High-Speed and High-Temperature Powder Metallurgy for Energy
Efficiency and Environmental Protection
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Bl. 2, ac. G. Bonchev str., 1113 Sofia,
Abstract: - The article examines various approaches to creating industrial products from metal powders using
powder metallurgy methods. The advantages of powder-metallurgical methods for the production of details in
comparison with classical methods are cited. Innovative grinding bodies and grinding media are presented.
Possibilities of adding micro and nano elements are considered. A high-speed and high-temperature technology
for obtaining wear-resistant materials is described. Possibilities for the utilization of waste materials - glass and
electronic boards - were discussed. Applications in industry, medicine, and agriculture are presented.
Key-Words: - metal powders, innovative grinding bodies, innovative grinding media, powder metallurgy, high-
speed compacting, high-temperature sintering, waste processing, energy efficiency.
Received: March 11, 2024. Revised: August 13, 2024. Accepted: September 7, 2024. Published: October 2, 2024.
1 Introduction
Globally, 20% of the extracted energy is used for
crushing and grinding processes. The use of
innovative grinding bodies and grinding media
makes grinding energy efficient. Also, the processes
of chip removal, forging, and similar have high
energy costs and high losses, especially for metal
products. Some waste products are harmful, break
down slowly, and pollute the environment. The
processing of other waste materials (glass,
electronic boards) contributes to environmental
Mass-spread methods for thermal and chemical-
thermal treatment of tool and structural steels are
gas carburizing and gas nitrogen carburizing. Shaft
furnaces are used with external indirect heating of
the products in retorts. Other additional equipment
is used for tempering, including second-heat
tempering furnaces, conveyors, oil baths, degreasing
equipment, retort furnaces, etc. These methods are
characterized by several disadvantages such as high
consumption of reactive gases, non-uniformity of
the diffusion layers, a high degree of environmental
pollution due to the release of poisonous gases
during quenching, the presence of technological
waste from the quenching oil, and the need to
degrease the products after quenching by using
organic and inorganic degreasers, partial
decarburization and oxidation of the surface of the
products during transportation in a heated state.
The high efficiency of powder metallurgy (PM)
lies in the production of materials or products that
are technologically impossible or economically
unprofitable to produce by other methods. A feature
is that the products are produced using practically
waste-free technologies, [1], [2], [3]. Regardless of
the higher price of powders than that of cast metals,
the price per PM unit is lower than that of cutting,
stamping, milling, etc. With PM, the coefficient of
use of materials is in the range of 95-97%, while
with processing by cutting, this value is only 50-
60%. The small number of operations (3-5), allows
for the concentration of the production of parts in
one place, and this is related to increasing
productivity and automation, reducing energy losses
and the number of staff. As a result - lowering the
price of the final product. When working with
automatic presses, the amount of powder needed to
obtain a blank with a certain density is precisely
dosed, avoiding material losses inevitable in the
mechanical processing of cast parts. The method is
unique in the production of composite materials on a
metal or ceramic basis: copper-graphite for current-
carrying parts, WC-Co for metalworking tools, W-
Cu alloys, and many more. Others, [4], [5], [6].
These materials include the methods proposed for
development with the inclusion of micro and nano
elements - based on titanium carbide (TiC) and
based on boron carbide (B4C).
In the paper, we offer the following
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.43
Dimitar Karastoyanov
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
- obtaining metal powders through innovative
- obtaining blanks from metal powders by
high-speed impact pressing,
- production of powder-metallurgical details
by high-temperature sintering,
- obtaining powders from other materials -
broken glass, broken electronic boards.
2 High-Speed Metal Powders
The developed product represents an innovative
technology for obtaining metal products by the
methods of powder metallurgy. The innovative
technology involves the energy-efficient production
of fine metal powders by grinding using patented
innovative grinding bodies (Reuleaux tetrahedron* -
Figure 1, [7] in mills with patented innovative
grinding media (Reuleaux triangle lifters** - Figure
2, [8]. The inclusion of micro- and nano-elements
(for example, titanium carbide or boron carbide) in
the metal powder material is planned to increase the
hardness and wear resistance of the parts.
Fig. 1: Reuleaux tetrahedron
Fig. 2: Lifter with a section triangle of Reuleaux
*Reuleaux tetrahedron has the largest area of all convex 3D
figures with equal volume
**Reuleaux triangle has the largest perimeter of all convex
2D figures with equal area.
The energy efficiency and better quality of the
metal powder are demonstrated by using a ball mill
- tandem with one drive on two drums - Figure 3. In
one drum are placed the innovative tetrahedrons of
Reuleaux and in the other - traditional spherical
grinding bodies. At the same speed and the same
grinding time, the size of the particles from the two
drums and their size distribution are compared with
a laser nano-granulometry unit with a lower limit of
10 nanometers - Figure 4. If the uniform particle
size is required, it is proven that with the innovative
grinding bodies, this is achieved in a shorter time,
correspondingly with less energy consumption.
Fig. 3: Ball mill – tandem
Fig. 4: Laser nano granulometry unit
The obtained metal powders by grinding or
atomization [9], [10] are placed in test matrices of
different shapes and compacted by a high-speed
impact press with frequency control and the ability
to set the number of impacts - Figure 5. The blanks
thus obtained are sintered in an oxygen-free
environment in a muffle furnace up to 1700-1800 0C
- Figure 6. If hardening is required, the parts are
annealed to 900 0C and reheated in an electric
furnace to 1100-1200 0C.
Fig. 5: Impulse impact press hammer
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.43
Dimitar Karastoyanov
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
Fig. 6: Muffle furnace
In Figure 7 the structure diagram of the
developed innovative technology is shown. Metal
powders obtained by innovative grinding (possibly
with added micro and nano elements) are poured
from a dosing device into special matrices. The
matrices are located on a four-position rotary table.
A robot takes the completed matrices and places
them in a high-speed press, where the metal powder
is compacted into blanks. The blanks are placed in a
high-temperature furnace, where they are sintered.
1-Impulse press hammer
2-Bunker for metal powder
3-Dosing device
4-Rotary table
5-Stationary robot
6-High-temperature furnace
7-Table for details
8-Control panel
Fig. 7: Innovative technology for obtaining metal
powder products
3 High-Temperature Metal Powders
We also offer an innovative high-temperature
technology (over 2000 0C) for active sintering of
high-temperature wear-resistant boron carbide
materials using a technological line with a graphite
Tamanov furnace - Figure 8. The Taman furnace is
a thick-walled graphite tube, short-circuited to a
powerful current source. In the Work Zone, the
walls are thinned, the resistance is greater and the
zone heats - max. up to 2300 0C, a temperature that
only graphite can withstand. Graphite ships are
pushed through the Work Zone from the conveyor
with a pusher rod - Figure 9, filled with mixtures of
metal powders that are melted and homogenized.
Fig. 8: Technological line with graphite Tamanov
Fig. 9: Graphite ship
In the hierarchy of materials in terms of
hardness, boron carbide ranks third after artificial
diamonds and the cubic modification of boron
nitride, but the synthesis of B4C proceeds relatively
easily. The synthesis of (BN)c from (BN)h takes
place under higher temperatures and pressure than
the synthesis of diamonds from carbon materials. In
addition to super hard (~40 GPa), boron carbide also
belongs to hard-melting (2450 oC) materials.
The applications are:
The B4C is used in the manufacture of the nuclear
reaction control systems, [11]. The B4C is used also
in military technology for making bulletproof vests,
and armor for tanks and helicopters. Calipers,
templates, sharpening tools, thermocouple guards,
mortars, etc. are made from boron carbide. Boron
carbide produces high-quality sandblasting and
shotblasting nozzles with diligence in metallurgy,
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.43
Dimitar Karastoyanov
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
engineering, shipbuilding, architecture, and
dentistry. B4C is used for nozzles instead of Al2O3,
in tumor diseases instead of BNC, [12]. The high
thermal and chemical stability determine the
application of B4C in the architecture of fuel cells
as a catalytic carrier, [13].
4 Processing of Other Waste
Another innovation is grinding instead of melting a
waste product - broken glass and the idea is to use
the resulting fine glass powder in construction in the
production of concrete. The quality of the obtained
material is established through research in
specialized laboratories. Glass waste (flat glass,
bottles, jars, household baking dishes, LCD screens,
etc.) is very suitable for processing in ball mills.
Depending on the operating modes of the ball mill
and the duration of grinding, products of different
shapes and sizes can be obtained. Larger products
with a size of 4 - 20 mm are used as substitutes for
gravel. Products with smaller sizes are used as
substitutes for sand or cement (< 48 µm).
It is also an innovation to grind other
ecologically harmful waste products - crushed
electronic boards, from which metal powder can be
separated from the busbars and other metal elements
using a cyclone-type separation and filtering
through water instead of direct disposal. Metal
powders are sifted in a system of precision sieves.
5 Conclusion
Innovative grinding bodies and innovative grinding
media enable energy-efficient production of metal
powders. The addition of micro and nano elements
in metal powders, high-speed impact pressing, and
high-temperature sintering make the products harder
and wear-resistant. The reduction of waste products,
as well as the disposal of other waste materials,
contribute to the protection of the environment.
Materials with high hardness and wear
resistance, produced with energy-efficient
technologies, can be used in various industries, for
example, for elements in the construction of large
buildings in agriculture greenhouses, and
hothouses in crop production, stables and cowsheds
in animal husbandry, etc. Materials produced from
waste products such as glass can also be used in
these industries, [14], [15].
The paper is supported by the Bulgarian National
Science Program “Intelligent Animal Husbandry”,
Grant Agreement No D01-62/18.03.2021.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Dimitar Karastoyanov carried out the simulation,
the data collection, and the experiments.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.43
Dimitar Karastoyanov
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024