Computer Model of Thyratron TGI1-270/12
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Don State Technical University,
344000, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Gagarin sq., 1,
Abstract: - The issues of developing the computer model of a thyratron - an electronic tube triode operating in a
switching mode - are considered. A detailed description of the composition of the model is given. The
computer model of a single-grid thyratron was developed in the form of a hierarchical block by means of
OrCAD. The test circuit for the computer model of a thyratron is suggested. The simulation results of the test
circuit operation including a thyratron model are presented (simulated currents and voltages, dynamic
characteristics of the thyratron - anode current as a function of the grid voltage). The computer model
demonstrated adequacy to the product data sheet.
Key-Words: - thyratron, computer model, simulation, pulse voltage, OrCAD, test circuit
Received: March 25, 2023. Revised: October 28, 2023. Accepted: December 11, 2023. Published: December 31, 2023.
1 Introduction
In the technological chain of production of traction
electric machines, there is a place for testing
electrical insulation with pulsed voltage. Pulse
repeatability 50 times per second for up to 60
seconds. In some tests, the pulse amplitude can
reach 16–20 kV, [1]. In connection with the
increasing use of static converters with a pulsed
voltage form on railway rolling stock, testing with
pulsed voltage with a frequency much higher than
the industrial one is possible.
2 Problem Formulation
Often, a pulse voltage generator is built based on a
thyratron, [1] - a tube triode with a specific dynamic
characteristic - in the thyratron, from the moment of
ignition, the anode current avalanche-like reaches
the saturation current value and then does not
depend on the voltage on the grid, [2], [3].
Compared to semi-conductor switches, a thyratron
has advantages: the absence of leakage currents in a
non-conducting state, and an extremely short
recovery time for the electrical strength of the
switch after switching pulse power (units of
microseconds), [4]. An urgent task in developing
pulse voltage test benches is reliable computer
modeling, which in turn poses the task of
developing a computer model (CM) of the thyratron.
An example of solving such a problem for the
TGI1-270/12 thyratron using OrCAD - one of the
modern widely used tools for the simulation
electronic and electrical circuits and devices, [5] - is
given in this article.
The appearance of the modeling object, that
is, the TGI1-270/12 type thyratron, is shown in
Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Appearance of the TGI1-270/12 thyratron
3 Problem Solution
The CM of a single-grid thyratron was developed in
the form of a hierarchical block, [5] based on
materials, [2], [3], [6], [7], [8]. The author,
unfortunately, was unable to find in published
sources, [2], [3], [4], [9], [10], [11], [12], a system
of differential equations describing the physical
processes occurring in the thyratron, which could
simplify the structure of the CM. Issues of cathode
heating in CM were not considered. The test circuit
for testing the CM thyratron is shown in Figure 2.
The anode and cathode of the thyratron
(bidirectional ports named an and ca), as well as the
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2023.14.19
Mikhail Pustovetov
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 14, 2023
grid (unidirectional input port named gr), are used
as ports of the hierarchical block, [4].
TD = 1.04u
TF = 0.01u
PW = 3u
PER = 6u
V1 = -1
TR = 0.333u
V2 = 350
VON = 1.0V
VOFF = 0.0V
ROFF = 500e6
RON = 1.0e-3
IC = 0
Thy ratron1
Lthy r = {30nH}
Cthrough = {40pF}
Cin = {25pF}
Cout = {0.5pF}
TD = 0.01u
TF = 0.01u
PW = 0.1u
PER = 6u
V1 = -1
TR = 0.01u
V2 = 2
Fig. 2: The test circuit for the CM of a thyratron
As adjustable CM parameters β€œoutside” the
hierarchical block, those listed in Table 1 are
displayed. Between the anode and cathode of the
thyratron, a capacitance C1 with a rated value of 2
nF and a resistance Rload1 with a rated value of 1
Ohm are connected in series. The initial voltage on
capacitor C1 is set equal to zero.
C1 is charged from a high (here 12 kV) DC
voltage source V2 through Rload1 by turning on
switch S1, controlled by a pulsed voltage source
Further, when conditions sufficient for ignition
of the thyratron are reached, a discharge of C1
occurs through Rload1, and the anode-cathode
circuit of the thyratron continues until the thyratron
is locked according to potential conditions on its
main electrodes. The thyratron is quenched when
the grid voltage has not yet been removed by
reducing the anode-cathode voltage to 150 V. Then
the whole cycle is repeated.
The structure of the hierarchical block is shown
in Figure 3. In the anode-cathode circuit, the
following are connected in series: a voltage-
controlled switch; inductance Lthyr; and a diode that
ensures unidirectional current from the anode to the
cathode. For the diode, the Dbreak element was
used, [5], in which the active resistance Rs is
minimized to reduce the influence on the parameters
of the thyratron (Rs = 0.00001 Ohm is assumed).
The inductance-switch circuit is shunted by a
Cthrough capacitor.
Table 1. Customizable parameters of the thyratron
inductance of
the thyratron
to data from
the TDI1-
to data from
the TGI1-
capacitance of
the thyratron
anode -
to data from
the TGI1-
capacitance of
the thyratron
cathode -
to data from
the TGI1-
Note that the resistance of the voltage-controlled
switch (element S, [5]) changes from Ron to Roff
while the control voltage changes from Von to Voff
and vice versa. A voltage-controlled switch turns off
when a voltage signal of less than 150 V is applied
to its control. This occurs, for example, when the
anode-cathode voltage polarity changes or the
anode-cathode voltage decreases to a value less than
the anode ignition voltage.
To adjust the turning on and turning off time
moments of the switch, a table-type nonlinearity is
used, implemented on the TABLE element, [5], the
input of which is supplied with a signal of the
potential difference between the anode and the
cathode. The output signal of the TABLE element is
multiplied by the pre-processed grid potential value.
In our case, only β€œ-1” and β€œ1” are used as output
values of the TABLE element: one corresponds to a
voltage at the anode of at least 150 V.
The switch closure voltage is selected in such a
way that closure occurs only when the anode-
cathode voltage is positive and the grid voltage is
not less than the minimum required for ignition.
As a signal of the ignition voltage of the grid in
the developed CM, not the signal
itself is used,
but a processed signal
00 Coutgrgr uuu 
, where
– the sum of the voltage
between the
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2023.14.19
Mikhail Pustovetov
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 14, 2023
plates of the capacitor Cout and the DC bias voltage,
limited to 0...1000 V.
The DC bias voltage is set to 2000 V, which is
taken from the
simulation results of the circuit
in Figure 4 during 1.4 ms. When shortening the
pulse duration, a higher bias voltage (over 5000 V)
may be required. According to the technical data of
the TGI1-270/12 thyratron, the duration of the
ignition pulse
lies in the range of 3 – 5 ΞΌs, [8].
In the computer model of the thyratron shown in
Figure 3, several functional blocks are used, the
purpose of which requires a separate explanation.
Block 1. Nonlinear transfer function. The value
of the potential difference between the anode and
cathode of the thyratron.
Block 2. Nonlinear transfer function. If the
current in the anode - cathode circuit is less than
0.01 A, then the output value is β€œ0”, otherwise the
output value is β€œ1”. The current value of 0.01 A is
much less than the current flowing in the anode-
cathode circuit at a voltage between these thyratron
electrodes of 150 V. Multiplying the signal from the
output of block 3 by the output signal of block 2
ensures that the thyratron is extinguished at a low
current in the anode-cathode circuit.
Block 3. Nonlinear transfer function. If the
voltage between the anode and cathode increases,
then the output value is β€œ-1”, otherwise β€œ1”. The
signal ensures that the thyratron is kept burning, that
is, the switch is in an on state when the voltage of
the anode-cathode circuit decreases. With increasing
voltage in the anode-cathode circuit, for ignition and
continuation of combustion, the product of the
potential difference between the anode and cathode
(at least 2000 V) and the grid voltage (at least 300
V) is sufficient, provided that each signal has a
positive sign. The fact of an increase in voltage
between the anode and cathode is determined by the
value of the derivative of this voltage. Here, it is
assumed that the voltage increases if the value of its
derivative exceeds 1000. A zero derivative threshold
value was not used to avoid the output signal of
block 3 bouncing near zero.
Block 4. Nonlinear transfer function. If the grid
voltage is less than 300 V, then the output value is
β€œ0”, otherwise β€œ1”. Multiplying the output signal of
block 4 by the grid voltage prohibits turning on the
switch, that is, turning on the thyratron until the grid
voltage reaches the value of the ignition pulse.
Block 5. Constant voltage source. Generates a
voltage (here the value taken is 2000 V) that ensures
combustion of the thyratron, that is, the flow of
current in the anode-cathode circuit by maintaining
a fictitious anode voltage of at least 2000 V in
conditions where the actual voltage of the anode-
cathode circuit is less than 2000 V, but more than
150 V.
Block 6. Limiter that prevents the passage of a
negative signal from the output of block 6 to the
input of block 8 with a positive voltage of the
anode-cathode circuit greater than 2000 V.
Fig. 3: Internal structure of the hierarchical block of the CM of the thyratron
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2023.14.19
Mikhail Pustovetov
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 14, 2023
Block 7. Tabular assignment of the transfer
function. Sets the type of nonlinear dependence that
ensures the extinction of the thyratron, that is,
interruption of the current in the anode-cathode
circuit when the anode-cathode voltage decreases to
less than 150 V. Multiplication by the output signal
of block 7 ensures that the switch is turned off when
the anode-cathode voltage is less than 150 V.
Block 8. Sum. Multiplying by the output signal
of block 8 provides a fictitious anode voltage value
sufficient to maintain the thyratron combustion if
the thyratron is already ignited, and the anode-
cathode voltage value is less than 2000 V, but more
than 150 V. That is, the switch is kept β€œon”.
Block 9. Constant voltage source. Generates a
bias voltage (here assumed to be 2000 V). In
general, the value of the bias voltage depends on the
duration of the ignition pulse: as the pulse duration
decreases, the value of the bias voltage increases.
The results of computer simulation for the test
circuit (Figure 2) are shown in Figure 4, Figure 5,
Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8. The maximum time
step is assumed to be 1 ns.
Fig. 4: Simulation results for the test circuit in
Figure 2. The transition process of
Fig. 5: Simulation results for the test circuit in
Figure 2. Currents and voltages of the thyratron
during the formation of a high voltage pulse
Fig. 6: Simulation results for the test circuit in
Figure 2. Currents and voltages during thyratron
Fig. 7: Simulation results for the test circuit in
Figure 2. Dynamic characteristics of a thyratron:
anode current as a function of the
Fig. 8: Simulation results for the test circuit in
Figure 2. Dynamic characteristics of a thyratron:
anode current as a function of the
4 Conclusion
From Figure 5, Figure 7 and Figure 8 there is a good
correspondence of the maximum value of the anode
pulse current, simulated by the CM, indicated in the
product data sheet, [8].
Thus, a software tool (CM of the TGI1-270/12
thyratron) has been developed, suitable for
constructing more complex CM of electrical and
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2023.14.19
Mikhail Pustovetov
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 14, 2023
electronic circuits and devices to simulate their
operating modes.
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Contribution of Individual Author to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The author equally contributed to the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
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This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2023.14.19
Mikhail Pustovetov
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 14, 2023