highest level. The tumor of countries needs to catch the
standard of advanced.
The target of the education process is the future growth of a
country based on national or international levels. Despite the
great variation between the contents of a country, this activity
must be investigated to light the future of the next generation.
The student groups appear to be the actual force for raising the
society towards the higher levels for the graduated students in
all fields of study. Since the investigation is related to the
engineering society, the modification of engineering education
would be affected by the distribution of engineers or students
among various specialties according to the requirements for
the graduated engineers in the labor market [13-14].
Nowadays, modern technology and its wide range of
informatics applications in all fields may accelerate the
sequence of growth of engineering education in the already
advanced countries. This increases the education important for
the Arab world to reach the aimed level of the advanced
countries. Thus, this investigation may need a real model of
engineering education originating in the affecting parameters
for modification. This is more interesting with the presence of
electronic and computer engineering as a part of the analysis.
It is well known that scientists have a national value for a
country’s future to install and support scientific and
technological progress. They must be the old surpassing
students so that the outstanding phenomena in engineering
education would be vigorous [15-16]. Both economic
globalization spread and technical tumor rates accelerate
communications and information systems as a challenge to
develop the national capacity (higher quality) as a strategic
choice. Thus, it absorbs advanced technologies and integrates
them into the global economy to improve its competitive
potential as recorded in Table A3 in the Appendix.
It also obliges focusing on the created information systems,
computer engineering, computer science, and relying on TV
broadcasting, YouTube of lectures and their transmission via
CCTV or educational television channels according to a time
plan in which the space of available specialties gradually
increases according to actual needs. This strategy becomes
more necessary due to the last COVID-19 pandemic.
Therefore, the establishment of new specialties in the field of
information systems technology, computers, media, guidance,
and mentoring of educational and vocational students are
introduced in all existing colleges.
Mainly, the Human Wealth Development Program in
Engineering Education seeks to achieve one of the project’s
original objectives, supporting the educational and technical
expertise of staff members and associates (teachers and
technicians, etc.) in engineering colleges, inviting experts
from outside or inside to visit colleges and meet with faculty
members to convey experiences for the implementation of
growth plans, while the program of developing educational
tends using multimedia, including [16]:
1- Implementation, poor continuity, stable in some cases.
2- Sudden change of work sites, without warning.
3- Sudden increase in the number of students admitted.
4- Common financial and administrative complexities.
5- Poor technical support and capabilities of suppliers.
6- The lack of commitment or ability or infrastructure.
7- Failure to use equipment, educational scheduled.
8- Lax maintenance and control of what is supplied [17].
3. Modeling
The research cuts a model for 10 years period from Egypt (a
developing country) by the scientifically defined rules and
principles [18]:
1- Low ratio of students to faculty members of 2.83.
2- Synchronized rapid international technological growth.
3- Wide departments diversity, including unusual and basic
traditional specialties of general industries.
4- The mean level of students is high as deduced.
5- Respecting student desire for specialization.
6- The laboratory availability (from old to newest).
7- Programs allow training in industrial institutions [18].
8- Library (traditional and electronic) is available. Also,
printing, electronic photography, and fax mail at nominal
prices are permissible (morning and evening), allowing the
student to attend lectures and exercises in full or online.
9- Low student density in stands, classrooms, and laboratories,
(compatible with the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic),
to increase the perception efficiency.
10- The Honor grade is obtained as printed in Table A4.
3.1. Curriculum
The curriculum target may be tailored into a few items:
1- The curriculum must be designed (appointed, periodically)
based on industrial reality to develop the perception of the
course curriculum which incorporates the privations of
systems in factories for future planned measurements,
2- A detailed description of a course would be supported by
illustrations, laboratory, and total hours. An updated list of
references (local and international) should be available.
3- Updating the clarification means and laboratories including
the corresponding numbers of faculty members and assisting
staff. This arranges students with different teams within a
specialization to develop different visions of courses and tools.
Certainly, the quantity and quality of courses have a
meaningful impact not only on the student’s grade but also on,
his ability to understand and collect. For example, the student
at law school must get a large dose of law and economics
while the medical student needs the medical doses of courses.
So, the engineering student demands comprehensive
engineering doses and therefore shows the benefits of courses
to raise the graduation efficiency. This is the core rule of
engineering thinking while different courses of graduation are
limited. The classification of courses has been developed
within three channels (Table A5 in the Appendix):
a) Basic sciences: (mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, and
numerical analytical).
b) General engineering sciences: (engineering sciences from
other disciplines).
c) Specialized engineering sciences: (engineering sciences in
the same discipline).
For example, specialty (A) comprises two specialized courses
in the 1st division and becomes six for each of the next three
From Table A5 in the Appendix, it is shown that the largest
number of courses per year is 11 and the 3rd year of all
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.7