Abstract: The fourth industrial revolution emerges from a demanding need for reskilling and upskilling every
active working person. Furthermore, the European Commission included key policy instruments for resilience,
social fairness, and sustainable competitiveness in the European Skills Agenda. Distance training and education
programs are key factors to succeed in the targets mentioned above. Due to the o COVID-19 pandemic, already
30% of the total education in European countries has further expanded. As a result, online evaluation
approaches are more than necessary. Various methodologies have been applied to evaluate the online training
sessions, from traditional statistics to context analysis and, the newly introduced text mining and sentiment
analysis. This work used conventional descriptive statistical methods and advanced text mining methods to
analyse data collected by private sector online training seminars—a total of 50 trainees in 5 seminars conducted
by the private sector during COVID-19 pandemic training activities. A typical text mining analysis performed
on a low is some open questions and a small number of texts.
Key-Words: training, evaluation, E-Learning, text mining, AI
Received: June 7, 2022. Revised: December 22, 2022. Accepted: January 24, 2023. Published: February 22, 2023.
1. Introduction
The fourth industrial revolution emerged,
demanding frequent reskill and upskilling of the
workers [1]. The European Commission included in
the European Skills Agenda key policy instruments
for resilience, social fairness, and sustainable
competitiveness [2]. This is a crucial factor in the
implementation of distance training and education
programs. Nowadays, almost 30% of the total
education is in European countries [3]. The COVID-
19 pandemic further expands online learning
activities within all sectors, private, public, non-
profit, and engineering, either in rural or urban
places [4-5].
In addition to that, the identification of robust and
reliable online evaluation approaches online is more
than important [6-7]. Educational and training
evaluation procedures have been extensively
examined in the literature during the last decade,
leading to various methods and revealing the
different strengths and weaknesses as needed
concerning the other educational processes [8-10].
During the last decades, data mining was
introduced as a set of new data analysis methods for
general applications and applied to training and
learning evaluation methods [11-13].
More specifically, newer text-mining methods have
been used to evaluate healthcare training sessions
[14]. Text mining aims to analyse data and find
sentiment within the text. This approach snowballs
to explore sensations, attitudes, moods, affection,
sentiments, opinions, and appeals of text within any
electronically written document [15]. The first
applications were found in the scientific field of
behavioural sciences [16] and then expanded to
other scientific areas, including education [17-18].
Additional worth mentioning sentiment analysis
techniques applied in the education field are [19],
which enables educators to understand their
students' needs and preferences, and [20], which
helps to minimise the distance between the e-
learners and the trainers in situations of distance
learning seminars.
The present work applied both traditional
descriptive analysis and text-mining methods to
investigate the opinion of trainees. In addition, low-
text data numbers' performance tests text mining's
Evaluation of Vocational E-Learning Seminars
Aegean University
School of Humanities
Health Informatics
Faculty of Nursing,
National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Athens
Aegean University
Faculty of Humanities
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.5
Dimitrios Tsimaras,
Emmanouil Zoulias, Chryssi Vitsilaki
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
2. Data Description
The data are from 5 seminars during 2020-2022,
performed as fully online synchronous and
asynchronous seminars. A small number of about
ten trainees took part in each seminar. For each
seminar, the same questionnaire was provided to
trainees as the evaluation method of the training
program. This questionnaire is composed of a set of
questions, both open and closed.
The questionnaire comprised 56 questions, and
only 4 were open questions. Regarding the closed
questions, a descriptive analysis was performed
using simple percentage and counting methods. The
four available questions were “If it's your choice, do
you prefer to have the camera on or off during
modern telelearning and why?”, “What do you think
went well in modern distance learning c? What,
what did you like?”, “What do you think did not go
well in modern distance learning c? What, what did
you not like?” and “Please provide a brief,
additional comment or observation about distance
education that you consider important” were further
analysed with text mining analysis. The analysis is
based on the open-text questions deployed by the
RapidMiner tool using a text-mining method. The
text mining analysis aimed to identify patterns in
phrases, words, and sentences which declare a
positive or negative position towards online
3. Classification Procedure
In this study, the initial data (sentences) were taken
by the open-ended questions of the questionnaire
mentioned above and retrieved as an excel file. The
community-free version of RapidMiner software
was used to apply the methodology.
The initial step was to load the data into the
software (Figure 1 Read Excel). The second step
was the conversion of all nominal attributes to string
attributes since the tools used later process only
string attributes (Figure 1 “Nominal to Text).
The step has only one parameter (attribute filter),
which is set to all in this work. This resulted in
selecting all available attributes of the example set.
The third step has various sub-steps. In Figure 1
is the operator named “Process Documents from
Data.” This operator has a word as an input list and
results in attributes as an output in the form of a
processed word list. Within this step, data from files
are converted to texts ready to be processed. The
analysis of the third step to the sub-step appears in
Figure 2.
There are various options on how to apply
tokenization. The First Internal Step is
“Tokenization” [21]. The work of tokenizing a
document is to split every text into divided elements
or items, such as words. In this work, the
“Tokenize” operator is used (Figure 2) of the
RapidMiner. This work selects splitting text into
single words as an attribute. Clarifying this, the
sentence "I already used Knowledge from the course
in my Job,” the application of tokenization, will
result in the following series of words: "I,”
"already,” "used,” "Knowledge,” "from,” "the,”
"course,” "in,” "my,” "Job.”
The second Internal step, the “Transform Cases”
[22], is used to increase the number of common
words. The aim is to identify all common words,
avoiding, lowercase, uppercase, and mixed cases. In
this work, all character’s issues within each
document decided to be transformed to uppercase
using the relevant operator. The application of the
operator resulted in the fact that words in the
document as “Like” and “like” are supposed to be
equally and handled the same; in this specific
example it means that students like something if
they state “Like” or like.” In this work it was
decided to transform all document characters as
lower case. The operator for that is the “Transform
Cases operator (Figure 2). This step is supposed to
prepare for the following internal step of filtering
stop words.
The third internal step is the “Filter Stop Words
[23] (Figure 2). The role of this step is to
discriminate between non-case sensitive or case
sensitive of the Greek dictionary. In a text mining
analysis, the operator of Filter Stop Words is used
for removing common words, in this case, Greek
works, that do not add anything to text explanations.
This work used a set of 847 Greek stop words as a
dictionary for this implementation. An indicative
example of the Filter Stop Words role is that the
word “Like” is in the dictionary; this operator will
remove the word “Like” for the analysis of texts.
The fourth internal step is about the generation of
n-Grams.” The term n-Grams [24] is a series of
consecutive tokens of length n in any document. In
this work, the n-Grams were generated using the
operator “Generate n-Grams” of Rapid Miner. To
fully understand the role of this operator, an
indicative example will be presented. They suppose
that a document includes the phrase “like a lot”
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.5
Dimitrios Tsimaras,
Emmanouil Zoulias, Chryssi Vitsilaki
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
composed of three different words, “like,” “a, and
“lot.” Supposing that the number attribute of Grams
number is set to n=3, the operator will produce the
output of all consecutive tokens one, two, and three
lengths. Those are all possible combinations with
one, two, and three words. The result of the operator
will be six different Grams, which are: n-Grams:
“a, “lot, “like, “like a, “a lot, and “like a
lot. The Grams generated are made one-word word
length, and two- and three-word length are
extracted. In this work, the fourth internal step
(Figure 2) sets the attribute of Grams number 5,
which means (5-Grams).
The final fifth internal step, referred to as Filters
Tokens (Figure 2) [22], deals with the length of the
words, which means the number of characters of
each word. These further filter common words like
“and,” “or” and words with a small length that do
not have any value to the analysis of texts. This
work selected that the minimum number of
characters in each word included in the study will be
from 5 to a maximum of 9999 characters.
Among the results received by the text mining
analysis, some further contextual analysis was
performed on the basis that ordinary meaning,
equivalent, and meaning phrases and statements, not
equal, are considered to express the same positive or
negative information and are added to the
occurrences. This context analysis is more critical
since the initial documents are limited.
The applied process is illustrated in Figure 1 and
Figure 2.
Figure 1
Figure 2
4. Results
In this work, only the most important results of the
questionnaire are presented. The demographic
profile of the trainees taking part was 52% female
and 48% male. The age categories of the trainees
were 30% (18-30), 14% (31-40), 30% (41-50), 20%
(51-60), and 6% (>60). Furthermore, the educational
level was 68% (higher education), 14% (post
lychee), and 18% (lychee). The answer for the
trainee’s distance from the physical performance of
the seminar was 70% up to 70 kilometres, 26% over
100 kilometres, and 4% between 51 and 100
Some other questions tried to investigate the
situation and technical issues of the trainees. The
systems used were desktops, laptops, tablets, and, to
a small extent, smartphones. Furthermore, the
equipment seems equal to 3 years (50% in total) and
more than three years, and the operating system
used is mainly Microsoft Windows (74%).
Regarding the internet connection speed, 24,5% had
VDSL over 100 Mbps and 40,8% 50 Mbps.
The method of attending the distance education
courses was 55,1% blended, 38,8% Synchronous,
and the remaining Asynchronous.
Α a further context analysis was performed to find
terms with shared meaning, which is essential to
reach conclusions. Applying the above-described
text mining methodology on all 50 trainees’ replies
resulted in 1340 primarily different appeared
phrases/words. The expressions and words are
separated into favourable positions (Table 1) and
negative positions (Table 2). In Tables 1 and 2, the
Occurrences refer to the times the statement
appeared in various phrases but always with the
same meaning.
Table 1 Positive Emotion
Save time, money, and fatigue by
avoiding motion
Exams sharing
Avoid disturbance
Follow the timeline
More multimedia material
Possibility to follow programs
from far away Universities
Table 2 Negative Emotion
Need of proper equipment
and connection, which
Need more intervals due to
the tedious process
Live sessions are better
Prefer to have camera off,
personal data
Teachers need to have the
proper knowledge of
Tire complete process, too
many hours in front of the
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.5
Dimitrios Tsimaras,
Emmanouil Zoulias, Chryssi Vitsilaki
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
The results in Table 1 and Table 2 reveal that
trainees have either positive or negative positions
toward online training activities during COVID-19.
The phrases and words in Table 1 support the above
statement. The most critical issue for the trainees
was that they Save time, money and fatigue by
avoiding motion” (a number of 50), meaning
towards the learning infrastructures. Near this point
is the belief that they have the Possibility to follow
programs from far away Universities” (a number of
5). Furthermore, positive energy was the ability to
“Exams sharing” (a number of 19) and the quieter
environment in their homes (“Avoid disturbance”- a
number of 15). Another point stated as a positive
one was that during online training, they strictly
follow the timeline (a number of 10). Finally, an
expected issue is that they can access “More
multimedia material” (a number of 5).
This was extracted after applying the text mining
method, followed by a thorough context analysis of
all final occurrences of positive and negative
phrases. Phrases and words that seem similar or
have similar meanings are combined to extract a
better result.
5. Conclusions and Future work
Within this work, a former method [14] was applied
to evaluate online seminars within the private sector.
The current methodology and tools support
administrative and training performers to locate
strengths and weaknesses that have yet to be seen.
An innovation of this work is that it applies those
innovative methodologies to private sector online
training sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This work has been much more extended, and the
main one is to apply the methodology to many texts
from the private online training sector and a cross-
country application. Finally, an exciting extension
can be the application of a method on “big data,
resulting in a tool for learning analytics for the
private sector.
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DOI: 10.37394/232010.2023.20.5
Dimitrios Tsimaras,
Emmanouil Zoulias, Chryssi Vitsilaki
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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