Abstract: This paper presents the application of Radial Basis Function neural network in antenna array systems and
in the estimation of polarization rotation estimation in the ionosphere. Radial Basis Function neural network is used
as it satisfies both universal and best approximation property. We present the architecture of the network, as part of
the total system. Presented results show low mean error values and very good match between the referent values and
gained one, which shows the successfulness of the particular neural network.
Keywords: Antenna Array, Array Factor, Neural Network, Radial Basis Function Neural Network
Received: May 19, 2021. Revised: July 2, 2022. Accepted: August 5, 2022. Published: September 14, 2022.
1. Introduction
HE artificial neural networks theory and design advanced
significantly in the last decades. Also, signal processing is
the field where much progress has been achieved. Neural
Networks (NN) are highly suited for solving difficult signal
processing problems, mostly because of their non-linear
nature, their universal approximation property and their ability
to learn from environment in both supervised and unsupervised
A network of many simple processors (units, nodes, or
neurons) presents the NN, where all these units are
interconnected with unidirectional communication channels
(connections) labeled with numerical data, also having a small
amount of local memory [1]. For the NN we can think as a
black box that has certain input and produces certain outputs.
The NN structure and neurons models determine the
functionality of this black box.
It is interesting to note that NN resembles the brain in the
following two aspects:
- A learning process provides the NN to acquire a
- Synaptic weights presented by interneuron connection
are storing that knowledge
The one of most exciting properties of NNs is their
functional approximation capability that makes them suitable
for applications in signal processing, control, communication
channel equalization, pattern recognition and system
identification. The approximation capabilities of various types
of multilayered feedforward architectures have been
investigated since 1990’s with much interest. Actually a
feedforward NN may be seen as a rule of computing the output
values of the neurons in the ith layer from the values of the
outputs of the (i-1)th layer, that actually present a mapping
from the input space Rn to an output space Rn.
The Stone-Weierstrass theorem is effective analytical tool
for function approximation analyses [2]. The relationship
between the Kolmogorov’s theorem and approximation
principle of the feedforward networks was found in 1980’s.
This theorem states that a continuous multivariable function
may be expressed, on a compact domain, in terms of sums of
compositions on single variable functions. It was shown that
NNs with at least one hidden layer are capable of
approximating continuous function if the activation functions
of the hidden neurons are differentiable.
A suitable candidates for NNs application are antenna
systems because of their associated nonlinearities. A
multilayer perceptron with single hidden layer is capable of
approximating any smooth non-linear input-output mapping,
provided that there are sufficient number of neurons in the
hidden layer, to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. This is
referred as universal approximation property. Radial Basis
Function NNs (RBFNs) poses the universal
approximation capability, which was proven by Park and
Sandberg [3], [4]. As an extension to this property, a property
of best approximation is defined. The model that most
closely approximates the generating function, by some
defined distance measure, from given set of models, is said
that poses the best approximating property. RBFNs poses
this property [5], and that’s why they were applied to
antenna array direction of arrival estimation and
beamforming [6], [7], [8].
In this paper we present an examples of RBFNs application
for intelligent antenna array synthesis and also for
Faraday Polarization Rotation (FPR) estimation in the
ionosphere. Next section describes the RBFNs architecture,
and in Section 3 some results are presented.
Overview of RBF NN and Antenna Systems
AUE-FON, Kiro Gligorov 5, 1000 Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2022.13.11
Maja Sarevska
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 13, 2022
Fig.1 architecture of RBF NN
2. RBFN NN Architecture
Fig.1 [9] presents the architecture of RBF NN with two
layers, one hidden and one output layer. The number of
neurons in the hidden layer is S1 and the number of neurons in
the output layer is S2. The weighted input of the neuron is the
weighted distance between the input vector and weight vector,
and each net input of the neuron is dot product between that
distance and bias vector. After passing through the radbas
function the output of the hidden layer is generated, and that is
actually the input vector for the second layer. The transfer
function of the output layer is linear.
Fig. 2 RBF neuron architecture
Fig.2 [9] presents the structure of RBF neuron. Input vector
has R elements, and output is presented with value a. The
block ||dist|| presents some distance measure between the input
vector and connection weights vector, and b presents the bias.
At the end on the figure we can notice the block of the radial
basis function as the activation function of the neuron. Radial
basis transfer function block produce 1 whenever the input
vector is matched with the weight vector which means it
behaves as detector.
The input vector for antenna array synthesis is presented
with limited number of values of array factor or radiation
pattern, and the output presents the phase and amplitude step
for the linear antenna array [10], [11]. For faraday polarization
rotation estimation, the input of RBF NN is latitude of the
monitored place and day time value, and the output is the total
electron content [12]. NN has been used for different types of
antennas [13], [14], [15], and here we discuss antenna
array synthesis and faraday polarization rotation
estimation with RBF NN.
3. Results
Array of elements placed along one direction are presenting
the irregular linear antenna array, with different mutual
distance among the neighbouring elements and with different
amplitudes and phases among the excitations. The array factor
in this case has the form:
Where M+1 is the number of antenna elements, An are the
amplitudes of excitations, β is the phase constant (β=2π/λ, λ is
the wavelength), dn are the mutual distances, is the space
angle and αn are the phase differences of the excitations. Even
for modest number of antenna elements the array factor
determination requires complex calculations for what we need
to use computer calculations. Different distributions of mutual
distances or mutual excitations among the elements produce
variety of radiation patterns (array factors). Antenna array
synthesis presents the determination of the parameters of the
antenna array for already required radiation pattern or array
In our analyses first we assume unit and uniform amplitude
distribution where the inter-element distances is constant, and
where the synthesis will be consisted of the phase difference
determination between the neighbouring antenna elements. For
this antenna array synthesis we assume regular linear antenna
array where the radiation pattern is determined by the number
of antenna elements M, mutual distance of the elements d and
the phase difference α between the two neighbouring elements.
This simple structure will be a strong basis for further analyze
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2022.13.11
Maja Sarevska
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 13, 2022
of irregular antenna arrays. The input of the NN is the
radiation pattern vector and the output is the corresponding
value of α for given number of antenna elements and mutual
The designing procedure for the RBE (Radial Basis with
Exact solution) is outlined below.
The matrix P could be organized in R element vectors F,
which are presenting the radiation pattern in R points (Q
vectors in total).
We have two steps:
1) Network designing
1) Form the input vectors {Fq, q=1,2, . . .,Q}.
2) Generate input/output pairs {Fqq}, where q=1,2, . . . ,Q.
3) Design the RBE.
2) Network testing (Generalization)
1) Form the vectors F’ for the testing input samples.
2) Present input vectors F’ to the RBE.
3) Get the output of the network.
In the next step we assume linear amplitude distribution
with parameter A. Again the phase difference between two
neighbouring antenna elements is α. It this case the array factor
will be:
This time the output NN layer will have two neurons, one
giving the value of α and the other giving the value of A.
The designing procedure for the RBE is outlined below.
The matrix P could be organized in R element vectors F,
which are presenting the radiation pattern in R points (Q
vectors in total).
We have two steps:
1) Network designing
1) Form the input vectors {Fq, q=1,2, . . .,Q}.
2) Generate input/output pairs {Fq,tq}, where q=1,2, . . . ,Q,
and t is two element vector containing the α and A
3) Design the RBE.
2) Network testing (Generalization)
1) Form the vectors F’ for the testing input samples.
2) Present input vectors F’ to the RBE .
3) Get the output of the network, α and A.
The main goal is to observe the influence of additional
parameter in the NN and that is parameter A, to the
performance of the network. That will give us information for
further inclusion of other parameters or different amplitude
distributions, which finally would lead us to irregular array
First we may consider regular linear array with uniform
amplitude distribution. Fig.3 presents the antenna array factor
for 9 antenna elements and with excitation phase difference of
-44 and 44. The mutual distance between the elements is half
wavelength. The training samples were picked with angle step
(Alfa Step) of α of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2, in the range (-
4545). The input samples for the array factor were for
angle step of 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2. The testing samples were
picked with step of 0.05. The results for the mean error rate at
the output of the NN are presented in Fig.4.
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Array Factor
Fig.3 Array factor for M+1=9 and uniform amplitude distribution
Now we may consider linear amplitude distribution antenna
array. Fig.5 presents the array factor for six antenna elements.
For the experiment we fixed α=45 and we used training set
for A=(01) with steps 0.005; 0.01; and 0.02. The array
factor input samples were chosen for angle step of 1. The
mutual element distance was one half wavelength. The mean
error for A at the output of the RBE is presented on Fig. 6.
0.5 1 1.5 2
Alfa Step
Mean error
Fig.4 Mean error for M+1=9 and d=0.5λ
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2022.13.11
Maja Sarevska
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 13, 2022
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Array Factor
-45, uniform
45, linear with step 0.5
Fig.5 Array factor for M+1=6, unıform and linear amplitude distribution
Fig.6 Mean error for A=(01) and α=45
Some of the results using RBF NN for Faraday Polarization
Rotation (FPR) are presented in Fig.7 and Fig.8. We my notice
a low mean error values and good match between the referent
values and RBF NN values.
Fig. 7. Ionospheric FR angle of the P-SAR signal (f = 440 MHz) and L-SAR
signal (f = 1250 MHz) obtained by FPR-RBF model
Fig. 8. Ionospheric FR angle of the P-SAR signal (f = 440 MHz) and L-SAR
signal (f = 1250 MHz) obtained by FPR-RBF model
The FPR-RBF model was applied for FR angle estimation
of the P-band SAR (f = 440 MHz) and L-band SAR (f = 1250
MHz) signals which propagate through the ionosphere above
the Mediterranean area. Ionosphere FR angle of the P-SAR
and L-SAR signals in 24h winter period for latitude la (N) =
35.5 and 39.5 obtained by FPR-RBF model are shown in
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 respectively. For each latitude with this
model we generated the FR angle values for daytime period
with resolution of 6 min which means 241 samples. The results
gained with FPR-RBF model are compared to referent values
on TEC (Total Electronic Content) values read from existing
maps. We may observe a good match of the results gained with
neural model with the referent values can be observed. The FR
angle values of the P-SAR and L-SAR signals in 24 h summer
period, obtained by FPR-RBF model, are shown in Fig. 9 and
Fig. 10 for latitude la (N) = 35.5 and 39.5, respectively. The
same resolution of 6 min which means 241 points is used.
Again we compare the results gained with neural model with
referent values gained from existing maps. We may observe a
good match with the referent values for the summer as in the
case of winter. All results are generated for B||avg = 26 T
belonging to the field change range valid for the
Mediterranean area. Bavg is the average Earth’s magnetic field
intensity in T
The effect that influence the work on satellite
communications systems especially for work of SAR systems
in L and P band is Faraday Polarization Rotation of the EM
wave in the ionosphere. That’s why of great importance is the
estimation of the angle of Faraday rotation in ionosphere for
prediction and error correction in work of these systems
caused by FPR. That’s why the unavoidable task is to estimate
the concentration of free electrons on a propagating path in
ionosphere, or TEC value. Mainly we use empirical models of
the vertical profile of the ionosphere to estimate TEC values
today, that are gained based on large number of measured
results gained with satellite systems or vertical sounding in
longer time period. These models unavailable to ordinary users
and are very complex. Alternative to these models based on
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2022.13.11
Maja Sarevska
E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 13, 2022
available measured data is to form neural network model for
TEC values. It is proven that this model is easy to be realized
and it can determine TEC values quickly based on space and
time information of the signal propagation in the ionosphere.
Previously shown results for used FPR_RBF neural model for
FR angle estimation for winter and summer period in the
Mediterrean region provide good evidence that the use of NNs
to solve this problem is a good choice. The results also prove
that neural network models are a good alternative for the
expensive and hardware demanding numerical models but also
for software for description of the ionosphere influence on EM
propagating waves. This models are also good alternative for
slow and rough estimation of manual reading of TEC values.
Fig. 9. Ionospheric FR angle of the P-SAR signal (f = 440 MHz) and L-SAR
signal (f = 1250 MHz) obtained by FPR-RBF model
Fig. 10. Ionospheric FR angle of the P-SAR signal (f = 440 MHz) and L-SAR
signal (f = 1250 MHz) obtained by FPR-RBF model
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