Unveiling Impedance Response of Commercial Coin-type Lithium-ion
Batteries Exposed to Overcharge and Over-discharge through
Equivalent Circuit Modeling
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Eskisehir Osmangazi University,
Meselik Campus, 26040 Eskisehir,
Abstract: - This study investigates the impedance spectroscopy response of commercial coin-type lithium-ion
cells under overcharge and over-discharge conditions through equivalent circuit modeling. Electrochemical
tests were conducted on battery cells, employing impedance spectroscopy to track variations across various
charge states, including overcharge and over-discharge conditions. The impedance data highlighted distinct
patterns during normal operation, prompting the application of an anomalous diffusion impedance model.
Regression analysis of the model parameters offered valuable insights into the cells' electrochemical
performance before and after exposure to overcharge and over-discharge.
Key-Words: - Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, lithium-ion battery, overcharge, over-discharge,
equivalent circuit modeling, regression.
Received: May 7, 2024. Revised: November 19, 2024. Accepted: December 6, 2024. Published: December 31, 2024.
1 Introduction
A Li-ion battery, an electrochemical energy storage
device, is a broadly used rechargeable battery. Like
other batteries, the Li-ion battery consists of
electrochemical reactions on electrodes and a
diffusion mechanism to convert this energy to
electricity. Due to the electrochemical reactions and
the diffusion, the battery model includes nonlinear
terms and uncertainties with some additive
disturbances (e.g., unmodelled effects), [1].
State of Charge (SoC) could be defined as the
available capacity and formulated as a percentage of
its fixed capacity. State of Health (SoH) is described
as a measure of the battery’s capability to store and
release electrical energy, compared with a new one,
[2]. These two quantities are key parameters to
predict the battery's life and performance; however,
the estimation of SoC and SoH is problematic since
the battery model includes nonlinearities and
uncertainties depending on time, [3]. In recent years,
researchers have shown an increased interest in
estimating SoC and SoH of Li-ion batteries, [4].
Three primary approaches have provided a basis; i)
simple capacity measurement, [5], ii) Voigt
elements in series (RC networks), [6], iii)
Impedance-based (equivalent circuit) model, [7].
The conventional capacity measurement method is a
straightforward technique based on a simple
coulomb counting procedure, [5]. RC networks are
used to represent battery dynamics [6]. The
implementation of these two techniques is not
complicated, and they are commonly used, [8].
However, they lack expressing kinetics and mass
transfer mechanisms adequately; therefore, they
might represent nonrealistic models. On the other
hand, the impedance-based model successfully
defines electrochemical reactions and diffusion
occurring in Li-ion batteries, which is more realistic
and physically based, [9].
The objective of this study is to use the
impedance-based model to estimate SoC and SoH
accurately under non-stationary circumstances. The
uncertain terms in the battery dynamics will be
estimated by using a novel adaptive-based observer.
The estimated terms will be used to determine the
SoC and SoH of the battery. Unlike other associated
methods, the proposed technique will not assume
battery voltage and the current which are
persistently excited throughout the estimation of
SoC and SoH process. This proposed model is valid
for different states of charge and abuse conditions
like overcharge and over-discharge. Therefore, it
will be a realistic model for engineering applications
using batteries, i.e., electric vehicles, and storage-
based smart grids.
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.22
Salim Erol
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
2 Experimental Method
Electrochemical experiments were conducted on
commercially available Li-ion coin cells. Impedance
spectroscopy was employed to observe variations
linked to diverse SoC, as well as instances of
overcharge and over-discharge.
2.1 Battery Cells
Secondary 2032 coin (or button) cells obtained
commercially were utilized for the electrochemical
experiments. These cells featured lithium cobalt
oxide (LiCoO2) cathodes, graphitic carbon (C6)
anodes, and an electrolyte comprising lithium
hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) salt dissolved in a
mixture of organic solvents, including ethylene
carbonate (EC), propylene carbonate (PC), dimethyl
carbonate (DMC), and diethyl carbonate (DEC).
The cells exhibited a normal potential range
between 3.00 and 4.20 volts. The nominal
capacity and nominal potential of the batteries were
30 mAh and 3.6 V, respectively.
2.2 Instrumentation
Experiments were conducted using a Gamry
Reference 3000 Potentiostat /Galvanostat connected
to a desktop computer. Gamry Framework and
Electrochemical (EChem) Analyst software
packages were employed for data acquisition and
2.3 Protocol
The impedance response and capacity of the battery
cells were analyzed under various SOC profiles,
encompassing different potential ranges.
Additionally, the impedance response was studied
under overcharge and over-discharge profiles.
The battery cells were initially charged to 4.20
V under galvanostatic control, with a current of 2
mA. Subsequently, each cell underwent discharge to
3 V at a 1C rate, followed by charging back to 4.20
V with the same bias, i.e., at a constant 30 mA
current. The cells were then held potentiostatically
at a constant cell potential until the current dropped
below 20 μA, [10]. Following this constant-
potential rest period, impedance measurements were
conducted using a 10 mV alternating current
perturbation within a frequency range of 10 kHz to
10 mHz. To study the influence of overcharge, the
cell was initially charged under a constant current of
4.2 V. Impedance measurements were performed at
each 80mV step up to and including 5 V. A similar
protocol was followed for the over-discharge.
Impedance measurements were performed at each
80 mV step down to and including 2.20 V. After
overcharging to a potential of 5 V, the battery was
allowed to relax for four days at the open-circuit
condition. When held at open-circuit, the
overcharged battery rapidly reached a cell potential
within the nominal operating range. After over-
discharging to a potential of 2.20 V, the battery was
allowed to relax for four days in the open-circuit
condition. When held at open-circuit, the over-
discharged battery also reached a cell potential
within the nominal operating range, but this process
was slower. The impedance response showed a
persistent change to the electrochemical
characteristics of a coin cell subjected to overcharge
and returned to normal cell potentials; whereas, the
electrochemical characteristics returned quickly to
normal for a coin cell subject to over-discharge and
returned to normal cell potentials.
All experiments were performed at room
temperature (around 20 oC), and they were repeated
a few times with the same type of battery cells to
ensure that the results were both consistent and
3 Results
The impedance measurements obtained during
normal operating conditions, specifically at 4.2 V,
displayed a distinctive pattern: a depressed
capacitive loop at high and intermediate
frequencies, along with a linear trend at low
frequencies characterized by a slope exceeding 45°
as shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Impedance response for a battery held at 4.2
V. The line represents the fit of equation (1) to the
The equivalent circuit model represented in
Figure 2 was constructed based on the proposed
reactions occurring at both the cathode and anode.
This resulting model can be formulated as:
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
-Zj / ohm cm2
Zr / ohm cm2
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.22
Salim Erol
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
Fig. 2: Equivalent circuit representation of the Li-
ion battery cell
The impedance data deviated significantly from
what would be expected with a Warburg impedance
model, primarily due to the low-frequency
impedance slope in a Nyquist plot measuring
approximately 56°, well beyond the typical 45°
characteristic of a Warburg impedance. Instead, an
anomalous diffusion impedance model was adopted,
which is applicable to systems experiencing
diffusion hindered by intermittent adsorption of
diffusing species onto a stationary substrate. This
impedance response, incorporating a reflecting
boundary condition, was initially elucidated in the
literature, [11]. However, since the frequency range
in our measurements did not reveal the sharp rise
associated with the reflecting boundary condition,
we resorted to employing an asymptotic form of
their expression. Consequently, the resulting
diffusion impedance is expressed as follows:
/2 1
d,c /2
d,c 0/Z
represents a lumped parameter
encompassing both the diffusion time constant (τ)
and the zero-frequency asymptote for the real part of
the diffusion impedance.
Fig. 3: Impedance response and their fit of a coin
cell at a potential of 4 V before and after the cell
was: (a) overcharged and (b) over-discharged
Figure 3 illustrates the impedance response of a
coin cell at a potential of 4 V before and after
undergoing specific treatments: overcharging and
over-discharging. Panel (a) presents the impedance
response before and after overcharging, while panel
(b) depicts the response before and after over-
discharging. The impedance data is represented
graphically along with their respective fits.
Table 1 displays the parameter results obtained
through the Levenberg-Marquardt method for
regression analysis, [12]. Subsections (a) and (b) of
the table respectively present the parameters before
and after the cell was subjected to overcharging and
over-discharging treatments. These parameters
provide valuable insights into the changes occurring
within the cell's electrochemical system as a
consequence of the applied treatments.
Table 1. Parameter results obtained by Levenberg-
Marquardt method for regression: (a) before and
after the cell was overcharged and (b) before and
after the cell was over-discharged
4 Conclusion
This study conducted a comprehensive investigation
into the impedance spectroscopy response of
commercial coin-type lithium-ion cells subjected to
extreme conditions, including overcharge and over-
discharge. Through a combination of
electrochemical experiments and equivalent circuit
modeling, distinct impedance patterns
corresponding to various states of charge conditions
were identified. The anomalous diffusion impedance
Anode SEI Cathode
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.22
Salim Erol
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
model provided a more accurate representation of
the experimental data, indicating that diffusion
within the cell was hindered by sporadic adsorption
of diffusing species onto a fixed substrate. This
insight significantly enhances the understanding of
the underlying mechanisms governing lithium-ion
battery behavior under such extreme conditions.
The parameter analysis, performed using the
Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method,
provided crucial information about the changes
occurring within the cell’s electrochemical system.
The results of this study contribute to an
improved understanding of battery degradation
mechanisms under overcharge and over-discharge
conditions, which can facilitate the development of
more effective battery management systems aimed
at prolonging battery life and improving
performance reliability. This knowledge is essential
for various industries, where demand for high-
performing and long-lasting lithium-ion batteries
continues to rise. As such, the findings presented
here are expected to play a significant role in
advancing battery diagnostics and maintenance
Further research is recommended to broaden the
scope of this study. Expanding the range of
experimental conditions, such as exploring different
cell chemistries and cycling profiles, would help
generalize the applicability of these findings.
Additionally, the validation of the proposed models
through practical case studies in real-world
applications will be necessary. Continuous efforts in
combining electrochemical analysis, impedance
modeling, and advanced mathematical methods are
expected to lead to further optimization of battery
performance and reliability.
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted
Technologies in the Writing Process
During the preparation of this work the author used
Gemini (Google AI platform) for grammar and
language editing reasons. After using this service,
the author reviewed and edited the content as
needed and take full responsibility for the content of
the publication.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The author performed the experiments, analyzed the
results, wrote and reviewed the manuscript.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.22
Salim Erol
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024