Modeling of Structural Properties of Zr(Nb)-Doped c-LTOZr(Nb)
Materials With Spinel Structure for Li-Ion Batteries
1Nagiyev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry,
Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan,
Baku, AZ-1143,
2Scientific Research Institute of Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry,
Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan,
Baku, AZ-1010,
3Institute of Physics, Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan,
Baku, AZ-1143,
4Valiev Physics and Technology Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 117218,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - Using the density functional theory (DFT), we investigated the electronic, magnetic and energy
properties of Li4Ti5-xMxO12 (M = Zr, Nb; x = 0–0.01) (or c-LTO–Zr (Nb)) supercells, which are isostructural to
the high-temperature spinel (cubic; 
) modification of the Li4Ti5O12-based anode material (c-LTO)
for lithium-ion batteries (LIB). In DFT calculations with a generalized gradient approximation (functional
GGA), spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and the Hubbard correction were considered (DFT SGGA+ ). For the Ti 3d
and Zr(Nb) 4d states, pd and dd-model values of the U effective interaction energies were used. To account for
the effective Coulomb intra-atomic interaction (U) between particles, the DFT SGGA+U calculations were
performed using  = 4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d, Zr (Nb) 4d. The band structure and density of states (DOS) of c-LTO
supercells calculated by DFT SGGA+ are consistent with both theoretical and experimental data for c-LTO.
The theoretical band gap () is smaller than the experimental value of c-LTO. Taking into account the
chemical potentials of the doping impurities, the formation energy of c-LTO–Zr(Nb) was calculated. The
decrease in the total energy due to the change in the partial densities of states (PDOS) of the filled spin-up and
spin-down subbands indicates that c-LTO–Zr(Nb) is thermodynamically stable. The density of spin-up d-states
exceeds the density of spin-down d-states in c-LTO–Zr(Nb), so the values in these structures differ from
each other. Doping with Zr(Nb) narrows and improves the electrical conductivity of c-LTO–Zr(Nb) due to
the contribution of Zr4+ 4d and Nb3+ 4d orbitals to the particle transport. The Fermi level of the band structure
of c-LTO–Zr(Nb) supercells shifts to the conduction band as a result of Zr(Nb) doping. The local magnetic
moments of Zr(Nb) impurity atoms in c-LTO–Zr(Nb) are calculated.
Key-Words: - New Battery Materials, Doped Lithium Titanate Oxide, c-LTO–Zr(Nb), Density Functional
Theory, DOS, Band Structure, Magnetic Moment.
Received: April 30, 2024. Revised: November 11, 2024. Accepted: December 1, 2024. Published: December 31, 2024.
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
1 Introduction
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are
known to be alternative energy storage systems.
LIBs provide high energy density and long cycle
life, making them important for applications such as
portable electrical appliances, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].
The power of LIBs depends on various electrode
materials and factors, including the rate of lithium-
ion and electron migration through the electrolyte
between the two electrodes. To produce high-power
and stable LIBs, it is necessary to develop new
materials and highly conductive nanostructures for
the electrodes. Graphite, graphene, and lithium
titanate oxide Li4Ti5O12 (с-LTO), in particular with
a nanocrystalline spinel structure (face-centered
cubic syngony; space group 
; 8.35 Å), are
used as anode materials. Such electrode
nanomaterials accelerate the transport of particles in
LIBs and ensure their stability.
In order to increase the service life of LIB, new
materials are being developed that effectively
reduce energy losses caused by battery polarization.
Materials such as с-LTO increase the service life of
LIB, compared to graphite materials, [6].
LTO can operate at high current densities
corresponding to the 60C mode, when charging and
discharging occur in 1 min. In this case, the decrease
in LIB capacity is 50% of the nominal capacity.
LTO has good cyclability due to the same specific
volume in the LIB charge/discharge process. The
oxidized and reduced compositions of c-LTO and
Li7Ti5O12 at the phase boundary of the c-LTO spinel
phase have an almost horizontal discharge curve.
This is due to the two-phase discharge mechanism
and low mutual solubility of c-LTO/Li7Ti5O12 at the
boundary of the spinel phase (111). One of the
disadvantages of с-LTO as a negative electrode
(anode during discharge) in LIB is its relatively low
theoretical specific capacity of 175 mAh/g (for
graphite this value is 372 mAh/g).
The reversible process of lithium implantation
in c-LTO at the phase boundary of the c-
LTO/Li7Ti5O12 spinel phase (111) reduces the
oxidation state of titanium from Ti+4 to Ti+3.4 in
batteries. This process in LIB takes place at a
potential of +1.5 V according to the reaction:
Li4Ti5O12 (spinel) + 3 Li+ + 3e Li7Ti5O12 (rock
The parameters of the crystal lattice of c-LTO,
as a negative electrode, do not change significantly
in this process. Titanium ions can also be reduced to
the oxidation state of Ti+3 by increasing the
concentration of implanted other ions, including
lithium ions in the c-LTO electrode. The theoretical
specific capacity of LIB in this process with lithium-
ion increases to 290 mAh/g. However, such
reactions with other metal ions can cause
irreversible structural changes in the c-LTO
electrode, and its capacity can decrease during LIB
cycling. Therefore, improving the characteristics of
the electrodes (increasing the electron conductivity
of the achieved discharge capacity, and reducing
material degradation during LIB cycling) is a
practically important task. For example, by doping
c-LTO, it is possible to introduce d-element ions
into the c-LTO lattice and reduce titanium ions to
Ti+3 without destroying the c-LTO lattice.
Doping of c-LTO with lanthanides (Eu [3], La
[4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], Pr
[14], Nd [15]) can increase the discharge capacity
and cycling stability over a wide potential range.
However, the effect of doping with transition d-
elements on the electrochemical properties of c-
LTO has been little studied.
The results of the study of Zr doping of c-LTO
compound with a cubic structure at the Ti site show
that the electrochemical performance of the Li4Ti5-
xZrxO12 electrode is improved, [16], [17], [18]. The
reduction of titanium ions Ti+4Ti+3 in the c-LTO
electrode can also be achieved by Nb doping at the
Ti site of the c-LTO lattice [19], [20]. This can
increase the charge transfer efficiency of Li4Ti5-
xNbxO12, which in turn will improve the
performance of LIB.
Our work [17] presents the results of ab initio
modeling of the monoclinic modification of m-
LTOZr(Nb) (sp. gr. , No. 15; a = 8.35 Å, b =
8.32 Å, c = 13.17 Å). Zr(Nb) doping of the m-LTO
crystal in the lithium position enhances the spin-
orbit interaction in the electronic structure of m-
LTO–Zr(Nb). And this, in turn, can increase charge
transfer and improve LIB performance. However,
there is still no data on the electronic structure of c-
LTO–Zr(Nb) crystals with a cubic structure.
The aim of this work is ab initio modeling of the
structural properties of Zr(Nb)-doped (x = 0-0.01
mole fraction) c-LTO–Zr(Nb) materials with a cubic
structure (space group 
) for LIB. Changes in
the electronic band structure and energy of doped c-
LTO–Zr(Nb) nanocrystals with changes in
composition and structure were studied using ab
initio methods with the Hubbard correction.
Supercells were considered in which the interaction
of impurity Zr(Nb) atoms partially substituting for
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
titanium atoms leads to changes in the properties of
2 Calculation Methods
Below are the results of studying the change in the
electronic structure and energy of doped c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) nanocrystals under light doping conditions.
The electronic band structures of c-LTO-–Zr(Nb) of
the cubic modification were calculated using density
functional theory methods taking into account spin
polarization and the Hubbard correction (DFT
SGGA+). The c-LTO–Zr(Nb) supercells are
considered, in which titanium particles are partially
substituted by Zr(Nb) particles in the cell. For
Li4Ti5-xZrxO12 and Li4Ti5-xNbxO12, the impurity
concentration was in the range x = 0–0.01. The
structural parameters of the crystals were calculated
without taking into account van der Waals
interactions and the U correction. The interaction of
impurity Zr(Nb) particles with partial substitution of
titanium in the c-LTO cell does not qualitatively
change the lattice parameter of c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
crystals. The use of ab initio methods allows us to
compare and predict the physical and
physicochemical properties of c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
materials. Using the example of DFT GGA–PBE
[21], [22], [23] calculation of the electronic
properties of binary and ternary phases in [24], we
present a method for calculating the characteristics
of anode materials. In [25], the electronic-structural
and physical properties of partially doped SiC–Li
supercells were calculated for LIB.
The DFT method with the local density
approximation (LDA) functional is not able to
adequately predict the parameters of materials. The
DFT LDA calculation leads to an incorrect metallic
state, for example, for transition metal oxides. In
LDA, the exchange-correlation functional ()
depends only on the density 󰇛󰇜 in the coordinate
(󰇜 where it is calculated:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (2)
The c-LTO object is an example of a ternary
compound in which titanium ions contain partially
filled d-orbitals. In doped c-LTO, the DFT LDA
calculations show a metallic state of the electronic
structure of c-LTO. On the other hand, the LDA
functional in the calculations underestimates the
lattice constants of the crystal and overestimates the
binding energies. In other words, the preliminary
DFT LDA calculation reduced the accuracy of the
calculation. In addition, LDA functional is
ineffective in calculations for predicting equilibrium
configurations of surface and defect structures, in
particular, oxide materials.
Taking this into account, a modified LSDA
functional was used in the calculations, including
the spin-orbit interaction (SOC) for the atomic
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜󰇛󰇜 (3)
In DFT calculations of the energy of c-LTO-
based structures, in addition to those indicated, the
effect of the Hubbard Coulomb repulsion energy
󰇛󰇜 on the total energy was also taken into account.
Total energy calculations were performed using
GGA–PBE software, [17], [24]. The use of the
LSDA+ functional improved the results of
calculations of the electronic structure of c-LTO–Zr
and c-LTO–Nb materials. These structures are
characterized by strong electronic interactions in
spatially localized states, in particular, d-orbitals, of
Zr(Nb) alloying components. Adding the correction
term to the single-particle electronic potential
increases the accuracy of calculations.
DFT LSDA+ calculations of c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
supercells yield a smaller band gap than the
experimental value. Increasing the size of c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) supercells does not improve the calculated
value compared to the experimental value c-
LTO. DFT LSDA+ calculated were still
smaller than the experimental value.
Taking into account the above, the generalized
gradient approximation (GGA) functional was used
in the calculations. The GGA potential adds a term
to the DFT calculations that reflects the electron
density gradient at a given point. In DFT GGA
calculations, the non-uniform distribution of
electron density and non-local effects are partially
taken into account. DFT SGGA+ calculations of c-
LTO–Zr(Nb) parameters were closer to
experimental data compared to DFT LSDA+
In the DFT SGGA+ calculations, the basic
electron configurations of the components in the
following valence states were used: Li 1s22s1, O
1s22s22p4, Ti [Ar] 3d24s2, Zr [Kr]4d25s2, Nb
[Kr] 4d45s1. The effect of d-orbitals of Zr(Nb)
doping of c-LTO was taken into account in the
calculations by the SOC contribution to the
electronic structure. In other words, partial
substitution of titanium in the c-LTO lattice by
doping Zr(Nb) metal atoms was taken into account
in the calculations by the SOC term.
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
For the analysis of c-LTO–Zr(Nb) systems and
for the calculation of the total potential, we used the
effective Hubbard parameter as   ,
where the constant = 0. In other words, for the
analysis of Ti 3d and Zr(Nb) 4d states taking into
account the occupation number of d-orbitals in the
calculation parameter , the constant was taken as
= 0.
In the DFT SGGA+ calculations, the
contribution of the local Coulomb repulsion
between localized d-electrons was taken into
account by the effective Hubbard energy  = 4
eV. The kinetic energy of plane wave cutoff was
300 eV. In the supercell calculations, a k-grid
scheme constructed using the Monkhorst–Pack
method was used, and a flat grid with dimensions of
2 × 2 × 2 in the Brillouin zone was chosen.
Increasing the k-grid size in the irreducible wedge
of the first Brillouin zone of supercells using
nonequivalent k-points does not have a significant
effect on the experimental lattice parameters and
atomic positions in the calculations. The unit cell
parameters and atomic positions in the c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) lattice were optimized. The atomic positions
and cell parameters were determined by relaxing all
forces in the system to 0.01 eV/Å. Each alloying
element was considered as a substitutional defect in
the 32-atom c-LTO–Zr(Nb) supercell. The
formation energy was determined by the formula:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜 󰇛
󰇜 󰇛
where 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜 are the total energy of the
supercell with c-LTO–Zr(Nb) and without the
alloying element Zr(Nb), , ,  are the
chemical potentials of the alloying element Zr or
Nb, Li, Ti and oxygen O, respectively. These values
were extracted from the total energy of each element
in its stable phase. For these calculations, the
Brillouin zones are selected using a k-point grid
with a density of at least 5000 points per inverse
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 LiTiO System
When working with phase diagrams of ternary
systems, the following interrelated problems are
solved: a) the chemical composition of the ternary
alloy ABC (or chemical compound ABC) is
determined by the position of the figurative point on
the plane of the concentration triangle of the system
A–B–C; b) the figurative point on the plane of the
concentration triangle A–B–C is determined by the
specified composition of the ternary alloy ABC. In
our case, to analyze the equilibrium state of ternary
compounds (or phases) in LiTi–O alloys, it is
important to consider the quasi-binary section Li2O–
TiO2. The composition-property section diagram of
Li2O–TiO2 includes several ternary phases of
stoichiometric composition.
The phase diagram of the system contains four
ternary compounds, [17]. Figure 1 (Appendix)
shows our refined equilibrium phase diagram of the
LiTi–O system.
The LTO compound is one of the four ternary
intermediate phases in the Li–Ti–O system. The
LTO compound has several modifications (in
particular, monoclinic (m) and cubic (c) structure).
No noticeable deviation from the stoichiometry of
the LTO composition is observed. The temperature
of the phase transition from the monoclinic structure
to the high-temperature cubic structure m-LTO c-
LTO is 930 С. As indicated above, we are
interested in the properties of с-LTO with a spinel
structure (cubic structure; space group 
3.2 Formation Energies
The formation energy of chemical bonds determines
the stability of the phase. Therefore, the formation
energy of the alloyed c-LTO–Zr(Nb) phases was
calculated. The outer level of Zr 4d25s2, Nb 4d45s1
contains four and three electrons, respectively,
located on the 4d and 5s sublevels. For Zr and Nb,
the oxidation state of +4 and +3, respectively, is
more typical, since a small amount of energy must
be spent to excite these atoms, i.e. to transfer
electrons from the 4d state to the 5s state. This is
completely covered by the formation energy of
chemical bonds of the alloyed c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
phases. The ionization potential of Zr and Nb (free
atom) is 6.84 and 6.88 eV (small), the values of
electron affinity (0.43 and 0.89 eV) and
electronegativity (1.33 and 1.6 on the Pauling scale)
are also small. Therefore, Zr and Nb, being active
metals, will exhibit reducing properties in the
alloying reaction of c-LTO. That is, Zr and Nb
atoms will give up electrons when interacting with
Thus, it can be expected that doping will lead to
the formation of c-LTO–Zr(Nb) stable molecule.
That is, energy is required to break such a molecule.
The formation of a chemical bond reduces the
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
energy of the system, since the bonding pair of
electrons is attracted simultaneously by both the
nucleus of the cation atoms (Li, Ti, Zr, Nb) and the
nucleus of the oxygen atom (O) in c-LTO–Zr(Nb).
In this case, the electrons will be distributed
unevenly. Since different cation and oxygen atoms
will attract electrons with different strengths. This is
also determined by the ionization energies of these
four different component atoms of c-LTO–Zr and c-
In cases where the thermal and volume effects
of the reaction are large, i.e. when the energies of
formation of chemical bonds have values of the
order of 10 kJ/mol, the concentration of doping
atoms must be taken into account in the
In general, the formation energy (or enthalpy
of formation ) of the c-LTO–Zr(Nb) compound,
taking into account equation (1) and individual
components (i), is determined by the formula:
   󰇛󰇜 (5)
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛
 󰇛󰇜󰇜
 󰇛 󰇜
where is the chemical potential of element-
component , is the amount of element i in the c-
LTO–Zr(Nb) compound. The methodical part above
indicated that as a standard it is accepted that the
chemical potential of each species is in the ground
state of the element in the DFT calculation of the
total energy. The formation energy calculated with
this choice is valid for a temperature of 0 K.
The DFT+U calculation included Coulomb
interactions in localized d-orbitals with a U
correction. Then, taking into account the GGA+U
functional, the total energy can be determined from
the known expression:
 
and  are the spherically averaged matrix
elements of the on-site Coulomb interactions of the
3d-orbital, n is the filling matrix of the 3d-orbital at
the on-site, obtained by projecting the wave function
onto the 3d atomic states. Here or 󰆒= −2,
−1,0,1,2 are different d-orbitals, =1 or −1 is the
electron spin. The site occupancy matrix was
expressed in explicit spin and orbital representation.
The calculated total energies were insensitive to .
To take into account the Hubbard correction
to the GGA functional in DFT calculations in the
Coulomb repulsion effect, we neglected the
secondary effects of the Coulomb and magnetic
interactions. In other words, the parameter
describing these effects was taken equal to zero,
  . In this case, the
 correction
to the energy functional, significantly simplifies the
DFT SGGA+ calculation equations.
The value of  of ternary compounds of the
quasi-binary system  was calculated by
DFT LSDA method, [17]. To calculate the total
energy of the compounds, the reference values of
of the corresponding binary oxides of the
LiTi–O system were used. For binary oxides of
titanium and lithium, the following values of
(kJ/mol) were adopted: -1518 󰇛󰇜, -943
󰇛󰇜, - 68 󰇛󰇜, -598 󰇛󰇜 DFT 
calculations of the showed a value that is 0.1
eV higher than the value obtained from DFT LSDA
calculations = -3.21 eV, [17].
Fig. 2: Formation energy of ternary oxides as a
function of the composition of the  
system in DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV) calculations.
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
The DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p-, Ti 3d-,
Zr 4d- and Nb 4d-orbitals) formation energy of the
ternary compounds  (1),  (2),
 (3) and  (4) is shown in Figure
These negative values indicate that the
ternary compounds are stable in the solid state.
Calculated DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV) formation
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
energy for Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 and Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 is
–3.11 eV.
The difference in can be related to the used
LSDA [17] or SGGA+ functional and the change
in the distribution of Ti particles and Zr(Nb)
alloying particles in the octahedral and tetrahedral
voids of the c-LTO–Zr(Nb) cell.
3.3 Atomic Structure of c-LTO
In the spinel structure of с-LTO, oxygen ions (32e)
form a cubic close-packed (ccp) array [4]. And the
gaps in the crystal lattice are partially occupied by
Li and Ti cations with tetrahedral (8a, 8b, 48c) and
octahedral (16c, 16d) coordination (Table 1). The
atomic structure of the c-LTO cell is shown in
Appendix in Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b).
Table 1. Structural parameters of c-LTO
Atom Position Atom coordinates Occupancy
Li1 8a 0 1.000
Li2 16d 0.625 0.503
Ti 16d 0.625 0.497
O 32e 0.389 1.000
The calculated structural parameters of the
relaxed lattice of c-LTO are consistent with the
known data. For example, the DFT SGGA
calculated lattice parameter a = 8.3523 Å is in good
agreement with the data 8.3525 Å, [26].
3.4 Electronic Structure of c-LTO
The theoretical atomic parameters of a chemical
compound and the contributions to the chemical
bond and electron structure calculated on their basis
depend on the choice of the theoretical difference of
the exchange integrals for s-, p- and d-electrons. In
the considered c-LTO compound, this can be s-p-d-
local exchange interactions (s-p-d-model).
In the band structure calculations of the c-LTO
system, a difference in energy was found between
the spin "up ↑" and spin "down ↓" states. Recall that
each atom consists of protons and neutrons, as well
as orbiting electrons in a chemical compound.
Therefore, if we assume that these atoms have a spin
quantum number of ½, then the protons can also
exist in two spin states: spin "up" and spin "down".
The protons of the atoms have a positive charge and
can generate magnetic dipole moments. When a
magnetic field is applied to the dipole of a proton,
the dipole will either align itself "parallel" or
"antiparallel" to the direction of the magnetic field
depending on its spin state.
The "parallel" (low energy) and "antiparallel"
(high energy) states have a difference in energy
E) which is known to be proportional to the
magnetic field strength (B0), the gyromagnetic ratio
(γ) and Planck's constant (h):
   󰇛
󰇜. (7)
The ratio of the number of nuclei in states with
high () and low () energy is determined as
a function of the difference in energy levels E),
the temperature (T) of the system and the Boltzmann
constant (kB):
/ 󰇟 
󰇠. (8)
The results of DFT SGGA calculations of the
electronic structure of c-LTO are analyzed by
comparing the band structure and density of states
(DOS and partial PDOS) of c-LTO with the known
calculated data ( = 2 eV [26]). The band gap of c-
LTO, found experimentally by extrapolating the
linear part of the UV-visible spectra to the energy
axis, is 3.55 eV, [27].
The results of DFT SGGA calculations of the
electronic structure of c-LTO are analyzed by
comparing the band structure and density of states
(DOS and partial PDOS) of c-LTO with the known
calculated data ( = 2 eV [26]). The band gap of c-
LTO, found experimentally by extrapolating the
linear part of the UV-visible spectra to the energy
axis, is 3.55 eV, [27].
As can be seen, the theoretical band gap
obtained by us with the single-electron approach
using DFT GGA was significantly smaller than the
experimental value. To overestimate the calculated
band gap of c-LTO, large computational resources
are required. More precisely, for such systems
(insulators and semiconductors), a significant
increase in the unit cell is necessary, so they require
a corresponding increase in computational
resources. The theoretical band structure of c-LTO
calculated with two potentials is shown in Figure 4
Taking into account the correction in the
calculations of the c-LTO band structure does not
significantly increase the value of . In the band
structure, the forbidden band is located between the
occupied p-states of oxygen and the half-empty d-
states of Ti.
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
Fig. 3: Atomic structure of c-LTO: primitive unit
cell (a), crystal structure (b)
DFT SGGA calculations of values were
performed for both spin-up ↑= 2.34 eV and spin-
down ↓=2.19 eV electron states.
The energy gap is mainly determined by the
occupied O 2p states and Ti 3d states in the c-LTO
lattice. DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d)
calculations yield ↑= 3.56 eV, ↓ = 2.4 eV for c-
The theoretical densities of electron states of the
c-LTO supercell calculated with the SGGA+
potential are shown in Figure 5 (Appendix). From
the DOS analysis it follows that the valence band of
c-LTO consists mainly of p-orbitals of O and d-
orbitals of Ti with a small admixture of ss-orbitals
of the components. In the conduction band of the
DOS, the s- and p-orbitals approximately coincide.
In Figure 5 (Appendix), along with the spin-
resolved with full DOS, the partial densities of the
state of Ti atoms of the c-LTO compound. The
PDOS shows sharp peaks at 2 and 4.2 eV, which
arise from the ground spin states of Ti. These Ti 3d2
states are highly localized since their energy width
is small. The minority spin s-, and p-states of Ti are
insignificant and are limited to the energy range
from −16 to 16 eV.
The energy characteristics indicate that in c-
LTO, the highest occupied molecular orbital is
mainly composed of oxygen (p-orbital). And the
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital is composed of
titanium (d-orbital). This makes the electronic
structure of c-LTO similar to insulators.
Thus, the valence band of c-LTO mainly
consists of O 2p states, while the conduction band is
dominated by the Ti 3d orbital states. The overlap of
Ti 3d and O 2p orbital states in DOS indicates a
strong O-Ti interaction in the TiO6 octahedra of the
c-LTO lattice.
3.5 Electronic Structure of c-LTOZr
There are several grades of cubic c-LTO powders,
differing in their properties. The differences in
properties are due to the structure of c-LTO grains
grown under different thermodynamic and kinetic
conditions. The formation of properties is associated
with the crystal structure and electronic interaction
of the particles of the substance.
Control over the type, and concentration of
point defects and impurities, as well as the
dislocation structure, enables the creation of
crystalline materials with specified properties.
However, the known technologies for the synthesis
of c-LTO do not fully allow the influence of
impurities on the properties to be controlled during
crystal growth. There are few works in the literature
devoted to the study of the electronic structural
properties of doped c-LTO. The parameters of the
crystal structure and electrochemical properties of
materials based on c-LTO are analyzed.
It can be assumed that the 4d-element impurities
Zr(Nb) do not have a significant effect on the
stoichiometry of c-LTO and the parameters of the
crystal structure when substituting the 3d-element
titanium. The sizes of Zr (atomic radius 1.60 Å;
Radius 0.79 Å) and Nb (atomic radius 1.46 Å;
ionic radius 0.69 Å) are close to the sizes of the
substituted titanium (atomic radius 1.47 Å; ionic
radius 0.94 Å). In other words, Zr(Nb) impurities
should form substitution solutions in c-LTO. An
increase in the impurity concentration can distort the
cubic lattice of c-LTO and reduce its symmetry. A
characteristic difference between the substituted c-
LTO–Zr(Nb) material and pure c-LTO is the small
contribution of Zr(Nb) 4d-orbitals to the zone
In doped c-LTO–Zr(Nb) materials, in addition
to the electron charge, we used its spin to control
currents. The addition of 4d elements to c-LTO
supercells was carried out using the known
technique, [17]. The parameters of the crystal
structures of the alloying Zr(Nb) atoms and their
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
atomic (ionic) radii differ from the parameters of c-
LTO. Therefore, the solubility of Zr(Nb) atoms in c-
LTO was taken to be several percent. That is, it was
assumed that c-LTO–Zr(Nb) forms dilute solid
solutions, where Zr(Nb) substitutes Ti. Determining
the substitution coefficient of Ti for Zr(Nb) in c-
LTO is a separate problem. Its solution will allow us
to establish where Zr(Nb) is located in the c-LTO
lattice sites when Ti is substituted.
The composition, properties, and electronic
structure of c-LTO are known, but there is still no
consensus on the type of exchange interaction of
particles upon doping c-LTO. Approaches to
calculating the electronic properties of doped c-LTO
include various modifications of the electron density
functional method.
The band structure models of c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
can be related to the relative energy positions of the
Fermi level (), the valence band, and the impurity
band, i.e. the band formed by the 4d electrons of the
Zr(Nb) impurity. In the double exchange model, the
d level of the transition metal Zr(Nb) should be in
the band gap, and in the p-d exchange model, the d
level should lie below the edge of the valence p
band. In such materials, the Fermi level can be in
the impurity band, and by changing its position, the
properties of the material can be altered. However,
the 4d electrons of Zr(Nb) can also hybridize with
the valence band at low binding energies (less than
4 eV).
Thus, taking into account also the known
experimental data (resonance photoemission,
photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared optical data,
etc.), we can conclude the following. The 4d states
of Zr(Nb) impurities can be located both in the
valence band of the initial c-LTO and correspond to
the s-d, p-d, and s-p-d of local exchange interaction
models. In this case, the maximum valence band of
c-LTO can be near and hybridized with the
impurity 4d states of Zr(Nb). That is, the Fermi
level can be in the impurity band of Zr(Nb), and it is
possible that it overlaps with the valence band. In
semiconductors, for example, the impurity band and
the band of the initial semiconductor are mixed and
overlap. Therefore, the valence band and impurity
band of the c-LTO–Zr(Nb) structures can be taken
as conditional for analysis.
Based on the electronic structure of c-LTO, it
can be assumed that after doping, the d-states of Ti
should be partially filled. Such filling of the d-state
of Ti can also take place, for example, after Li-
intercalation of c-LTO. Then, taking into account
the model of the two-phase coexistence of the c-
LTO/Li7Ti5O12 phases (Figure 6, Appendix), it can
be assumed that near the spinel phase (111) the
structure will have a metallic character.
The energy of this phase boundary of с-
LTO/Li7Ti5O12 calculated by the DFT GGA+
method is small since even nanosized Li-
intercalated Li4+xTi5O12 nanocrystals can contain the
(111) phase boundary.
The atomic structure of Zr-doped c-LTO is
shown in Figure 7 (Appendix). Here, the Zr atom
substitutes Ti in the c-LTO lattice.
The electronic properties and band structure of
c-LTO–Zr along high symmetry points were
calculated using the DFT SGGA+ method ( =
4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d, Zr 4d) (Figure 8, Appendix).
Taking into account the spin states of DFT
SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d, Zr 4d), the
energy of the forbidden band calculated by us in the
band structure of lightly doped c-LTO–Zr (c-
Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12) had the following value: ↑=
2.68 eV and = 1.95 eV. For the band structure
of the lightly doped c-LTO–Zr supercell, the
valence band maximum (VBM) is located at the Γ
point, while heavy doping can shift the conduction
band minimum (CBM) towards the X point.
Heavy doping of a c-LTO–Zr can lead to the
fact that the transition of an electron between the
conduction band and the valence band (Γ–X) can be
accompanied by a change in momentum, i.e. an
indirect transition can take place. With such an
indirect transition, an indirect form of the forbidden
zone is obtained in the quasi-momentum space
between the valence band and the conduction band
of the lattice of the substance. The transition of an
electron between zones in a c-LTO–Zr structure can
be accompanied by a change in its momentum,
carried away by an additional particle, for example,
a phonon.
Thus, the DFT SGGA+ calculated band gap
energy of lightly doped c-LTO–Zr is on average
2.32 eV. This value is consistent with calculations
[23] and lower than the experimental value of 3.55
eV, [24]. The calculated total DOS and partial
densities of states PDOS for c-LTO–Zr are shown in
Figure 9 (Appendix), a, b. DFT SGGA+
calculated the partial magnetic moment of
zirconium in Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 is 1.002 .
3.6 Electronic Structure of c-LTONb
The atomic structure of c-LTO–Nb is shown in
Figure 10. Here, the Nb atom substitutes Ti in the c-
LTO lattice.
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
The results of DFT SGGA+U calculations of the
electronic properties of c-LTO–Nb along the high
symmetry points are shown in Figure 11.
In the band structure of c-LTO–Nb, the valence
band maximum (VBM) is located at the Γ point, as
in c-LTO–Zr, and the conduction band minimum
(CBM) is slightly shifted towards the X point due to
light doping. The electron transition between the
conduction and valence bands –X) under such
doping is a direct transition.
Fig. 10: Atomic structure of doped c-LTO–Nb. The
Nb atom substitutes Ti in the lattice c-Li4Ti5-
Fig. 11. Calculated DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O
2p, Ti 3d, Nb 4d) band structure of c-LTO–Nb,
where the Nb atom substitutes the Ti atom in the c-
Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 lattice
The calculated SGGA+ band gap energy of c-
LTO–Nb was = 2.09 eV. The total DOS and
partial densities of states PDOS for c-LTO–Nb are
shown in Appendix in Figure 12(a), and Figure
The observed sharp peaks in the DOS spectra
arise from the ground spin states of Ti 3d and the
impurity Zr(Nb) 4d. The spin states of Ti and
Zr(Nb) are strongly localized in c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
because their energy width is small. The difference
in energy between the spin states of s, p, and d
electrons arises from the contribution of the
Hubbard parameter ( = 4 eV) to the
calculations. The value of  = 4 eV used for Ti 3d
and Zr(Nb) 4d in the DFT SGGA+ calculations
shifts the minority spin states of d electrons near the
Fermi energy. This is probably why the non-ground
spin states of d-electrons have low energy, and
electrons can be excited in them.
Therefore, these minor spin states can be filled
with electrons and affect the physical properties of
c-LTO–Zr(Nb). DFT SGGA+ calculated the local
partial magnetic moment of niobium is 0 with
Nb(Ti) substitution in c-Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 lattice.
3.7 Conductivity of Doped c-LTOZr
Li4Ti5-xZrxO12 (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.2) electrodes have
better electronic and ionic conductivity than the
undoped LTO electrode. This is indicated by the
results of the electrochemical study of Li4Ti5-
xZrxO12, [16]. For example, for the optimal Li4Ti5-
xZrxO12 sample with a composition of 0.1 Zr, the
charge transfer resistance and the solution resistance
are 2.0 and 99.6 Ohm, respectively.
The Li4Ti5-xZrxO12 electrode containing a doping
impurity of 0.1 Zr possesses better electronic
conductivity and ionic conductivity. With heavy
doping, part of the Zr impurity cannot substitute Ti
in the c-LTO lattice. This prevents the transport of
Li ions and electrons in c-LTO–Zr. Thus, the
lithium-ion conductivity and electronic conductivity
of c-LTO-Zr, compared to c-LTO (Figure 13) is
reduced. Electrodes made of c-LTO–Zr
compositions have similar redox characteristics.
This indicates that light Zr doping has little effect on
the parameters of the electrochemical reaction
involving the c-LTO–Zr anode. Doped Li4Ti5-
xZrxO12 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2) samples also have high
discharge capacity and cyclic stability at the rate of
0.5C and 1.0C compared to pure c-LTO. With an
increase in the rate from 0.5C, 1C, 3C, 5C, and 10C
to 20C, the capacity of c-LTO–Zr decreased rapidly,
[16], [26].
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
Fig. 13: Cyclic volt-ampere characteristics of
Li4Ti5-xZrxO12 samples (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2). Scan
rate: 0.2 mV/s, [16]
3.8 Conductivity of c-LTONb
The c-LTO–Nb electrode has a higher specific
capacity and better cycling performance than the
LTO electrode. The c-LTO–Nb electrode exhibits a
high charge rate with a reversible capacity of 135
mAh/g at 1C, 127 mAh/g at 20C, and 80 mAh/g at
Fig. 14: Cycling characteristics of c-LTO and
Li4Ti4.95Nb0.05O12 at (a) 1C and (b) 10C, [27]
The conductivity of doped samples is also
improved (Figure 14). The conductivity of
Li4Ti4.95Nb0.05O12 and c-LTO is 1.127×10−9 and
6.615×10−10 S/cm, respectively, [27]. The
conductivity of Li4Ti4.95Nb0.05O12 also has a higher
electrical conductivity than that of LTO, [28]. At
room temperature, the conductivity of
Li4Ti4.95Nb0.05O12 is higher (2×10–5 S/cm) than that
of c-LTO (1.87 × 10–6 S/cm).
4 Conclusions
The compound of the composition Li4Ti5O12 (c-
LTO; cubic structure, space group 
; spinel
structure) is used as an anode (along with other
high-voltage materials) in lithium-ion batteries
(LIB). However, c-LTO crystals as an anode have
disadvantages in their electronic, energy, and cyclic
characteristics. Our calculations allow us to
conclude that doping with d-elements improves the
structural and electrical properties of c-LTO
This paper presents the results of DFT
SGGA+ 2 2 2 supercell calculations of cubic
spinel of partially substituted particles (atoms
and/or ions) of titanium on zirconium (niobium)
particles c-LTO–Zr(Nb). Calculations of lightly
doped nanocrystals c-LTO; Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 and
Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 (x = 0–0.01) showed the
following. Using the SGGA+
functional (the effective Hubbard parameter
was = 4 eV) and the spin polarization effect, it
is possible to adequately describe the structures
with localized states of Ti 3d and Zr(Nb) 4d
orbitals in c-LTO–Zr(Nb).
The geometry of the crystal structure with the
optimized lattice parameter of c-LTO (8.352 Å)
and c-LTO–Zr(Nb) (8.362 Å) includes an
interconnected network of Ti, Zr(Nb), and O layers
in the form of [TiO6] and partially substituted
octahedra [Zr(Nb)O6]. The proximity of the particle
sizes of titanium and 4d elements with partial
substitution of titanium ions by zirconium (or
niobium) particles in the c-LTO spinel structure
does not significantly distort the c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
The formation energy = -3.11 eV for
Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 and Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 calculated
using DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p-, Ti 3d-,
Zr 4d- and Nb 4d-orbital) differs little from the
value = –3.21 eV for the monoclinic
modification of m-LTO calculated using the DFT
LSDA method. The difference in is associated
both with the functional used and can be associated
with a change in the distribution of Ti cations and
Zr(Nb) impurity particles in the octahedral and
tetrahedral voids of the c-LTO–Zr(Nb) unit cell.
The energy spectra of the position of the
valence and conduction band edges relative to the
vacuum level and the density of states DOS of
electrons in c-LTO–Zr(Nb) indicate the following.
DOS of c-LTO–Zr(Nb) crystals contains sharp
peaks near the Fermi energy . For the
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
compositions Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 and
Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12, this energy in DOS is about –1.7
The energy near also includes the spin-orbit
interaction (SOC) related to the spatial asymmetry
of the states. The SOC arises from the ground spin
states of the Ti 3d2, Zr 4d2 and Nb 4d4 orbitals. The
SOC energy includes the exchange energy and the
energy of the direct Coulomb interaction. The SOC
energy depends on the energy of different spin
configurations of the d-elements and the degree of
partial substitution of Zr(Nb) particles for titanium
particles. The ground spin states of the Ti 3d and
Zr(Nb) 4d orbitals are strongly localized in c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) because their energy width is small. At
weak SOC, the transitions between singlet and
triplet states of the polarized levels in c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) can be preserved. The minority spin states
of Zr(Nb) are limited by the energy range and are
negligible in DOS. Increasing the degree of partial
substitution of titanium atoms by 4d Zr(Nb) atoms
can lead to the formation of an indirect forbidden
transition in c-LTO–Zr(Nb).
DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p-, Ti 3d-, Zr
4d- and Nb 4d-orbital) calculated band gap of
doped c-LTO–Zr(Nb) structures with partial
substitution of titanium by zirconium (or niobium)
[Zr(Nb) Ti] in the spin-up (↑) and spin-down (↓)
states differ from each other. Calculations of c-
LTO–Zr(Nb) give the following average values of
, eV: с-LTO 2.98 (х = 0), Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 2.32,
Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 2.09.
The difference in the calculated energy
between the two spin states (spin up and spin
down ↓) is due to the parameter  used for Ti 3d,
Zr 4d and Nb 4d orbitals. Using = 4 eV affects
the shift of the minority spin states near the Fermi
energy. Since the minority spin states, for example
in Ti 3d orbitals in c-LTO have relatively high
energy, electrons cannot be potentially excited in
them. However, the 4d orbitals of the dopant
Zr(Nb) can fill the empty states of the Ti 3d
orbitals, which will affect the physical properties of
Magnetic properties of a substance are usually
determined by the magnetic properties of electrons
and atoms (orbital motion of electrons; magnetic
moment of an electron; magnetic moment of an
atomic nucleus). The magnetic field caused by the
magnetic moment of a nucleus is much smaller
than the magnetic field created by the orbital
motion of electrons and the spin of electrons.
Local magnetism in c-LTO–Zr(Nb) is formed
by the contribution of spin energy (exchange
energy and direct Coulomb interaction energy) to
the total moment of an electron. When calculating
the magnetic moment in c-LTO–Zr(Nb), the
contribution of the spin magnetic moments of
electrons forming the electron shell of Zr(Nb)
atoms was taken into account. Thus, the local
magnetic moment is the result of the spatial
distribution of electrons and atoms of the c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) cell, including impurity d-orbitals of
Zr(Nb). The local magnetic moment of the partial
4d-orbitals of Zr(Nb) in the Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 and
Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 compounds calculated by the
 ( = 4 eV) had the following
values: 1.002 with [ZrTi] substitution and 0
with [NbTi] substitution. An increase in the
degree of substitution of titanium particles by
impurity Zr(Nb) particles affects the calculated
magnetic moment of the partial components in c-
The known experimental results show that the
alloyed c-LTO–Zr(Nb) materials possess improved
electronic conductivity and electrochemical
performance in LIB. c-LTO–Zr(Nb) anodes have
higher specific capacity and better cyclic
performance in LIB. For Li4Ti4.95Nb0.05O12, the
capacity is 169.1 mAh/g at 1C and 115.7 mAh/g at
10C after 100 cycles, which is significantly higher
than the capacity of the c-LTO anode. The
maximum electronic conductivity corresponds to
the Li4Ti4.95Zr0.05O12 and Li4Ti4.95Nb0.05O12
compositions. These compositions also have a
higher lithium-ion diffusion coefficient compared
to pure c-LTO.
One of the possible options for using the
obtained DFT results of calculation of the structural
properties of doped materials c-LTO–Zr(Nb) may
be their application in difficult-to-obtain structures
and areas where it is not possible to repeatedly
synthesize a nanostructure with a given
composition, to interfere with the formation of the
desired polytype of the structure and physical
properties of materials.
DFT results can be used to predict whether a
given c-LTO–Zr(Nb) cubic structure will transform
to another modification or polytype during LIB
operation. Phase transitions in c-LTO–Zr(Nb)
compounds can be associated with instability of the
crystal lattice in the highly symmetric cubic phase.
In this class of compounds, both homogeneous
non-polar distortions of the crystal lattice and
distortions associated with a change in the volume
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
of the unit cell of the crystal are observed in low-
temperature phases. Using theoretical and DFT
data, important physical properties of c-LTO–
Zr(Nb) such as the density of electron states, bulk
modulus, lattice constants, permittivity, electrical
conductivity, and others can be further determined.
The practical value of the results is that, given
a method for determining the morphology and
structural parameters of batteries, the DFT
calculation data can be used to warn the user before
the physical parameters, including the crystal
lattice parameters of the LTO electrode, are
Such a forecast can save time and money for
the manufacturer and the consumer to prevent
failures in the operation of the electrochemical
system containing c-LTO. Data on the patterns of
change in physical and chemical properties during
doping will enable the preparation for electrode
damage, poor reproducibility, and failure situations
in advance and ensure the smooth operation of с-
The obtained data can be used to evaluate the
influence of other alloying elements on the
structure, properties, design, and performance
improvement problems of LIB. Using the modeling
method with the fitting of physical and structural
properties in the prediction process, it is possible to
optimize the prediction performance and the
operation of LIB.
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DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- Mirsalim Asadov, Solmaz Mustafaeva, Saida
Mammadova equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
- Esmira Kuli-Zade and Vladimr Lukichev was
responsible for the Statistics.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
Fig. 1: Refined phase diagram of the system  . 1 –  ; 2 –   (liquid); 3 –
; 4 –   󰇛󰇜, where ss – solid solutions; 5 –   󰇛󰇜; 6 –
󰇛󰇜; 7 –  󰇛󰇜; 8 –  󰇛󰇜 +  9 – 󰇛󰇜; 10
󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜 11 –  󰇛󰇜 +  12 –  󰇛󰇜
+ ; 13 – 󰇛󰇜; 14 – 󰇛󰇜 ; 15 – 󰇛󰇜 ; 16 –
 󰇛󰇜 ; 17 –  ; 18 –  󰇛󰇜 ; 19 –  󰇛󰇜 
a) (a) b)(b)
Fig. 4: Calculated band structure in a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell of c-LTO spinel. a)(a) DFT LSDA calculation, b)(b)
DFT SGGA+ calculation ( = 4 eV, for 2p electrons of O, 3d electrons of Ti). In the calculations, only
local exchange integrals for 2p- and 3d-electrons (p-d and d-d model) were taken into account. Zero of the
energy scales corresponds to , i.e., the Fermi level is 0
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
Fig. 5: Density of states of atoms in the 2 × 2 × 2 spinel supercell of c-LTO. a)(a) DOS of the c-LTO cell
calculated by the DFT SGGA+ method ( = 4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d). (b) DOS of c-LTO, [28]. (c) PDOS of Ti in
c-LTO [26]. Zero of the energy scales corresponds to , i.e., the Fermi level is 0
Fig. 6: Structure of the two-phase model c-LTO/Li7Ti5O12 with (111) interface planes as phase boundaries
(dashed lines), [28]. In the Ti–O framework, the Li filling sites vary from 8a in c-LTO to 16c in Li7Ti5O12. The
TiO6 octahedra have a stacking sequence ABAB. . . along the <111> spinel directions in the cell
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
Fig. 7: Atomic structure of Zr-doped c-LTO–Zr. The Zr atom substitutes Ti in the lattice c-Li4Ti5-xZrxO12
Fig. 8: DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d, Zr 4d) calculated band structure of the 2 × 2 × 2 supercell of
c-LTO–Zr spinel, where the Zr atom substitutes the Ti atom in the lattice c- Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12. Zero of the
energy scales corresponds to , i.e., the Fermi level is 0
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
(a) (b)
Fig. 9: Spin-allowed, total DOS (a) and partial density of states (PDOS) of d-states in c-Li4Ti4.99Zr0.01O12 (b)
(a) (b)
Fig. 12: Calculated by DFT SGGA+ ( = 4 eV, O 2p, Ti 3d, Nb 4d) total density of states (a) and atomic-
partial density of d-states (PDOS) in c-Li4Ti4.99Nb0.01O12 (b) for the energy range from −16 to 16 eV
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.19
Mirsalim M. Asadov, Solmaz N. Mustafaeva,
Saida O. Mammadova, Esmira S. Kuli-Zade,
Vladimr F. Lukichev
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024