8 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper we studied the Construction of conti-
nuity concept from university students, using RBC
methodology as a theoretical framework. Consider-
ing the epistemic actions, we can conclude that the
abstraction process was always triggered by the R-
Action, when students recognized the need of using
previous constructions (quadratic and piecewise func-
tions, domain, neighbourhood, ...). After that, stu-
dents used the previous constructions in order to ob-
tain intermediate solutions (graphical representation
and domain). These epistemic actions belong to the
the B-action. Finally, the C-action was always ini-
tiated by the reorganization of the constructions de-
veloped in the B-action. Construction may not be
isolated since some constructions are related to each
other, in many cases promoting new constructions as-
sociated to the concept under study (that is, continu-
ity on an interval and continuity at an isolated point
promoted the construction on the domain). Because
traditional notion of continuity relies on the limit no-
tion, that is usually complicated to apprehend by the
students, we defined continuity in a coherent way us-
ing neighbourhood. In Figure 7 the reader can see,
in a schematic way, all the major relations between
R-action,B-action and C-action. Future work should
focus in consolidation (Co-Action). To perform that
task, different questions must be dealt to the students
to check if they can use continuity construction in an-
other context. Also, the bridge between limit and con-
tinuity using neighbourhood would also be an inter-
esting topic of study.
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DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras