between several airfoils. These provide the
functions of crucial aerodynamic, mechanical,
reusability, and supportability requirements. Aspects
such as electromagnetic interference, acoustic noise
production, and aesthetic appearance are generally
expected to be less critical for alternate rotor
features. Traditionally, in aircraft lifting surface
theory, people assume a positive relationship
between high lift and low drag and that the lift-to-
drag ratio may be a significant concept. This art of
the debate is different from aircraft wing airfoils.
For the first issue, rotor performance reveals that the
product of the chord and the lift coefficient must be
greater than one. Operational at a better lift constant
will enable the use of smaller blades. When it comes
to vicious power losses, the overall viscous torsion
is determined by the L/D ratio of the airfoil, which
limits the vicious power losses, but the specific
amount of lift does not dictate viscous torsion itself.
The drag coefficient for both airfoils decreases as
AoA increases until 9 degrees, at which point it
begins to increase for both airfoils. Furthermore, for
12 degrees, NACA 4412 has a lower CD than
NERL S823 (AoA). For all angles of attack, the lift
coefficient of NACA 4412 is greater than that of
NERL S823. CD for both airfoils decreases as AoA
increases until 9 degrees, then increases slightly
until 12 degrees for NACA 4412 and remains
slightly constant to decrease for NERL S823 airfoil
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