inverter's input is also high, resulting in low output.
As a result, the output is similar to that of VIN.
Nodes B and C will be HIGH when the input is
HIGH, whereas nodes A and D will be LOW.
Because node D is low, MN5 is turned off and MP7
is turned on, resulting in high output, similar to
3 Results and Comparison
The proposed level shifter has been designed using
180nm CMOS technology. Its performance was
compared with a r eference circuit, [15]. Both
circuits underwent various analyses including
temperature, frequency, and corner analysis.
Temperature analysis was performed at a co nstant
frequency of 1MHz, with VDDL = 1.8V and VDDH
= 5V, by increasing the temperature from -20 to
The four main performance criteria analyzed for
good level shifter functioning in this section are
propagation delay, power consumption, energy per
transition, and silicon area.
The proposed level shifter for a b uck DC-DC
converter has been implemented in a 180 nm
technology with a single poly and six metal layers.
The active area of the level shifter, as shown in
Figure 4, is approximately 60.142 μm2 (16.66 μm x
3.61 μm).
The transient results of the proposed level shifter
with VDDL=1.8V and VDDH=5V are depicted in
Figure 5. At a frequency of 1MHz, the proposed
circuit operates at a nominal temperature of 27°C,
covering three corners: Nominal-Nominal (N-N),
Slow-Slow (S-S), and Fast-Fast (F-F).
The propagation delay of the proposed level
shifter varies with changes in VDDL across three
corners (N-N, S-S, F-F) and three temperature
settings, as depicted in Figure 6. The propagation
delay decreases significantly as VDDL increases,
which is anticipated. Additionally, when the
temperature rises from -20°C to 100°C, the nominal
corner's propagation delay decreases from 1.4 ns to
0.74 ns at VDDL = 1.8V.
The propagation delay at 27°C for the N-N
corner was achieved at 0.9 ns when the VDDL
increased from 1.2 volts to 2.4 volts. The worst-case
propagation delay was 7.4 ns at the S-S corner and -
20°C, while the best-case propagation delay of 0.42
ns occurred at 100°C in the F-F corner.
Figure 7 illustrates the relationship between
power consumption and VDDL for the proposed
level shifter. The simulation results indicate that the
nominal static power, measured at 27°C with
VDDH = 5V and VDDL ranging from 1.2V to 2.4V,
saturates at 6fW for 1.2V VDDL. When VDDL is
1.2V below the S-S corner at -20°C, the level shifter
consumes just 5.5fW. Its maximum power, at 2.4V
below the F-F corner and 100°C, is 20fW.
A 2000-point Monte Carlo simulation was
performed at the N-N corner with a VDDL of 1.8 V
to evaluate the robustness of our level shifter (refer
to Figure 8).
The largest number of samples were collected at
182.42 ps during a delay event, which is as
expected. The highest number of samples in terms
of static power was reported at 29.52 nW.
Figure 9 shows that as temperatures fluctuate
between -20°C and 100°C, the static power differs
among various corners. Notably, the F-F corner
experiences a much more substantial change in
static power compared to the other two corners.
Specifically, the static power at the F-F corner rises
to 21.5 fW, whereas at the N-N corner, it only
increases by 13 fW. However, the S-S corner
undergoes a lesser variation in thermal power, with
an increase of merely 12 fW.
The proposed level shifter's propagation delay,
energy per transition, and total power are compared
with those in [15], in Figure 10. At 1.8V, the level
shifter in [15], had a delay of 1.2 ns, which is four
times greater than the delay observed in our work
under the same conditions. This provides strong
evidence of the higher speed of our level shifter.
At low supply voltages (VDDL), our proposed
level shifter may have a better performance than two
other level shifters in terms of energy consumption
per transition. As can be observed, at VDDL=1.8V,
it uses 0.01fJ, while the circuits proposed in [15],
consume hundreds of femtojoules (5pJ) of energy.
As a result, our proposed level shifter could
outperform the one proposed in [15]. A
comprehensive comparison with previous works, is
summarized in Table 2.
4 Conclusion
In conclusion, a low-size, fast, and high-
performance level shifter for Buck DC-DC
Converter using cross-coupled configuration has
been successfully designed in 180 nm technology.
Circuit design, simulation, analysis, and layout
design are all included in this study. The
performance of the level shifter is enhanced in this
study. The propagation delay, energy/transition, and
static power were 182.42pS, 0.01 fJ/Transition, and
6 fW, respectively. The final design area is only
60.142 um2. The level shifter super characteristics
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2023.14.18
Said El Mouzouade, Karim El Khadiri, Ahmed Tahiri