changes. It has
also been discovered that temperature
profiles grow in proportion to the heat
Concentration patterns drop as
chemical reaction parameters grow,
but reverse as Schmidt number Sc
increases. It is also found that
temperature rises when the flow
parameter Peclet number increases.
In addition to the above conclusion, we found
the following agreement using the ANN Model.
The current study successfully employs the
ANN technique to simulate HMT in the MHD
chemical and thermal radiation flow through a
porous medium. The ANN structure was trained,
validated, and tested in the MATLAB
environment. The artificial neural network
methodology is a viable way for predicting the heat
transfer MHD flow of an inclined
stretching/shrinking sheet, according to the results
and comparison analysis. The ANN model's
prediction of skin friction, Nusselt number, and
Sherwood number fits the standard numerical data
well. The ANN model is a valuable tool and a
potential alternative to traditional time-consuming
numerical approaches since it offers quick, precise,
and trustworthy results.
8 Future Work
Development of Hybrid Models: Explore the
development of hybrid models that combine
traditional mathematical models for fluid
dynamics, MHD, chemical reactions, and radiation
with ANN based models. This could improve the
accuracy and efficiency of predictions.
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DOI: 10.37394/232013.2024.19.14