Applicants. If they were to exist, very high
investment and much stricter regulation would
be necessary, obliging attendees to accredit their
affiliation with Occupational Risk Management
5 Conclusion
The SECAP is a service that allows UNAL to make
use of its physical and technological space through a
service that enables candidates to quantify their
current level, identify their weaknesses, and learn
about goods and services that are available on the
market to improve their scores in future evaluations.
Day by day, some services and solutions allow
bringing the Laboratory Home through simulators.
Candidates must keep in mind that market
conditions change, and although there are topics that
are valid since the time they were studying for their
undergraduate and graduate degrees, it is necessary
to know the state of the art and learn to apply the
rules that have been recently issued. Omitting this
principle will put them at a disadvantage compared
to other competitors in the selection process.
In personnel selection processes related to the
electrical field, it is very important to impartially
evaluate the candidates. A selection error can lead to
an accident that can cause economic losses and
workplace accidents. It is also not advisable to favor
a candidate or induce other candidates to make
mistakes. The SECAP can only operate efficiently if
it is used within clean selection processes.
Human Resources Departments must continually
update themselves to examine the solutions
available in the market related to the virtual
recreation of work conditions.
Higher Education Institutions must continue to
provide simulation tools to their students so that
they can recreate the laboratories developed during
their stay when preparing to take an aptitude test.
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DOI: 10.37394/232010.2024.21.7
John Milton, Ramírez Romero,
Andrés Esteban Murillo Moreno, Sergio Rivera