Teaching and Learning Computational Mathematics with Intensive
Application of the Virtual Campus
Computer and Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Basic Sciences,
National Technological University - Rosario Regional Faculty,
Zeballos 1341,
Abstract: - Nowadays, the field of professional development in engineering requires appropriate and relevant
training for a satisfactory insertion in the labor market. This requires that educational institutions provide not
only the specific knowledge of the career being studied but also must complement it with other skills necessary
for adequate performance in the work environment. Based on these premises, this paper describes the design of
a classroom experience to be implemented in the subject of Advanced Calculus (AC), a third-level subject of
the Mechanical Engineering course. The proposed activities are developed in the Computer and
Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Basic Sciences available at the faculty and seek to encourage the use of the
virtual campus, where the mediation between the content of the subject and the concrete applications of simple
engineering models are the axis to develop the topic: Analytical Functions of Complex Variables (AFCV).
Key-Words: - Virtual Campus, Advanced Calculus, Laboratory, Complex Variables, Multidisciplinary,
Received: June 29, 2022. Revised: August 9, 2023. Accepted: September 13, 2023. Published: October 13, 2023.
1 Introduction
Engineering is influenced by mathematical
modeling, i.e. increasingly complex elements
provided by mathematical science are becoming
more and more useful in concrete applications.
In engineering achievements, there is a rapid
transfer of theoretical results to the technological
field due to the explosive computational progress.
Technological advances in recent years have had
a strong impact on higher education, broadening
educational scenarios. Physical campuses are being
replaced or complemented by others of a virtual
nature, and relationships within the community are
developed preferably in a non-presential format and
not always synchronously.
The presence of physical campuses and virtual
campuses to develop teaching and learning
processes give rise to new educational
In these environments, there is not only a change
in space and time but also in responsibilities, tasks,
materials, activities, and evaluations.
In short, decisions about what, when, where,
how, and how much to teach transform the
traditional conceptions of educational environments.
Virtual workspaces, modeling systems, and
simulations complement real classroom work and
allow students to verify hypotheses, and explore
dynamic relationships to show the same element in
different contexts.
In the training of the Mechanical Engineer, basic
knowledge indispensable to approach the analysis
and resolution of complex systems, which involve
advanced mathematics, must be contemplated.
Students are expected to develop analytical,
qualitative, and numerical methods capable of
solving diverse mathematical models that describe
real-life systems or phenomena.
The modeling process is articulated by means of
a network of components of determined specificity,
where the student is subjected to constant decision-
making that induce him/her to systemic thinking.
Based on these premises, this paper describes the
design of a classroom experience to be implemented
in the subject of Advanced Calculus (AC), a third-
level subject of the Mechanical Engineering course.
The proposed activities are developed in the
Computer and Multidisciplinary Laboratory of
Basic Sciences available at the faculty and seek to
encourage the use of the virtual campus, where the
mediation between the content of the subject and the
concrete applications of simple engineering models
are the axis to develop the topic: Analytical
Functions of Complex Variables (AVCF).
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
2 Laboratory as a Classroom
The class is held at the Mathematics
Multidisciplinary Computer Laboratory of the
faculty. The Laboratory is an area where activities
are carried out to support the Mathematics area
courses to fulfill the numerical, symbolic, and
graphic calculation aspects of the subjects of the
The teaching team is involved in the
implementation of new methodological strategies
for the development of the curricular contents,
generating the necessary didactic material for the
realization of theoretical, practical, and
technological workshops.
From the line of educational innovation in
engineering, we continue working on new teaching
paradigms to achieve, in Higher Education, greater
development of intellectual capacities, acquisition of
skills, the substitution of obsolete techniques for
more efficient and faster means, and better
interaction in the teaching-learning process.
Based on this, and thanks to the inclusion of new
advances in computer science, we have
implemented the use of new pedagogical
methodologies and diverse didactic strategies,
aiming at the interdisciplinary work that is
considered necessary in the area of Engineering and
that must be approached from Mathematics.
From all angles, dimensions, perspectives of any
issue, problem, idea, or concept can be
contemplated from different disciplinary areas and
presented immediately through hypertext links and
search engines, [1].
Working in the laboratory offers vast
possibilities for incorporating new educational
technologies and online applications that propose a
more dynamic and participatory teaching-learning
The use of the virtual campus has created,
through activities, educational resources,
interaction, and communication, an expanded
educational space that transcends the classroom and
brings new forms of communication and expression
to the daily lives of both students and teachers.
3 Technology in the Classroom
The incorporation of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) into the
educational field is a central issue, which has gained
relevance in higher education centers and especially
in engineering careers, in which the disciplines must
present a line of work, research, or study dedicated
to digital technologies in their specific schedule.
Within the line of work proposed to be carried
out in the classroom intervention project, it is
essential to generate new work environments, apply
modern methodologies, and provide innovative
strategies in the course of mathematical subjects.
This is achieved with a computer-mediated
design and planning system, where a set of activities
and communicational expressions are created as
fundamental axes of the teaching process for the
achievement of independent learning.
The computer environment generated has the
characteristic of concentrating state-of-the-art
intercommunication technologies and highlights the
use of summary generation, immediate and
collaborative answers between students and
teachers; links to videoconferences and
presentations of topics with great deployment of
graphic teaching methods.
This solves the availability of material and
information, accessing it from different workstations
and solving the problems associated with learning
through a process of real-time feedback.
This virtual environment, implemented in
parallel with the lectures and laboratory activities,
favors and encourages self-management of learning
and efficient use of time, since it provides an
interactive medium that enriches the curricular
planning of the courses and interdisciplinary
4 Regulatory Context
Nowadays, the field of professional development in
engineering requires appropriate and relevant
training for a satisfactory insertion in the labor
market. This requires that educational institutions
provide not only the specific knowledge of the
career being studied but also must complement it
with other skills necessary for adequate performance
in the work environment.
It is necessary to increase intensive practice,
promote collaborative work, impose an environment
where the formation of groups and teams is natural,
and ensure that the student acquires a good
disposition towards the other members of his group,
[2], [3].
The new managerial lines in the working
environments aim at a special ductility and
conditions of adaptation to new technologies, a
tangible facility for the acquisition of their
operability, and a clear inclusion within the staff as
a whole.
The accreditation bodies of all countries echo
these new demands, so they urge universities to
promptly adapt their curricular contents to the
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
competencies that engineers must possess, [3], [4].
The national commission for university
evaluation and Accreditation is a governmental
organization for the accreditation of engineering
careers that in its methodological proposal mentions
standards to be followed, among which it is
highlighted that the curriculum should include, [3]:
Experimental laboratory, workshop, or field
training that trains the student in the specialty to
which the program refers.
Engineering problem-solving activities, real or
hypothetical, in which knowledge of basic
sciences and technologies are applied.
Engineering project and design activities,
contemplating significant experience in these
fields that require the integrated application of
fundamental concepts of basic sciences, basic
and applied technologies.
Skills that stimulate the student's capacity for
analysis, synthesis, and critical spirit, awaken
their creative vocation, and train for teamwork
and evaluation of alternatives.
Supervised instances of training in professional
practice, even if ideal, for all students.
The university needs to make educational spaces
expand and transcend the classroom, to get closer to
the everyday environments of the people involved,
and the Internet offers the possibility of using new
educational technologies to achieve this.
With the evolution and development of ICT, on
the one hand, and the need for better and more
effective online communication and collaboration
tools, on the other, technological platforms have
emerged that integrate a wide variety of
communication and collaboration resources and are
applied both for work and education and their use is
based on cooperative and collaborative work/study
methodologies, [5].
In this work, this sign of progress in the
teaching-learning process is considered and a site is
incorporated, the virtual classroom of AC, with the
characteristic of concentrating hypermedia
technologies to collaborate in the educational
5 Organization of the Virtual Space
The university provides a virtual campus based on a
platform called Moodle that allows academic units
to manage online courses.
The word Moodle is an acronym for Module
Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
This platform is a learning management system
installed on a server, which is used to manage,
distribute and control non-face-to-face training
Moodle is a free distribution tool, it is a global
project designed for the development of educational
environments in continuous growth and with the
possibility of incorporating contributions from the
national and international academic technological
environment, allowing exploring new ways or
generating their own, [3].
Within the virtual campus of the university, a
virtual space was built and configured for the
Computer and Multidisciplinary Laboratory of
Basic Sciences, among others, and also virtual
classrooms for the subjects AC, Mathematical
Analysis I, Algebra and Analytical Geometry,
Mathematical Analysis II, Computational
Mathematics and Engineering.
The author of this paper is an administrator in
several virtual classrooms. Figure 1 shows the
author's virtual classroom session with all the virtual
classes he is in charge of.
Fig. 1: Virtual classrooms
All the quality standards inherent to virtual
training sites were considered in their design, and
multiple educational resources were provided to
make the best possible use of the hypermedia tools
available and those offered by the platform.
Educational material in different formats is
Figure 2 below shows the front page of the CA
virtual classroom page and some of the incorporated
resources currently in use.
6 Methodological Criteria
The basic problem of how to teach lies in creating
the conditions for the knowledge schemas
constructed by the learner to evolve in a given
The key question is not whether learning should
give priority to content or processes, but to ensure
that they are meaningful and functional.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
Considering that Mathematics influences all
aspects of human life and culture, it would be
desirable that any student, at any level, be able to
obtain the necessary skills to build his or her
knowledge. At the same time, it should be good that
teachers were able to provide with skills to promote
creative and meaningful teaching-learning situations
and activities that encourage students to learn, [6].
The learner needs to have sufficient prior
knowledge from which to approach the proposed
contents, to establish relationships between them as
complex and rich as possible that will allow him/her
to increase the meaning of his/her learning.
Therefore, it is convenient to help the student to
remember, reorder or assimilate the necessary
previous knowledge related to the proposed content,
to successfully address the programmed learning,
designing cognitive bridges between the new
content and the structure of knowledge that the
student has -previous organizers- and develop
appropriate strategies to put students in a favorable
situation to learn.
Fig. 2: CA virtual environment
This implies an intense activity on the part of the
student and a real commitment on the part of the
teacher in terms of direction, coordination, and
pedagogical assistance.
The aim is to get the student out of his passive
role, acquiring a memorizing capacity that does not
allow him to think on his own and create.
In addition, the widespread availability of new
interactive information and communication
technologies provides an immense amount of
possibilities that materialize with the development
of new models of teaching and learning, and given
that the work of engineering analysis is based on a
computer-mediated system and communication, it is
considered important to generate a space in which a
set of activities, exchanges, and communicative
relations are produced as the fundamental axis of the
educational process. The Cover of the AFCV theme
is presented in Figure 3.
The proposed didactic activities consist of
analyzing the students' previous ideas, emphasizing
a theoretical investigation by the students under the
guidance of the teachers, to make an analogy with
the physical parameters of the system under study,
and finally, with the information gathered, solve the
problematic situation proposed for the
conceptualization of the topic.
Fig. 3: Cover of the AFCV theme
7 Objectives
The programmed activities are aimed at:
To carry out non-demonstrative laboratory
experiences that allow for the real participation
of small groups of students in the first years of
their careers and to facilitate the
conceptualization of the topics by designing
activities through the Moodle platform and with
digitalized didactic material specially prepared
for each topic.
Transform the Mathematics class into an
experimental workshop, in which learning is
generated through techniques that shift the focus
from the teacher to the student, understanding
that the construction of concepts, skills, and
attitudes acquired by students should lead them
to achieve autonomy in the study of analytical
functions of complex variables, knowing their
mathematical basis and recognizing when and
where to apply them.
The main objective of the implemented proposal
is to integrate computational mathematics with
technological areas in the Engineering
curriculum and to incorporate new work styles
based on organizing principles that allow linking
knowledge and giving it meaning, transforming
what is generated by disciplinary frontiers.
To understand in depth the processes of change
initiated from the potentialities offered by the
different computational resources in the
construction of knowledge, being of utmost
importance to investigate the implementation of
classroom strategies that allow, from the
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
mathematics-computing relationship, to
articulate the basic disciplines with the
technological ones.
To facilitate the construction of the necessary
knowledge for the management of the complex:
to design and implement applications that
involve the resolution of engineering systems
and to use symbolic computation and advanced
graphic methods, different integrating proposals
were organized to present applications from the
8 Classroom Intervention Project
8.1 Methodological Changes
The development of the AFCV subject is carried out
respecting the qualitative paradigm framed in what
is known as classroom experiences. We are working
with a population of approximately 25 students of
the Mechanical Engineering course within the
subject AC, a third-level subject of this course.
The purpose of this design is to make a
methodological change in the way of teaching the
subject, using the virtual classroom and the physical
space provided by the Computer and
Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Basic Sciences.
The experience corresponds to a class that does
not have the character of a traditional class, nor is it
a master class. The class is taught in a theoretical
and practical way, encouraging the active
participation of the students, and is oriented to the
understanding of the subject in an integrative way,
with isolated tools of symbolic calculus.
The development of the class is based on group
learning applying different dynamics: group
discussion, problem-solving technique, case
method, use of the virtual platform and the use of
computer resources will be encouraged whenever
possible and appropriate.
The teacher will assume the role of learning
facilitator, performing the functions of organizer,
stimulator, and supervisor of the task performed by
the group. The teacher interacts with the students at
all times to achieve the construction of knowledge.
The purpose of the teachers who carry out the
experience is to obtain active and critical
participation of the students, which will be achieved
by selecting and grading all classroom activities
according to their complexity and always providing
adequate modeling according to the problems of the
career or profession.
The teaching strategies are established from
different activities without neglecting the theoretical
foundation, respecting the interdisciplinary
approach and based on constructivist learning.
The methodology applied aims to create a
learning space where a set of experimental activities
are developed as a fundamental line of the
educational process.
If we focus on Higher Education, and more
specifically on Engineering, we can observe that
some authors propose that teacher should emphasize
that students develop capacities and skills, as well as
stimulate them to think, reason and deduce. In other
words, we should not only transmit concepts,
formulas, etc., but also provide them, from a
functionalist, utilitarian and practical approach, with
knowledge that allows them to develop in life, as
well as skills that improve their mathematical
culture and autonomy in learning [6].
8.2 Didactic Material
Students have at their disposal didactic material for
the development of the subject in the virtual space
of the subject AC.
The different files include videos with exercises,
texts with theory, solved exercises, self-assessments,
multiple-choice questionnaires with self-correction,
and space for forums and consultations.
Figure 4 shows the cover page of the material
available on the virtual campus.
Fig. 4: Materials available in the virtual classroom
8.3 Teaching Sequences
In the first instance, the aim is to motivate the
students with the presentation of an engineering
model of the Transport Phenomena branch of an
ideal fluid that corresponds to a case that in the
future they could study more exhaustively in the
upper cycle Fluid Mechanics course.
Motivation plays a fundamental role in making
the teaching-learning process functional and
Motivation is a commonly used concept when
pointing at individuals’ desire to do something. In,
[7] is described the motivation as the potential to
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
direct behavior through the mechanisms that control
emotion or simplified as the inclination to do certain
things and avoid others.
Motivations are reasons individuals have for
behaving in a given manner in a given situation, [8].
This means that a motive is, therefore, something
that causes a person to act. These definitions
provide us a good starting point to consider
undergraduate engineering students’ motivation in a
mathematics course.
The motivation to do something, in this case to
learn mathematics, is commonly divided into two
distinct types according to the source of the
motivation. Intrinsic motivation describes the desire
to do academic tasks because one enjoys them. A
student who is intrinsically motivated is interested
in learning the content of a course. Extrinsic
motivation, in contrast, describes the desire to do
such tasks to earn rewards, such as credits, grades,
or simply approval, [9].
It has been observed that the incorporation of
practical cases in this course improves the overall
mechanical performance of the students. It is
explained by an inherent motivation for practical
applications that is useful to better understand the
course basis, [10].
For the training of engineers and other
professionals in the field of engineering, it is
attractive to use models and methods provided by
mathematics, since they are the ones who must offer
the most optimal solutions to the various models
proposed to achieve abstract thinking.
In the initial phase of learning, the aim is to
motivate the student so that the new learning
situation awakens curiosity in him/her. At this stage,
the learner must be mobilized and effectively
committed to the new activities to be performed,
For this purpose, a two-dimensional flow system
of an incompressible, non-viscous fluid
corresponding to an irrotational field moving in a
steady state for an expression of the complex
velocity potential is presented to the students for
analysis. The instructions are attached to the virtual
site of the course. The Practical work assignment is
presented in Figure 5.
Fig. 5: Practical work assignment
Another issue to take into account is that the
approach of a simple and real situation to introduce
the new content is to answer the constant question
that students repeat to Mathematics teachers: What
is this good for?
The choice of the motivating example is based
on the fact that there is a direct relationship between
the concepts of analytical functions of complex
variables with the velocity of an ideal fluid and
other physical parameters that will be used in the
planned model.
In the virtual classroom, there is a series of files
of different formats that will serve as a tutorial
guide to be able to face all the activities.
After the presentation of the case, the students
are informed that from the following day, they will
have available on the virtual campus a brief self-
evaluation with a google drive form, with questions
that they will have to answer through the multiple
choice selection system, immediately after finishing
it, they can see the answers online and thus have an
assessment of what their previous knowledge of the
subject is.
In all work sessions, both in the classroom and in
the virtual classroom, students work in small groups
of a maximum of three students.
Students themselves choose the pair to work in
the laboratory during all the sessions. The objective
is to enhance the discussion and to help each other
in the experimental setup. Working with groups
with large number of students may enhance the
discussion but each student will not have the chance
to experiment in the laboratory as much as if they
were only two. Another issue about the grouping is
the way that the pairs are done. If lecturers know in
advance the students, they could propose the pairs in
order to guarantee that they will cooperate and
collaborate during the experiment (and avoid
discussions between members of a group). Due to
the schedule, this never happens, and students
organize the groups themselves, [12].
Google Drive allows them to work
collaboratively on the same document and all at the
same time.
The day after the previous activity they will have
a questionnaire of previous ideas, more extensive
than the previous one, which they have to deliver
with a duly completed report that must be attached
in the virtual classroom, and they have an
inexorable deadline of 72 hours for its delivery. The
Previous ideas questionnaire is presented in Figure
Previous knowledge is organized in our mind in
the form of cognitive structures. A cognitive
structure is a set of already acquired knowledge that
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
are interrelated with each other, and are those that
allow us not to make sense of any new knowledge,
Fig. 6: Previous Ideas questionnaire
The proposed questionnaire is a vehicle for the
teacher to detect the preconceptions that the students
have, and as these ideas manifest themselves it is
possible to construct and incorporate the new
Lots of skills related to research and presentation
of the results are worked in this activity, as well as
those more related to the theoretical concepts. It is
important to have a clear guideline to perform this
activity to help the students to focus on the different
parts of the experiment that they have to prepare,
In the following class, a discussion is organized
where students exchange opinions about the
preconceptions questionnaire. Then, in the same
class, after exposing the students’ preconceptions,
the aim is to establish, analyze, discuss, and
formalize the theoretical concepts inherent to the
subject under study. For this purpose, a series of
activities are designed, which will be complemented
by the previous ideas they have.
The student-student interaction intends that in all
class sessions, the students work collaboratively as
they will do in their future professional life, but
always under the supervision of the teachers who
carry out the experience, who assume the role of
guide of the teaching-learning process.
The students have at their disposal in the
Laboratory specific bibliography to be able to
investigate and analyze the topic to be taught,
besides, the Internet connectivity of all the PCs
helps them to explore and search for material on the
whole web.
All the groups of students will meet with the
same conformation that they had already chosen,
and with the suggested bibliographic material, the
articles that they search on the Internet and that will
be uploaded to the virtual campus to share them,
they will obtain a theoretical tutorial guide of the
concepts to be used in the work proposal. According
to our request, the conclusions reached by each
group will be listened to and reviewed to carry out a
debate on the concepts of the topic and then propose
a theoretical framework.
Table 1. Analogy between the definitions of the
derivative of real and complex functions
Derivative of a
real function of a
real variable
Derivative of the
function of
variable with
As shown in Table 1, the analogy between the
definitions of the derivative of a function at a point
for a real function f of a real variable and the
derivative of a function at a point for a function of a
complex variable is used as a trigger for the topic.
From the analogy in both definitions, it must be
emphasized that they are different expressions,
because c is a real number, so it can be represented
by a point on the real line, while about the complex
variable and the functions dependent on them, it is
known that a plane is required to represent the
complex numbers, so w is a fixed point in the
Argand diagram, somewhere in the plane.
Students are then asked to develop the definition
in two different ways. From both developments,
students, with teacher guidance, can formalize the
theory of the topic.
After answering and discussing all the answers, a
joint document is written as a guide to continue
learning the topic.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
Solving a situation proposed by the teacher to
seek information from the student about their
knowledge of the topics covered in the strategy,
which will vary according to the type of situation:
bibliographic, experiments, teacher intervention,
and audiovisual, [14].
With the definitions, developments, and
conclusions that have been exposed, the students
can elaborate a written theoretical material that is
submitted to the virtual site of the subject to
continue with the activity.
Fig. 7: Theoretical material
Figure 7 shows an extract of a possible theory
uploaded to the virtual classroom by the students.
Fig. 8: Practical work assignments
After formalizing the theory, the students can
model the system under study, as requested by the
tutorial guide shown in Figure 8, trying to relate the
theoretical concepts with the variables that make up
the dynamic system.
From the formalization of the theory, the
students can model the system under study, as
requested in the tutorial guide that can be visualized
in Figure 8, trying to relate the theoretical concepts
with the variables that make up the dynamic system.
In Figure 9, we can see a possible modeling of
the system under study requested in the tutorial
guide to solve the practical work.
Fig. 9: Modeling the system under study
The students use software to carry out the
activity, the groups expose their answers and final
data. Throughout the process, the students can
consult with the teachers to clarify any doubts or
conflicts that may arise. Figure 10 shows the graph
of the system under study.
Fig. 10: Model graphic
The experience has not yet been evaluated.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023
9 Conclusion
The use of the virtual space provides several
opportunities for students to participate in the
activities proposed in the Advanced Calculus
course, opening communication channels between
teachers and students.
The greater availability and variety of the material
promotes a better and faster understanding of the
topics, and encourage students to self-manage their
All the elements of the virtual classroom are
permanently available to the student, not depending
on schedules or fortuitous events, and the most
complex items are dealt with through different
media, which constitutes an enrichment of the
materials related to that topic and a deepening of its
The use of technological means invites the student
to operate with different applications and software
packages, to download special complements for
their operation, incorporating in parallel knowledge
on how to operate the different resources available.
The virtual classroom establishes better
communication, facilitating conceptualization in
areas of difficulty, and even the detection of
particular needs. Teachers can better organize help
for students who have some difficulty, both
conceptual and technical, and even explore and
propose new activities.
The space brings together a set of tools that evolve
according to the planned activities, to the needs of
the students, and to the detection of the most
frequent problems and the most marked
The work environment and the virtual context
become a space for students to meet, and exchange
opinions, knowledge, and doubts that reinforce the
relationship between students and teachers, making
the activities more dynamic and motivating.
The author would like to thank his teacher Ing. Mg.
Alicia María Tinnirello. Teacher, researcher, and
Director of Research Projects, her dedication, and
patience made possible the completion of this work.
Her teachings, advice, and precise corrections
enhanced my training as a researcher.
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E-ISSN: 2224-3410
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.11
Eduardo Gago
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 20, 2023