Table 4 gives the changes in the coordinates of
the points in X, Y and h of the points of the passive
network second order and the are summarized.
Values from minimum to maximum are given, and
standard deviation and RMSE.
4 Discussion
This study, which presents the change of
coordinates in plan and height in known Geodetic
points (which are the Second-order passive network
points of the Geodetic datum in the Durres - Tirana
area), aims to analyze the changes in coordinates of
these points before and after the seismic event to
understand better the deformation caused by the
earthquake. It describes the geodetic equipment
used to perform GNSS measurements, the GNSS
measurement method, the Rinex data processing
program, and the calculation of the final points
coordinates of the selected geodetic points in the
Durres-Tirana area. Rinex data with 1" interval from
the ALBCORS Global Positioning System were
used to process GNSS measurements of measured
points. Also, in the process of processing the
coordinates of the points, the corrections of the daily
and final ephemerides have been introduced.
The coordinates are calculated in the official
Geodetic system of Albania "KRGJSH" Geodetic
Reference Frame of Albania. An assessment of the
change in the coordinates of the points was made,
including the analysis of the displacement vector of
the points and the presentation of the shift
graphically and analytically. The maximum change
in the plan is 0.052 cm and the minimum change is
0.027 cm. The maximum change in height is 0.020
cm and the minimum change is -0.122 cm. It is
recommended that GNSS measurements should be
made at known geodetic points at a certain time
interval to study local deformation processes in the
Republic of Albania.
To perform GNSS measurements at known
Geodetic points, we must use the data of the Global
Positioning System ALBCORS. Based on the study,
it turns out that the Geodetic points located in the
Durres-Tirana Region have displacements in plan
and height. For this reason, the coordinates of the
points of the Global Positioning System ALBCORS
must be recalculated from the Permanent Stations of
the GNSS network of EUREF, EPN class A to
achieve the highest possible accuracy. EUREF
"Reference Frame for Europe" consists of a network
of GNSS reference stations (Global Navigation
Satellite Systems, such as GPS, GLONASS,
Galileo, Beidou, ...) that operate continuously and
provide data in real-time. The main principles that
will be considered for the measurement campaign
- Measurements will be done simultaneously in all
- It will be 10 sessions with 24-hour observation.
- As supporting stations will be used only EPN
Class A stations, it will be the freshest solution.
After calculating the coordinates of the points of
the ALBCORS global positioning system from the
Class A EPN Network, we can obtain an accurate
deformation model for the Durres-Tirana region.
5 Conclusions
The maximum values of the X -coordinate
differences are Δx=0.052 m, the maximum
change of coordinates in Y is Δy=0.029 m and
the maximum change in height is Δh=0.020 m.
The minimum change of coordinates in X is
Δx= -0.027 m, the maximum change of
coordinates in Y is Δy= -0.042 m and the
maximum change in height is Δh= -0.122 m..
Changes in the coordinates of the grid points of
second passive order in the Durres-Tirana area
are on average 2-3 cm.
The combination of GNSS, seismic,
gravimetric, and geodetic measurements makes
it possible to create an accurate deformation
model for the entire territory of the Republic of
To create an accurate deformation model, the
coordinates of the points of the ALBCORS
system must be recalculated from the EPN
stations (EUREF Permanent GNSS Network).
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted
Technologies in the Writing Process
During the preparation of this work, the authors
used ChatGPT to enhance the clarity and coherence
of the text. After using this tool/service, the authors
reviewed and edited the content as needed and took
full responsibility for the content of the publication.
[1] Bilbil Nurçe, March 2023: Development of
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[2] Llambro Duni, Nikos Theodoulidis. January
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Durres (Albania) m6.4 Earthquake: Strong
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.63
Eduart Blloshmi, Bledar Sina