SOS Museum, a Gamified Learning App for Cultural Heritage
Preservation Tailored for School Visits: Observational Insights
Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto,
Abstract: - This paper intends to systematize a first quantitative study based on the frequency of observable
behaviors related to the implementation of a gamified mobile app built to raise awareness about risk
management and preservation issues at the Military Museum of Porto, Portugal. The purpose of this study was
to acknowledge, compare, and analyze the behavioral changes of a group of students (n=84) aged between 8 to
12 years old divided into two groups: experimental and control. Obtained results will assist a deeper and future
analysis addressing infocommunicational problems in gamification processes and their relationship with
knowledge in the museum context. The first results show that, by comparison to the control group, visitors were
more excited, had more sense of urgency, were mutually aiding each other, and had more efficient
communication and collaboration by completing tasks quickly and effectively, throughout the 30-minute
average duration of the experience.
Key-Words: - Cultural heritage, preservation, observable behaviors frequencies, mobile gamified application,
observational registry, experience.
Received: July 29, 2023. Revised: May 7, 2024. Accepted: June 15, 2024. Published: July 18, 2024.
1 Introduction From Learning to
the Interactive Experience Model
Museums have become complex entities shaped by
multiple dimensions. In the 21st century museums
have evolved into spaces of cultural and educational
mediation [1], strongly oriented towards
surrounding communities [2]. Associated with non-
formal education, museums try to shape and deliver
activities that potentiate learning, frequently trying
to amplify knowledge about their collections and
related present or past pertinent subjects. When
dwelling on learning, the concept is a very complex
principle to grasp. Nevertheless, a way to describe it
revolves around an active assimilation process of
information within personal, social, and physical
contexts, incorporating the accommodation of new
information into mental structures and enabling its
use, but learning can also be defined in a markedly
political manner where dialogue plays a primary
role. According to [3], educator and author, the
learning process is marked by underlying
transformations that occur through the construction
of knowledge, which may be transmitted when the
object of study is truly comprehended and
assimilated, [3]. Also learning, whether concrete or
abstract, should be viewed as a holistic approach,
based on a central cycle of experience that results in
a combination of perception, cognition, and
behavior, [4]. Although individuals learn better
when they are highly motivated, negative
motivations can also promote learning but over time
and with repetition, retention might diminish, [5].
Additionally, it is crucial to emphasize that
emotions play a significant role in cognition,
overlapping with motivation, problem-solving,
decision making, and consciousness, whereas
without their influence, learning wouldn´t be
possible, [5]. Considering this, learning processes
are based on individual choices that heavily depend
on emotions, because “sensory perception and
attention, both of which play key roles in learning,
are highly influenced by emotions due to changes in
the neurotransmitters released in the brain”, [6].
Therefore, learning always infers a behavioral,
physical, or mental alteration in individuals that
originate a medium to long-term retention of
information and the use of a series of specific and
personal attributes linked to comprehension,
motivations, perceptions, and different contexts.
Given the frequency of educational activities in
museum institutions and all their diversity,
facilitating the measurement of learning entails an
extremely complex process. One of the strategies
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
that should be employed, similar to the formal
educational system, involves delineating the specific
learning objectives of each activity, and ensuring
their fulfillment. Nonetheless, this fulfillment does
not imply that there has been, in fact, knowledge
retention by the participants, other measures to
assess results are necessary depending on the type of
In the book "The Museum Experience"[7] it is
proposed an interactive experience model where
three contexts - personal, social, and physical -
which contribute significantly to visitors' perception,
assimilation and potential learning, are outlined.
According to the authors [7], there is a
misconception that learning is solely the acquisition
of new ideas, facts, or formally received
information, but its complexity derives from
multiple situations, spanning from schools to
museums, amongst other spaces, and it is closely
connected to individual memory and perception.
The ability to use, recognize, solve problems, recall
images, smells, sounds, colors, or memorize
choreographies involves the use of perception and
integration into memory for future use [7], but also
learning itself can be considered as a socially
mediated group activity, directly influencing
individuals' roles and relationships permanently
with many social, emotional and even intellectual
competencies acquired through the modulation of
others' behavior. Thus, it is worth noting that
learning processes also occur within a physical
context, which is of utmost importance when
determining how much information is perceived and
recalled, [7]. The continuous interaction between
these three contexts (personal, social, and physical)
makes up the ultimate experience because, based on
findings, a well-balanced experience that
accommodates correctly these three contexts has a
better chance of being remembered in the long term,
[7]. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that
behavior in museums is often reactive, unconscious
and responsive to space, color and forms, but
visitors do not retain visual memories of objects,
captions, or conceptual schemes, but rather events
and observations that they categorize into mental
and personal lists, determined by events experienced
before and after visiting, [8]. Consequently,
museum visitors have a variety of motivations,
expectations, and beliefs that affect or may affect
learning and the visit itself, which should always be
taken into account.
This paper aims to synthesize a first approach to
the analysis of observational occurrences during the
implementation of a digital gamified prototype
SOS Museum aimed to address preservation
issues within the Military Museum of Porto, in
Portugal. In the observational grid construction, we
intended to mirror the interactive experience model
[7], where we formulated constructs [9] to optimize
observed behaviors during the life span of the
experience inside the museum, [10]. Observable
behavior frequencies were measured within an
experimental group that tested SOS Museum, as
well as within a control group that visited the
exhibition, addressing the same learning objectives
as the ones developed in the mobile app. The
presented results show that the experimental group
had a more enjoyable and emotional interaction
because the experience is well balanced in the
personal and social context in comparison with the
control group. However, certain disparities in the
physical context may be attributed to the distracting
nature of the mobile app itself. Nonetheless, this
does not necessarily imply a lack of visitor
engagement with the museum space and collections,
on the contrary, emotionally driven behaviors seem
to prove otherwise.
2 SOS Museum: An App to Promote
Awareness about Risk and
Preservation in Museums
The introduction of new technologies in museum
spaces has, in a way, shaken up access to
information throughout museological institutions, a
paradigm that the new museology [11] had already
witnessed and foreseen, enabling experiences within
and for communities. Delivering new forms of
connecting with these communities now requires
clear and distinct content that should address the
target group’s needs and characteristics. During the
project, we sought out methods to achieve this aim
and found that leveraging gamification strategies
could strengthen the communication of information
by fostering engagement and enjoyment. Given that
the intended audience for this proposal consisted of
children aged from 8 to 12 years old, gamification
was perceived as a means to streamline access to
information and enhance its availability through
engaging and educational "game-like structures,"
thereby possibly impacting learning.
Our gamified application SOS Museum is
centered around the preservation and safeguarding
of cultural assets in the Military Museum of Porto,
Portugal. This choice was made primarily because it
constitutes a major task within museum teams and,
secondly, because it introduces children to a novel
subject they can learn from. We believe that
gamification strategies can help to empower visitors
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
as active agents in risk management, forging a close
connection with the issue, which could be beneficial
in the long run for forming new museum audiences.
The introduction of game mechanisms was aligned
to promote a deeper understanding of some
preservation processes, relying upon an age-
appropriate narrative. Equally important was the
selection of objects within the museum space to
ensure users' physical integration into the gamified
experience. With that in mind, our objects’ selection
aimed to establish an immediate connection through
the identification of materials and characteristics,
encouraging the visitor’s observation and detection
competencies. SOS Museum integrated solutions
involve quizzes, an exhibition plan tour and game-
like simulations of three risk contexts (earthquake,
moth activity, and incorrect light, temperature, and
relative humidity) which instills a sense of urgency
by motivating users to make decisions. Also, the
application was created taking into consideration
specific learning outcomes to be achieved during
progression, such as: facilitating a better
understanding regarding the vulnerability to
physical forces, light, temperature, and relative
humidity, the vulnerability of textiles to insects and
a better understanding of the need to articulate
curatorship and preservation within museums’
spaces. Moreover, feedback mechanisms were
included in the design of the experience [12], as
well as game mechanisms, such as points and
badges that reinforce desired actions and introduce
freedom and surprise, making the experience
possibly more creative and enriching.
3 Direct Observation: Grid
Construction and Registry
3.1 Methodology
The prototype evaluation at the museum engaged a
total of 84 students, aged between 8 and 12 years
old, from four classes: two from the fourth grade
and two from the fifth grade. The process began by
dividing each class into two distinct groups: an
experimental group and a control group. In the
experimental group, students engaged with the
gamified digital prototype, forming teams of 2 up to
4 users per mobile device, as the gamified
experience requires. Conversely, the control group
(Figure 1) embarked on a distinct guided tour
focused on learning objectives related to
preservation issues, akin to those in the application.
Observational data was meticulously live noted and
coded (Figure 1), deploying two observational grids
per class, totaling eight equal grids. The
observational grid was tailored specifically for this
evaluation, capturing behavioral dynamics both with
the application and throughout the guided tour. Each
grid was filled in by the researcher according to a
pre-established counting protocol per time block.
Included observable behaviors in the grid derived
from well-thought-out decompositions of more
complex concepts [13], allowing an appropriate
identification without significant inquiries. Grid
results were tabulated as frequencies and
subsequently converted into graphs using integrated
tools available in Excel for a more effective
comparison between groups and contexts over time.
Fig. 1: Half a 5th grade class doing the normal visit -
Control Group coding, ©Bárbara Andrez, 2024
3.2 Grid Construction
The designed observational grid aimed to gauge the
frequency of behaviors in both groups, drawing
from the interactive experience model [7], which
categorizes the dimensions of visitors into three
primary contexts: personal, social and physical.
Thus, to further unpack these contexts into
typologies of observable behavior, the initial step
involved selecting and developing constructs [9] or
indicators within each context: excitement,
initiative, happiness and sense of urgency within
the personal context; problem-solving and listening
ability – within the social context; and lastly, spatial
movement – within the physical context.
After identifying these constructs, we began to
unfold them into sets of potential observable
behaviors, considering that these variables were
built upon group dynamics taking into account
minimal external fluctuations, [9]. Nevertheless, this
doesn't rule out the possibility of uncontrolled
external factors, especially within each student's
personal context, that can alter the visit itself,
regardless of the attributed group (experimental or
control), resulting in fewer frequencies per grid.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
With that in mind, sets of observable behaviors
marked under excitement were: speech acceleration;
changes in the tone of voice; animated facial
expressions and the use of positive and/or
exclamatory verbal expressions like “amazing”,
“fantastic” and “love it”. Under initiative and
urgency, sets of marked observable behaviors were
grouped under beginning tasks or engaging in
discussions or movement and carrying out actions
rapidly, whereas behaviors such as talking before
anyone else or getting ahead of the group were
coded. Related to the social context and under
problem-solving, we marked as a set mutual aid and
effective communication and collaboration in
completing tasks quickly and effectively where
behaviors such as attention to what others are doing
or expressions such as “I´ll do it", “Worry not”,
“Let’s win” were coded, amongst others
frequencies. Under listening ability, no interruption,
nods, or neutral facial expressions when someone
speaks were marked and coded. Finally, within the
physical context and spatial movement we have
chosen attention to the objects in the museum
collection and the reading of objects’ informative
captions. In addition, we introduced some notes for
each set of observable behaviors, for instance, the
attention to the objects was coded whenever there
were glazes directed towards objects or fingers
pointing. These notes made it quicker to code, and,
when in doubt, they provided examples of behaviors
adding more accuracy to the frequency marking.
Also, because we believe that verbal expression is
of utmost importance, this observational grid didn’t
solely rely upon the observational competencies of
the researcher. Instead, there are several behaviors
marked that rely only upon the researcher’s
attention and listening abilities.
3.3 Observational Registry
Since the observation was conducted in groups
continuously, a rapid marking frequency system was
implemented whenever any of the listed behaviors
were detected within the group. To streamline the
marking process, the duration of the sessions was
carefully timed and observations were organized
into five-minute blocks to track behavior
progression over time. Observed behaviors were
coded within the corresponding time block; for
instance, if a change in voice pitch occurred 2
minutes into the session, the coding and marking
would be attributed to the 5-minute block. Similarly,
if the behavior occurred at the 17th-minute mark, it
would be noted in the 20-minute block, as the
block's name designates the maximum time limit.
Due to the high cost associated with
observational measurement, in terms of time and
demanding attention, competency, and judgment
requirements, various alternatives exist to divide
observation sessions and mitigate expenses. In this
particular case, observations were conducted live
and solely by a single researcher, without video
capture to streamline subsequent review. So, by
doing a continuous behavior sampling method by
event [9] we have simplified the collected
observational occurrences, making it easy to code
and mark frequencies of behavior as they were
happening. We believe that this organization made
observational behavior coding possible with the
accuracy and attention that is expected for a single
researcher in this particular setup.
4 Analysis and Results
After concluding all sessions, we aggregated the
total frequencies alongside their corresponding time
blocks and observed behaviors. The data obtained
hinges upon comparing two distinct groups—the
experimental and control group—over time and
across various contexts of observable behavior, a
primary objective of this project. However, we
acknowledge that the data obtained during sessions
was selective, as it's impractical to encompass all
facets of observable behavior and code them in a
non-selective manner, [13].
The inquiries we sought to address were: how is
the frequency distributed across each context over
time in the two groups? Are there significant
temporal changes in frequencies between the two
groups? And are the experiences robust across all
three contexts? Drawing from the interactive
experience model [7], the challenge of this study
was to create an observational grid outcome based
on quantitative analysis, allowing us to discern how
both experiences operate distinctively over time, as
illustrated in the accompanying graphics (Figure 2
and Figure 3).
Fig. 2: Experimental Group three contexts outcomes
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
Fig. 3: Control Group three contexts outcomes
Several key observations stand out initially.
Firstly, it's important to highlight that the duration
of the multiple sessions was not uniform. The
control group, relying on a traditional visit, lasted
longer on average (between 35 to 40 minutes), while
the experimental group concluded their experience
in around 30 minutes or less. This discrepancy arose
from two uncontrollable factors: firstly, the
allocated museum professional spent more time
exploring themes and spaces within the museum,
and secondly, because the experimental group was
always the last one to go, we faced time constraints
imposed by school teachers. Consequently, while
most students in the experimental group finished
within the allotted time, two teams had to be rushed
through due to time restrictions. Additionally, it's
noteworthy that the sample compositions were not
identical. Two students who were supposed to be
part of the group visit (n=40) ended up testing the
application (n=44) due to a calculation error during
their separation upon arrival at the museum. Despite
these variations, we can still discern significant
differences when comparing the obtained graphics.
One notable distinction is that all three contexts
exhibit significant changes over time during the
experience. In the experimental group, the personal
context is notably heightened compared to the other
two, indicating that the gamified app was well-
received, engaging, and enjoyable. In the social
context, albeit with fewer occurrences, we observe
that social interactions integrated into the
application, such as team dynamics and element
swapping, functioned effectively as social
engagement tools that persisted over time despite
some natural fluctuations. Conversely, in the
physical context, the experimental group exhibits
fewer occurrences (Figure 2). We hypothesize that
this is due to the high demand for personal
investment and because of the digital nature of the
experience itself (mobile app). With that in mind,
students may have become immersed in the
experience, possibly losing track of their
surroundings and objects as they navigated through
the app, but there are still a few peaks over time that
can be closely connected with the app’s challenges
and prompts, such as analyzing objects and reading
Upon examining the control group (Figure 3),
we noticed that the physical context is more
prevalent, surpassing the other two that seem to
decline over time, midway through the experience.
This suggests a sudden interest in the objects or a
diminishing interest in the spoken content,
prompting visitors to seek novelty in order to pursue
or maintain engagement. Nevertheless, a
comparison of both graphics reveals a more
balanced relationship between contexts in the
experimental group, potentially indicating a well-
rounded experience [7], which is essential for long-
term knowledge retention, by contrast, in the control
group, each context seems to rely on its own. Also,
the experimental group displays a closer relationship
between the three contexts, although not formally
tested, whereas this relationship appears to be less
pronounced in the control group.
When juxtaposing the personal context within
the same graphic (Figure 4), we observe a gradual
decline in both groups over time, reaching zero
around the 30-minute mark in the experimental
group due to the experience concluding earlier than
the average duration of the control group. Moreover,
a notable trend emerges as there is nearly double the
frequency of behaviors within the first 15 minutes,
indicating heightened engagement at the onset of the
experience, which diminishes as participants hurry
towards its conclusion.
Fig. 4: Personal context in the control group and
experimental group
On the other side, the control group exhibits
smaller fluctuations, with significantly fewer
behavioral occurrences, suggesting instances where
group engagement has been improved by the
museum professional to maintain their attention
over time. It is believed that the experimental group
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
was more emotionally invested in the experience, in
contrast to the control group, which had to be
pushed and motivated throughout.
Regarding social context, there's a noteworthy
contrast between the groups (Figure 5), likely
attributed to the playful nature of the application and
the inherent need for teamwork and peer interaction.
Behaviors coded within the experimental group
appear consistently more effective throughout the
visit compared to those in the control group, which
initially started strong but gradually diminished. We
assume that, although all groups stood in the
museum space as social entities, the gamified
mobile app reinforced some of the group capacities
that deal with mutual aid and effective
communication and collaboration, where several
expressions like We´ll do it again" and “Let’s
move” were listening.
Fig. 5: Social context in the control group and
experimental group
Finally, the most significant disparity lies within
the physical context of both groups. Figure 6 shows
notable differences between the control and
experimental groups. However, it's intriguing to
note that observable physical behaviors in the
control group peak around the 20-minute mark. This
coincides with the point where the museum
professional had directed the control groups toward
a major collection of small toys’ soldiers, spending
considerable time in multiple rooms dedicated to
this collection until nearly the end of the experience.
Given this, it's reasonable to suggest that there may
have been a momentary interest in the objects that
waned over time.
In contrast, concerning the experimental group,
it's similarly apparent that there is a close relation
with peaks in the 15-minute and 20-minute mark
coinciding with the app requirements to examine
highlighted objects in the museum space in order to
respond to quiz questions and tackle challenges. It is
considered that, although the app has managed small
peak attention to objects, the nature of the mobile
app itself has imposed lesser physical behaviors
occurrences, such as looking at captions or glancing,
in comparison with the control group moving
alongside the museum professional. This
interpersonal relation between the group and the
allocated museum professional instantly enhances a
more representative physical connection, as Figure 6
shows, because there are immediate associations
between the spoken word and the materialized
objects on display, resulting in greater frequencies.
Nevertheless, we believe, based on the results, that
the app has not only contributed to physical
engagement, when needed but also to spatial
awareness because the teams had figured out how to
move through the building on their own.
Fig. 6: Physical context in the control group and
experimental group
5 Conclusions and Further Work
This study was important to preview some initial
insights regarding observable behaviors of children
aged from 8 to 12 years old during the
implementation and evaluation of the app SOS
Museum. Presented data demonstrates that the
experimental group had a more enjoyable and
engaging experience, both within personal and
social contexts in comparison to the control group,
even though both experiences have the same theme
and objectives and were delivered for the same
exhibition spaces. Also, it is safe to say that, in the
experimental group, coded frequencies are more
stable and revolve throughout time in a more similar
way, even though the physical context behaviors
show fewer frequencies. Results show that visitors
who have experienced the museum spaces with the
app could, drawing from findings [7], potentially
retain more information about preservation and
safeguarding, because, despite the obtained physical
context values, the curves are more balanced than
the ones from the guided visit, which is a good
indicator of a well-rounded and balanced experience
delivery. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
analyze and validate a set of questionnaires which
will assist in concluding if, in fact, any form of
knowledge retention has occurred in this group.
In the control group, frequencies are more
distressed showing a lack of socially observable
behaviors, which could undermine knowledge
retention. Learning is a socially mediated group
activity that heavily influences emotional and
intellectual competencies. Therefore, a distinct lack
of social context frequencies could annihilate
learning if not well balanced. Also, it’s important to
mention that the scarcity of occurrences in the
physical context of the experimental group is due to
the nature of the experience itself as a mobile-
oriented app. Results reveal that corresponding
peaks in the physical context address times when the
app ordered visitors, to find objects or acknowledge
and assess their material for e.g. In the control
group, corresponding peaks in the physical context
signal a more vivid interaction with the objects
because they are novelty (the case of the tiny
soldiers’ exhibition rooms), but we have also
observed and marked as further notes a shortage of
attention in some peak’s minute mark that led to
wanderers around each room as the museum
professional was speaking, that might have
contributed to the augmented number of frequencies
as well. Considering these results, it is believed that
observable behaviors have validated the app as an
engaging tool for young visitors, facilitating a range
of emotions and positive social interactions
throughout the 30-minute experience.
As future work, the app could reunite more
forms of engaging with museum collections in order
to amplify frequencies of behaviors regarding the
attention to objects and reading the objects
‘captions. In a contextualized form, we have also
come to the conclusion that structuring guided tour
visits for this type of target group should be well-
planned, in order to articulate all three contexts
systematically, regardless of the theme.
Nonetheless, it is also worth noting that both
experiences in their three contexts start with a high
number of frequencies that diminish over time, as
novelty disappears or the initial questions are
diluted. However, this study demonstrated that a
planned introduction of gamification strategies
could actually strengthen communication, fostering
engagement between peers and enjoyment,
irrespective of the theme.
Further work involves analyzing additional
approaches, to attest if there is significant
knowledge retention over time in the two groups.
Based on these results, we assert that a finely tuned
gamified experience has the potential to enhance
visitors' learning capacities. This might be evident
from the observable behaviors in both personal and
social contexts, suggesting that such strategies could
foster greater knowledge retention compared to a
traditional museum visit.
The authors acknowledge the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for
financial support (PhD Grant) to the corresponding
author(a) and the Research and Development Unit
CITCEM - Transdisciplinary Research Centre
«Culture, Space and Memory», for global scientific
and financial support.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Bárbara Andrez, has conducted the design of the
app, as well as the investigation process, data
collection/visualization and written draft.
Paula Menino Homem, has supervised the research,
prepared the draft to be published, gave feedback
and made revisions.
Maria Manuela Pinto, has oversighted the research
planning and execution, made commentary and
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.32
Bárbara Andrez, Paula Menino Homem,
Maria Manuela Pinto
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024