Increasing the Energy Density and Power Ratio of a Staggered VAWT
Wind Farm by using The Rotor's Diameter as a Reference
Department Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Pancasila
Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12640
Department Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Pancasila
Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12640
Department Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Pancasila
Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12640
Department Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Pancasila
Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12640
Abstract: - The development of wind energy systems has achieved a higher technology readiness level for
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). Unfortunately, the HAWT is only suitable for high wind speed areas.
The Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) is considered the ideal model to utilize wind energy in the low wind
speed region. However, VAWT has a lower power coefficient. Therefore, developing a VAWT wind farm can
improve the overall energy density for power generation in the low wind speed region. In this study, staggered
configuration for three turbine clusters is evaluated through numerical simulation and experimental tests. The
pitch distance is set by using the rotor's diameter as a reference for placing the 3rd rotor at the second row. The
turbulence intensity in the area wake superposition is highly affected by the position of the 3rd rotor. The flow
characteristic indicates that the 3D layout has a high concentration at the front area of the 3rd rotor. It leads to
higher achievement of power ratio for the clusters. The overall power ratio for 3D layout can achieve more than
0.9, whereas, at a speed 3 m/s, the highest power ratio is obtained at 1.0. The finding in this study can be set as
an essential reference for developing a VAWT wind farm with a specific arrangement and improving the
overall power density of the turbine clusters.
Key-Words: - Savonius rotor, Turbulence, VAWT, Wake superposition, Wind farm
Received: May 18, 2021. Revised: January 22, 2022. Accepted: February 19, 2022. Published: March 26, 2022.
1 Introduction
The energy crisis encourages researchers and
designers to improve renewable energy sources'
utilization continuously [1]. As a result, the growth
of renewable energy sources increases rapidly, with
a positive trend in the near future. The options for
storing renewable energy are enlarged by using
thermal or electrical energy storage [2]–[4]. Further,
advanced storage systems by indirect hydrogen
production and pumped hydro storage offer better
flexibility for utilizing renewable energy sources. In
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022
recent years, wind energy development has been an
excellent example of sustainable development in
renewable energy [5].
High-efficiency wind turbine model Horizontal
Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) is achieved owing to
massive research for improving the design of the
turbine [6]. However, the HAWT turbine is limited
by geographical requirement since it works ideally
for an area with high wind speed. In order to utilize
the wind energy for an area with low potential wind
speed, the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) is a
better option. The VAWT model is able to harvest
low wind speed and produce sufficient rotational
torque to produce mechanical work. The produced
work can be used for generating electricity for small
utilities. Therefore, the development of VAWT is
highly recommended for a particular application
such as lighting and pumping system [7], [8].
To improve the power output from the turbine,
several wind turbines are assembled under a
specified area called a wind farm. The average
output of windfarm is considerably high since it
employs more than one turbine and is able to
improve the produced energy density [9].
Nevertheless, the layout of the turbine should be
appropriately adjusted to reduce the area as well as
to minimize the wake superposition effect [10]. The
improper arrangement leads to low energy density
and increases the processing and production cost.
For example, wake superposition can be minimized
by increasing the distance between the first and
second-row turbine, but it increases the area's usage
and eventually decreases the energy density [11]. If
the turbine is set closer, the wake superposition
increases and the power generation on the second-
row turbine drop significantly. Besides, the layout
arrangement of the wind farm has to consider the
operational aspect, such as energy storage,
maintenance and power distribution [12].
Numerous studies have analyzed the ideal
configuration for a wind farm. Unfortunately, it
focuses on the HAWT windfarm [13]. The study
that addressed the VAWT wind farm layout is
limited since the VAWT is only suitable for low
wind speed areas with small energy production.
Also, the design of VAWT is relatively complex
and makes this turbine is less attractive. The
complexity for VAWT is aimed at the design of the
turbine and low power produced, which makes it
less feasible for large-scale application [14]–[16].
Despite that, one study reports that an optimal
configuration for the VAWT wind farm is able to
maximize the potential energy of wind energy [17].
The study describes that with a proper turbine
design and suitable layout for VAWT, low wind
speed can convert as usable energy when it is
addressed for specific applications instead of large-
scale electric production like HAWT. For example,
an inline configuration of two VAWT can improve
the power ratio up to 0.34 [18]. Another study
reported that staggered configuration for VAWT
wind farms with three turbine clusters could
increase the overall power ratio by 0.8 [19]. Further
research is still necessary for the VAWT wind farm
by considering the achievement for the VAWT wind
farm and the opportunity to improve its power ratio
The VAWT wind farm is highly recommended to be
improved by addressing suitable configuration for
staggered configuration. Increasing the power ratio
will improve the impact factor for windfarm VAWT
in the renewable energy system and broader
application. A previous study shows that by using
the Myring Equation for designing the Bach-type
blade for Savonius VAWT, a better power
coefficient can be achieved [21]. Thus, the present
study aims to find a suitable configuration for a
VAWT wind farm in a staggered layout. The three
turbine clusters are chosen and adjusted using the
rotor's diameter (D) as a specific base point. By
finding the ideal layout and the highest power ratio,
the energy density for the VAWT wind farm can be
increased significantly and make it suitable to be
used as an essential reference for developing a
large-scale VAWT wind farm.
2 Materials and Method
Bach-type Savonius rotor is used in this study. The
consideration for using the given model is a better
air distribution in any wind direction and relatively
easy to be manufactured [22]–[24]. The curvature of
the rotor was adjusted by using the Myring
Equation; thus, the model can be adapted precisely
Fig. 1: The geometry of the Savonius turbine
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022
The designed rotor was used the curve parameter
control = 10°) with three blades. The height and
diameter of the turbine were 300 mm and 150 mm,
respectively (Fig. 1).
The staggered configuration was used three
turbine clusters. In order to study the effect of pitch
distance between the turbine in the first and second
row, the 3rd rotor was varied by taking the turbine's
diameter as reference. The diameter is taken as a
specific reference to refer to a specific arrangement
for the designing windfarm. Fig. 2 presents the basic
orientation for the layout. The measurement point at
x and y were chosen since this area has the highest
turbulence intensity according to the wind speed
direction. An experimental test for the turbine was
performed using an open-loop wind tunnel with
high feasibility and reduced the deviation for the
measurement [26].
Fig. 2: Basic layout configuration and measurement
at the test section
The 3rd rotor (at second row) is varied by pitch
distance at 1D – 4D. Numerical simulation using the
software was conducted first to evaluate the
turbulence value, power ratio, and flow
characteristic at the wake superposition area. The
simulation was intended to obtain the best
configuration of the turbine by understanding the
effect of wake superposition and turbulence on the
power ratio.
Fig. 3: a) Initial measurement, b) Experimental test
for best staggered configuration
The power ratio was taken as the main indicator to
determine the best configuration where it is taken
from the rotational speed and power generated of
the turbine at the first and second row. According to
the standard for low wind speed area, the wind
speed for measurement is set at 1–5 m/s. One
turbine prototype was used to check the readability
of the instrument (Fig. 3a). The wind speed in the
wind tunnel was measured using an anemometer
(hot wire), where a tachometer measured the
rotational speed of the turbine. The best staggered
configuration (Fig. 3b) was evaluated
experimentally and repeated ten times to ensure the
data acquisition and minimize the deviation of
3 Results
The changes in turbulence value at the wake
superposition area are mainly affected by the
arrangement of the second-row turbine. Fig. 4
presents the turbulence value under different pitch
configurations given wind speed (1 5 m/s). The
turbulence value at the front area of the first-row
turbine (measurement point at 1st and 2nd, as seen
in Fig. 2) shows an identic value where the
turbulence tends to increase along with an increment
in the wind speed. However, the turbulence value at
the midpoint (x) and rear (y) change significantly as
the wind speed increases, related to the pitch
distance between the first and second-row turbine.
At pitch 1D and 2D, the turbulence value at the area
before the 3rd rotor (x) is always smaller than the
turbulence at the rear area (y). In contrast, at
positions 3D and 4D, the turbulence value changes
at x and shows a smaller value than turbulence at y.
In order to understand the flow pattern at the
designed configuration, Fig. 5 presents the
characteristic of wind speed at different
configurations. The pattern is plotted at wind speed
3 m/s since it is the median value of the tested wind
speed. The flow distribution at the first-row turbine
presents a stable flow associated with the turbulence
value in this area as the distance to the second-row
turbine (3rd rotor) changes, the flow characteristic at
the wake superposition area is also different. It can
be seen at 1D that the concentration of wind speed
at the front area of the 3rd rotor is high. When the 3rd
rotor is moved farther from the first-row turbine, the
flow characteristic at this area varies greatly. At
pitch 2D, the passing wind from the first row
collides, making the velocity concentration at the
front area of the 3rd rotor split. The passing wind
from the first-row turbine promotes a stable flow at
pitch distance 4D since the space between the first
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022
and second-row turbine is far enough to achieve a
laminar flow. The 3D configuration obtains the ideal
flow where the passing wind from the first-row
turbine is concentrated at the middle of the 3rd rotor.
The changes in the flow affect the power
generated by the turbine, particularly for the second-
row turbine (3rd rotor). The power generated by the
turbine gained from the simulation is analyzed to
obtain the power ratio. Fig. 6 presents the power
ratio comparison at different layout configurations
under specific wind speeds. The lowest power ratio
is found at pitch distances 1D and 4D, where the
Fig. 4: Turbulence value at different configuration
Fig. 5: Flow characteristic at different configurations with wind speed at 3 m/s
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022
value is less than 1 at wind speed 1–5 m/s. It
emphasizes that the power ratio is affected by the
layout configuration of the turbine cluster. For pitch
distance 1D, the short distance between the first and
second-row turbine disrupts the flow after passing
the first-row turbine. It makes the power generation
for the second-row turbine decrease. On the
contrary, a wide distance at pitch 4D reduces the
flow concentration and leads to low power
generation on the second-row turbine. According to
the power ratio, pitch 2D and 3D show a suitable
result where the power ratio at wind speed 3 m/s is
more than 1. However, pitch 3D has a higher mean
power ratio than pitch 2D, where most of the power
ratio is more than 0.9.
According to the simulation result, pitch 3D has
the highest power ratio. This layout is chosen for the
experimental test to obtain the actual power ratio.
The measurement is taken through a wind tunnel
and is repeated 10 times to ensure the reliability of
the measurement. The power generated on the first-
row turbine is compared to the power generated on
the 3rd rotor. As shown in Fig. 7, the power ratio is
relatively high for the configuration 3D, with an
average value of more than 0.9. the power ratio at
wind speed 3 m/s is more than 1, indicating an
excellent indicator of the suitable layout for
staggered configuration with three turbine clusters.
Also, both experimental and simulation results show
a good agreement that the power ratio for 3D has the
highest value.
4 Discussion
The effect of pitch distance between the first and
second-row turbine is mainly on the change of
turbulence intensity. It is the main reason for finding
the optimal configuration to adjust the turbulence
intensity around the wind farm, particularly for the
second-row turbine. The increment in turbulence
intensity is primarily on the area wake superposition
as well as the rear area of the second-row turbine.
As observed in Fig. 4, the area wake superposition
and after 3rd rotor shows a high turbulence intensity.
The highest turbulence intensity is obtained by pitch
distance of 3D and 4D while it elevates as the wind
speed increases. The turbulence intensity before and
after area wake superposition also can be used to
determine the ideal flow distribution on the second-
row turbine. The turbulence intensity for 3D
configuration decreases significantly after passing
the 3rd rotor. It shows that the second-row turbine
can absorb a sufficient amount of wind energy. It
also can be observed by understanding the flow
characteristic in this area.
The flow characteristic is plotted at wind speed 3
m/s for each layout configuration. Fig. 5 presents
that pitch distance 3D indicates a high concentration
flow at the front area of the 3rd rotor. It is the major
Fig. 6: The change in power ratio at different configuration
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022
factor that leads to a high turbulence intensity at the
area wake superposition for 3D configuration. A
high concentration of airflow in the front of the
second-row turbine leads to a significant energy
conversion which can be addressed based on the
differences in turbulence intensity between the area
before and after 3rd rotor. The wind speed
distribution is spread equally with minor
degradation. It emphasizes that the turbulence
intensity for 3D configuration at the area before and
after the 3rd rotor slightly decreases. The finding is
also supported by the previous study, which
concluded that a suitable adjustment for the turbine
in the first row could lead to a coupled effect for the
area wake superposition and increase the power
characteristic for the second-row turbine [27]. It is
advantageous since the power generation for the
second-row turbine could be increased and raise the
power ratio of the layout configuration.
The highest power ratio is obtained for 2D and
3D layout configuration, as seen in Fig. 6. However,
the average power ratio for pitch distance 2D is
relatively smaller than pitch distance 3D. It is
mainly affected by the wind distribution at the area
wake superposition and turbulence intensity on the
2D configuration, which leads to low power
generation on the second-row turbine. It points out
that area wake superposition is important for wind
farms with more than one-row cluster and depends
adjusting the distance between first and second-row
turbines. A suitable pitch distance is able to improve
the power ratio of the clusters. Also, the use of
Bach-type blade for Savonius rotor promotes a
better wind direction after passing the rotor and
increases the wind concentration at the front of 3rd
rotor, leading to a higher power generation for the
second-row turbine [28]–[30]. The importance of
adjusting the pitch distance between first and
second-row turbines also can be proven by 1D and
4D layout configuration. Both configurations show
a low power ratio since the pitch distance is too
close (for 1D) or too wide (for 4D) and lead to a
significant drop in the power ratio (less than 0.9)
Experimental evaluation for 3D configuration
shows a high-power ratio for the all-ranged wind
speed and is relatively close to the simulation result
(Fig. 7). It proves that 3D configuration is able to
deliver a high-power density for the staggered
VAWT wind farm. Thus, the ideal layout for a
staggered VAWT wind farm can be adjusted
precisely, as seen in Fig. 8. The specific area of the
configuration is 3D × 6D. With a smaller area for
the windfarm and a high-power ratio, the area's
energy density could be improved significantly [32].
Thus, the proposed model using 3D configuration
can be used to design a staggered VAWT wind
Fig. 7: Experimental result for power ration at pitch 3D
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022
5 Conclusion
A detailed study is done to find an ideal VAWT
wind farm with a staggered configuration. Though
VAWT is only suitable for low wind speed areas
and has a lower power coefficient, by adjusting a
proper layout, the overall power density of the wind
farm can be utilized effectively. The change in pitch
distance between the first and second-row turbine
shift the turbulence intensity, particularly for the
area before and after the second-row turbine. The
flow characteristic of each layout is observed and
emphasized the turbulence intensity for each model.
The pitch distance 3D shows a better turbulence
intensity with a fair distribution of wind speed in the
area wake superposition. It increases the power
generated for the second-row turbine (3rd rotor).
Thus, the power ratio obtained from the power
generation between the first and second-row turbine
shows a higher value for the 3D configuration. Both
results from the experiment and simulation indicate
a high-power ratio for 3D configuration. The
average power ratio is obtained more than 0.9 where
at wind speed 3 m/s, the power ratio is able to
achieve value by 1.02. The proposed layout in this
study can be referred for further improvement in the
VAWT wind farm and is expected to increase the
technology readiness level for wind power
generation with VAWT.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno: Conceptualization and
Reza Abdu Rahman: Writing and visualization
Ismail: Formal analysis and supervision
Erlanda Augupta Pane: Data acquisition and
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2022.17.6
Budhi Muliawan Suyitno,
Reza Abdu Rahman, Ismail, Erlanda Augupta Pane
E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 17, 2022