IV characteristics of 5,14-dihydro-5,7,12,14-tetraazapentacene by Zinc
Abstract: - In this research, the currentvoltage (IV) characteristics of Zinc/5,14-dihydro-5,7,12,14-
tetraazapentacenes (L5H2) doped surface-type structures were investigated in the air at ambient temperature.
The conventional forward bias IV methods were used to extract the diode parameters. The I-V profile
demonstrates a rectifying behavior. Furthermore, the charge transport behavior was evaluated using the I-V
conventional method and Schottky diode analysis. The current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics were
evaluated in both dark and light conditions to determine the key parameters of the photovoltaic effect.
Key-Words: - Zinc/5, 14-dihydro-5,7,12,14-tetraazapentacenes (L5H2), a forward bias IV method, Schottky
Received: September 17, 2022. Revised: February 14, 2023. Accepted: March 13, 2023. Published: April 25, 2023.
1 Introduction
The organic semiconductor is a type of
material, which has recently drawn special
attention in the field of electronics. It is a
hybrid material that consists of both organic
and inorganic materials. Organic
semiconductors are having unique properties
that make them stand out in the field of
electronics. The key properties that are held up
in their popularity are being low-cost, tunable
optoelectronic properties, and high thermal
stability. These materials are lightweight,
flexible, and can easily be produced in large
quantities, making them a cost-effective
alternative to traditional inorganic
semiconductors. Furthermore, organic
semiconductors have a tunable optoelectronic
behavior, which means that their electrical and
optical properties can be controlled by
changing the molecular structure [1-3].
Organic semiconductors have already found
widespread applications in various electronic
devices. One of the most popular applications
of organic semiconductors is in the production
of OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes).
OLEDs are lightweight, flexible, and can be
produced at a lower cost than traditional light-
emitting diodes. Another application of organic
semiconductors is in the development of
organic solar cells that can generate electricity
from sunlight. Organic photovoltaic cells have
high power conversion efficiency and can be
produced using low-cost materials. Other
applications of organic semiconductors include
organic thin-film transistors, organic field-
effect transistors, and organic sensors. In
conclusion, organic semiconductor materials
are achieving popularity due to their unique
properties, low cost, and tunable optoelectronic
behavior. They have already been put into
operation for various types of electronic
devices such as OLEDs, organic solar cells,
and organic transistors. The prospects of
organic semiconductors are promising, and we
can expect to see them being used in a variety
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
DOI: 10.37394/232027.2023.5.2
Hassan Ghalami Bavil Olyaee,
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
Volume 5, 2023
E-ISSN: 2769-2507
Department of Physics
South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
Shahid Deh-Haghi AVE, Fifth Bridge, Abouzar Blvd, Pirouzi AVE, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1777613651,
of electronic applications in the future [4-6].
The usage of organic semiconductors is
expected to grow in the coming years. Many
research groups have been working on
developing advanced organic semiconductors
that have even better properties than the current
ones. Some of the areas where organic
semiconductors are expected to find
applications in the future include flexible
electronics, wearable electronics, and printed
(L5H2) with molecular formula C18H12N4 was
used for the fabrication of Schottky diodes.
The molecular structure is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig 1. The structure of 5,14-dihydro-5,7,12,14-
tetraazapentacene (L5H2)
tetraazapentacenes is a complex molecule
consisting of a Zinc ion bonded to a molecule
of 5,14-dihydro-5,7,12,14-tetraazapentacene,
which is an organic compound with a fused
five-ring structure containing four nitrogen
atoms. It has potential applications in organic
electronics as a catalyst. This molecule has
potential applications in electronic and
optoelectronic devices due to its unique
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Sample Preparation
The thin films of L5H2 and Zinc were deposited
by evaporation from a resistive heating element
in an oil-pumped vacuum system onto the
Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) glass substrates. ITO
is a mixed oxide of indium and tin with a
melting point within the range of 15261926°C
(18002200 K, 2800–3500 °F), depending on
composition. ITO is a transparent, conductive
oxide. It has several electrical properties;
including having a high electrical conductivity,
and being an ideal material for conducting
electricity in electronic devices. ITO has a
rather low resistance in a way that allows it to
be used in electrodes for a variety of devices. A
schematic view of the sample is shown in Fig.
2 [7-10].
Fig 2. A schematic view of a sample
I-V measurements were carried out on the
sample using a Keithley 230 Programmable
Voltage Source and a Keithley 485 Pico-
Applying the OLEDs technology has caused
the efficiency and lifetime of white OLEDs to
reach the maximum level. The new technology
of OLEDs has taken over other semiconductor
display devices because of having striking
feature [11-12].
3. Results and discussion
The plot of I-V for the Zinc/5,14-dihydro-
5,7,12,14-tetraazapentacenes (L5H2) contact
shows rectification characteristics (Fig 3). The
rectification ratio in a diode is the ratio of the
DC (direct current) output voltage to the AC
(alternating current) input voltage of a diode
rectifier circuit. It is a measure of how well the
circuit can convert AC input to DC output with
minimum ripple. The rectification ratio is
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
DOI: 10.37394/232027.2023.5.2
Hassan Ghalami Bavil Olyaee,
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
Volume 5, 2023
E-ISSN: 2769-2507
calculated as the average value of the output
voltage divided by the maximum value of the
input voltage. The higher the rectification ratio
is, the better the diode can convert and smooth
out the AC signal. The range of rectification
ratio in a diode is the ratio between the number
of charge carriers crossing the PN junction in
the depletion region during forward biasing
and the number of carriers diffusing across the
junction during reverse biasing. It indicates the
rectifying efficiency of a diode, which means
how well it blocks the flow of current in one
direction and allows it towards another. The
higher the rectification ratio, the better the
rectifying efficiency of the diode will be. The
calculated rectification ratio is 1 at 17oC at
room temperature.
Series resistance in a diode refers to the
resistance presented by components in series
with the diode in a circuit. This may include
resistors or other components that are placed
between the voltage source and the diode.
Series resistance can affect the behavior of a
diode, particularly in terms of the voltage drop
across the diode and the amount of current that
flows through it. Some factors such as the
value of the series resistance may cause the
forward voltage of the diode to drop, and the
applied voltage can all impact the behavior of
the diode in a series circuit. The series
resistance is .
Fig 3. I-V Characteristic curve of Zinc/5, 14-
dihydro-5,7,12,14-tetraazapentacenes (L5H2)
4 Conclusion
In this paper, the rectification ratio is 1. It means
that the output voltage of the rectifier is equal to the
input voltage. On the other hand, there is no change
in the voltage level, and the rectifier has not
rectified the alternating current (AC) signal. Also,
when the series resistance in a diode is high, it
means there is a significant amount of resistance in
the circuit that limits the current flowing through
the diode. This can result in a reduction in the
amount of current that can flow through the circuit,
which may impact the overall performance of the
circuit. In practical terms, a high series resistance
can result in reduced power output, slower response
times, and increased heat distributed in the diode.
Although 5,14-dihydro-5,7,12,14-
tetraazapentacenes (L5H2) is a semiconducting
material, when it is connected with zinc metal, it
shows ohmic behavior according to Fig 3. In case,
aluminum metal shows non-ohmic behavior for the
Schottky diode.
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Contribution of individual authors to
the creation of a scientific article
(ghostwriting policy)
Hassan Ghalami Bavil Olyaee has carried out
all of the scientific works belonging to this
research consisting of calculations, simulation,
and extraction of the results.
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi has organized
the paper.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Conflicts of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
DOI: 10.37394/232027.2023.5.2
Hassan Ghalami Bavil Olyaee,
Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi
Volume 5, 2023
E-ISSN: 2769-2507