work lines in order to be able to apply more
efficientlymanaging logistics risks and their practice
performance. Modern equipment can facilitate the
recognition, evaluation, and reduction of logistics
risks in an efficient way. For example, AI and
blockchain. In addition to all of that, due to their
long expertise, overseas firms can support Saudi
work lines which canimprove their managing of
logistics risks. Accordingly, logistics risk
managementa vital tool for suppliers and
manufacturers. In KSA, LRM is essential and
central since it helps protect suppliers and
manufacturers and guarantees an easy movement of
services and goods without any obstacles. As a
result, lines of work in KSA have toconcentrate
mainly on improving and applying LRM practice
performance to decrease related risks and guarantee
a flexible movement of services and goods.
Additionally, in KSA,the logistics sector is
flourishing dramatically. Thus, proper recognition
of risks can assist work lines to curtail problems and
get out of expensive postponing. However, work
lines in KSA are not well-prepared for logistics risks
such as overcrowding roads and ports and severe
weather conditions. What is more, up till now, in
KSA, lines of work are still developing.
As [3] mentioned, there is a noticeable bad
effect of logistics risks on the making sector of
KSA, so it is crucial to rely on LRM to decrease
such risks. Likewise, [4] and [5] state that there are
a lot of hindrances related to LRM in KSA, such as
lack of consciousness, experiences, and
infrastructure. On the other hand, according to [4]
and [5], there are various chances concerning LRM
like the improvement of modern equipment in
addition to growing interest in LRM by the
government officials of KSA.
It should be stated that, through their efforts to find
solutions, [6] present a structure of work to be
followed concerning LRM in KSA, consisting of
four phases: the first phase is to recognize the risks,
the second is to evaluate that risk, the third is to
lessen the risk and the fourth is to observe the risk
and review it.
Moreover, it is worth noting that the KSA
government has been making great efforts to
enhance the effectiveness of LRM by launching new
initiatives. For instance, four years ago, SPA started
a new plan thatconsists of many different systems
such as improving new recommendations,
presenting training services to experts in addition to
participating in new advancements. By taking these
procedures into account, it can be predicted that in
the next few years, LRM services in KSA are going
to be brilliant and fruitful, because the continuous
growth of the logistics sector is going to lead to
more investment done by the government in the
realm of LRM. At the end of the day, as [7]
announces, this is going to lessen obstacles in front
of the supply chain and guarantee a better flow of
services and goods.
Consequently, such plans and initiatives assist
in reducing the overcrowding of ports, and it make
them better and more efficient. Those new systems
and regulations are followed by a variety of
companies in KSA to control their shipping of
goods. As a result, there has been a noticeable
decrease in problems related to the shipping of
goods such as loss and damage. Also, the goods are
now delivered atthe right time with a better
performance. According to [8], those systems assist
in raising awareness concerning LRM and enhance
its practices.
To discuss the topic inmore details, it is a good
idea to take into consideration a study concerning
spatial dynamics of LRM, which was made in
China. According to [9], spatial autocorrelation lies
in LRM practices, proposing that lines of workcan
learn from the experiences of nearby businesses.
The Chinese study also finds that logistics risk
management practices are influenced by several
factors, including the type of logistics service
provider, the size of the business, and the industry in
which the business operates
The existing literature on the spatial dynamics
of the logistics risks focuses primarily on logistics
performance layout at the enterprise level and
logistics-regional economy interactions. Although
some research studies have examined the spatial
characteristics of the logistics risks from a regional
perspective, most of these studies have focused on
the relationship between logistics and regional
economic development. This paper aims to reveal
the spatial relationship of the logistics risks caused
by its own factors. Effective logistics are crucial for
any economy, and Saudi Arabia is no exception.
This article tackles the critical challenge of
managing logistics risks (LRM) within the kingdom.
The study focuses on a specific period (2010-
2021) to investigate the complex and evolving
spatial dynamics of LRM. By employing a spatial
panel model, the research analyzes how
geographical factors influence the impact of various
logistics risk factors on overall operational
efficiency. The ultimate goal is to provide valuable
insights for policymakers. The research
recommends promoting modern logistics solutions
and adopting advanced technologies to combat
congestion and adverse weather conditions,
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.41
Faten Mouldi Derouez, Shahad Khaled Alsubaie