Comparison of Methods for Calculating Indirect Upstream Carbon
Emissions from Information and Communication Technology
Linnaeus University,
Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology,
35195 Växjö,
Huawei Technologies Sweden AB,
Skalholtsgatan 9, 16494 Kista,
Linnaeus University,
Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology,
35195 Växjö,
Abstract: - The use of Information Communication technology (ICT) is rapidly increasing in an age of
digitalization. Measurement of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions from ICT is crucial for reducing
them. Most ICT organizations focus on Scope 1 and 2 emissions as they have greater control over them,
commonly ignoring Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 Category 1 (S3C1) emissions occur throughout the raw
material acquisition and manufacturing stages of an ICT product's life cycle accounting for a large portion of
the sector's overall CO2e emissions and energy consumption. By not reporting Scope 3 emissions, companies
lose the ability to reduce their overall CO2e corporate emissions. Although Category 1 and 11 under Scope 3
account for 85% of ICT's worldwide CO2e emissions, the methodologies for calculating S3C1 emissions in ICT
are understudied. This study focuses on these emissions in the framework of Sustainable Development Goals 9,
12, and 13. Product life cycle assessment (PLCA) and Spend-based methods have been used to analyze S3C1
emissions in the ICT sector with two case examples of laptop computers and smartphones. The Excel
Management Life Cycle Assessment (EMLCA) tool has been used for the S3C1 emissions estimation. PLCA
and Spend-based methods are compared on their ability to calculate CO2e emissions. It is concluded that the
Spend-based is faster than PLCA for predicting ICT emissions with modest uncertainty for smartphone and
laptop components. Furthermore, this work explores the advantages and downsides of both methods.
Key-Words: - CO2e emissions, GHG protocol, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Sector, Laptop
computer, Product Life Cycle Assessment, Scope 3 Category 1 emissions, Spend-based.
Received: May 23, 2023. Revised: August 5, 2023. Accepted: October 1, 2023. Published: October 12, 2023.
1 Introduction
Electronic devices have become an essential
element of everyone's daily life in today's digitalized
world. In the last 50 years, the number of electronic
devices in use globally surged sixfold, while the
human population barely doubled, [1]. The
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
sector is not only quickly expanding, but also
influencing social lifestyles, and values and
contributing to economic growth, [2], [3], [4]. The
ICT industry comprises mostly computing devices
(smartphones, personal computers, laptops, and so
on), data centers (servers, storage systems, switches,
and so on), communication networks (routers,
modems, and so on), and entertainment and media
equipment (television, printers, monitors, etc.). As
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
the ICT business has been growing significantly
over the past few decades, global sales of ICT
products are expected to skyrocket in the future. For
example, global laptop and mobile phone sales are
expected to rise from roughly 3 billion to more than
4 billion units per year, [5], [6], [7].
Simultaneously, there is a rising awareness of the
potential environmental impact of the ICT sector,
particularly in terms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e)
emissions, [8]. More information about the carbon
impact of ICT is required. In any case, ICT can help
avoid emissions, [9]. However, because ICT
products and services need energy, any enabling
solution has a carbon cost that must be computed as
a percentage of the reductions obtained to evaluate
the solution comprehensively.
Currently, the ICT sector contributes to around
8% of worldwide electricity consumption and nearly
2% of total global carbon emissions, [6], [10]. The
fundamental question is, "How can the CO2e
emissions attributable to the ICT sector be
estimated?" Such computations might be time-
consuming, and even if successful, the result may
not provide the appropriate knowledge - or, more
importantly, what needs to be known. As a result, it
appears logical to define the aim explicitly and then
analyze if the steps adopted will help reach the
target. The contribution of the ICT industry to total
global CO2e emissions can be estimated using a
carbon footprint, which is an account of the amount
of CO2e produced by a product or activity
throughout its full life cycle, [11]. This includes
embodied emissions (CO2e emissions generated
during raw material extraction, manufacturing, and
delivery to the company or consumer), use phase or
operational emissions (from energy usage and
maintenance), and end-of-life emissions (emissions
after disposal), [11].
Emissions from an ICT product can be
calculated using different existing market
approaches such as Supplier Specific Method
(sometimes performed with Product Life Cycle
Assessment (PLCA)), Spend Based Method, Hybrid
Method, Average-data Method, and so on. It is also
necessary to grasp the life cycle phases and their
respective Scope emissions of an ICT product also
as a share of the total global CO2e emissions of the
ICT Sector - to fully comprehend these approaches
and how they work in detail. As shown in Figure 1,
the life cycle of an ICT product can be separated
into five stages: raw material acquisition, part
production, product assembly, distribution and
storage, product use, and end-of-life.
Fig. 1: Life Cycle Stages of an ICT product and
their relative emissions, [12].
Figure 1 also depicts the so-called Scope
emissions associated with each life cycle phase. The
direct emissions under Scope 1 emissions are
released during the assembly stage of an ICT
product, whilst indirect emissions under Scope 2
emissions are also ascribed to the product assembly
phase of an ICT product. It is optional to report this
category of emissions, allowing for the handling of
all additional indirect emissions. These emissions
are caused by sources that the company does not
own or control, and they are a by-product of the
company’s activities or operations. The indirect
emissions from Scope 3 upstream emissions are
attributed to the Raw Material Acquisition and Part
Production stages, whereas the indirect emissions
from Scope 3 downstream emissions are related to
the distribution and storage, consumption, and end-
of-life phases of the ICT product. Scope 3 activities
include the extraction and manufacturing of
purchased resources, the transportation of purchased
fuels, and the use of paid products and services.
Most ICT companies focus their efforts on Scope 1
and Scope 2 emissions because they have greater
control over them; however, they frequently choose
to ignore the efficient calculation or inclusion of
Scope 3 categories of emissions in their product
carbon footprint study. By doing so and failing to
report their Scope 3 emissions (which are optional
to report under the GHG protocol), businesses also
miss out on a bigger opportunity to reduce their
overall CO2e emissions and improve their overall
product carbon footprint. It is also worth noting that
85% of the ICT industry worldwide CO2e emissions
are from S3C1 (purchased goods and services) and
Scope 3 Category 11 (S3C11, use of sold goods and
services), [11]. Methodologies for estimating S3C1
are less defined and likely to be more complex than
those for S3C11. As methodologies for quantifying
S3C1 emissions in the ICT sector are little
researched, the research is focused on S3C1 (cradle-
to-gate) emissions. The uncertainty of 2020 ICT
global CO2e emissions has earlier been estimated
top-down, [13], but not bottom-up comparing
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
various calculation methods. This gap will be filled
by the present research.
1.1 Overview of Various Categories of
Products under the Scope 3 Emissions
Scope 3 emissions encompass all indirect emissions
that occur in the value chain of the reporting
company (including upstream and downstream) and
are not included in Scope 2 emissions. This category
of emissions is optional, allowing for the treatment
of all additional indirect emissions. These emissions
are produced by sources that the company does not
own or control as a result of its activities or
operations. The ICT sector's Scope 3 emissions are
classified into upstream and downstream categories,
with upstream Scope 3 emissions having 8 and
downstream Scope 3 emissions having 7 categories,
respectively. As shown in Table 1, Scope 3
emissions are divided into 15 categories.
Table 1. List of upstream and downstream Scope 3
emission categories, [14].
Categories under Scope 3
Upstream Scope 3
1. Purchased goods and
services (S3C1)
2. Capital goods
3. Fuel and energy-related
activities (not included in
Scope 1 or Scope 2)
4. Upstream transportation
and distribution
5. Waste generated in
6. Business travel
7. Employee commuting
8. Upstream leased assets
Downstream Scope 3
9. Downstream
transportation and
10. Processing of sold
11. Use of sold products
12. End-of-life treatment of
sold products
13. Downstream leased
14. Franchises
15. Investments
Table 2 shows a description of S3C1 emissions
together with their minimum boundaries. These
details serve to define the scope of the study and
describe the boundary that is required for further
evaluation of the ICT sector's carbon footprint.
Table 2. Scope 3 category 1 description and
minimum boundary, [14].
goods and
All upstream
emissions of
goods and
1.2 Purchased Goods and Services in S3C1
Scopes (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) for ICT enterprises are
related at various places throughout the ICT value
chain, demonstrating the complexities of the
concept of Scope emissions. Suppliers' Scopes 1 and
2 and Scope 3 emissions contribute to the
manufacturers' Scope 3 emissions and are thus
referred to as "indirect emissions" because they are
not directly accountable for those emissions.
Similarly, manufacturers' Scope 1 and 2 emissions
become Scope 3 emissions for the "Operators"
group, and their Scope 1 and 2 emissions become
Scope 3 emissions for the "End-users."
S3C1 emissions encompass all upstream
emissions (i.e., cradle-to-gate) caused by the
manufacturing/production of items purchased or
acquired by the reporting organization during the
reporting year. The product category includes both
goods (tangible items) and services (intangible
products). Upstream S3C1 emissions include
emissions from all acquired products and services
that are excluded from all other upstream Scope 3
emission Categories (i.e., from Category 2 to
Category 8). Specific categories of upstream
emissions are reported individually under Scope 3 to
increase transparency and uniformity in Scope 3
reporting. Cradle-to-gate emissions include all
emissions released during the life cycle of the
acquired goods (products) until the reporting firm
receives them. A reporting corporation always
includes emissions under their control, [14].
1.3 Measuring and Reporting the S3C1
To measure emissions from various Scope 3
categories, multiple measuring methods or
procedures are applied. This section discusses a few
of the prevalent methods utilized in the ICT sector.
These methodologies are used in corporate value
chain accounting and reporting to determine a
company's CO2e emissions, which can then be used
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
to execute mitigation measures or obtain an
environmental certificate, among other things.
PLCA and Spend-based approaches are the two
main emphasized methods in this area (for this
study). As a result, they are discussed in detail for
greater comprehension.
1.3.1 Product Life Cycle Assessment (PLCA)
Product Life Cycle Assessment (PLCA) is a
systematic analytical technique, method, and model
for evaluating the environmental impacts of
production systems with as high as an order of
magnitude uncertainty for the end-point, [15].
PLCA is generally used for finding significant Eco
environmental issues in the product's life cycle to
market products with the lowest environmental
impacts, evaluate and contrast new product
concepts, gain competitive advantages, and manage
risks, [15], [16]. Manufacturers of ICT products
want to know how they may reduce the
environmental impact of each product as much as
possible. Today, the PLCA is the primary
methodology and tool for satisfying this demand.
The International Standardization Organization has
standardized the LCA method for all products, [17],
while the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) and International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) have standardized
PLCA for electronics, [15], [16]. PLCA is a
powerful tool that is becoming more widely
recognized and used in planning and strategic
thinking. PLCA is also useful as a "compass,"
primarily for internal investigation, [18]. PLCA can
be used for both product eco-design and corporate
CO2e accounting, the latter being the subject of the
current thesis.
1.3.2 Spend-based Method
The GHG protocol specifies four basic methods for
measuring and reporting emissions from acquired
products and services, each of which uses a distinct
data format (S3C1 emissions). These strategies
employ two sorts of data: data collected from the
supplier and secondary data (i.e., industry average
data). Supplier-specific approach (sometimes
accomplished with PLCA), Hybrid method
(sometimes referred to as a mix of Supplier-specific
and Spend-based), Average-data method, and
Spend-based method are the four different methods.
The GHG Protocol Technical Guidance for
Calculating Scope 3 emissions, [14], defines the
required activity data, emission factors, and data
collection guidance for all four approaches. This
section discusses the Spend-based method, for
which a variant is utilized in this study to quantify
and report S3C1 emissions in the ICT sector.
The Spend-based method is detailed in this
section since it is used with the PLCA method to
evaluate S3C1 emissions in the ICT industry. The
data sources needed for the activity data, emission
factors, and the Spend-based approach method
formula are also detailed below. If the supplier-
specific (occasionally similar to PLCA), hybrid, or
average-data methods are not suitable (due to
restrictions in required data/information), companies
should adopt the average Spend-based method. In
this method, the CO2e emissions for purchased
goods and services are determined by the product of
the reporting company's acquired data on the
economic value of purchased goods and services
and the relevant Environmentally-extended input-
output (EEIO) emission factors, [14]. This approach
requires the following activity data: "1. Amount
spent on acquired goods or services, by product
type, using market values, and 2. Where relevant,
inflation data to convert market values between the
year of the EEIO emissions factors and the year of
the activity data (e.g., USD)", [14], and the required
emission factor is "Cradle-to-gate emission factors
of the acquired commodities or services per unit of
economic value e.g., kg CO2e/USA Dollar (USD)",
[14]. It is relatively rare to find primary data on
company-specific emission factors.
Companies can advise on primary data
including the following data in data collection under
this strategy, which is indicated in [14], for activity
data and sources. Data sources for activity data
include 1) internal data systems (e.g., Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) systems), 2) bill of
materials (BOM), and 3) purchasing records. Data
sources for emission factors are grouped as 1)
environmentally extended input-output (EEIO)
databases, 2) literature, 3) industry associations, and
4) company-specific sources. The formula to
calculate the CO2e emissions for purchased
goods/services in the Spend-based method is given
in [14], and presented in Equation (1), where E is
emissions for purchased goods and formulas (kg
CO2e), Y is the value of purchased good or service
(USD), and EF is the emission factor of purchased
good or service per unit of economic value (kg
E=Y×EF (1)
The Spend-based method appears to have
promising prospects and benefits for S3C1
accounting. When compared to the PLCA approach,
this method is likewise a main focus point in this
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
study. Numerous causes of variance influence the
PLCA scores of ICT goods. This is significant
because some organizations utilize PLCA
(≈supplier-based) to estimate S3C1 while others
employ non-PLCA supplier-based, hybrid, average
or Spend-based, or other methods. The
repercussions of employing various strategies are
poorly understood at the business and ICT Sector
levels. The current study on corporate S3C1
accounting in the ICT Sector aims to shed light on
some of these issues.
Several data types may be used for the various
GHG protocol calculation methods (1. Supplier-
specific method, 2. Hybrid method, 3. Average-data
method, and 4. Spend-based method) for different
product life cycle stages. This includes all additional
upstream emissions from product manufacturing as
well as supplier Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
Moreover, the four calculation methods proposed by
the GHG protocol are not clearly defined in detail
and several variations and combinations are
possible. Few studies, e.g., [19], [20], look at the
ICT sector in a broader sense and provide a
systematic assessment of the sector’s environmental
implications and potentials; however, while such
studies include energy use, carbon footprint, and
S3C1 emissions, they fail to address optimal
calculation approaches to be used by companies in
accordance with GHG protocols.
2 Problem Formulation
This study has three research objectives. The first
objective of this research is to analyze the sensitivity
and uncertainty of main parameters for the ICT
Sector total global level and the Corporate level
(S3C1), depending on which method is used (PLCA
method or Spend-based method). The second
objective is to analyze the cost, speed, data
availability, learning curve, future proof, number of
assumptions, applicability, the feasibility of the
PLCA method and Spend-based method,
respectively, for ICT Corporate and ICT Sector
carbon footprint level Scope 3 Category 1
estimations. The third objective is to analyze if
PLCA can replace other approaches, for
corporate/sector-level carbon footprint with regard
to data accuracy, data collection, and target setting
for S3C1 emissions. Note that the focus of this study
is “Suppliers” and "Manufacturers". Therefore, the
main research question of this study is which
method is most appropriate for the evaluation of the
upstream S3C1 emissions for the ICT sector.
3 Problem Solution
Figure 2 illustrates the methodological flow of the
present research with two main parts. In part one,
the S3C1 emissions for the ICT sector using PLCA
and Spend-based methods are calculated. In part two
a comparative analysis between PLCA and Spend-
based is performed.
Fig. 2: Methodology flowchart of this study
3.1 Calculating S3C1 Emissions in the ICT
CO2e accounting and LCA can be accomplished
using a variety of methodologies, such as the
process flow diagram method, the Matrix-based Life
Cycle Inventory (LCI) method, the Input-Output
Analysis (IOA) method, the Hybrid LCI method,
and so on. The matrix-based LCI approach to LCI
computation is one of the most rigorous and
comprehensive methodologies devised, [21], [22].
The matrix approach employs a system of linear
equations to solve the inventory problem. After
arranging the economic and environmental flows in
matrix form, this method uses matrix algebra
operations to calculate the final cumulative
environmental loads. In compared to other methods,
the matrix method performs better when dealing
with LCA systems with internally recurring unit
processes, [23], [24].
The Excel Management Life Cycle Assessment
Tool (EMLCA), [25], [26], uses the matrix method
and is utilized in this study to complete the
calculations required to determine the S3C1
emissions in the ICT industry for Suppliers using
the PLCA and Spend-based methods. The methods
for applying the matrix approach to calculate
emissions using inventory data in the EMLCA
program are shown in Figure 3 adapted from, [26].
Figure 3 depicts the process flow of the LCI
analysis using the functioning EMLCA tool. This is
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
also how the matrix approach for LCI analysis
works in general.
Fig. 3: Procedure of the EMLCA tool for LCI
Smartphones and laptops are the ICT devices
under consideration in this study due to the expected
increase in their user base and share of ICT Sector
CO2e emissions, [10]. The Integrated Circuit (IC),
display, Printed Wiring Boards (PWB), and Solid-
State Drives (SSDs) are among the critical
components of smartphones and laptops. The
components considered for EMLCA for these
products include ICs, Displays, and PWBs for
smartphones. The components included for laptops
are ICs, Displays, PWBs, and SSDs.
3.2 Comparison between PLCA and Spend-
based Methods
The process of calculating S3C1 emissions in the
ICT industry using PLCA and Spend-based
methodologies in the EMLCA tool is thoroughly
examined to make an analytical comparison
between both methods. This analysis considers
parameters such as cost, speed, data availability,
learning curve, future-proof, number of
assumptions, applicability, and feasibility for ICT
Corporate and ICT Sector carbon footprint level
S3C1 estimations using the PLCA method and
Spend-based method, respectively. This study
determines the sensitivity, uncertainty, reliability,
applicability, and other characteristics of the
approaches under various conditions, which are
briefly explained in sections 4 and 5.
While the manufacturing of these components -
using electricity with global average emissions - is
taken into account, three other hypothetical
situations are also considered, in which the
production of components for laptops and
smartphones (from cradle to gate) is expected to
take place in a country with a relatively high CO2e
emission for electricity production (India), a country
with a relatively low CO2e emission for electricity
production (Norway), and production of these
components in China.
4 Results
The limitations of the analysis are that the findings
(from the PLCA and Spend-based approaches) come
with a degree of uncertainty that must be taken into
account to the level necessary to comprehend the
study's conclusions, even though they are only valid
under the study's assumptions. The results of PLCA
and Spend-based methods are always model-based
estimates of the environmental impact in practice.
4.1 Input Process Data for PLCA
The size of the components (IC, PWB, Display, and
SSD hereunder) is taken in units of "cm2" as input
process data for the EMLCA tool using the PLCA
method. For the process data of ICs, the die area is
taken into account. The electricity usage for these
components is measured in "kWh/cm2," while the
environmental burden is measured in "tonnes
CO2e/cm2." The number of smartphones and
laptops in use as of 2020 was around 1774 million
units and 785 million units respectively with 5%
uncertainty, [6]. The values used for smartphones in
the EMLCA tool for the PLCA method with 50%
uncertainty are the die area of the IC, the area of the
PWB, and the area of the display which are
7.221806 cm2, 70 cm2, and 81.9 cm2 respectively.
The values used for laptops in the EMLCA tool for
the PLCA method with 5% uncertainty are the die
area of the IC, the area of the PWB, the area of the
display, and the area of SSD which are 1.26 cm2,
93.55 cm2, 81.9 cm2, and 196.76 cm2 respectively.
The environmental load item considered in this
study for PLCA is “tonnes CO2e/cm2”. The value
for IC is 0.000782 CO2e tonnes/cm2 with 25%
uncertainty, for PWB 0.0000116841 with 5%
uncertainty, and Display 0.0000051 with 20%
uncertainty, [27], [28], [29].
4.2 Input Process Data for Spend-based
The value of the components (IC, PWB, Display,
and SSD hereunder) is taken in terms of "USA
Dollars (USD)" as input process data for the
EMLCA tool using the Spend-based method. For
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
the process data of ICs, the die area is considered.
The electricity consumption for these components is
measured in "kWh/USD" units, while the
environmental burden is measured in "tonnes CO2e/
USD" units.
In 2020 the number of smartphones and laptops
in use globally was some 1774 million units and 785
million units respectively with 5% uncertainty. The
prices used for the IC, PWB, and Display for
smartphones are 14.9USD, 20USD, and 25USD
respectively with 50% uncertainty for all. The price
of the IC, PWB, and Display for laptops are 20USD,
55USD, and 10USD respectively with 5%
uncertainty for all. The environmental load item
considered in this study for Spend-based is “tonnes
CO2e/USD” of the components used. The values
used - with 5% uncertainty - for IC, PWB, and
Display are 0.00024254, 0.00042744, and
0.00065067 tonnes CO2e/USD respectively, [30],
The emissions for electricity production are in
terms of tonnes CO2e/kWh” used for the
production of chosen components (IC, PWB,
Display) under PLCA and Spend-based methods.
They are 0.000588392 (Global Average),
0.00003655 (Low Carbon Country Case, Norway),
0.0008108 (High Carbon Country Case, India), and
0.00069675 (China), [6], [32].
The overall global S3C1 emissions for
smartphones and laptops can then be calculated by
entering the numbers for PLCA and Spend-based
methods into the EMLCA tool. Figure 4 depicts the
total global S3C1 emissions for smartphones and
laptops under PLCA and Spend-based. When using
electricity production from the global average, the
total global S3C1 emissions for smartphones and
laptops are 195.45 million tonnes (Mt) CO2e and
224.01 Mt CO2e under PLCA and Spend-based,
respectively. Similarly, Figure 4 shows how the
value of these emissions varies depending on where
the raw materials are collected and where the
components are produced. The vertical error lines
for the rectangular bars in Figure 4 show the
uncertainty of the data used in the EMLCA tool for
the information on the components, electricity use
for raw material extraction, and manufacture for
smartphones and laptops. Uncertainty is further
discussed in section 5.1.2.
Fig. 4: Total global S3C1 emissions for smartphones
and laptops from global/various country cases, [12].
It is also self-evident that the larger the carbon
content of the fuel used for power production, which
is also utilized for raw material extraction and part
production for components in smartphones and
laptops, the higher the overall CO2e emissions will
be. As a result, Figure 4 indicates that the country
with the greatest overall CO2e emissions is the one
that uses high carbon for its electricity generation
(India in this case), while the country with the
lowest overall CO2e emissions is the one that uses
low carbon for its electricity production (Norway in
this case). For the global average, CO2e emissions
remain between high and low carbon power use, as
do overall CO2e emissions in the ICT industry. The
uncertainty in PLCA is primarily due to the size of
the components used in smartphones and laptops,
whereas in Spend-based, it is due to the cost of the
components used in smartphones and laptops.
Figure 4 indicates that the total S3C1 emissions are
always higher in Spend-based than in PLCA.
Figure 5 depicts the S3C1 emissions for
smartphones and laptops using the PLCA method on
an individual device basis. When using the global
average for electricity production, the emissions per
smartphone are calculated as 48.47 kg CO2e,
whereas the emissions per laptop are 139.43 kg
CO2e. Similarly, Figure 6 depicts S3C1 emissions
for smartphones and laptops using the Spend-based
method. When using the global average for power
production, the emissions per smartphone are
calculated to be 61.6 kg CO2e, whereas the
emissions per laptop are 147.28 kg CO2e. This
demonstrates that in all global/various national
situations, emissions per laptop are as expected
always much higher than emissions per smartphone.
It goes without saying that the higher the carbon
content of the fuel used to generate power, the
higher the CO2e emissions per unit device.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
Fig. 5: S3C1 emissions per unit device from
global/various country cases (PLCA), [12]
Fig. 6: S3C1 emissions per unit device from
global/various country cases (Spend-based), [12].
4.3 Result Validation
The results of this study are validated (Table 3) by
using the 2020 S3C1 emissions of an OEM vendor
from the ICT industry, [33], [34].
Table 3. Comparison of 2020 CO2e emissions per
unit device from this study and an OEM vendor,
ICT product
Per smartphone
49 kg
61 kg
58 kg
Per laptop
147 kg
164 kg
5 Discussion
PLCA and Spend-based methods are compared
based on their sensitivity, and uncertainty to the
input/output values (of the components and
electricity mix, as well as the overall S3C1
emissions) in the EMLCA, and a few other
parameters that are further discussed in section 5.2.
5.1 Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis is used to see how changes in
input data/variables affect the target variable or
output data. It is a method of forecasting the
outcome of a choice (in this case, overall, S3C1
emissions for smartphones and laptops) based on a
set of input variables (inputs for PLCA and Spend-
based used in the EMLCA tool). By generating a
collection of input variables (data), sensitivity
analysis can be used to determine how changes in
one or more input variables can affect the result.
The sensitivity analysis approach employed in this
study quantitatively analyses the impact of each
input process data on the final cumulative
environmental loads. The remaining emissions are
considered as one flow and are the most sensitive
flow for all four cases but individual flows are not
The results of the sensitivity analysis for
smartphones in PLCA, as shown in Figure 7,
indicate that a 1% change in input values of IC,
PWB, and Display will affect the overall S3C1
CO2e emissions value by 0.5%, 0.05%, and 0.03%
respectively. Similarly, for smartphones under the
Spend-based method, Figure 8 shows that a 1%
change in input values of Display, PWB, and IC will
affect the overall S3C1 CO2e emissions value by
0.4%, 0.18%, and 0.09% respectively. The results of
the sensitivity analysis for laptops in PLCA, as
shown in Figure 9, indicate that a 1% change in
input values of IC+SSD, Display, and PWB will
affect the overall S3C1 CO2e emissions value by
0.2%, 0.06%, and 0.02% respectively. Similarly, for
laptops under the Spend-based method, Figure 10
shows that a 1% change in input values of PWB,
Display, and IC will affect the overall S3C1 CO2e
emissions value by 0.2%, 0.07%, and 0.05%
Figure 7 demonstrates that for PLCA, the most
influential parameter/component for smartphones is
IC, followed by PWB and Display, whereas Figure
8 shows that the most influential
parameter/component for smartphones under the
Spend-based method is Display, followed by PWB
and IC. Similarly, in the case of laptop components,
Figure 9 indicates that the ICs and SSD have the
most influence on overall CO2e emissions under the
PLCA method, followed by Display and PWB.
Figure 10 shows that PWB is the most important
parameter/component under the Spend-based
method, followed by Display and IC. It is also
important to note that, for the Spend-based method,
IC and SSD must be merged as a single item under
PLCA for laptops and then compared to IC under
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
laptops. SSD is included in the IC under Spend-
based for laptops.
Interestingly, PLCA and Spend-based do not
have a common most influential component when it
comes to both smartphones and laptops. Hence, the
sensitivity greatly depends on the primary input data
provided to both the methods related to the
specifications of the input parameters.
Fig. 7: Sensitivity analysis for Smartphones
PLCA, [12].
Fig. 8: Sensitivity analysis for Smartphones
Spend-based, [12].
Fig. 9: Sensitivity analysis for Laptop PLCA, [12].
Fig. 10: Sensitivity analysis for Laptops Spend-
based, [12].
Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10
indicate that smartphones and laptops are sensitive
to different components for different methodologies
(PLCA and Spend-based). This demonstrates how
the influencing parameters might vary depending on
the approach used to determine overall S3C1 CO2e
emissions. This sensitivity fluctuation is much more
pronounced when using the Spend-based method, as
significant or consistent changes in the price of the
components used to manufacture the ICT product
can result in varied sensitivity orders. Regardless,
total emissions per device remain constant, [12].
Although the orders of sensitivity for their
components vary, the overall emissions and
individual product level emissions (for smartphones
and laptops) are similar. Similarly, in, [35], two
LCA methods (OLCA - Open Eco Rating LCA
(OLCA) and Full LCA (FLCA) were compared to
examine the Global Warming Potential Indicator
(GWPI) of several smartphones. Although the total
GWPI scores of OLCA and FLCA for all phones
were identical when calculated, the distribution of
GWPI scores of OLCA and FLCA for individual
phones differed substantially, [35].
5.2 Uncertainty Analysis
The uncertainty analysis aids in determining the
magnitude of the uncertainty in the end output
(overall S3C1 CO2e emissions in the current study)
caused by uncertainties in the input process data
(information related to the components for
smartphones and laptops and the electricity mix
herein). Figure 4 depicts the uncertainty in the
output value caused by uncertainties in the input
parameters in the form of error lines. The total
standard deviation for PLCA and Spend-based,
respectively, are calculated using a 95% confidence
interval. To each input parameter (mainly electricity
used per component, remaining CO2e emissions,
components used per product, and products shipped)
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
is attached an uncertainty interval corresponding to
two standard deviations in a 95% confidence
In other words, Figure 4 depicts the uncertainty
estimates for S3C1 CO2e emissions from a mix of
smartphones and laptops under PLCA and Spend-
based. In 2020 there is a 95% chance that the total
global S3C1 emissions for Smartphones and
Laptops under the PLCA method were 194±31.3 Mt
CO2e emissions and similarly that the S3C1
emissions for Smartphones and Laptops under the
Spend-based method were 224±50.3 Mt.
In the present study, the 2020 production-related
CO2e emissions for global shipments of
smartphones and laptops are 194 Mt. Earlier studies,
[6], [36], estimated 181 Mt for 2020 production of
smartphones (including phablets), tablets, and
laptops. This comparison is another kind of
validation complementing Table 3.
Surprisingly, unlike the sensitivity analysis, the
order of high to low uncertainties for Smartphones
and Laptops under PLCA and Spend-based follows
nearly the same trend (except for the laptops). The
order of uncertainty contribution of the input
parameters for smartphones under PLCA is Displays
> PWB > IC and the same order for Spend-based. In
the case of laptops using the PLCA method,
Displays contribute the most to the total uncertainty
followed by IC+SSD followed by PWB. For the
laptop using Spend-based, the order of uncertainty
contribution is PWB > IC > Displays.
5.3 Further Discussion about PLCA and
Spend-based Methods
Aside from the sensitivity analysis (order of
influencing components) and the uncertainty
analysis, the PLCA and Spend-based methods can
be contrasted and studied further using the criteria
listed in Table 4.
Table 4. List of parameters for PLCA and Spend-
based comparison [12].
1. Speed
2. Cost
3. Precision
4. Likelihood of being able to have
cradle-to-gate coverage
5. Acceptance by standards and
industry as the S3C1 approach
6. Ability to show reductions year
by year
7. Ability to reflect regional
8. ICT product eco-designing
When it comes to optimal value chain
accounting in the ICT sector, the Spend-based
method is faster than the PLCA method because
most of the primary data required for the Spend-
based method (amount spent on each
component/product by the emissions calculating
company) is available internally in the ICT
company and thus much easier to access. For the
PLCA, however, the component supplier's Scope 1
and Scope 2 emission data need to be accessed.
These are not internally available, making the
procedure more complex and time-consuming. The
cost of carrying out PLCA or Spend-based
approaches with the same data quality is determined
by the availability of primary and secondary data.
The cost of both approaches is heavily dependent on
how much the organization spends to collect the
primary/secondary data. If the Spend-based
approach's primary data for all essential
components/products are accessible, the Spend-
based method is more cost-effective than the PLCA.
It is quite difficult to obtain the "CO2e emissions per
area" from the supplier in the long run, and thus the
PLCA would always use some average supplier
data, making the PLCA more expensive to complete
due to the regular change in the input main data.
The precision for the Spend-based method is high,
as shown in section 5.1. In 2020 the S3C1 emissions
for a smartphone from one of the main ICT vendors
were around 58 kg CO2e emissions, [33], which is
similar to the Spend-based CO2e emissions for a
smartphone value of 61 kg CO2e emissions, and this
data are also internally cross-checked. Similarly, in
2020 the S3C1 emissions for a laptop from one of
the popular ICT vendors were approximately 165 kg
CO2e, [34], which is closer to Spend-based
emissions for a laptop of 147 kg CO2e and these
data are also internally cross-checked. Spend-based
precision is quite high compared to PLCA precision
for the provided scope. When it comes to the chance
of having better coverage from cradle-to-gate
emission accounting, the PLCA approach is favored.
Currently, PLCA has a richer and more thorough
database for key input information, which other
methods lack at the moment. PLCA also provides
more coverage of the product's various life cycle
stages. Spend-based accounting, on the other hand,
is one of the five ideal value chain accounting
approaches recognized by the GHG protocol. As a
result, for the S3C1 emission accounting method,
both methodologies are now accepted by standards
and industry. Especially Spend-based approaches
based on primary accounting data are especially
well accepted.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
Both the PLCA and Spend-based methods may
indicate a reduction in S3C1 emissions in the ICT
industry every year. The Spend-based method has
an advantage when it comes to reflecting regional
variances. This is owing to PLCA constraints, which
make mapping component data to the LCI database
more difficult. Although performing the PLCA for
each ICT product takes more time, PLCA is a
superior solution overall for comparing
sophisticated product designs, especially using
recycled materials. As a result, PLCA is a better
choice for product eco-design. The primary Spend-
based data can also be used within the PLCA to
develop even better and more complete product
design concepts.
6 Conclusions
In this study, the S3C1 emissions of smartphones
and laptops are practically calculated using PLCA
and Spend-based methods to determine which
method is more accurate and suitable based on
various parameters. A practical validation of ICT
Sector emissions as estimated by [6], [13], [36], is
performed satisfactorily using two calculation
methods. The comparison done between both
methods established that if a company in the ICT
sector is obliged to calculate/quantify their S3C1
emissions - for example for a laptop and a
smartphone - the PLCA method becomes tedious as
it demands performing the PLCA for all of their
product models to capture their S3C1 emissions. In
this sense, the Spend-based method appears to be
more efficient and cost-effective. However, if the
scope for the remaining emissions is determined, it
is easier to quantify the input parameters for both
PLCA and Spend-based methods. That is if the
remaining emissions can be determined to be low by
using secondary data from e.g. the ecoinvent
database, the actual data collection, and modeling
may be focused on a few components. When a
corporation is heavily reliant on a single provider,
data sources are restricted and the outcome can be
The main recommendation of this study is that
the PLCA having complicated and extensive
applications in corporate accounting in the ICT
sector - should be covered deeper in the GHG
protocol, [14]. Anyway, PLCA may be a better
method than the Spend-based for product design and
All in all, both the PLCA method and the
Spend-based method appear to be suitable for
calculating S3C1 emissions and understanding the
environmental impact of various product systems in
the ICT sector. As a result, they have been
demonstrated to offer a solid foundation for
prioritizing a company's environmental action. It is
crucial to emphasize, however, that the results from
PLCA and Spend-based approaches are always
model-based approximations of the real-life
environmental impact. It is impossible to measure
the absolute carbon footprint let alone the
environmental impact of any ICT product. The
results (from PLCA and Spend-based approaches)
are only valid under the assumptions of the study,
and they nevertheless come with a degree of
uncertainty that must be taken into consideration to
the level necessary to interpret the study's findings.
7 Next Steps
It can be argued that spend-based data can feed the
PLCA. Big data Scope 1 is possibly the long-term
solution for data gaps (such as remaining emissions)
in PLCA if the connections between the unit
processes are ready. It should be confirmed if the
spend-based method with primary data for Tier
1,2,…n can be used for S3C1 quantification. It may
be researched if Spend-based with primary data - if
expanded to Tier 2,3,..n has higher precision than
simplified LCA with secondary intensity data. As
the CO2e/currency is very simple and the rules for
Scope 1 and Scope 2 very clear, [14], artificial
intelligence in some way or form can be used to
collect the data.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Jha mainly wrote the paper with editorial
suggestions from Andrae and Mainali.
Andrae wrote section 7.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.99
Abhishek Kumar Rajesh Jha,
Anders S.G. Andrae, Brijesh Mainali
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023