Virtual three-phase laboratory exercise during pandemic situation
1Power Electronics Department
University of Applied Science Technikum Wien
Hoechstaedtplatz 6, 1200 Wien
2Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives
University of Technology Vienna
Gusshausstraße 24-26, 1040 Wien
Abstract: - The Corona pandemic has changed our way to teach, even our laboratory experiments. The
exercises for the three-phase systems had to be transferred to the web. The virtual exercises are described and
the results are shown. The pros and contras of this way to teach are discussed.
Key-Words: - virtual laboratory, three-phase systems, phasor diagram, neutral line interruption, voltage
1 Introduction
For many years the first author has taught a course
for Industrial Electronics in the second year of the
Bachelor course for Electronics. Only one week is
assigned for the chapter three-phase systems
(references are e.g. [1, 2]), one lecture for the basics
and one lecture for some calculation examples. A
laboratory exercise rounds off this theme. In this
laboratory exercise the students have to wire a three-
phase load connected in star with a 400 V mains (for
security reasons, a one to one isolation transformer
is used). In the circuits the voltages across the load
and the currents through the wires are measured.
First we use a symmetrical resistive load, then some
asymmetry is included and several errors are
induced (disconnection of wires). The ammeters and
the voltmeters are read for the experiments and
phasor diagrams are constructed. This is very
helpful to get a better understanding of this topic.
During the pandemic situation in the study year
2020/21 all lectures were transferred to Zoom
lectures. Therefore, an online exercise which
simulates the practical laboratory exercise was
made. The useful simulation program LT-Spice [3]
was used, which can be loaded down with no
2 Basic experiments
2.1 Experiment 0: Power flow
The starting point is the question: why do we use a
three-phase system? It is easy to understand that
with more wires more energy can be transferred and
the other point (which was already discussed in the
lecture) is the fact that the power transfer is nearly
constant compared to a pulsating one in a two wire
system. This was demonstrated at first (Fig. 1). The
voltage sources with the value zero represent the
ammeters A1, A2, A3, A4. The voltages across the
load resistors are equal to the phase voltages (this is
also in reality, because the voltage drop across the
ammeters can be neglected; in reality we use seven
measurement devices three voltmeters and four
ammeters). Fig. 2 shows the constant power flow
and the three pulsating ones for the three one-phase
systems. Also depicted are the currents through all
four wires and the phase voltages.
Fig. 1. Symmetrical load
Contrary to a single phase system which has a
pulsating power flow, the power flow in a
symmetric three-phase system is constant. So no
mechanical stress at the generator is caused. In a
one-phase system the constant mechanical power
from the turbine and the pulsating electrical power
at the electrical output lead to a large mechanical
stress with a frequency of two times the frequency
of the mains .
Received: June 15, 2021. Revised: October 23, 2021. Accepted: December 9, 2021. Published: January 3, 2022.
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.1
Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
Fig. 2. Up to down: power flow of the complete
three-phase system, power flow of the three phases;
currents through the lines; phase voltages
2.2 Experiment 1: Symmetrical load
The model (Fig. 1) is equal to the setup in the
laboratory. The symmetrical load consists of
resistors and the currents are measured in each line.
The voltage sources with the value zero represent
the current measurement devices (ammeters). To get
the rms-value as in reality (keep in mind that in the
laboratory we only get the rms-values with the
measurement devices), one must display one or an
integer manifold of periods and use the key
<control>, and the left key of the mouse when
pointing with the cursor at the symbol of the desired
signal in the probe window. The signals (phase
currents and phase voltages) are shown in Fig. 2 in
the two lower pictures. The rms-values are 1,473 A
in the phases and zero in the neutral line. The
current in the neutral is the sum of the phase
currents. The phasor diagram (Fig. 3) shows that the
current in the neutral is zero.
Fig. 3. Phasor diagram for experiment 1
2.3 Experiment 2: Unsymmetrical load
The load resistor in phase one is reduced to the half
of the original value (Fig. 4). Now the current in
phase one is doubled. The load is unsymmetrical
and the current is equalized by a current through the
neutral line (Fig. 5).
Fig. 4. Experiment 2: unsymmetrical load
Fig. 5. Experiment 2 up to down: currents through
the wires; phase voltages
Reading from the “ammeters” results in I1=2.945 A,
I2=I3=I4=1.473 A. This leads to the phasor diagram
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Phasor diagram for experiment 2
I =
NI +
1I +
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.1
Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
2.4 Experiment 3: interruption of phase 1
Now we interrupt phase one (Fig.7). This could be
by the blow of a fuse. Now we have only two
working phases and again a current has to flow
through the neutral line.
Fig. 7. Experiment 3: interruption of phase 1
Fig. 8. Experiment 3 up to down: currents through
the wires; phase voltages
Reading our “ammeters” leads to zero for phase one
and again 1.473 A for all other currents. To equalize
the system, again a current has to flow through the
neutral line. Constructing the phase diagram (Fig. 9)
helps again to understand this.
Fig. 9. Phasor diagram for experiment 3
2.5 Experiment 4: Additional interruption of
the neutral line
Now a second error occurs, the neutral line is also
interrupted (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10. Experiment 4: interruption of phase 1 and
of the neutral
Now two things occur: the star point of the source
which is normally grounded and the star point of the
load are different and a dangerous voltage between
the star point of the load and earth can occur, and
secondly the voltages across the load differ from the
phase voltages. Fig. 11 shows the shift of the two
star points, the voltages across the loads, the phase
currents, and the phase voltages. Reading our
“ammeters” shows the same current 1.276 A in line
2 and line 3. The voltages across R2 and R3 are the
Fig. 11. Experiment 4 up to down: shift of the star
point, voltages across the loads, phase currents,
phase voltages
The phase current is the same in both phases. Across
the series connection of both load resistors lies now
the line-to-line voltage. The voltage across the two
load resistors is now only 200 V (exact 199 V in our
case). The most interesting fact is the voltage
difference between the earthed voltage source and
the star point of the load. There is a voltage shift of
115 V, already a dangerous value! The interruption
of the neutral line can be very dangerous when the
load is unsymmetrical!
The construction of the phasor diagram (Fig. 12)
helps for better understanding. The construction
follows Kirchhoff’s voltage law. The phase voltage
is the sum of the voltages across the load and the
difference between the two star points. One gets
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.1
Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
With the measured values and with the help of a pair
of compasses one can construct the phasor diagram
(Fig. 12).
Fig. 12. Phasor diagram for experiment 4
2.6 Experiment 5: repair of the system
The system is again the system as shown in Fig. 1.
When the load is equal for all three phases, an
interruption of the neutral point does not matter.
(High voltage transmission lines have only a thin
earth line which conducts only the current caused by
some unavoidable asymmetry and are necessary in
case of a system fault; district lines in the tens of kV
range have only three lines.)
There is no voltage difference between earth (the
neutral point or star point of the source) and the star
point of the load.
2.7 Experiment 6: Capacitive load in
phase 1
The system is now repaired, but we change the load
of phase 1 by a capacitor which draws about the
same current as the original resistor (Fig. 13). From
the reactance of a capacitor
. (3)
one gets
µF. (4)
In our laboratory we have 20 µF capacitors which
can be used in this case. Now the load is asymmetric
and a current is flowing through the neutral line.
The results are shown in Fig. 14 and the phasor
diagram in Fig. 15. The ammeters” show
I1=1.443 A, I2=1.473 A, I3=1.473 A, I4= 2.063 A
(measured during the fourth and fifth period).
Fig. 13. Experiment 6: capacitive load in phase 1
Fig. 14. Experiment 6 up to down: voltages across
the load, current through the lines, phase voltages
Fig. 15. Phasor diagram for experiment 6
2.8 Experiment 7: capacitive load in
phase 1 and interruption of the neutral line
What happens when the neutral line is now
interrupted (Fig. 16)?
Fig. 16. Experiment 7: interruption of the neutral
locus of the arrow of the
displacement voltage
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.1
Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
For the measurement one has to check that the
system is in the steady state. Fig. 17 shows the shift
of the load star point, the voltages across the load,
the current through the phases, and the phase
Fig. 17. Experiment 7 up to down: shift of the load
star point, voltages across the load, current through
the phases, phase voltages
Fig. 18. Phasor diagram for experiment 7
For the steady state one gets the values
I1=1.9443 A, I2=2.1905 A, I3=0.5873 A for the
currents, for the load voltages UC1=309,5 V,
UR2=341.8 V, UR3=91.68 V, and for the
displacement of the star point of the load 144.44 V
(the measurement was done in the fifth period). The
voltage across load R2 is much higher than the
normal phase voltage of 230 V. Therefore, this load
can be destroyed (e.g. a TV set or other electronic
equipment)! The load across R1 is much lower than
the normal voltage and this can lead to a
malfunction. The voltage across the capacitor is also
significantly higher than the nominal voltage.
Asymmetric load and interruption of the neutral can
be very dangerous. Again the drawing of the phasor
diagram (Fig. 18) enhances the understanding. The
current in phase one leads the voltage across the
load capacitor by ninety degrees.
2.8 Experiment 7: star point displace-
ment Sternpunktverschleppung
The last of our basic experiments shows that it can
be very dangerous when the neutral is interrupted.
For example, two flats are supplied from the same
source. Therefore, they use the same neutral line. If
this line is interrupted and the load in one flat is
asymmetric, then not only the voltage at the loads
can destroy the loads in this flat, but also in the
neighboring one!
Fig. 19. Experiment 8: Voltage displacement
3 Extensions of these laboratory
Depending on the time one can expand these
experiments, e.g. the load can be connected in
triangle, the three-phase system can be rectified, or
the load can be an induction machine.
3.1 Experiment 9: Triangle load
Fig. 20 shows the circuit diagram for a triangle load.
The current in all load branches is also measured.
One can extend this experiment by studying the
influence of interruptions of different wires after
first considering it. First it must be done with paper,
pencil, and India rubber!
Fig. 20. Experiment 9: triangle load
DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.1
Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022
3.2 Experiment 10: three-phase
Another expansion could be a rectification [4] with
a B6 bridge (Fig. 21). This should, however, also be
studied with paper and pencil before. The results are
shown in Fig. 22, where the current through the
lines and the phase voltages are depicted together.
In the last picture the rectified output voltage and
the input voltages are shown. The currents through
the diodes and the voltages across them can be
studied in another experiment. In a next step the
influence of inductors in the lines and in the load
can be treated.
Fig. 21. Experiment 10: B6 rectifier
Fig. 22. Experiment 10 up to down: voltage and
current phase 3, voltage and current phase 2, voltage
and current phase 1, rectified voltage and phase
3.3 Experiment 11: induction machine
In this experiment an induction machine modelled
by the T-model can be treated. Fig. 23 shows a
machine in the nominal point.
Fig. 23. Experiment 11: induction machine at the
nominal point
4 Conclusion
The main idea of these exercises in the laboratory is
that the students of the Electronics curricular should
at least work one time in their course at the 400 V
three-phase mains. To reduce the risk of hazards an
isolation transformer separates the circuits from the
distribution network. We also use cables with
connectors which are especially isolated. But
carelessness can always occur, e.g. if the voltages
should be measured and the measurement device is
used as an ammeter or a cable is wrongly connected.
In the virtual lab exercise these errors have no
dangerous consequences and there is no stress for
the responsible lecturer (I was always glad when
these exercises were finished). The second task of
these experiments is to practice measurements and
to construct the phasor diagrams. Measurements in
the virtual exercises are easier, because there are no
fluctuations of the voltages. The instruments have to
be read at the same time (the students now make a
picture with their mobile phones to get the results at
the same moment). The problems with the
construction of the phasor diagrams are the same
both after the real measurement or after the
simulation (when all ammeters and voltmeters are
working correct). The results of the simulation and
their interpretation are the same and help to get a
better understanding of the three-phase system. The
exercises last shorter than in reality and in the same
available time more experiments can be carried out.
Interested students can repeat these experiments at
home and change the tasks and check other
problems. Nevertheless, the practical work with
hardware should be done in our courses.
[1] Olle I. Elgerd, and Patrick D. van der Puije,
Electronic Power Engineering, Chapman &
Hall, 1998.
[2] Mohamed E. El-Hawary, Electric Power
Systems, IEEE Press, 1995.
[3] Analog Devices, LTspice (can be downloaded
for free)
[4] Ned Mohan, Torr M. Undeland, William P.
Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley &
Sons, 2003.
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DOI: 10.37394/232010.2022.19.1
Felix A. Himmelstoss, Karl Edelmoser
E-ISSN: 2224-3410
Volume 19, 2022