Flood Protection of the Non-Urban Area
Department of Security Engineering,
Faculty of Applied Informatics,
Tomas Bata University in Zlín,
Nad Stráněmi 4511, 760 05 Zlín,
Abstract: - Due to global warming, the risk of floods is constantly increasing due to the drying up of the soil,
followed by more intense rain showers and storms. Therefore, it is essential to pay more attention to this topic
now. The article deals with the design of flood protection in the municipality. A flood control measure is
proposed for each type of slope of the soil relief in which the municipality is located. Based on the proposed
measures, the article aims to minimize the level of flood risk to the lowest possible level with the use of flood
protection aimed at the non-urban area of the municipality. The proposed measures are intended not only for
smaller municipalities but also for cities.
Key-Words: Flood; Protection, Non-urban Area; Slope of the Relief; Safety; Territory
Received: March 16, 2023. Revised: June 19, 2023. Accepted: August 23, 2023. Published: September 12, 2023.
1 Introduction
Due to climate change, flood activity is constantly
increasing in the territory of municipalities in the
form of floods or inundations. Therefore, it is
essential to prepare for this and minimize possible
future risks to the lowest possible level.
The most significant floods in the territory of the
Czech Republic since the 20th century include
floods in southern Moravia in 1970 (35 dead),
floods in the territory of Moravia, Silesia, and
eastern Bohemia in 1997 (50 dead), floods in the
vicinity of the Vltava and Elbe in 2002 (17 dead),
floods in Moravia in 2009 (19 dead), floods in
northern Bohemia in 2010 (5 dead) and floods
around the Vltava and Elbe rivers in 2013 (7 dead).
Property damage from these major floods was in the
hundreds of millions of Czech crowns, [1].
Based on the history of floods that caused
extraordinary damage, it is necessary to monitor the
development of these threats and actively create
prevention to increase the security situation in the
given environment. It is appropriate to observe not
only the floods themselves but also their ways of
occurrence, their development, and the overall
impact on society, [2], [3].
Other ways to evaluate flood protection are
creating calculation scenarios, flood hazard classes,
and descriptions of independent variables. Based on
these factors, the places with the most probable
occurrence of floods can be evaluated. Moreover, it
is advisable to apply flood protection to these
places, [4], subsequently.
The article deals with flood protection of the
municipality, wherein the first part, describes and
characterizes the municipality, [5]. The next part
focuses on defining the slope of the relief and its
most common types. Based on these types, the next
chapter of the article focuses on the design of flood
protection, [6]. The proposal characterizes and
proposes the construction of a flood protection rig
on the outskirts of the municipality, [7]. This type of
anti-flood rig would be located on the outskirts of
the municipality according to the slope of the relief,
in which the municipality is situated to retain as
much water as possible so that it does not get into
separate houses and streets. In the last part of the
article, a SWOT analysis is created, describing the
proposed measure's strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats.
The article aims to propose measures through
anti-flood rigs in the non-urban area of the
municipality to reduce the risk of floods and thereby
increase the safety of citizens and their property.
The literature mentioned in the introduction deals
more with flood protection in urban areas through
the history of floods, their effects, and their
development. The proposed measures in this article
primarily deal with flood protection in non-urban
areas based on comparing strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats, from which a suitable
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
strategy to minimize the risk of flooding is
evaluated through mathematical operations.
The main advantage of the authors' analysis is
comparing individual parts of the given proposal,
the result of which is evaluating the resulting
strategy. This strategy evaluates the results of
comparing individual parts and describes in which
direction it is appropriate to propose measures and
then follow them to increase safety. The specific
comparison is characterized in Chapter 5 SWOT
analysis proposal.
2 Non-urban Area
Regarding the area's nature, the municipality is
divided into urban and non-urban. The built-up area
is a built-up area of the municipality, [8].
This part includes all built-up and planned land
for development, including roads and areas. The
opposite of an urban area is an extra-urban area,
characterized by an area located outside the built-up
area or by a plan intended for the planned
development. This category includes forest and
agricultural land, buildings, water bodies, and
settlements. The online cadastral map website
directly defines whether a specific area belongs to
an urban or non-urban area, [6]. Figure 1 shows an
example of urban and non-urban areas of a
Fig. 1: Example of an urban area and non-urban
area, [9]
3 Slope of the Relief
This chapter defines the slope of the relief and the
most common types in which the municipalities are
located. The slope of the relief is a morphometric
indicator of the relief. The slope angles with their
direction are determined using the slope
methodology, [7].
The most common types of slopes in terms of
their direction include:
slope of the relief 1 side,
slope of the relief 2 sides,
slope of the relief 3 sides,
slope of the relief 4 sides, [10].
The individual types of relief are shown in
Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5.
Fig. 2: Slope of the relief 1 side, [10]
Fig. 3: Slope of the relief 2 sides, [10]
Fig. 4: Slope of the relief 3 sides, [10]
Fig. 5: Slope of the relief 4 sides, [10]
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
4 Flood Protection Proposal
Within the design of flood protection in the
municipality, it is essential to characterize the
difference between flood and inundation. A flood
occurs due to an increase in the level of rivers,
streams, or reservoirs above a specified level and
the consequent water spillage. The flood is caused
by heavier or persistent rain or melting snow, [6].
Floods cause more frequent way of damage to
property by water, [11]. Therefore, the article deals
primarily with them.
4.1 Anti-flood Rig
For the security measures within the municipality's
flood protection, it is proposed to create an
excavation rig in the municipality to prevent
damage to lives and property in the municipality. A
standard concrete slab measuring 50 x 50 x 5 cm,
[7], is used when designing a separate anti-flood rig,
as shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 6: Concrete block, [10]
The essential part of the anti-flood rig is created
when connecting three concrete blocks.
Six concrete blocks are needed for a 1-meter-
long flood protection rig. The price of one concrete
slab is around 3.5 euros. The 1 meter flood
protection rig without assembly work costs 21
euros, [10]. The primary part (scheme) of the anti-
flood rig is presented in Figure 7.
Fig. 7: The primary part (scheme) of the anti-flood
rig, [10]
4.1.1 Calculation of the Volume of the Anti-Flood
The fundamental basis of the anti-flood rig is a
trapezoid. This means that the following
mathematical formula is used to calculate meter
long flood protection rig:
󰇛 󰇜󰇤 (1)
V volume,
h height,
a bottom side of the trapezoid,
c upper side of the trapezoid,
l length.
Equations (2) and (3) calculate the volume of the
anti-flood rig in the length of 1 meter. The values in
the equation are expressed in centimeters.
 󰇛 󰇜󰇤 (2)
  (3)
V volume,
cm3 cubic centimeter.
From equation (3), it is clear that the anti-flood
rig with a length of 1 meter can fit 324.75 liters at
total capacity. Table 1 shows the full capacities of
the anti-flood rig volume depending on its size.
Table 1. The volume of the rig depends on its length
and the cost of its construction [author]
Rig length
Costs [€]
3 247,5
6 495
16 237
1 050
32 475
2 100
64 950
4 200
162 375
10 500
1 000
324 750
21 000
2 000
649 500
42 000
5 000
1 623 750
105 000
This fundamental part of the anti-flood rig will
gradually settle into the ground, directly into the soil
on the outskirts of the municipality. Figure 8 shows
an example of a flooded rig filled with water.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
Fig. 8: Filled anti-flood rig with water, [10]
4.2 Application of Anti-Flood Rig to the
Slope of the Relief
This is a proposal for the location of an anti-flood
rig based on the type of slope of the relief. In this
part, it is the application of the anti-flood rig to the
slope of the relief on the outskirts of the
municipality, [12].
In Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11, and Figure 12,
the individual locations are shown graphically.
Fig. 9: Slope of the relief 1 side, [10]
Fig. 10: Slope of the relief 2 sides, [10]
Fig. 11: Slope of the relief 3 sides, [10]
Fig. 12: Slope of the relief 4 sides, [10]
The red line around the municipality is the
location of the anti-flood rig, and the red arrows
indicate the direction of water outflow. For the relief
of the relief from 1 and 3 sides, it is proposed to
create one continuous anti-flood rig, and for the
slope of the relief of 2 and 4 sides, the creation of
two continuous anti-flood rigs. The slope of the
relief from 4 sides involves the creation of two
continuous rigs around the municipality at two
different distances for a higher risk of flooding due
to the enclosed space. The most suitable way to flow
water from the anti-flood rig is into the water area,
whether it is through rivers, streams, lakes, or dams.
If it is necessary to cross vehicles or pedestrians, it
is proposed to place a concrete slab for two-way
traffic with sufficient load-bearing capacity, [13].
Specifically, it is an anti-flood rig described and
shown in Figure 7, and Figure 8. The ideal distance
between the urban area of the municipality and the
anti-flood rig should be at least 50 meters. In the
case of the anti-flood rig for the slope of the relief
(four sides), the individual anti-flood rigs should be
at least 50 meters from each other. The anti-flood
rig should be placed in the ground in such a way
that it can drain a sufficient amount of water in case
of torrential rain. This means that it should have an
adequate slope so that water does not leak into the
urban area of the municipality.
5 SWOT Analysis Proposal
The SWOT analysis consists of 4 parts: strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
minimizing flood activity in the municipality
minimizing damage to the possible lives and
property of citizens in the municipality (S2),
increasing the level of need and feeling of
security of the municipality's inhabitants (S3).
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
costs of building the anti-flood rig (W1),
anti-flood rig cleaning (W2),
repairs of the anti-flood rig due to its damage
intervention in the land of the inhabitants where
the anti-flood rig would be built (W4).
greater interest in staying in the municipality
due to greater security (O1),
increasing the population in the municipality
a better quality of life for citizens (O3).
dissent of the inhabitants for the creation of the
anti-flood rig on their land on the outskirts of
the municipality (T1),
There may be a forest in the extra-urban area,
and its construction is very demanding (T2),
not allowing the construction of the anti-flood
rig if it is located on the territory of the state
lands (T3).
For the quantitative evaluation of the SWOT
analysis, a weight and a point value are assigned to
each type.
Table 2. SWOT analysis [author]
Sum of the internal environment (S + W)
Sum of the external environment (O + T)
The most significant values of:
strengths minimizing flood activity in the
weaknesses the costs of building the anti-
flood rig,
opportunities greater interest in staying in the
municipality due to greater security,
threats the dissent of the inhabitants for
creating the anti-flood rig on their land on the
outskirts of the municipality.
Based on the SWOT analysis from Table 2, the
sum of the internal environment (strengths and
weaknesses) and the sum of the external
environment (opportunities and threats) are in
positive numerical value.
The evaluation of SWOT analysis is based on
strategies that are created by combining selected
quadrants. The first strategy called the alliance
strategy, compares strengths and opportunities. The
strategy asks how to use strengths to take advantage
of opportunities. The second strategy, offensive
strategy, is based on weaknesses and opportunities,
that is, how to use opportunities to reduce or
eliminate weaknesses. The third strategy, the so-
called liquidation strategy, is based on strengths and
threats, and here strengths are used to avert threats.
Furthermore, the last fourth strategy, the so-called
defensive strategy, is based on threats and
weaknesses. In this strategy, we ask how to reduce
threats concerning our weaknesses, [14].
In Figure 13, individual strategies are graphically
displayed and divided into four quadrants. The
resulting value from Table 2 is shown in this figure.
Specifically, it is the resulting value of the sum of
the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses)
and the sum of the external environment
(opportunities and threats). From the internal
environment, the value is positive, which means that
it will be based on the positive x-axis (strengths),
and from the external environment, the value is also
positive, which means that the value will be based
on the positive y-axis (opportunities). The
connection of these two axes determines the
resulting point, and based on the location of the
point in the given quadrant, the resulting strategy is
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
Fig. 13: SWOT analysis [author]
In this case, it results from the alliance strategy -
how to use strengths to take advantage of
opportunities. The concrete result is the main focus
on minimizing flood activity in the municipality,
minimizing damage to the possible lives and
property of citizens in the municipality, and
increasing the level of need and feeling of security
of the municipality's inhabitants. Furthermore, a
greater interest in staying in the municipality due to
greater safety, increasing the population in the
municipality, and a better quality of life for citizens.
In conclusion, these strengths and opportunities
should prevail over weaknesses and threats.
6 Conclusion
The article dealt with flood protection in the non-
urban area of the municipality. In the first part, it
described and characterized the non-urban area of
the municipality. The following chapter defines the
slope of the relief and its most common types.
Based on these types of relief slopes, a flood
protection proposal was created for the exterior of
the municipality. A separate proposal was the
creation of an anti-flood channel to channel as much
water as possible due to a flood. The location of the
ditch depends on the type of relief in which the non-
urban area of the municipality is located. The
direction of the outflow of water from the anti-flood
channel should go directly to the body of water, be
it rivers, streams, lakes, dams, or other bodies of
water. Suppose there is no type of water surface
near the water outlet from the anti-flood channel. In
that case, it is ideal to direct it so that there is no
flood activity in the municipality by creating an
artificial dam or water reservoir. The last part of the
article deals with the SWOT analysis of the proposal
itself, where it describes its strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. The result of the SWOT
analysis is the final value that characterizes the
allied alliance - how to use strengths to take
advantage of opportunities due to the development
of the climate. The risk of possible floods is
constantly increasing. Therefore, it is essential to
create practical ways to reduce this risk in the
To sum up, these strengths and opportunities
should prevail over weaknesses and threats. The
concrete result is the main focus on minimizing
flood activity in the municipality, minimizing
damage to the possible lives and property of citizens
in the municipality, and increasing the level of need
and feeling of security of the municipality's
inhabitants. Furthermore, a greater interest in
staying in the municipality due to greater safety,
increasing the population in the municipality, and a
better quality of life for citizens. Creating an anti-
flood rig minimizes the risk of flooding in the urban
area of municipalities, but this does not mean it is
complete protection. To increase safety, it is
necessary to apply additional preventive measures.
Specifically, it can be about digging canals in the
municipality (if it does not have them there yet or
the municipality has no sewage system). Another
measure is creating an effective flood prevention
plan for the municipality, where individual
procedures and methods will be described as a
system of prevention and subsequent repression in
the event of a flood.
From other various types of research, [15], it is
clear that flooding is a worldwide problem. The
most significant floods are not only in Europe, [16],
but also in America, [17], Asia, [18], Australia, [19],
and even in Africa, [20]. Therefore, it is necessary
to address this topic and solve it constantly.
The limit of the given issue is other parameters
that can affect the correct calculations for water
drainage. Another limit is non-urban areas, where
the terrain is more difficult for the possible location
of the anti-flood rig. Another disadvantage of the
proposal is the occasional cleaning of the anti-flood
rig, where it still needs to be precisely determined
who should be in charge of this cleaning.
As part of future research, applying other
coefficients for more correct calculations and
creating different possible variants for placing the
anti-flood rig for the given relief is advisable. It is
also advisable to develop a study on the most
suitable materials for the anti-flood rig to drain
water over a more extended period so that natural or
social threats cause no or minimum damage.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
This research was based on the support of the
Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in
Zlín, IGA/FAI/2023/001, and The Department of
Security Engineering, Faculty of Applied
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Adam Malatinsky was the main author of the
-Martin Hromada oversaw expertise and proper
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in
Zlín, IGA/FAI/2023/001
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.79
Adam Malatinsky, Martin Hromada
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023