1. Introduction
Business development and strategy (1), technology
advancements (2), and social and legal challenges and
repercussions (3) are the three fundamental driving
forces that pervade all elements of e-commerce.
Improvement and advancements in IT, innovation,
doing business, marketing practices, etc., have been
more evident during the last ten years, compared with
20 – 30 years ago. The twenty-first century will usher
in a digitally empowered social and economic life, the
contours of which we can only just now begin to see.
Analysts predict that by 2023, consumers would spend
over $7.3 trillion on digital transactions, while
companies will spend around $34 trillion. If not sooner,
it looks like most of the commerce shall be e-commerce
by the next 30 years. Discussing innovation and e-
business which often is expressed through the
innovation index and B2C E-commerce index, we
immediately think about new products and/or services,
as well as new combinations that result in improved
ones, new methods of processing, manufacturing,
assembling, entering new markets, a new way of
utilizing resources, innovated business models, and so
on, all of which are related to the effectiveness and
efficiency of processes, procedures, methodologies,
methods, tools, and technologies involved in the process
of producing goods and services and delivering them
from manufacturers to final consumers via online e-
commerce services.
Innovation and e-business may not necessarily
necessitate innovations, but rather simple approaches to
making decisions, individual and group activity-based
ideas implementation, and so on.
There is a growing interest in innovation and e-business,
particularly concerning a quality culture and ISO
standards. Quality culture acts as a guide for continual
development, and it belongs to all members of an
organization(s), providing a link between internal
clients and suppliers.
The essential principle of quality culture is expressed in
ISO standards, which are gaining popularity globally as
a means of gaining a competitive edge. The most
required standards are ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO
20000, ISO 22301, ISO 27000, ISO 45000, ISO 50000
family of standards, and especially the ISO 56000
family of standards, which is directly related to
Innovation management and creativity, introduced in
2019, which coincides with the period of Covid - 19
pandemics as well.
Under the new reality and new normalcy, innovation, e-
business, quality, quality culture, quality culture
management, and ISO standards are becoming
important as aspects of business models attaining
competitive advantage.
2. Literature review
Aside from the nation and degree of economic growth,
there has been an improvement in the literature for
innovation, e-business, quality, ISO standards, the
culture of quality, etc. globally. This is because
concepts like innovation, B2C E-commerce index,
quality, quality management, and ISO standards, when
properly applied, aid both private and public
organizations in becoming more competitive in an open
market when and where the offer is significantly greater
than the demand, a situation that has characterized the
last 50 years of the global economy.
2.1 Megatrends of 2020 – 2030 and worldwide
economies respond to Crisis and post-crisis
For the next 10 years, the main megatrends shall be (1)
Population increase, which is at the center of the change
in economic power, (2) The effects of global warming,
which are everywhere where and have a big influence
on coastal areas and crop productivity, (3) Thanks to the
fast development of technology, artificial intelligence
(AI), and machine learning, we are currently
experiencing the fourth industrial revolution,
sometimes known as the "digital revolution.", (4)
Changes in the world's population, density, ethnicity,
level of education, and other factors affecting the human
population will result in considerable societal
transformation, which will present possibilities and
challenges for both industry and government. These
megatrends have a significant impact on regional,
international, and national markets and society by
supporting structural changes, technical advancements,
changing economic power, etc (Peter Fisk. 2019).
The world is moving toward the following major trends
in response to these major shifts/megatrends, the crisis,
and the post-crisis period: (1) the information
revolution; (2) flexible & learning organizations and
innovation systems; (3) an explosion of skills,
knowledge, and competencies; (4) improving systems
of creation, production, and distribution; (5) usage and
expansion of innovation systems, creativity, and quality
management culture, etc., generally and also about e-
2.2 Definition of Quality and quality culture
Numerous authors have identified the fundamental
definition of quality as a set of principles that guide how
improvement is carried out in daily operations involving
works and outputs, a collection of practices taken for
granted that constitutes the working philosophy of
organizations or working groups. To paraphrase, quality
culture is a "social attack that supports people in the
organization to stay together" (Robbins, 1999).
Both the variety of goods and services available as well
as their features and applications have greatly increased.
These difficulties are manifestations of this culture: (1)
Personal development, (2) Tolerance and Respect, (3)
Entrepreneurship, (4) Capability ( a proven capacity).
The definition of "culture of quality" is "a group of
common, respected, and integrally formed approaches
of features of products and services, identified on the
culture of organizations and systems of management"
(Vlăsceanu, Grünberg, & Pârlea, 2007, Ceko 2021).
"The importance of quality culture and quality
Financial Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232032.2024.2.34
Enriko Ceko, Reis Mulita, Dimitrios A. Karras