Generic Model for Safety Management of Critical
Infrastructure Elements
Department of Energy
Czech Technical University in Prague
Technicka 4, 166 00 Praha 6
Abstract: - The article summarizes the results of a detailed study of selected elements of critical infrastructure.
Based on the interconnection of risk management and safety for technical installations and their selected criti-
cal elements and, above all, the lessons learned from the study of their accidents and failures, a generic model
for managing their safety during the operation is compiled. Its main parts are and described, e.g. a process of
risk management towards safety; structure of safety management over time, the division of responsibilities for
risk management and the way of safety management process documentation.
Key-Words: - Critical infrastructure; critical element; risk; safety; security; the basic parts of the generic model.
Received: June 19, 2021. Revised: October 27, 2021. Accepted: December 27, 2021. Published: January 31, 2022.
1 Introduction
Critical infrastructure is the result of the human
intellect, which allows humans to develop and sur-
vive the pitfalls of nature. It was, is and will be a
public asset because it provides for the daily needs
of citizens, i.e. energy, water, food, information, etc.
It consists of hierarchically interconnected systems
of systems, and at the territorial level it is managed
by different sectors. Each sectoral infrastructure
consists of elements and their interconnections,
which are either in the nature of links of different
kinds or flows of different kinds. Some of these
elements are highly important to the functions of
infrastructures, and therefore, are referred to as
critical. From the point of view of the needs of hu-
man society, the goal is the safe critical elements
operation. Safety in this sense means the highest
quality, i.e. the critical element reliably performs the
functions for which it was created, while not endan-
gering itself or its surroundings even under critical
conditions [1]. In a dynamically variable world, this
ambitious goal is possible only realized by targeted
safety management, i.e. high-quality risk manage-
ment considering the risk sources of all kinds [1,2].
Critical elements are complex systems of the sys-
tem of systems (SoS) type, i.e. they are open inter-
connected systems, the nature of which is socio-
cyber-physical (technical) [1]. In Europe, we use for
their supervision the Total Quality Management
(TQM) method [3], which is the basis of ISO stand-
ards of class 9000, 14000 and others. TQM's ap-
proach is that all employees, from ordinary employ-
ees to top managers, must be involved in the quality
improvement process. This process is based on an
impulse according to the needs of the customer /
citizen. Since the highest quality for humans is their
security and development, it is actually about the
safety. TQM assumes that the lasting quality of
products and services cannot be ensured by orders,
control, sub-programs, organizational or economic
measures, but by targeted search, measurement and
evaluation of the reasons, why productivity and
quality do not increase [3]. It is a way in which at-
tention is focused on the processes taking place in
the institution. When implementing the TQM for
the management of critical elements, the specifics of
critical elements are considered, because for the
sake of efficiency, the measures must correspond to
their structure.
2 Safety and Risk
Integral safety respects the systemic understanding
the monitored element and changes in time and
space [1]. It is based on a systemic, proactive and
strategically targeted approach. It is understood as
an emergent property of an element, on which the
existence of an element depends; i.e. it is the most
hierarchically determining property of an element. It
is a set of measures and activities that, considering
the nature of the critical element understood as a
system of systems and all possible risks and threats,
aim to ensure the functioning the elements, links
and flows of critical infrastructure, so that under no
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
circumstances do they fail to endanger themselves
or their surroundings.
Risk is the degree of probable losses and dam-
ages to the monitored assets in the event of a harm-
ful phenomenon, which in terms of comparability, is
normed per unit of time and unit of space [2]. It
represents the degree of safety disruption of the
monitored element in the event of a possible harm-
ful phenomenon. Since the research of technical
installations 1,4 showed that incidents, accidents,
as well as failures of technical installations occur in
about 80% when combining the harmful phenome-
na, it is necessary to monitor not only partial risks
but also the integral risk. Therefore, the integral
safety is associated with the management not only
of large partial risks posed by beyond design natural
disasters, but above all with the management of
integral risk.
The quantities of risk and safety are not com-
plementary quantities, since the safety of each entity
can be increased through organizational measures,
e.g. by introducing the warning systems and backup
solutions, without reducing the risk size; an addi-
tional concept to safety is criticality 1,2.
Safety is understood as a system-level property
that is shaped by a human's measures and actions
and can only be ensured by high-quality anthropo-
genic management 1,2. The integral safety is not
limited to unilateral solutions to problems such as
repression, but it deals with situations affecting a
certain level of safety through the so-called safety
chain, which consists of the following parts: proac-
tivity (elimination of structural causes of uncertain-
ties that undermine safety, i.e. threaten security and
sustainable development); prevention (elimination
of direct causes, if possible, of an uncertain situation
violating the existing safety); preparedness (to deal
with a situation in which safety is disrupted); re-
sponse (to bring off safety disruption and stabilize
the situation); and recovery (to ensure conditions for
the restoration and growth of safety); Figure 1. On
the basis of economy, it is necessary, above all, to
reduce risks at the most critical points in the context
of prevention, as well as to prepare a response and
recovery to risks that are not dealt with either due to
omissions or ignorance in the design and construc-
tion process, or preventive measures are very costly.
This is a very costly activity, and therefore, it is
necessary mutual communication among owners
and operators of technical installations works, pub-
lic administrations, the public and the media [1].
Fig. 1: Activities to ensure the safety of the critical
3 Summary of Knowledge on Working
with the Technical Installations´
Risk is a quantity that is a measure of losses, dam-
ages and harms to protected assets (in the case of
public assets under review, as well as assets of a
technical installation). Its size depends on the spe-
cific disaster that is the source of the risk and on the
vulnerabilities of the local monitored assets. In stra-
tegic management, the following variables are de-
fined: hazard as the probable size of a disaster that
occurs once per defined time interval (so-called
design disaster) 2; and risk as the probable size of
losses, damages and harms to the monitored assets
at a design disaster divided into a unit of time (most
often 1 year) and a unit of territory 2. The risk is,
therefore, site and temporally specific because it
depends on the amount and vulnerabilities of assets
in a given territory and at a given time.
Due to the dynamic development of the world,
the aging and wear and tear of parts of technical
installations, and limited human knowledge, re-
sources and possibilities, the technical installation
management and the public administration must be
prepared for the future occurrence of risks. This
means to have the tools to reduce the realization of
known sources of risks and mitigate new risks. The
present knowledge promotes risk management in
favour of safety. With regard to current knowledge,
it is necessary to link existing norms and standards,
because they contain previous knowledge and with-
out their application there would be a repetition of
past mistakes from the past and the results of risk
management, as recommended now by a number of
standards, e.g., ISO 31000, ISO 31010, ISO 9000,
etc.; the method of linking is shown in the work 5.
Figure 1 shows the process of working with
risks, the aim of which is to ensure technical instal-
lations safety, i.e. they perform the functions for
which they were created in a high-quality and relia-
ble manner, while not endangering themselves and
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
the environment. Therefore, in accordance with
current knowledge and experience, humans must
firstly identify the sources of risks (i.e. disasters
harmful phenomena of all kinds), appreciate their
harmful potential (i.e. identify the hazards posed by
phenomena and the distribution of their impacts) in
individual locations, and determine the size of pos-
sible losses and damages depending on the distribu-
tion of public assets (i.e. determine the risk).
Depending on the specific possibilities of a given
human society, then to divide the risks into accepta-
ble, conditionally acceptable and unacceptable
[2,4,6-19]; the basis for the division is:
- high risk is intolerable and cannot be justified
even in extraordinary circumstances,
- ALARP risk is tolerable only if risk reduction is
impracticable or if its cost is grossly in dispro-
portion to the improved gained, i.e. if cost of re-
duction would exceed the improvements gained,
- acceptable risk only check in time that risk
maintains at this level.
Fig. 2: Process model of working with risks. Criteria
= conditions that determine when a risk is accepta-
ble, conditionally acceptable or unacceptable. Aims
indicate required conditions. The numbers 1,2,3,4
indicate the feedbacks that are used when monitor-
ing shows that the specified safety requirements are
not met [2].
In the case of risks that are: unacceptable, it is
necessary to ensure the application of effective pre-
ventive measures against their sources; conditional-
ly acceptable, mitigation, reactive and restorative
measures should be prepared for the assets under
review; and, for acceptable ones, to monitor whether
there is an increase in the harmful potential of their
causes over time. In this way, we carry out what we
call "risk management".
3.1 Categories of Sources of Risks Monitored
at the Critical Elements Risk
Based on the results of the research described in the
works [2,4,20-25], the following selections of risk
sources in conjunction with a specified entity (tech-
nical equipment, component, interconnection of
components, etc.) are currently used in connection
with critical elements:
1. Sources of risk determined either by legislation
or by the experience of the worker, who solves
the task in question.
2. Only the technical sources of risk in the given
critical element. Most of them are sources of risk
associated with: material (meeting the necessary
parameters, supplier relationships replacement
material, etc.); the construction and interconnec-
tion of components and equipment (no estab-
lished procedures, labile hazardous substances
are present, etc.); manufacturing processes, e.g.
in alloy production, welding, specific machining,
etc.; and conditions that are necessary for a
quality product, e.g. a certain pressure, a certain
temperature or a certain humidity of the sur-
rounding environment, etc.
3. Technical sources of risks and human factor.
These are the sources listed in point 2 and the
human´ poor execution of technical tasks in the
operation of the critical element.
4. Technical sources of risks and human factor in
the broadest concept. These are the sources listed
in points 2 and 3 and the sources of organiza-
tional accidents in the operation of the critical el-
ement (i.e. manager´ wrong decisions, use of in-
correct procedures, etc.).
5. The sources of risks referred to in points 2 to 4,
complemented by sources of risk related to OSH
and the working environment.
6. The risk sources referred to in points 2 to 5, sup-
plemented by risk sources from the surroundings
of the critical element, i.e. external sources of
7. The risk sources referred to in points 2 to 6,
complemented by risk sources associated with
interconnections between sub-installations, com-
ponents and systems (these are sources of risks
that are related to technical integrity, automation,
education and good skills, asset protection, data
and information protection, protection of specific
knowledge, protection of know-how, protection
of good will, finances, competitiveness, continui-
ty of operations under critical and extreme condi-
tions, etc.).
It follows that in cases 1 to 6, many sources of
risk for critical elements are neglected. This is due
to the fact that in the listed cases:
- when determining risks, not all public assets and
all assets of a critical element are considered (i.e.
the All-Hazard Approach [2], which is very data-
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
intensive, methods, knowledge, experience and
execution time, is not respected),
- the systemic nature of the critical element is ne-
- the dynamic impacts of the external environment
on the critical element are not considered, which
in turn affect the competitiveness of the critical
element and the provision of serviceability of the
territory over a longer period of time (e.g. poor
public administration practices are a source of
risks for critical elements).
From the point of view of needs and economic
use of resources, however, it is true that in a number
of practical tasks it is sufficient to consider only
some sources of risk, because the goal is a safe par-
tial technical device, and not the entire critical ele-
ment and its surroundings. Therefore, for each task
involved in working with risks, the identification of
the target is important (Figure 2).
Since some technical devices (safety valves,
drain valves, etc.) or some components of a critical
element (pressure equipment, air conditioning, con-
trol systems, etc.) are of fundamental importance for
the safety of the critical element, it is not enough to
work with risks only from the point of view of this
entity itself, but it is necessary to work with risks
that are also important from the point of view of the
safety of the entire critical element. These are criti-
cal equipment, critical connections, critical compo-
nents and critical systems of monitored critical ele-
ment that require special work with risks in the sit-
ting, manufacturing and operation [1,25].
3.2 Summary of the General Principles for
Working with Risks
Based on a comprehensive analysis and critical as-
sessment of several thousand professional works
and results from practice, the results of which are in
the works [1,2,4,6-25], it is necessary to use a sys-
temic approach (i.e. focus on integral risk) when
solving the problems of safety of critical objects and
firstly to choose the right concept of working with
risks (i.e. the context in which we monitor risks) and
then respect the logical model of working with risks.
The key concepts of safety-focused engineering are:
1. Risk-based approaches - the intensity of work
and documentation is proportionate to the level
of risk.
2. The professional approach is only based on
considering the critical quality attributes and the
critical process parameters.
3. Problem solving is focused on critical items
critical aspects of technical systems are moni-
tored and managed to ensure the consistency of
system operations.
4. Proven quality parameters must already appear
in the critical element design.
5. Emphasis on high-quality engineering proce-
dures the correctness of the chosen procedures
in the given conditions must be proven.
6. Focus on increasing the safety - continuous
improvement of processes using the root cause
analysis of accidents and failures.
Reducing any risk is associated with increasing
the costs, lack of knowledge, technical means, etc.,
and therefore, in practice it is possible to reduce the
risk so that the costs incurred are still reasonable.
This level of risk (some optimization) is mostly the
subject of top management and the result of political
decision-making, in which it is necessary to use
current scientific and technical knowledge and to
consider economic, social and other conditions in
order to ensure development.
Risks have been, are and will be, and new ones
will continue to emerge. Managing and bringing
over control the risks that cause harmful phenomena
(disasters) requires a dimension and measurement of
risks that considers not only physical damage, vic-
tims and the equivalent of economic losses, but also
social, organizational and institutional factors. Most
risk-determination techniques do not represent a
holistic approach and do not respect that risk is di-
vided into local, regional and national levels [2].
Therefore, a strategic management requires to use
technique, which is correct for followed aim [26].
When working with risks, it is necessary to un-
derstand that the task of risk management is to find
the optimal way to reduce the evaluated risks to the
socially acceptable level, or to maintain them at this
level. The basic principles when working with risks
are: to be proactive; to imagine possible conse-
quences; correctly to identify priorities of public
interest; to think about coping with problems; to
consider synergies; and to be vigilant.
According to the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), qualified risk management of
a technical installation must: be part of the man-
agement system of the technical installation being
pursued; be part of each decision-making process of
the monitored technical installation; explicitly con-
sider uncertainties and uncertainties in the processes
and conditions of the monitored technical installa-
tion and its surroundings; be systematic and struc-
tured; be based on the best available information; be
dynamic and respond appropriately to various
changes; be adapted to local conditions and legisla-
tive requirements; respect the influence of man
(human factor) on the technical installation; and
have the ability to continuously improve.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
3.3 Categories of Risk Handling Tools
Broken Down by Critical Infrastructure
Element Aim Pursued
When choosing tools for working with the risks of
critical elements of infrastructure aimed at safety,
according to the arguments summarized in the work
[2], two factors are decisive:
1. The first factor is the recognition that risk is a
quantity that is locally specific, i.e. it depends on
both, the cause of damage to an asset or set of as-
sets (i.e. on the nature and size of the harmful
phenomenon / disaster) and the properties of the
asset or set of assets (vulnerability) at the mo-
ment of occurrence of the disaster. For example,
an unmaintained safety valve in the event of a
boundary pressure surge usually fails to fulfil its
function [4]. Since there are variables over time,
both, the conditions of assets or the sets of assets,
as well as the sizes of harmful phenomena or
disasters, there are three categories of situations
from the point of view of managing the impacts
of the realized risks, namely situations: normal;
emergency; and critical. With the growing the
category, the professional, financial, organiza-
tional and personnel requirements for managing
and settling the risks associated with these situa-
tions are growing. Therefore, the legislation that
imposes requirements on owners and operators
of critical elements and public administration re-
quirements for safety supervision in the public
interest plays a big role here [2].
2. The second factor is the selection of the type of
risk to be monitored in the task under considera-
tion, which depends on the determination: the
number of assets and their enumeration, i.e. the
consideration of which public assets and which
specific assets of the critical element in the task
are important; e.g., whether they include perfor-
mance, competitiveness, profit, etc.; and whether
the links and flows between the listed assets play
a role in the given task, i.e. a mechanical concept
is not enough, but a systemic concept must be
To ensure the safety of a critical element in the
short term (e.g. the safe condition of a simple tech-
nical device), it is sufficient to monitor the asset
condition, i.e. the partial risk associated with the
critical element. With regard to the humans´ securi-
ty, the legislation in developed countries also re-
quires monitoring the human safety in the work-
place (OSH), i.e. it is already a matter of monitoring
two assets (lives and health of humans in the work-
place, quality of the working environment), using
the integrated risk (i.e. the machine-human link is
neglected). Since, the technical equipment, persons
in the workplace and the working environment are
interconnected, the links and flows among these
subsystems, i.e. integral risk, should be monitored in
order to ensure safety in the medium and long term.
Therefore, when choosing the tools for working
with risks (identification, analysis, evaluation, as-
sessment, management and settlement) aimed at the
safety of the selected entity, it is necessary to distin-
guish the following tasks in the technical field in the
case of critical elements: the selection of tools for
working with the risk associated with the technical
equipment condition (goal safe technical equip-
ment); the selection of tools for working with the
risk associated with the technical component condi-
tion (goal safe technical component); the selection
of tools for working with the risk associated with
the production process or operation (objective safe
production process or operation); the selection of
tools for working with the risk associated with the
set of processes condition in the entity (target a
safe set of processes in the entity); selection of tools
for working with the risk associated with the entire
critical element (target safe critical element); and
selection of tools for working with the risk associat-
ed with the critical element and its surroundings
(target safe critical element and its safe surround-
On the basis of the works [1,2,4,5-25], it is not
enough to focus on technical installations and their
equipment in order to ensure the humans´ safety,
because the choice of tools for working with risks
depends on: the nature of the entity being monitored
(i.e. the selected technical equipment or higher sys-
tems of the technical installation, i.e. the critical
element); the nature of the environment in which the
monitored entity (i.e. the selected technical equip-
ment or higher system of the technical installation)
operates; the mode in which the monitored entity
(i.e. the selected technical equipment or a higher
system of the technical installation, i.e. the critical
element) operates; requirements for the operation of
the entity (i.e. selected technical equipment or high-
er systems of the technical installation); it also de-
pends on whether short-, medium-term or strategic,
i.e. long-term, solutions are required.
Instructions for choosing the right tool for each
task are given in the works 4,26. It is a fact that the
higher the type of tool used, the higher the cost
(knowledge, finance, time) of its use. It follows
from the above that in order to ensure the safety of
the monitored critical elements of the transport in-
frastructure, it is necessary to use decision support
systems for risk decision-making.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
3.4 Decision Support System (DSS) to
Manage the Risks of Critical Elements
during Operation
In general, when setting up a decision support sys-
tem for critical elements (both composite and com-
plex, SoS), based on an assessment of the level of
work with risks of all kinds in favour of the safety
of the critical element in operation, it is necessary to
consider that the competencies and responsibilities
that release the necessary resources for measures
and activities to manage and settle risks in favour of
security depend on the level of the organizational
structure [4.
The organizational structure of critical elements
in operation is a mechanism that serves to coordi-
nate and control the operation of critical elements.
According to [27, it represents a hierarchical ar-
rangement of relations of superiority and subordina-
tion and resolves mutual powers (competences), ties
and responsibilities. Of course, the release of large
funds and other resources for the management and
settlement of risks is only at the highest hierarchical
level. According to practical experience [28, at
creating the DSS, it is useful to consider the organi-
zational structure of the critical element as follows:
top management; senior management responsible
for projects (e.g. the result of a set of several pro-
cesses); middle management responsible for indi-
vidual processes; technical management responsi-
ble for the operation of individual technical facili-
ties; and personnel (critical and supporting) re-
sponsible for technical activities.
When compiling the DSS, the aspects they as-
sess are taken into account: how risks and their
sources are considered; the level of safety achieved
in the given execution of the technical installation;
the technical level of the measures introduced; ma-
terial and energy performance; speed of implemen-
tation of measures; staff requirements; information
requirements; demands on finances; liability claims;
as well as the demands on the management of all
involved (i.e. both, the management of the technical
installation and the management of the territory).
3.5 Example of Processing the DSS Results
for Critical Elements of Transport
Based on the requirements for working with the
risks of technical installations, DSS has been com-
piled for critical elements of transport infrastructure
during the operation to assess the risks associated
with traffic with a philosophy, the higher the risk,
the lower the safety of the critical element of the
transport infrastructure during the operation, which
also means a lower degree of coexistence of the
technical installation with the surroundings. For
application in practice, a scale was assigned to eval-
uate the entire checklist based on the principle that
was introduced into the ČSN standards in the 80s of
the last centuries [28].
Examples of DSS and risk assessment scales are
for: bridges at work [20]; tunnels at work [21]; air-
port at work [22]; railway station at work [23];
transport control systems at work [24]; and roads at
work [19]. These DSSs have more than 250 items,
and therefore, they are not given here. Further, the
way of integral risk determination and the way of
integral risk acceptability judgement for critical
element itself and for public are shown.
First of all, it is necessary to determine how and
according to what it is necessary to evaluate the
contributions of individual sources of risk to the
integral (total) risk. In practice, according to [4], it
has proven to be successful to use the classification
scale (0-5) and the concept "the higher the value, the
higher the risk [29], i.e. the lower the coexistence of
the critical element at operation with the surround-
ings". The value scale for determining the level of
risk that an accident or failure of a critical element
entails for its surroundings, processed according to
data at work [4], is in Table 1.
Table 1. A value scale to determine the level of risk
that the operated critical element poses to its sur-
roundings; proposed by analogy with the scales
given and described in the work 4; p annual in-
surance, ABT annual budget of the territory.
By accident or failure of critical element, it is affect-
Technical and
Accident or failure of critical element causes damag-
Accident or failure of critical element causes:
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
of nature and natural reservations.
medium damages of unrenewable resources
of nature and natural reservations
unreturnable damages of unrenewable re-
sources of nature and natural reservations
devastation of landscape, unrenewable re-
sources of nature and natural reservations
The evaluation of a specific case, i.e. the evalua-
tion of a set of expected variants of operation of a
critical element according to the relevant DSS, must
be carried out independently by a team of specialists
from different departments; in practice, the team
[4,19-25], which is composed of an employee: pub-
lic administration officer responsible for the territo-
ry safety; the public administration officer responsi-
ble for supervising the operation of the critical ele-
ment; the critical element manager responsible for
risk management; officer of professional institutions
for the safety assessment of a critical element e.g.
from a technical inspection; and the Integrated Res-
cue System responsible for responding to accidents
and failures of critical elements of transport infra-
The resulting value for each DSS criterion is the
median, and in the event of a large variance of val-
ues for any criterion, the public administration of-
ficer responsible for territorial safety needs to pro-
vide further investigations, at which each evaluator
communicates the justification for his assessment in
the case in question and the resulting evaluation is
determined on the basis of a panel discussion or
Based on the modern approach [4,31-34], we
consider in the given context the tolerable risk ex-
pressed by the ALARP principle (as low as reasona-
ble possible) [2], i.e. the case where the critical ele-
ment under investigation has benefits and at the
same time there are impacts associated with it (loss-
es, damages and harms to protected assets) that the
organizations managing the critical element and its
surroundings can handle through continuous risk
management aimed at safety. The tolerance limit
(i.e. the interface between tolerable and unaccepta-
ble risk) is defined as a quantitative property [35]
used e.g. by the UN and Swiss Re, namely the limit
of unacceptability is a tenth of the use value of the
critical element.
Based on the above requirement in accordance
with the works [36-43] using an integrated approach
and other assumptions listed above, we get the con-
dition for the highest possible annual losses of the
critical element caused by the implementation of
RZTD risks in the form of
  
 , (1)
where HTD is the utility value of the critical ele-
ment, ki are the resulting risk sources assessments in
the DSS, n is the number of risk sources in the DSS,
and T is the lifetime of the critical element. If the
condition given by equation (1) is not met, then the
risk is not tolerable, i.e. coexistence is not ensured
and the operation of the critical element should be
changed, i.e. either a new option or additional risk
reduction measures should be requested, followed
by a further design assessment. If the requirement
given by equation (1) is met, the evaluation can be
When deciding on the critical element operation
from the point of view of the requirement to ensure
its coexistence with surroundings, it is necessary
that the operation of the critical element is not loss-
making for the territory. Therefore, another condi-
tion for assessing the degree of coexistence is given
when evaluating the benefits of a critical element of
transport infrastructure according to the table taken
from 4, Table 2 and with the help of Tables 3 and
Table 2. Checklist for assessing the contribution of a
critical element to the surroundings. A - result of
assessment (YES or NOT).
Critical element
It increases education of the
population in the territory
It increases the possibility of
employment of the population in
the territory
It increases the level of services
in the territory
It increases welfare in territory
It contributes to the development
of basic infrastructure in the
It raises the prestige of the terri-
It contributes to the cultural de-
velopment of the territory
It improves the situation in the
social sphere in the territory
Table 3
It improves situation in technical
and economic spheres in territo-
ry - Table 3
It improves the situation in envi-
ronment protection and welfares
in territory - Table 3
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Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Table 3. A value scale to determine the degree of
benefit that a critical element makes to its surround-
ings; proposed by analogy with the scales given in
the work 4; ABT annual budget of the territory.
Benefit rate
Critical element benefits:
less than 50 humans
50 - 500 humans
500 - 5000 humans
5 000 50 000 humans
50 000 500 000 humans
more than 500 000 humans
Critical element gives to territory budget:
Technical and
less than 0.005 ABT
0.005-0.01 ABT
0.01-0.025 ABT
0.026-0.05 ABT
0.05-0.075 ABT
higher than 0.075 ABT
Critical element contributes to environment
protection and welfare increase per year by
sum of money:
less than 50 EUR
50 500 EUR
500 5 000 EUR
5 000 50 000 EUR
50 000 500 000 EUR
more than 500 000 EUR
Table 4. Value scale to determine the degree of con-
tribution of the proposed critical element to its sur-
roundings; N is a number equal to five times the
number of criteria in Table 2, i.e. N = 50.
Level of critical
element benefits for
Values in % N
Extremely high 5
More than 95 %
Very high 4
70 - 95 %
High 3
45 - 70 %
Medium 2
25 45 %
Low 1
5 25 %
Negligible 0
Less than 5 %
Based on practical experience and the
knowledge of examples at work [44], using an inte-
grated approach and assuming that all benefits listed
in Table 2 have the same probability of occurrence,
we get a relationship to determine the expected an-
nual yield of a critical element of the PRZTD
transport infrastructure in the form of
  
  (2)
in which CPTD is the total lifetime useful yield of a
critical element, ki are the individual ratings in Ta-
ble 2, n is the number of benefit sources in Table 2
(i.e. n = 10 in this case) and T is the lifetime of the
critical element. The expected annual net yield of
the critical element RPTD for the territory is deter-
mined by the relation
  , (3)
where A is the annuity and the RPNTD is the ex-
pected operating cost of the critical element. The
basis for the decision is the result of the difference R
between the permissible maximum annual losses of
the critical element caused by realization, risks and
expected net annual returns, i.e. the result of the
difference R.
  (4)
The assessment uses the thresholds of accepta-
bility or unacceptability of risk, such as those used
by the UN and Swiss Re, namely the amount of the
annual premium for protected assets in the territory
(PRTD) and a tenth of the annual budget of the ter-
ritory (ABT) that ensures development in the territo-
ry. According to this rule, in practice we compare
three variables: the difference between the annual
losses of the critical element caused by the realiza-
tion of risks and the expected annual net return from
the operation of the critical element (R), the annual
premium for the critical element (PRTD) and the
annual budget of the territory (ABT). On the basis of
the results of the scoring, the category to which the
risk associated with the critical element belongs in a
given case shall be determined according to the
methodology described in [4] as follows:
R ˂ PRTD, thus, the risk of a critical element is
acceptable for the territory,
PRTD ˂ R ˂ 0.1 ABT, thus, the risk of the critical
element is conditionally acceptable (tolerable) for
the territory,
R ˃ 0.1 ABT, thus, the risk of a critical element is
unacceptable for the territory.
In the first case (revenues are greater than loss-
es), the advantages associated with the critical ele-
ment outweighed the disadvantages, i.e. expected
losses, and the critical element can be operated con-
sidering the coexistence of the critical element and
its surroundings.
In the latter case, additional preventive
measures in the management of the critical element
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E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
leading to risk reduction and mitigation, reactive
and restorative measures shall be ensured [4] as part
of continuous targeted risk management aimed at
ensuring the safe critical element and its coexistence
with its surroundings.
In the last case, i.e. in the case of an unaccepta-
ble risk, a thorough reflection on the conclusion is
necessary either risk avoidance, i.e. stopping the
operation of the critical element, or requiring further
preventive and mitigating measures to increase the
safety of the critical element (application of: higher
knowledge; better technical equipment; higher costs
of protective systems; ensuring the higher readiness
of human resources, etc. is necessary 4, and then
conduct a new assessment of coexistence.
4 Generic Model of Safety
Management of Critical Elements
Based on the above findings, the safety management
structure, management actors, procedures, strategies
and responsibilities are given.
4.1 Safety Management System
From the point of view of ensuring the critical ele-
ments safety and their coexistence with their sur-
roundings throughout their lifetime, it is a matter of
determining the size of the relevant risks and sorting
them into categories: acceptable risk; a conditionally
acceptable risk for which the necessary preventive,
mitigating, reactive and restorative measures are
proposed; and an unacceptable risk for which it is
proposed either to avoid the activity, if possible, or
to take other crisis management measures requiring
the higher knowledge, higher technical equipment,
higher costs, higher readiness of human resources
[2]. Therefore, the risk of failure of a critical ele-
ment of infrastructure must firstly be identified with
the right tools.
In order to ensure the technical installations
safety, we solve the problem of system safety [1,4],
because a set of interconnected safe systems is not
necessarily a safe system, since the safety of the
system of systems also depends on the nature of the
interconnections between the systems. The conse-
quence of interdependencies is that a defect in one
part of a technical installation causes the failure of
other parts of the technical installation and a cascade
of other impacts. This means that if we want to en-
sure the safety of the system of systems, in addition
to the safety of the individual parts of the technical
facility, we also have to pay special attention to the
set of systems as a whole. We need to find out:
types of system failures of systems; the system of
systems operating conditions; internal links and
their manifestations; and the characteristics of criti-
cal system of systems conditions.
Currently, several types of risk management are
used in practice; their goals differ. The oldest type
the management of technical installation reliability
[1]. Continuity management is aimed at the safety of
the technical installation and its surroundings under
all possible conditions [4]. Flexible resilience man-
agement is a precursor to safety management and
continuity management; it seeks to increase the
toughness of the system and its surroundings in
order to gain time to form an effective response [4].
Asset management prioritizes risk management in
favour of production over the safety of the humans
and surroundings of the technical installation [4].
Components of all types of management are specific
types, which are emergency management and crisis
A comparison of types shows that: all types use
the same methods and tools for working with risks,
which, due to the different objectives of the proce-
dures in question, do not give the same results in
specific cases 1; all types have the same objective,
which is risk management and asset protection (but
there is a difference in which risks and which assets
consider); and are a superstructure of reliability
management, which for many years was the royal
discipline in the management of technical works 1.
Despite the different names of the types of man-
agement, their methodology is the same, namely to
obtain: awareness of risk; understanding of risk and
its relationship to assets and their safety; and apply
relevant knowledge of what to do to achieve the
goal. Risk management in favour of safety (i.e. safe-
ty management) is essential for the strategic devel-
opment of human society and technical installations.
In order to manage the risks of the technical installa-
tions in favour of safety, five key activities need to
be carried out well [2], namely:
1. Definition of the objective and focus of safety
management. It means: to identify the context; to
identify priority objectives; and to identify areas
and critical tasks. Selections are based on an
evaluation of assets and targets. This will deter-
mine which risks have priorities in a given case.
2. Description. It means to give an objective under-
standing the probability of occurrence and size of
impacts (in qualitative or better quantitative
terms) of possible disasters and failures of the
technical installation. It is a highly professional
activity requiring the deep knowledge and quali-
ty data.
3. Decision. It means to evaluate the quality of the
forecast of the development of the technical in-
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
stallation, if possible as an optimum when con-
sidering the benefits and losses in the operation
of the technical installation in a dynamically var-
iable surrounding; i.e. to do the decision-making,
how to mitigate and manage risks and how to
implement measures represents a key step in risk
4. Communication. It means a discussion of a set of
measures and activities with the key actors in the
process of operation of the technical installation
and with other stakeholders. Legislation requires
communication with the public, consultation,
conflict resolution and the establishment of part-
nerships on important issues.
5. Monitoring and instruction. It means a monitor-
ing of the specified quantities and their values
that characterize the consequences of decisions
and actions on the technical installation, and in
case of detection of significant deviations that
may interfere with the achievement of the goal,
to apply corrections.
Risk management in the event that the risk is
not acceptable consists, according to [1,2,4,5] in
choosing one of the following alternatives: risk
avoidance, i.e. not initiating or continuing the activi-
ties that are a source of risk when possible (human
society can exists without a technical installation);
eliminating the risk sources, i.e. preventing the dis-
asters from occurring when possible (choosing an
alternative to a technical installation that has fewer
sources of risk or less risk); reducing the likelihood
of risk occurring, i.e. the occurrence of major disas-
ters when possible (application of the principles of
safety culture); reducing the severity of the impacts
of the risk, i.e. preparing the mitigation measures
such as warning, response and recovery systems;
risk sharing, i.e. risk allocation between the parties
and the insurance undertakings; and risk retention.
Risk negotiation is based on the current possi-
bilities of human society and consists, according to
[1,2], in the division of risks into categories in
which part of the risk is: reduced, i.e. preventive
measures avert the realisation of risk; mitigated, i.e.
through preventive measures and preparedness
(warning systems and other emergency and crisis
management measures) to reduce or avert unac-
ceptable impacts; insured; ensured response and
recovery measures for which reserves of all kinds
shall be prepared; and for the part that is unmanage-
able or too expensive or infrequent, a contingency
plan is prepared.
This is also accompanied by a distribution of
risk management among all concerned. The break-
down in good management [27] is carried out by
taking as a view to ensuring that all stakeholders
(from politicians to administrative staff, technical
management to technicians and citizens) are respon-
sible for risk management and that the management
of a particular risk is assigned to the entity best pre-
pared for it; Figure 3.
When selecting the risk management measures
and activities, it should be ensured that the cost of
managing the risks, does not exceed the potential
damage caused by the realisation of the risk. The
safety management system (SMS) of the critical
element shall include the tasks listed in Figure 4
According to current knowledge in connection
with the safety of a technical equipment or technical
installation, i.e. also a critical element of infrastruc-
ture, it is necessary to respect the following proce-
dure when drawing up its concept, its sitting, design,
construction and operation, which links standards
and risk management results for the benefit of safe-
ty, i.e. using the risk-based design, the risk-based
operation tools; the risk-based inspections, the risk-
based maintenance, etc. [4,5], which link standards
and risk management results. The actual methodo-
logical process of risk management in favour of
safety (safety management) is shown in Figure 5.
Fig. 3: The safety features of critical transport ele-
ment; SMS is a safety management system.
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Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Fig. 4: Tasks specified in the safety management
system (SMS) of the critical element.
Fig. 5: Safety management of a critical entity.
4.2 Strategies for Increasing the Critical
Elements Safety
The safety and security of critical elements is essen-
tial for the protection and development of humans
and each State, so each State must have a strategy to
maintain and possibly increase safety in integral
concept. As the world evolves dynamically, condi-
tions may arise for which critical element limits are
not prepared, and therefore, the safety management
systems (including the security management sys-
tems) must always be equipped with measures to
minimize damages in the event that security
measures and safety systems fail or an unidentified
hazard occurs. Minimizing the damage can take the
form of warning and warning signals, training, in-
structions and procedures for behaviour in danger-
ous situations, or isolation of hazardous facilities
from populated centres etc. Measures prior to acci-
dents, including the emergency planning, shall be
drawn up before the equipment is put into operation,
because in the event of an accident, there might not
be enough time for this [4].
The safety management system has its roots in
industrial safety engineering, which has been devel-
oping step by step since the 19th century. The rela-
tively new discipline dealing with the safety man-
agement system is a response to the conditions that
arose after the 2nd World War when its "parent"
disciplines developed, namely systems ´ engineering
and systems´ analysis, which developed to solve
new and complex engineering problems. The scien-
tific basis of all these new currents of engineering
lies in the theory of systems, the development of
which began in the thirties of the last century; at
present, it is about the management of the safety of
the whole and its surroundings (integral safety).
Critical elements are complex socio-cyber-
physical systems with a high number of many dif-
ferent interconnections. According to the design, all
elements, components and interconnections have
their limits, which are set to certain conditions so
that together they meet the specified goal (interop-
erability) [1,4]. As conditions change as a result of
the dynamic development of the world, so also
change the conditions for interoperability. There-
fore, the critical elements safety varies depending
on the conditions.
In accordance with OECD requirements [45]
and results for technical installations [4,19-24], each
critical element manager shall have a critical ele-
ment safety management programme that is based
on qualified risk management, from design to con-
struction up to operation. Due to the present im-
portance of the role of cyber infrastructure associat-
ed with an automated management system, the SMS
must also ensure the cybersecurity; Figure 6 [11].
Fig. 6: Model of safety management of a critical
element with automated control in time according to
[11]. Processes: 1- conception and management; 2 -
administrative procedures; 3 - technical matters; 4 -
external cooperation; 5 - emergency preparedness; 6
- documentation and investigation of accidents; 7-
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
cyber security. Feedback: numbers 1-4 in a yellow
The main goal of critical element security in au-
tomatic control is that the instructions for critical
element control systems are clear and precise, i.e.
not affected by phenomena that distort them.
4.3 Responsibility for the Safety of Critical
Safety management is based on process manage-
ment, which is based on the consistent use of
knowledge about the problem in the system and its
surroundings, which is why it is also called
"knowledge management". The bearers of
knowledge are humans, knowledge cannot be taken
away from anyone, but can be expanded and multi-
plied indefinitely. In a knowledge society, it is pre-
cisely intellectual capital that dominates and has a
completely different position than before. All this
requires a different view of the management of de-
partments and units. Process management based on
the control of management and implementation
processes differs from the operational approach,
which is commonly used in the decision-making
process of classical management. It is based on
knowledge management and it does not focus on
results, but on causes.
In each entity, we distinguish the basic levels of
management that need to be aligned, namely: politi-
cal, strategic, tactical, operational/functional and
technical, Figure 7. The political level is often influ-
enced by the ideas and power goals of the ruling
political representations, and thus is sometimes far
removed from the goals of knowledge-based process
management. However, it is important because it is
through it that the other levels are realized. It is
greatly influenced by phenomena such as: corrup-
tion, power relations, abuse of power and lobbying.
In knowledge-based process management, the
strategic level determines the basic directions of
development, from which it follows which process-
es need to be modified or created, what organiza-
tional changes will need to be made, where to get
know-how, financial resources, etc. The tactical
level of process management helps to organize the
activities necessary for the implementation of long-
term goals. Answers to the questions of how to set
up processes, in what condition to maintain them
and how these processes must cooperate with each
other are sought. Operational management decides
on the specific distribution of resources in the pro-
cess (human, technological, financial) and also on
the performance of individual activities within the
set processes (how to perform a specific operation).
The aim is to ensure the of knowledge and skills
among workers. At the technical level, specific
problems are solved. It should be remembered that
the most challenging negotiations with risks take
place at this level; the resistance and resilience of
elements, equipment, components and entire sys-
tems increases, and according to data from practice,
the success rate of technical measures is between 40
and 80%. A significant effect and competitive ad-
vantage are achieved by the entity (territory, organi-
zation) only by harmonizing all levels of manage-
ment. The aim is to achieve a condition where pro-
cesses are defined and managed on the basis of
strategy, operational management is not just extin-
guishing emergencies. The processes are improved
on the basis of knowledge transferred from the op-
eration. New knowledge stemming from process
control is then quickly reflected back into the strate-
gy and provokes another fundamental change or
changes in the development of the subject.
Fig. 7: Entity process management levels.
According to the TQM scientific theory [3] and
according to the author's experience to date, in con-
nection with problem solving, it is necessary to con-
sider the possibilities that exist at each level of man-
agement when determining the division of tasks and
responsibilities in ensuring safety. The possibilities
are determined by both, the powers and the availa-
bility and amount of available resources, forces and
means that are needed to solve:
- at the operational management level of a tech-
nical installation, well-structured problems can
be successfully solved,
- at the middle management level of a technical
installation, both, the structured problems and
the poorly structured problems that are not asso-
ciated with great risks to the technical installa-
tion can be successfully solved,
- at the top management level of a technical in-
stallation, complex and unstructured problems
that have risks that can be controlled using the
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
tools that only the top management of the tech-
nical installation has at its disposal,
- only through mutual cooperation of public ad-
ministration and top management of technical in-
stallation can complex and unstructured prob-
lems of large scale with great risks be solved.
In the case of technical installations of transnational
scope, international cooperation is necessary. The
highest responsibility is at the political level, where
concepts are set and finances are decided.
5 Conclusion
The study of accidents and failures of technical
equipment and technical installations [4,19-24,28]
(generally entities) shows that these non-required
phenomena occurred in a number of cases due to
insufficient documentation of the processes shown
in Figures 2, 5 and 6, and insufficiently determined
responsibilities. Therefore, a number of suprana-
tional institutions (EU, IAEA, IATA, ICAO, OECD,
etc.) require the preparation of documentation in the
form of a safety report, which means that it is a doc-
ument supporting the safety of the monitored entity.
The document in question is intended for the man-
agement activities of the entity operator and for the
needs of the relevant public administration bodies
(state supervision) as well as for informing the pub-
lic. In real case, this document describes the adapta-
tion of generic model of safety management to real
In general, a safety report is a set of documents
that contain information about the monitored entity,
its location and activities, the organization and con-
trol system with respect to the prevention of acci-
dents and failures, a description of the entity's sur-
roundings and the environment, a description of the
equipment and an inventory of hazardous substances
present in the entity, the identification and analysis
of the risks of accidents and failures, their evalua-
tion and preventive measures, measures related to
preparedness for dealing with accidents and failures,
and limiting their impacts, as well as map documen-
tation. It monitors the processes shown in Figure 1
and is the basis of the integral safety management
system of the monitored entity.
The safety report is processed already in the
concept phase (preliminary), refined in the design
and construction phase, and systematically updated
during the operation of the entity. It provides a set
of policies and rules for maintaining the safety and
improving it. In practice, it is implemented by trans-
position into internal regulations, which are manda-
tory. It is the basic tool of the safety management
system (SMS) in the entity; a detailed description is
at work 4. In terms of responsibilities, it is created
hierarchically at different levels of details, and since
the highest competencies are in top management
27, so the division of responsibilities is done from
top to bottom.
An important document of the safety report for
critical entities that are vital to ensuring the basic
functions of the State is the continuity plan 4,
which is the strategic plan for the management of
safety and development of the entity anchored in the
SMS. The plan is based on the way of integral safe-
ty management and it contains not only data im-
portant for the operation of the entity, but also a way
of solving the problems that can seriously disrupt
the operation and competitiveness of the entity. In
accordance with 4, the entity continuity plan has
higher goals than the risk management plan and it
- how to deal with risks that have a source outside
the entity and seriously affect the entity, with the
appropriate responsibilities and procedures for re-
solving the conflicts between the public interest
and the entity interests,
- procedures to ensure a safe entity for the planned
lifetime so that the entity delivers quality products
or services, it is competitive and does not endan-
ger itself and its surroundings,
- due to the dynamic development of the entity and
its surroundings, which are not necessarily syner-
gistic, the response to the change of conditions,
including the emergency and crisis management
measures, which are elaborated in detail and en-
sured in all aspects for all levels of management
of the entity, i.e. it is attached a crisis prepared-
ness plan that contains measures and their provi-
sion for the State support.
To ensure the correctness and expertise of the
safety report, it must be approved by the State au-
thority, i.e. the State must have a safety oversight
authority, which is codified by law. Due to reality
that risk is site-specific, the generic model present-
ed above must be adapted to site conditions.
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DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.2
Dana Prochazkova
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022