by Gahzi [5] in the context of particles transport
through narrow passages and particle
entrapment in laminar flow at the passage
entrance. In addition, Hou et al. [6] have
developed modified analytic solution dependent
on temperature difference, pressures and other
gas molecular properties for natural gas pipeline
mass flow, but without diameter estimations.
Later, Yoshida et al. [7] have calculated air
mass flow (including pinholes) using driven
pressure differential extended formula
compared to capillary samples and also
presented all types of theoretical mass flow
equations (laminar, turbulent, molecular,
compressible, Knudsen and modified Knudsen
equation), concentrated on capillary flows.
The test application of recognition leakage in
laminar and molecular flow is well presented by
Fojtášek et al. [8] and Leybold Catalogue [9].
Wu et al. [10] have performed numerical
method, presenting the two-phase gas-liquid
flow leakage.
Some alternatives methods based on finite
element analysis are also exist to forecast the
leakage behavior through crack in a pipe and
other geometrical elements (Ndalila et al. [11],
Moreira et al. [l2]). For liquid case, Ifran et al.
[13] have performed boundary layer numerical
Alternative method to assess the orifice
diameter through droplet size analytic
estimation based on Weber number multiplied
by the characteristic contained length, has been
proposed by Plumecocq et al. [14].
An investigation considering plates with
different orifices diameters geometry were
examined experimentally regarding pressure
drop and mass flow rates by Mincks [15] and
Tomaszewski et al. [16]. Mincks [15] has
concentrated on three types of gas flow
(laminar, transition and turbulent) in relative to
Euler number and Reynolds number.
Tomaszewski et al. [16] have made
experimentally and numerically investigation
for a six-hole orifice flow meter with and
without obstacle, while comparing their results
to ISO 5167 single-hole orifice formulations.
Tomaszewski et al. have found good agreement
between all three methods (empirical, numerical
and ISO formulations). Note that Rahman et al.
[17] and Spaur [18] (who investigated also
irregular orifices) investigated the discharge
coefficient values versus the beta ratio
(diameter of orifice to pipe).
However, in the current essay we will
suggest an extension to the original work
performed by Guthrie and Wakerling [19] and
Yoshida et al. [7] by developing diameters
expressions using equalization between mass
flow expressions and test measurement mass
flow expressions for various types of flows: gas
(sonic and subsonic flows) and liquids,
including generalized approach.
The prominent advantage of diameter
expressions development might assist
evaluating the source of impermeability severity
in case where leaking occurs. In other words, an
evaluation of the hole or even number of holes
(sum of areas) could be estimated using these
expressions. Although the leaking occurrence
itself will be determined preceded by empirical
measurements evaluation (pressure difference).
In generalized analytic perspective, the
diameter of the leak hole is necessary to
calculate the Knudsen number (Kn - the ratio of
the mean free path to the diameter). Similarly,
the diameter (the area) of leak hole is necessary
to calculate the Reynolds number (Re) because
the flow velocity is calculated from the flow
rate Q divided by the area. In first view, this is a
kind of circular relationships due to the flow
parameters dependency (Kn and Re) which are
also dictating the flow regime type. However, in
the current essay, most applications might be
solved by evaluating the driven pressure
differential term multiplied by a given volume,
which is assumed to be given by experimentally
time dependent measurements that later
compared to analytic expressions based on
measured pressure ratio.
To sum it up, the motivation and importance
to investigate the leakage diameters is because
numerous industrial (reactor cooling) and
academic applications based on vacuum and
sealing elements.
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.15