Improvement of the Sand Quality by Applying Microorganism-induced
Calcium Carbonate Precipitation to Reduce Cement Usage
1Department of Biotechnology,
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok,
1518 Pracharat 1 Rd. Wong Sawang, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800,
2Construction and Building Materials Research Center (CBMRC),
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok,
1518 Pracharat 1 Rd. Wong Sawang, Bangsue, Bangkok 10800,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - This research determines the Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) process
utilized by the bacteria found in Thailand. Many researchers typically use the high-efficiency MICP bacteria to
precipitate calcium carbonate. However, it is only available in some countries, leading to a high import
expense. Therefore, the methodology for using the bacteria capable of producing calcium carbonate in Thailand
was investigated. The five pure bacteria strains are obtained from the Thailand Institute of Scientific and
Technological Research (TISTR), i.e., Proteus mirabilis TISTR 100, Bacillus thuringiensis TISTR 126,
Staphylococcus aureus TISTR 118, Bacillus sp. TISTR 658 and Bacillus megaterium TISTR 067. To screen
urease production, the bacteria were spread on Christensen's Urea Agar (UA) slant surface via a colorimetric
method. All bacteria strains can produce urease enzymes by observing the color changes in the UA. Berthelot's
method was used to determine the urease activity. The result shows the bacteria's urease activity: 2389, 1989,
1589, 789, and 589 U/ml, respectively. These directly lead to calcium carbonate production: 3.430, 3.080,
2.590, 1.985, and 1.615 mg/ml, respectively. Despite the bacteria in this research having a low precipitation
efficiency compared to the strain used in many research studies, they can improve sand stabilization in 7 days.
Proteus mirabilis TISTR 100 was the most stable and effective strain for the MICP process in Thailand. Hence,
this research reveals the ability of the local bacteria to bond with the sand particle. Briefly, the improvement of
the MICP process in sand stabilization can be improved to reduce imported expenses. In addition, the MICP
process can reduce the use of cement in sand stabilization work.
Key-Words: - MICP, Cement consumption, Biofilm, Improvement, Ureolytic bacteria, Cemented sand.
Received: July 21, 2023. Revised: April 19, 2024. Accepted: June 6, 2024. Published: July 3, 2024.
1 Introduction
The current world is facing the issue of global
warming, partly caused by environmental
degradation resulting from the mining of limestone
to produce cement. This process leads to pollution,
such as dust and air pollution, and the destruction of
natural habitats for wildlife and forests. Hence, the
researchers have discovered the significance of the
combination of biotechnology and industrial
construction in developing innovative approaches to
reduce cement usage for environmental
Microbially induced carbonate precipitation
(MICP) may be defined as one environmentally
friendly approach that can improve the properties of
soil and sand, [1], [2]. The MICP method uses the
ureolytic bacteria which can produce the enzyme
urease to accelerate the process of urea hydrolysis,
leading to the formation of calcium carbonate, [3],
This research selected the pure strain of each
bacteria, mainly within Thailand from the Thailand
Institute of Scientific and Technological Research
(TISTR). The growth conditions of the bacteria
strain were controlled by maintaining temperature
and adjusting the pH value. The optimal conditions
to ensure the production of urease enzymes,
temperature, and pH are the major roles in inducing
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
calcium carbonate precipitation from various
calcium sources, such as calcium lactate, calcium
nitrate, [5], [6] and calcium chloride [7]. Calcium
chloride is typically used in MICP processes due to
the higher rate of calcium carbonate precipitation
than the other sources, [8].
The MICP mechanism starts with the
catalyzation of urea hydrolysis by urease activity.
This reaction generates the carbonate and
ammonium compounds forming, as shown in
Equation 1. Subsequently, the presence of
ammonium increases the pH value of the solution,
promoting the precipitation of calcium carbonate, as
shown in Equation 2, [9].
+ (1)
2-→Cell+CaCO3 (2)
The MICP is mainly focused on calcium
carbonate deposits in soil and sand to enhance their
stability and reduce soil erosion, [10], [11], [12]. It
can be used as a bonding between sand particles to
improve their cohesiveness and formability, which
is superior to untreated sand, [13], [14], [15], [16].
Furthermore, the bacterial biofilm formation
effectively enhances the adhesiveness of the bacteria
to sand surfaces. This biofilm formation also
supports the efficacy of the MICP process, resulting
in higher sand stability, [17], [18], [19], [20], [21].
This research aims to investigate the quality
improvement of sand stabilization by applying the
MICP process to precipitate calcium carbonate as a
binding material between sand particles to enhance
shape stabilization. This study potentially opts for
the bacteria strains that found in Thailand.
Experimental trials are conducted to determine the
optimal concentration of calcium chloride solution
that induces the highest calcium carbonate
precipitation for various bacterial strains. These
selected conditions will be further studied to
improve the bonding characteristics and strength of
the sand, which can be based on sustainable future
developments in real-world construction.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Materials Preparation
The sample sand used in this research was obtained
from the Chao Phraya River, Nonthaburi Province,
Thailand. Sand passed through the sieve No. 30 and
was retained on sieve No. 200 in a sieve shaker
(RETSCH®, AS 200 Basic, Germany), which have a
particle size within the range of 75-600 µm using a
sieve (RETSCH®, Woven Wire Mesh Sieves - 200
mm., Germany) that complied with ASTM E11
standards, [21]. After that, the sand was washed
thrice with deionized water (DI) and then dried in a
hot air oven (Memmert, Universal oven UN30m,
Germany) at 105°C for 48 hr.
The maximum dry density of the sand was
conducted according to the ASTM D698 (Standard
Efford Compaction), [22] and it was found that the
sand in this research had an optimum moisture
content of 17.5% and a maximum dry density of
1.60 g/cm3.
2.2 Medium Preparation and Cultural
2.2.1 Cultural Medium Preparation
The preparation of cultural medium using Nutrient
Broth containing urea (NBU) began by weighing 13
g of the Nutrient Broth powder (HIMEDIA®, M002,
India) and dissolving it in 1000 ml of distilled water.
Then, 20 g of urea (KEMAUS, Australia) was
added, and the medium was dissolved completely
using a hot plate and magnetic stirrer (IKA®, C-
MAG HS 7, Germany). Next, 100 ml of the
prepared NBU was transferred into a 250-ml
Erlenmeyer flask and then sterilized in an autoclave
(HIRAYAMA, HICLAVE HVA-110, Japan) at a
temperature of 121°C and a steam pressure of 15 psi
for 15 min.
2.2.2 Urease Test
The urease screening by Christensen's Urea Agar
(UA) (HIMEDIA®, M112, India) was prepared by
dissolving 24 g of nutrient powder in 950 ml of
distilled water. The medium was dissolved
completely and sterilized in the autoclave at a
temperature of 115°C and a steam pressure of 10 psi
for 20 min. Afterward, the solution was left cool to
The concentrated urea solution of 40 %w/v 50 ml
was aseptically added to the UA. Finally, the UA 5
ml was transferred into the empty sterilized vials,
and the vials were placed at an inclined angle of 30
degrees to allow for proper solidification (agar
The urease screening by Stuarts' Urea Broth
(UB) (HIMEDIA®, M111, India) by completely
dissolving 18.71 g of the nutrient powder in 950 ml
of distilled water. Subsequently, the solution is
sterilized in the autoclave at a temperature of 121°C
with a steam pressure of 15 psi for 15 min.
Afterward, the solution was left cool to 50°C.
The 50 ml of concentrated urea solution was
aseptically added to the UB solution. Finally, the 5
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
ml of UB solution is divided into empty sterilized
2.2.3 Biofilm Detection
The preparation of Tryptone Soya Broth (TSB)
(HIMEDIA®, M011, India) for biofilm-forming of
the bacteria. By weighing 30 g of the nutrient
powder and dissolving it in 1000 ml of distilled
water using the hot plate and magnetic stirrer. Then,
100 ml of the TSB solution is transferred into a 250-
ml Erlenmeyer flask and sterilized in the autoclave
at a temperature of 121°C and a steam pressure of
15 psi for 15 min.
2.2.4 Calcium Source Preparation
The calcium source for calcium carbonate
precipitation in the research is a calcium chloride
dihydrate solution (KEMAUS, Australia). It was
dissolved by DI water to adjust the concentrations
range from 100 to 300 mM. The various
concentrations are modified to determine the
optimal conditions for producing calcium carbonate
in each bacteria strain.
2.2.5 Bacteria Cultural Method
The selection of pure bacterial strains used in the
experiments was conducted at the Thailand Institute
of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR).
Five pure strains were chosen, including P. mirabilis
TISTR 100, B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, S. aureus
TISTR 118, Bacillus sp. TISTR 658, and B.
megaterium TISTR 067. Cell activation was
performed by adding freeze-dried cells in an
ampoule to vials containing Nutrient Broth (NB) as
the culture medium, with a volume of 5 ml
(comprising NB at a concentration of 13 g/L). The
cells were incubated at 37°C for 24 hr. in an
incubator. Subsequently, the bacterial strains were
inoculated into the NBU medium to achieve a cell
density of 1%. The cultures were further incubated
at 37°C for 24 hr.
Following incubation, each bacterial strain was
subjected to a growth curve analysis. The growth
rate was measured at regular intervals using a
visible spectrophotometer (JENWAY®, 7200,
United Kingdom) with a wavelength of 600 nm.
This analysis aimed to determine the maximum
growth rate for each bacterial strain, which would
be utilized in subsequent experimental steps. From
the reading O.D.600, calculate the cell concentration
using Equation 3, [23].
Y = 8.59 × 107 ∙ Z1.3627 (3)
Where, Y is the cells concentration (cells/ml)
Z is the reading O.D.600
2.3 Microbiological Analysis
2.3.1 Gram Staining Method
The glass slides were cleaned using 95% ethanol
and then passed through the flame of a Bunsen
burner using a slide holder. Following this, a loop
sterilized by flame was used to transfer a small
amount of bacterial-suspended solution onto the
glass slide. The slide was allowed to air dry and
then held at one end while passing through the
flame of the Bunsen burner several times with the
smear-side facing up. Afterward, the smear on the
slide was stained with crystal violet for 1 min. The
slide was then gently rinsed with distilled water.
Next, Gram's iodine was applied to the smear for 1
min., followed by elution with 95% ethanol until the
eluted solution ran almost clear. The slide was
rinsed again with distilled water and then stained
with safranin O for 1 min. Subsequently, the slide
was rinsed with distilled water and blot-dried before
being observed under an optical microscope (Nikon,
Eclipse E100, Japan) at 100x magnification.
2.3.2 Biofilm Detection and Screening
To investigate biofilm formation by the Microtiter
plate assay of different bacterial strains' attachment
to calcium carbonate granules, [17]. Each strain of
bacteria was cultured in TSB at 37°C for 24 hr.
Subsequently, the bacterial strains were diluted to a
concentration of 1% in TSB and dispensed into a
96-well Microtiter plate. Incubate the plate at 37°C
for 24 hr. After incubation, the bacteria were
washed twice with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
and allowed to air dry for 1 hour. The biofilm
staining is performed by adding 1% crystal violet
solution (200 µl) for 5 min., resulting in a purple
coloration. Subsequently, the stain was rinsed off
with distilled water thrice. Finally, the absorbance
of the wells with 95% ethanol (200 µl) measures at
570 nm using a microplate reader (Metertech,
M965+, Taiwan)—this measurement allowed for the
quantification of light absorption, indicating the
extent of biofilm formation.
2.3.3 Urease Screening
The bacteria were cultured on the UA slant using a
sterile loop to screen bacteria capable of producing
urease for urea hydrolysis reaction between urea and
calcium chloride to form calcium carbonate
precipitate. The slants were then incubated at 37°C
for 24 hr. to test for any color changes in the culture
medium. A pinkish-red color change in the culture
medium indicated a positive result (+).
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
2.3.4 Urease Activity
Using Berthelot's Method, the enzyme samples were
collected from the bacterial culture medium in
Section 2.2. The bacterial culture was transferred
into tubes and then centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 30
min. at 4°C (Eppendorf, 5810R - Benchtop
Centrifuge, Germany). After centrifugation, the
supernatant with 250 µl was collected. From the
collected sample, a 20-fold dilution of the
supernatant is performed with DI water. Potassium
phosphate buffer with a pH of 8 and a concentration
of 100 mM (1 ml) was added. Then, a starting
solution of urea with a concentration of 100 mM
(2.5 ml) was added. The solution was incubated at
37°C for 5 min. in an incubator (Memmert,
Universal oven UN30m, Germany). Subsequently,
detection of ammonia production by MICP process
was measured by adding 1 ml of Phenol
nitroprusside (Phenol 1% (w/v) and Sodium
nitroprusside 0.05% (w/v)) and 1 ml of Alkaline
hypochlorite (Sodium hydroxide 0.5% (w/v) and
Sodium hypochlorite 0.84% (v/v)) to catalyze
ammonia production. The solution was further
incubated at 37°C for 30 min. Then, the absorbance
of the solution using the visible spectrophotometer
at a wavelength of 626 nm. The data were further
analyzed to determine the urease activity produced
by each bacteria strain.
In the preparation of the standard ammonium
chloride solution, ammonium chloride (Carlo
Erba™, Germany) was dissolved in distilled water
to achieve concentrations of 200, 400, 600, 800, and
1000 µmol. Then, each concentration of ammonium
chloride solution was prepared the same as the
enzyme solution. The absorbance of these solutions
was measured at a wavelength of 626 nm against a
blank solution. The obtained absorbance values
were plotted on a graph representing the calibration
curve of ammonium chloride solution, as shown in
Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Calibration curve of ammonium chloride
The absorbance to analyze urease activity for
each bacteria strain was plotted on the calibration
curve. Ammonium chloride concentration (X) in
each bacteria strain was calculated using Equations
4 and 5 derived from the calibration curve of
ammonium chloride. Subsequently, the urease
activity was determined using Equation 6, utilizing
the calculated concentration (X).
(y × dilution) = ax + b (4)
x = (y × dilution) - b
a (5)
Where, y is the reading O.D.626
X is an NH4Cl (µmol)
Urease activity = X × Vt
Vsub. × ti × Vsmp.
Where, Vt is the total volume (ml)
Vsub. Is the volume of the substrate (ml)
ti is the incubation time (min.)
Vsmp. is the volume of enzyme (ml)
2.3.5 Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
Add the calcium chloride solution with a
concentration of 100-300 mM, [15], to the bacterial-
suspended solution to induce the precipitation of
calcium carbonate. After adding the calcium
chloride solution, incubate the resulting solution in
an incubator at 37°C for 1-7 days. [8], filter the
precipitate obtained using a vacuum filtration
system through a Büchner funnel with Whatman
No.4 filter paper. Then, dry the precipitate by
subjecting it to hot air and drying it at 60°C for 24
2.3.6 Criteria for Microorganism Selection
Select the concentration of calcium chloride solution
that produces the highest level of calcium carbonate
precipitation among the five bacterial strains by
weighing the dried precipitates obtained from each
strain and comparing them.
2.3.7 Chemical Composition by SEM
This experiment was conducted to observe the
microstructure and evaluate the chemical
composition of the calcium carbonate precipitated
using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with
energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) (FEI
QUANTA 450). The experiment captures the
microstructure of the calcium carbonate precipitate
at 1000x magnification.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
2.4 Sand Sample Preparation
The sand samples obtained from Section 2.1 were
molded into cube shapes with 5 cm in width, length,
and height dimensions, as shown in Figure 2. The
sample was achieved by taking 200 g of sand per
sample, and three samples were prepared for each
bacterial strain. The sand was then mixed with the
bacterial-suspended solution obtained from Section
2.2.3, with a bacterial volume of 35 ml. The sand
was compacted into molds, providing a height of 5
cm. Subsequently, an optimum concentration of
calcium chloride solution, selected based on the
criteria outlined in Section 2.3.6, was added to the
sand. The volume of the calcium chloride solution
was also 35 ml, marking the completion of one
cycle. Following this, a mixture containing NBU
and a calcium chloride solution, each with a volume
of 35 ml, was added to the molds every 24 hr. for 7
Fig. 2: Casting mold
3 Results
3.1 Growth Curve
Based on the study, growth rates were determined
by measuring the light absorbance at a wavelength
of 600 nm, and cell concentration was calculated as
shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Maximum growth rate
Maximum growth rate (hr.)
Cell concentration (cells/ml)
P. mirabilis TISTR 100
1.60 x 108
B. thuringiensis TISTR 126
1.98 x 108
S. aureus TISTR 118
1.61 x 108
Bacillus sp. TISTR 658
1.75 x 108
B. megaterium TISTR 067
1.91 x 108
Fig. 3: Gram strained bacteria: (a) P. mirabilis TISTR 100, (b) B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, (c) S. aureus TISTR
118, (d) Bacillus sp. TISTR 658, and (e) B. megaterium TISTR 067
Table 2. Gram stain
P. mirabilis TISTR 100
B. thuringiensis TISTR 126
S. aureus TISTR 118
Bacillus sp. TISTR 658
B. megaterium TISTR 067
Fig. 4: 96-well plate of biofilm detection. Where 1 and 12 are control (blank) 2-3: biofilm formation from P.
mirabilis TISTR 100, 4-5: B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, 6-7: B. megaterium TISTR 067, 8-9: Bacillus sp.
TISTR 658, and 10-11: S. aureus TISTR 118
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
3.2 Gram Strain
Based on the study, Gram staining following the
method of Hans Christian Gram was performed,
[24] and observations were made using a
microscope with a magnification of 100x. The
results are shown in Figure 3, indicating that among
the five bacterial strains examined, P. mirabilis
TISTR 100 was the only strain that exhibited Gram-
negative (-) characteristics, as shown in Table 2.
3.3 Biofilm Detection and Screening
From the results of the experiment on biofilm
formation, as shown in Figure 4, it was observed
that each bacterial strain could produce biofilms.
This phenomenon can be attributed to the binding of
crystal violet, which affects the adhesion of bacteria
and the resulting production of calcium carbonate.
Intense staining indicates higher biological adhesion
compared to faded staining, [25].
The measurement of O.D.570, as shown in Table
3, confirms these findings.
3.4 Urease Screening and Activity
It was observed that all bacterial strains could
produce the enzyme urease, which catalyzes the
hydrolysis of urea. This reaction occurs with the
presence of urea as the substrate in the medium,
increasing the pH of UA and UB. Consequently, the
color of the medium changes from the control (-) to
a positive (+) result, exhibiting a pinkish-red color,
[26], as depicted in Figure 5.
Table 4 shows the urease activity using
Berthelot's method. The result was found that P.
mirabilis TISTR 100 had the maximum urease
activity, approximately 2389 U/ml.
Table 3. The reading O.D.570 (nm) of biofilm
Fig. 5: Urease screening on UA: (a) P. mirabilis TISTR 100, (b) B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, (c) S. aureus
TISTR 118, (d) Bacillus sp. TISTR 658, (e) B. megaterium TISTR 067, and (f) urease screening on UB of all
bacteria strains
Table 4. Urease activity of each microorganism
Urease activity (U/ml)
P. mirabilis TISTR 100
B. thuringiensis TISTR 126
S. aureus TISTR 118
Bacillus sp. TISTR 658
B. megaterium TISTR 067
Control (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
3.5 Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
The induction of calcium carbonate precipitation
through microbial calcification was investigated in
the experiment outlined in Section 2.3.5.
Interestingly, distinct variations in the
characteristics of the calcium carbonate precipitates
were observed among the different bacterial strains,
as illustrated in Figure 6.
Furthermore, it was found that the maximum
yielding of calcium carbonate precipitation,
represented by the formation of precipitates,
differed among the various strains of bacteria in the
presence of calcium chloride as the inducing agent.
The calcium carbonate precipitation rate is directly
increased with urease activity. Therefore, the
maximum calcium carbonate precipitation rate was
found in P. mirabilis TISTR 100, followed by B.
thuringiensis TISTR 126, S. aureus TISTR 118,
Bacillus sp. TISTR 658, and B. megaterium TISTR
067. This phenomenon occurred at a pH range of
7.3 to 8.8, as depicted in Figure 7.
3.6 Chemical Composition by SEM
From the result, the calcium carbonate precipitate
from each bacteria has a different shape. The
physical shape was classified into three groups:
regular, round, and irregular compared to the
analytical grade calcium carbonate (KEMAUS). The
regular group comprises analytical grade calcium
carbonate (a small rhombohedral), B. thuringiensis
TISTR 126, and B. megaterium TISTR 067 were
found in a regular shape with a bigger particle than
the control, as shown in Figure 8a), Figure 8c) and
Figure 8f).
The round group comprises P. mirabilis TISTR
100 and Bacillus sp. TISTR 658. However, the
calcium carbonate precipitated showed a different
physical shape in the group, for P. mirabilis TISTR
100 precipitated with a small round particle, and
Bacillus sp. TISTR 658 precipitated with a round,
flat appearance, as shown in Figure 8b) and Figure
8e). The irregular group comprises S. aureus TISTR
118, which has several shapes, as shown in Figure
The chemical composition of the calcium
carbonate precipitated was determined using the
EDS method, as shown in Table 5. The elements
found in the sample were Calcium (Ca), Carbon (C),
Oxygen (O), Phosphorus (P), and Chlorine (Cl). The
analytical grade calcium carbonate contains only
Ca, C, and O. For the calcium carbonate precipitated
calcium carbonate from each bacteria found an
additional P and Cl.
Fig. 6: Precipitated calcium carbonate: (a) P. mirabilis TISTR 100, (b) B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, (c) S.
aureus TISTR 118, (d) Bacillus sp. TISTR 658, and (e) B. megaterium TISTR 067
Fig. 7: Calcium carbonate yield of each bacteria strain
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
Fig. 8: Microstructure of the precipitated calcium carbonate: (a) the analytical grade calcium carbonate, (b)
P. mirabilis TISTR 100, (c) B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, (d) S. aureus TISTR 118, (e) Bacillus sp. TISTR 658,
and (f) B. megaterium TISTR 067, [27], [28]
Table 5. The chemical composition of each bacteria
Chemical composition (% by weight)
Ca C O content (%)
Analytical grade CaCO3
P. mirabilis TISTR 100
B. thuringiensis TISTR 126
S. aureus TISTR 118
Bacillus sp. TISTR 658
B. megaterium TISTR 067
3.7 Improvement of Sand Bonding
The improvement of sand quality by selecting
calcium chloride concentrations that induce optimal
calcium carbonate precipitation was investigated.
This process resulted in the formation of the
highest level of calcium carbonate precipitates for
each bacterial strain, as observed in the
experimental results depicted in Figure 7, as shown
in Figure 9.
It was observed that the sand samples that
experienced quality improvement, which allowed
them to maintain their structure and stability most
effectively, had undergone quality improvement
through applying P. mirabilis TISTR 100, as
represented in Figure 9a. This finding aligns with
the results obtained from the investigation on the
highest capability to produce calcium carbonate
Using the natural microorganisms present
within the sandy soil can precipitate calcium
carbonate to form bonds in the sandy soil particles,
[29]. It was found that naturally existing bacteria
still depend on nutrients and calcium sources used
to precipitate calcium carbonate appropriately.
Using Sporosarcina pasteurii to precipitate with the
optimum conditions were able to cause the highest
calcium carbonate precipitation in sand, [30]. When
compared with the bacteria strains in this research
(according to the optimum conditions of each
strain), they can form calcium carbonate bonding,
leading to the sand maintaining its shape.
Fig. 9: Improvement of sand: (a) P. mirabilis TISTR 100, (b) B. thuringiensis TISTR 126, (c) S. aureus TISTR
118, (d) Bacillus sp. TISTR 658, and (e) B. megaterium TISTR 067
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024
4 Conclusion
In this study, we proposed and demonstrated the
MICP for sand improvement as a new eco-friendly
bio-mineralization process. The procedure involved
the selection of bacteria capable of producing
urease enzymes to facilitate the precipitation of
calcium carbonate through urea hydrolysis, which
occurred when the pH was shifted from neutral to
mildly alkaline conditions. The selected bacteria
were found to form biofilms with varying
intensities of coloration, which directly correlated
with the amount of biofilm formation and inversely
correlated with the sand's structural stability.
This investigation used the various strains of
bacteria to improve bonds in sand using the MICP
process. All bacteria strains showed the forming of
calcium carbonate bonds between the sand
particles, resulting in the sand maintaining its shape
even when de-molded. From the experimental
result, P. mirabilis TISTR 100 produces the highest
urease activity and calcium carbonate precipitation.
Therefore, the MICP process may be a method that
can reduce the usage of cement in sand
This study has shown that the bacteria isolated
in Thailand have a similar ability to form calcium
carbonate bonding as bacteria typically used
abroad. Future research and development are
warranted to optimize the MICP process
parameters, including the selection of specific
microorganisms and their cultivation conditions,
and to evaluate the long-term performance and
durability of the MICP-treated sand in a stable
application. Nevertheless, the results of this study
highlight the potential of MICP as a viable and
environmentally friendly technique for sand
improvement, contributing to the advancement of
real-world sustainable construction practices.
The authors are grateful to the Faculty of Applied
Science and Faculty of Engineering, King
Mongkut’s University of Technology North
Bangkok for financial support. Moreover, this
research begins with the cooperation of two
disciplines, which would involve its application in
conjunction with the use of concrete.
Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted
technologies in the writing process
During the preparation of this work the authors
used Grammarly in order to check the grammar of
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authors reviewed and edited the content as needed
and take full responsibility for the content of the
[1] Ghalandarzadeh, S., Maghoul, P.,
Ghalandarzadeh, A., & Courcelles, B.
(2024). Effect of nanoparticle-enhanced
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
The authors are grateful to the Faculty of Applied
Science and Faculty of Engineering, King
Mongkut’s University of Technology North
Bangkok for financial support.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.29
Kongtunjanphuk S.,
Pianfuengfoo S., Sukontasukkul P.
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 20, 2024