Constructing the Continuity Concept
1ESTG, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
2CEAUL Lisbon
Abstract: Key concepts in Mathematics, like derivative or integral, are connected with the notions of limit and
continuity. Therefore, the construction of these concepts is relevant and should be well understood by the stu-
dents. In this paper the construction of the continuity concept by the students is studied, without relying on the
limit for that construction. With this purpose in mind, we start by defining the theoretical framework based on
Abstraction in Context. After that, a continuity notion that does not depend on limit is presented. Finally, the
results of a qualitative study performed with Public Management Quantitative Methods students, from the School
of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, is presented. The epistemic actions that
were developed by the students while building the continuity notion are presented and analysed.
Key-Words: - abstraction in context, neighbourhood, limit, continuity
Received: July 23, 2021. Revised: March 14, 2022. Accepted: April 17, 2022. Published: May 5, 2022.
1 Introduction
In Portugal, the notion of continuity is relatively well
known by the majority of students entering higher ed-
ucation with Sciences or Economics basic formation
(Mathematics A). Those students usually have a solid
background in Mathematics, and therefore are not the
target of the present study. However, nowadays many
students ingress in scientific higher education courses
(like engineering degrees) coming from professional
schools, humanities courses, abroad courses or adult
courses (Mathematics B or below). The majority of
these last students need a preliminary course in Cal-
culus before trying to assist to more advanced classes
on Analysis, Algebra, Physics or Statistics. Even if
the intuitive perceptions of limit and continuity at one
point are reasonably apprehended by all the students,
from a conceptual point of view, in the passage to
the formal definition several issues might be detected.
These difficulties are related with symbolism, formal-
ism, graphic representations and with the notion of
Commonly, the pre-Calculus course for students
with Mathematics B or below begins with a brief re-
view of functions (what is a function, properties, lin-
ear function, quadratic function) and after that lim-
its are introduced, usually without much success be-
cause limits notion is not very easy to understand. In
fact, studies on the difficulty of the concept of limit
abound in the literature. In [5] it is indicated that most
students cannot understand the concept of limit, and
therefore cannot calculate them. Moreover, it is in-
dicated that most of the difficulties later encountered
in concepts such as continuity, differentiation and in-
tegration come from difficulties with the concept and
calculation of limits (still on this subject, see for ex-
ample [14, 20]). Even when the technology was used
to aid the calculation of limits, the results were unsat-
isfactory, which may be related to the lack of a unique
strategy to calculate limits [13]. This last author also
mentions that for most students limit is seen as a dy-
namic process and almost as “approaching without
reaching”, and not as a concrete value. In [4] it is indi-
cated that, regardless of the limits being related to the
continuity of functions or with sequences and series,
their calculation and understanding is always compli-
cated. Finally, [5] states that there are no works pre-
senting effective strategies that allow overcoming the
difficulties felt with the understanding and calculation
of limits.
In this study, we intend to eliminate the depen-
dency on the notion of continuity in relation to the
notion of limit, starting by introducing the concept
of continuity and only later the limit. The notion
of a point’s neighbourhood will be the basis of this
approach. This perspective has the advantage that
the concept of continuous function at one point or
throughout its domain does not require, as a presup-
position, the understanding of the limit concept, com-
monly regarded as more difficult. This way, the con-
struction of knowledge by students can benefit. We
do not intend to diminish the importance of the limit
notion, but we believe that knowledge construction
and academic success will benefit form this swap.
After that, we study the epistemic actions that
surge throughout this process in order to understand
how the notion of continuity is built by the students.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
2 Abstraction in Context
Abstraction in Context (AiC) is a theoretical frame-
work for studying students’ processes of construct-
ing abstract mathematical knowledge as it occurs in
a context that includes specific mathematical and cur-
ricular components, as well as a particular learning
environment. Seminal works by [6, 9, 15], among
others, introduced this issue in the area of Mathe-
matics Didactic. Essentially, “Abstraction” is a the-
oretical activity that contemplates a set of tasks per-
formed by one or more individuals, motivated by a
given problem integrated in a “Context”, which en-
compasses the personal and social involvement of in-
dividuals. Currently, this methodology is used as a
theoretical support in works that seek to understand
the construction of mathematical knowledge, being
mentioned in several studies that seek to understand
how students reach concepts of various levels of diffi-
culty [10, 12]. In those studies, the teacher introduces
the subjects in various ways (practical problem, the-
oretical concept to deepen, notion to generalize) and
helps students while they build their own considera-
tions on the subject. It seeks to reflect the spirit of
the Bologna process, with the key aspect being the
autonomy of the student, accompanied by the con-
structive observations of the teacher. AiC as three
stages, namely necessity, emergence and consolida-
tion. The emergence process of new mathematical
knowledge is the central part of the AiC and it is usu-
ally analysed under the epistemic actions Recogniz-
ing (R-Action), Building-with (B-Action) and Con-
structing (C-Action). Together they form the RBC
model, to which we can join the Consolidation (Co).
These are the epistemic actions which compose the
RBC+Co model [9, 10, 12].
3 The Notion of Neighbourhood
We mentioned, in the Introduction, that there are ad-
vantages by introducing the notion of continuity be-
fore the notion of limit. It is now important to see how
this process can be implemented in practice. It should
be noted that this is not a new idea, even in the Por-
tuguese context. In [21], a support manual for mathe-
matics teachers of the 10.º grade, continuity is not in-
troduced with the limits. However, this perspective is
only available for the teachers and not for the students,
and is provided to teachers solely as “general culture”
information. Later, in the 12.º grade, students work on
continuity using the definitions of Cauchy and Heine
[22], but usually consider that a function is continuous
at a point abelonging to its domain when the limit in
that point is equal to the value of the function in that
Many students justify a function continuity in a
given point referring only to the equality of the lat-
Figure 1: Continuity at x= 2 where lim
f(2) .
eral limits without mentioning the function value in
that point (see Figure 1).
But the main issue is the fact that in 12.º grade the
limit notion is based on accumulation points, mean-
ing that xcannot be equal to a, and therefore there is
no limit at isolated points (see Figure 2). Of course,
we can define the limit considering (or not) isolated
points, but this causes, in many cases, confusion
among the students.
Figure 2: Continuity at x= 4 where lim
exist for limit notions based on accumulation points.
The following question arises: “How to introduce
the concept of continuity without using limits?”. Fol-
lowing [11] line of thought, we will base the concept
of continuity on the notion of a point’s neighbour-
hood. The notion of a point’s neighbourhood is easy
to understand because it can be seen as a symmetrical
range around a point (see Figure 3).
In a formal level, the notion of a point’s neigh-
bourhood will be defined as follows.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Figure 3: Neighbourhood of point awith radius
Definition 1 Neighbourhood at a point.
Let abe a real number and a positive real number.
The neighbourhood of ais the set of real numbers
whose distance to ais less then , that is,
Vε(a) = {xR:|xa|< ε}=]aε;a+ε[(1)
Thus, students have to understand the behaviour of
a certain ffunction around the vicinity of a, which
seems to us a simpler and more elegant way of intro-
ducing the concept of continuity at a point, leading to
a set of advantages that will be tackled later.
4 The Concept of Continuity
The notion of continuity that is usually taught, both
in secondary and in higher education, is based on the
concept of limit. However, historically the notion of
continuity pre-date limit’s notion - at least in the per-
spective of a function “without holes” [23]. This au-
thor considers that the term limit, in the most cur-
rent sense of the term, was only defined in the nine-
teenth century, while the concept of continuity was
already well established in the eighteenth century. In
1748, Euler published “Introductio in Analysin In-
finitorum”, where most of the mathematical concepts
used nowadays were defined (of course, with a very
different notation and presentation). In that work,
Euler indicates that a continuous function is formed
by a single analytical expression, while discontinu-
ous functions are formed by more than one analytical
expression [18]. Naturally, this notion of continuous
function lacks, in the light of current knowledge, from
mathematical rigorous, and denotes some flaws. A
simple counter-example is when a function is defined
by branches but still is continuous throughout the do-
main. Nevertheless, Eulers work was pioneer for the
time and had a great impact on the later development
of mathematics.
Therefore, and as we mentioned in the Introduc-
tion, there seems to be pedagogical advantages in
introducing continuity first, and and only after that
limit. In a simpler and more intuitive notion, the con-
cept of continuity based on the notion of a point’s
neighbourhood can be defined as [11].
Definition 2 Continuity at one point.
Let fbe a real function defined in DRand aD
a point in the domain. The function fis continuous
in aif
δ > 0,ε > 0 : xR,
(xDVε(a)f(x)Vδ(f(a))) .(2)
Note that in this definition we do not remove afrom
its own neighbourhood, and therefore the function is
continuous at isolated points.
5 The Pedagogical Proposal
As already stated, we changed the teaching order of
the concepts of limit and continuity. Therefore, we
seek to verify whether the cutting of dependence on
the notion of continuity in relation to the notion of
limit leads to a better understanding of continuity.
Also, we seek to identify the epistemic actions that
arise during the abstraction process and that are rele-
vant for the construction of mathematical knowledge,
as well as the difficulties felt by the students, specially
at the level of the application of symbolic language
and interconnection of concepts. The research ques-
tions associated with the pedagogical proposal are as
what epistemic actions are possible to identify,
during students abstraction process, related with
the constructing (C-Action) of new mathematical
knowledge, namely:
while developing an understanding of the
identify the need to use other mathematical
concepts or previous constructions;
implement intermediate strategies and solu-
organize knowledge and ideas;
construct the concept of continuity;
how do these epistemic actions are sequenced
and related?
Throughout an experimental study, we tried to an-
swer the previews questions. The final goal is to
present a detailed description of the entire knowledge
building system. The experimental study was im-
plemented in a Quantitative Methods curricular unity
(QM). This course belongs to the Public Management
degree from School of Technology and Management,
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (ESTG). The students
who attend to QM usually did not have Mathemat-
ics A in high school, and therefore their mathemati-
cal background is similar to engineering students that
must attend to a preliminary course in Calculus (see
Introduction). Even more, QM has similar contents to
the preliminary course in Calculus in ESTG. For these
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
reasons, we believe that the results can be extended to
the less prepared engineering students attending pre-
liminary curricular unity in Calculus.
6 Research Methodology and Data
The methodology adopted in this work is qualitative
and interpretive. According to [7], qualitative re-
search is fundamentally concerned with processes and
dynamics, and is dependent on the researcher. Bog-
dan and Biklen [1], in one of the best-known works
on this subject, state that the multiple ways of inter-
preting experiences depend on the relationships be-
tween the various actors in the learning process. In the
Portuguese context, [16, 17] studied the methodology
to apply in Mathematics classes. Thus, we sought to
understand the process of knowledge construction for
the involved students, through the analysis of the evo-
lution of their productions in class (oral participation,
resolution of exercises, etc.). Later, some case stud-
ies that seemed more important for understanding the
process of knowledge construction were analysed in
detail. About 15 students participated in the study,
but not all of them performed all the tasks. Students
that were repeating the course had one of the weekly
lessons partially overlapped, which conditioned atten-
dance. The collected data (concerning continuity no-
tion) was produced by students frequenting QM, dur-
ing two classes of 120 minutes each. In general, stu-
dents seemed rather motivated with the aims of the
study and did their best to participate.
At the end of the class that preceded the begin-
ning of the continuity study, the pedagogical pro-
posal was briefly presented to the QM students by
the researcher. Note that the researcher responsible
for the study implementation attended to the classes,
but was not the teacher, even if sometimes he helped
the teacher. This is a procedure already considered
has advantageous by some researchers [8], mainly be-
cause this way the researcher can try to collect the
“best” data and at the same time the teacher can strug-
gle for students’ success. After this introductory pro-
cedure, all students had to answer, individually and
in paper, to a first question. With the answers to that
question, we intended to identify the students’ prelim-
inary knowledge about the notion of continuity. In
subsequent classes the process was similar. The pro-
fessor distributed tasks, of increasing difficulty, about
the continuity of a function, both in a point or in its
domain. Each exercise was first projected onto the
board, without any major considerations being made
about its resolution. The students answered to the
questions on paper, and after that the answers were
discussed in class, being subject to correction after
the discussion phase. This iterative process sought
Table 1: Epistemic Actions for the RBC model
Acquired structure
Previous construction application
Intermediate solutions
Continuity at a pointLeft-continuity
Continuity on the domain
Continuity on an interval
to contribute to the process of construction of mathe-
matical, abstract and advanced knowledge by the stu-
dents. After performing a set of tasks, the students
answered again to the initial question, trying to assess
whether or not they were able to understand the conti-
nuity notion. Moreover, we tried to understand if they
evolved in relation to their initial knowledge. Only
after this phase the formal notion of continuity was
debated, and later written in accordance with Defini-
tion 2.
Given that it would be very difficult to record all
the discussion that took place in class, when solv-
ing the proposed tasks, the lessons were recorded and
later viewed. All the appropriate authorizations were
obtained, and it was ensured that the recordings would
only be used for academic purposes. With this proce-
dure it was possible to collect a large amount of data,
since that information came with the written compo-
nent (individual answers to the questions) but also
with the oral component (video recording of the dis-
cussion of the problems).
Considering that it wouldn´t be possible to con-
sistently analyse the production of a large number of
respondents, two students were selected for detailed
analysis (AF and DV). These students were selected
considering that some students didn´t answer all the
proposed questions and, among those who answered
all the questions, some did it in an incipient way.
According with the RBC+Co model introduced in
previous questions, the categories and subcategories
concerning the epistemic model [19] can be seen in
Table 1. Note that Consolidation (Co) does not have
subcategories because it will only appear when apply-
ing continuity construction in other problems. Table 1
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Table 2: Epistemic actions for the R-action
Piecewise function
Quadratic function
Acquired structure
Quadratic formula
Graphical representation
At a point
will be used as an artefact [2, 3, 24] by the researchers
since it is the primary tool to understand students pro-
duction. We will not analyse this table here, because
in the next section its utility will be highlighted. Note
that throughout the text references to the lines of Ta-
ble 1 will appear, but to avoid repetitions they will not
be explicit.
7 Results
In this section we focus our attention in one of the
questions that were presented during the classes. The
selected question is relevant since it deals with conti-
nuity in an isolated point but also in an interval, for a
function with different expressions in parts of its do-
main. Therefore, we will explain the epistemic ac-
tions that occur throughout the process.
Question Let fbe a real function of a real variable x
defined as
f(x) = 2, x = 3
x2x2, x 2.(3)
Verify if fis continuous on its domain.
In the remaining subsections, the transcriptions
from the students (AF and DV), professor (P) and re-
searcher (R) interventions are identified by letter and
number. For example, P3 refers to the third interven-
tion in the discussion, in this case performed by the
7.1 R-action
The students began to Recognize that they were deal-
ing with a piecewise function, with a quadratic func-
tion in the second branch. The epistemic actions In-
terpret and Acquired Structure occur almost simulta-
neously, because students acknowledge the need of
graphical representation, that rely on quadratic for-
mula and domain. Clearly, there is a strong interlink
between these actions. Finally, the students needed to
recall Neighbourhood at a point in order to study con-
tinuity. In a nutshell, the epistemic actions and their
subcategories can be found in Table 2, with the class
discussion in Table 3.
A graphical representation from the relations be-
tween the different epistemic actions and class pro-
ductions can be seen in Figure 4. Figure 4 and re-
maining figures are at the end of the document in a
bigger size so that they can be properly read.
Table 3: Class discussion for the R-action
P1: for this function, what have you been doing?
AF2: calculating the zeros.
P3: using?
AF4: quadratic formula.
P7: and the vertex?
DV8: b
2a, f b
P15: after that, what can we do?
AF16: the graph!
R17: the students represent graphically ffunction.
P18: quadratic function is just when?
AF19: x2.
DV20: x= 3 is missing!
[R: referring to the domain].
P31: remember, for non continuity, what happens?
DV32: neighbourhood “catch” different values.
7.2 B-action
In the Building-with phase, students initial Strat-
egy was the graphical representation of the quadratic
function, that they identify as a parabola (Previous
construction application). To obtain the roots and ver-
tex, quadratic formula and vertex formula were used
as a preamble for graphical representation (x2).
The presented calculus are the Justification. We be-
lieve that the achieved graphical representation can be
seen as an Intermediate solution, where we can also
verify the Previous construction application for the
isolated point. After that, and from the graphic anal-
ysis (here seen as a Justification), students obtained
the function domain, that also represents an Interme-
diate solution. The written domain is another Justi-
fication. The epistemic actions for the Building-with
phase are summed up in Table 4, while student’s dis-
cussion about this subject is presented in Table 5.
A graphical representation from the relations be-
tween the different epistemic actions and class pro-
ductions can be seen in Figure 5.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Table 4: Epistemic actions for the B-action
Calculation of function roots
Calculation of parabola vertex
Graphical representation
Previous construction application
Use of quadratic formula
Use of vertex formula
Use of isolated point
Intermediate solutions
Obtained graphical representation
Obtained function domain
Written calculus for the function roots and vertex
Graphical representation
Written domain
Table 5: Class discussion for the B-action
P1: for this function, what have you been doing?
AF2: calculating the zeros.
P5: results are x=1or x= 2,right?
AF6: yes!
P7: and the vertex?
P13: Ok! The results are?!
DV14: 0.5 and -2.25 [R: Referring to xand y].
R17: the students represent graphically ffunction.
P23: so, the domain is?
AF24: ] ; 2] {3}.
7.3 C-action
The Constructing phase starts with the Reorganiza-
tion of previously obtained Intermediate solutions,
mainly Analysing obtained domain and Analysing ob-
tained graphical representation. The main issue, as
expected, occurred when dealing with Constructing
the Continuity on the domain (see AF26 in Table 7).
Only after teachers intervention (see P31 and subse-
quent interventions in Table 7) it was possible for the
students to Construct Continuity at an isolated point,
after the teacher had remembered Neighbourhood no-
tion. By the other hand, the Construction of Continu-
ity on an interval was easily achieved by the students
(see P28 and DV29 in Table 7). Therefore, Continu-
ity at an isolated point and Continuity on an interval
preceded Continuity on the domain, and a little “push”
from the teacher was required in order for the students
to achieve the late construction. Finally, Communi-
cation is only expressed when the students answer to
question, that is, when they write the domain (Table
5, P23 and AF 24) and say where the function is con-
tinuous (Table 7, DV37).
Table 6: Epistemic actions for the C-action
Analysing obtained graphical representation
Analysing obtained domain
Continuity on the domain
Continuity at an isolated point
Continuity on an interval
Table 7: Class discussion for the C-action
R25: Although most students identify the domain,
most of them does not answer to the question.
AF26: Professor! It isn’t continuous, right? It stops!
R27: AF refers to the “leap” from the point (2; 0) to
the point (3; 2), the isolated point.
P28: The main question is: this function is
continuous where?
DV29: From minus infinity until 2.
P31: remember, for non continuity, what happens?
DV32: neighbourhood ”catch” different values.
P33: right. When we calculate the neighbourhood,
we must obtain different images for non
continuity, ok? Here [R: referring to x= 2]
is there any continuity issue?
DV34: no.
P35: And here? [R: referring to x= 3]. Who
believes that it is continuous and who says
that it isn’t?
AF36: It is continuous! The neighbourhood is
empty and far from 3.
DV37: so it is continuous in the entire domain!
A graphical representation from the relations be-
tween the different epistemic actions and class pro-
ductions can be seen in Figure 6.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
8 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper we studied the Construction of conti-
nuity concept from university students, using RBC
methodology as a theoretical framework. Consider-
ing the epistemic actions, we can conclude that the
abstraction process was always triggered by the R-
Action, when students recognized the need of using
previous constructions (quadratic and piecewise func-
tions, domain, neighbourhood, ...). After that, stu-
dents used the previous constructions in order to ob-
tain intermediate solutions (graphical representation
and domain). These epistemic actions belong to the
the B-action. Finally, the C-action was always ini-
tiated by the reorganization of the constructions de-
veloped in the B-action. Construction may not be
isolated since some constructions are related to each
other, in many cases promoting new constructions as-
sociated to the concept under study (that is, continu-
ity on an interval and continuity at an isolated point
promoted the construction on the domain). Because
traditional notion of continuity relies on the limit no-
tion, that is usually complicated to apprehend by the
students, we defined continuity in a coherent way us-
ing neighbourhood. In Figure 7 the reader can see,
in a schematic way, all the major relations between
R-action,B-action and C-action. Future work should
focus in consolidation (Co-Action). To perform that
task, different questions must be dealt to the students
to check if they can use continuity construction in an-
other context. Also, the bridge between limit and con-
tinuity using neighbourhood would also be an inter-
esting topic of study.
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[24] Vygotsky, L (1978). Mind in Society. Cam-
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Contribution of individual authors to
the creation of a scientific article
(ghostwriting policy)
Ana Santos was the main researcher and conducted
the pedagogical experience.
Miguel Felgueiras was the class teacher and devel-
oped the class questions.
Ana Santos designed the figures presented in this text.
Miguel Felgueiras was the main writer of this article.
Both authors read the manuscript.
Sources of funding for research
presented in a scientific article or
scientific article itself
This work is partially financed by national funds
through FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnolo-
gia under the project UIDB/00006/2020.
Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (Attribution 4.0
International , CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Figure 4: R-Action
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Figure 5: B-Action
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Figure 6: C-Action
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Figure 7: Relations between the epistemic actions.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.11
Ana Valongo, Miguel Felgueiras
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022