also increase. This is in line with Kamener's
research (2017) which states that companies must
able to align the company's capabilities with its
environment. This is also consistent with the study
by Grace George et al. (2022), which found that
organizations that are highly flexible and adaptive to
their external environment do better than those that
are less flexible and less adaptive.
Efforts to increase adaptation to the
environment are carried out by understanding
customers, suppliers, dealers, and competitors. For
batik SMEs, efforts to understand customer needs
are carried out by constantly updating motifs,
models, materials, prices, and customer tastes either
through research or following the development of
these indicators. Analyzing dealer needs This is
done by considering factors related to dealer loyalty
to the company, such as price and service. While the
analysis of competitors is done by observing the
trends that develop in the batik industry.
5.3 The Influence of the Entrepreneurial
Orientation Variable on the Competitive
Strategy Quality System
The quality of a competitive strategy is significantly
influenced by the orientation variable
entrepreneurship, with a degree of influence of
0.161, according to the findings of hypothesis
testing, which may be explained. The quality of
SME lunches will increase in direct proportion to
the degree of entrepreneurial orientation. The
findings of this study concur with the research of
Huynh (2022), which states that innovation and the
courage to take risks which are characteristics of
entrepreneurial orientation affect sustainable
competitive advantage. Likewise, the results of
research by Marcella, et.al (2022) state that
companies with a good entrepreneurial orientation
will be able to improve performance. Increased
entrepreneurial orientation is carried out by
increasing the company's ability to innovate
(innovativeness), increasing courage in taking risks
(risk-taking), and taking advantage of every
opportunity (proactiveness). Courage in taking risks,
for SMEs batik is done by expanding the market to
potential consumers such as teenagers and children,
producing batik with motifs contemporary motifs
that are out of the norm. Taking advantage of
opportunities can be done by actively seeking
information related to Batik and its Batik products.
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
The quality of SME's competitive strategy is at a
quality level. The batik SME actors in Central Java
Province, Indonesia can compete with similar
business actors, both with fellow business actors in
the same area and business actors from other regions
who market to the same consumers.
The quality of the competitive strategy is supported
by the value of the product produced, the product is
also at a fairly high level of scarcity, and the product
is quite difficult. The quality of a competitive
strategy can be positively and significantly
influenced by the variables of strategic assets,
environmental adaptability, information technology
adaptability, and entrepreneurial orientation, either
jointly or separately. The variable quality of
strategic assets has the biggest impact on the
effectiveness of the competitive strategy.
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