Fig. 6: simulated and measured night temperature
profiles at 1 m above ground level as a function of
greenhouse length measured (♦) simulated (▲)
Fig. 7: Evolution of the simulated and measured profiles of
the night temperature at 4 m above the ground as a function
of the length of the greenhouse
measured (♦) simulated (▲)
4.2 Detailed description of the thermal field
within the greenhouse
4.2.1 study of diurnal microclimate :
Figures 8,9 and 10 represent respectively the simulated
thermal fields in horizontal sections 1, 3 and 4 m
above ground level. It is observed that the temperature
is high inside the greenhouse and that its distribution
depends strongly on the penetration of the outside air
which significantly cools the inside air. At the
openings 4 m above the ground and above the
vegetation the temperature is almost constant, while at
the ground level it is heterogeneous. The warmest area
(311 K) is at ground level. approximately 12 m
downstream from the greenhouse entrance. This is the
most critical area of the greenhouse.
At the height of 1 m, there are two distinct zones:
Warmer areas are at the junction of the convection
cells. This temperature increase particularly at12m
downstream of the greenhouse inlet near the windward
end where interference between the incoming air
current and an internal air current blowing in the
opposite direction is observed.
In general, there is significant temperature
heterogeneity at this level. This is mainly due to the
geometry of the roof and the alternating arrangement
of the ventilation openings on the roof in high (5.5 m)
and low (5 m) position relative to the prevailing wind
direction. This arrangement has a remarkable effect on
the circulation of air within the greenhouse. the
temperature difference between inside and outside the
greenhouse is less than that observed at 1 m, This
limitation of heating is explained by the contribution of
the roof openings to the ventilation of the area above
the vegetation.
Figure 11 shows a vertical section of the air
temperature field at the centre of the greenhouse in the
direction of flow. This figure shows the very high
temperature gradient that develops in areas near the
greenhouse cover and the soil. It also shows the
existence of the 8 cold air intakes corresponding to the
roof ridge openings located in the "low" position at 5
m above the ground and the 9 hot air outlets
corresponding to the ridge openings located in the
"high" position 5.5 m above ground level .
Figure 12 shows the simulated vertical temperature
profile at the centre of the greenhouse as a function of
height. It synthesizes the previously reported
observations that the temperature is very high at the
level of the soil surface, then that it decreases with the
height, up to about 4 m. Then we observe a slight
increase in temperature which reaches its maximum at
the level of the plastic cover. These two temperature
peaks are explained by the high absorption of radiation
by the PE film and the soil surface.
Figures 13, 14 and 15 represent the temperature
profiles at 1, 3 and 4 m above the ground, respectively,
as a function of the length of the greenhouse from west
to east. It is observed that at 1 m in height, the
temperature distribution is very heterogeneous with
high values located in the areas below the hot air
outlets (309 K) and lower values in areas just below
the cold air intakes (306 K). We can also note the same
alternations at 3 and 4 m but with a strong damping of
the variations compared to those recorded at 1 m.
Figures 16 and 17 represent the temperature profiles at
1 and 4 m above the ground as a function of the width
of the greenhouse (North to South), respectively, they
highlight the existence of a great homogeneity of the
temperature distribution over the width of the
greenhouse. This phenomenon is due mainly to the
entrance of air
020 40 60 80 100
Longueur (ouest- est) (m)
020 40 60 80 100
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.8
K. Lekouch, M. El Jazouli, L. Bouirden