expression of (15) is used to decide whether to accept
or reject the results. The high level of efficiency and
accuracy achieved were made possible with the
determination of a suitable step size and block solver
designed via variable step and variable order. Block
solver derived has the capacity to proffer solution to
multidimensional systems of ODEs with oscillating and
vibration behavior via the efficient utilization of
variable step size-variable order and suitable variable
step size. A step by step approach for realizing the
result is specified. The execution of block solver is
implemented under the Mathematica Kernel 9. Thus,
makes it easier to achieve faster computation and
precise results. Furtherwork is required to build a
block solver to handle stiff oscillating and vibration
The authors would like to appreciate Covenant
University, Ota for their continuous sponsorship
throughout this research project.
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DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.9
Jimevwo Godwin Oghonyon,
Solomon Adewale Okunuga,
Peter Oluwatomi Ogunniyi