GIS Application for Forest Territories Providing Water Ecosystem
1Department of Computer Systems, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, BULGARIA
2Faculty of Agronomy, University of Forestry, Sofia, BULGARIA
Abstract: - Protecting forests and maintaining their water conservation function has proven to be the most
effective approach to generating and maintaining water quantity from the source to the end user. The water
conservation and water regulating properties of forest ecosystems that are inherent in forested areas are an
undervalued resource at the current stage. To turn this property into a source of income, it needs to be
institutionalized as a production function of forest owners. This also defines the main aim of this research,
namely to design and implement a system for mapping the territorial distribution and characteristics of sanitary
protection zones in Bulgaria, which will help assess the condition and determine the value of ecosystems and
ecosystem services. In this regard, this paper presents the approaches used to integrate and design the spatial
data of the sanitary protection zones and the database of the forests in Bulgaria in a repository and the system
created to visualize these data through different approaches.
Key-Words: - ecosystem service, forest, GIS, Sanitary Protection Zones, water
Received: October 23, 2022. Revised: February 27, 2023. Accepted: March 22, 2023. Published: April 21, 2023.
1 Introduction
In Bulgaria, the forests are divided into two main
groups depending on their purpose: forests with
economic importance and forests with a special
purpose. The protected forests are a subgroup of
forests with special purposes where the forests with
water protection functions belong, [1]. The sanitary
protection zones (SPZs) around water sources and
drinking and domestic water supply facilities are
defined, [2], and the conditions and procedures for
their study, design, approval, and exploitation are
established by the regulation of the Ministry of
Environment and Water, the Ministry of Health and
the Ministry of Regional Development and Public
The sanitary protection zones consist of three
belts according to the adaptive methodology. The
inner belt (SPZ-I) includes the territory around the
water source which is highly secure and strictly
guarded against human activities that may damage
the water used. The middle belt (SPZ-II) protects
the water source from pollution by chemical,
biological, and rapidly decaying substances and
activities leading to the reduction or degradation of
the quality of the water resources. The outer belt
(SPZ-III) includes additional protection of the water
source against pollution from slowly degrading and
difficult-to-degrade substances.
The forests in Bulgaria and their water protection
function in particular are an important part of
valuing the water ecosystem service which provides
economic value. According to [3], data availability
for ecosystem service valuation stands out as one of
the main problems because different sources are
used for data transfer, such as regional, national, and
global statistics.
Our research is related to the water ecosystem
service which is provided by forest ecosystems and
is one of the 9 paid benefits of forest areas for which
users are intended to make payments.
To determine the value of the water ecosystem
service, it is necessary to determine the economic
value of the productive forest capital. This
necessitates the difficult task of studying the
territorial distribution and characteristics of the
forest areas falling within the scope of SPZs in
The diversity of data sources and the amount of
data to be processed complicate the process of
assessing water ecosystem services that are provided
by forests. Therefore, it is of particular importance
to be able to summarize, visualize and appropriately
filter these data to be able to make the necessary
Therefore, the main objective of the paper is to
integrate spatial data on sanitary protection zones
and a database on forests in Bulgaria into a
repository and to design and create a GIS
application that supports the visualization and
analysis of these data using different views. To
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.33
Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova, Nevena Shuleva
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
achieve this goal, the following research problems
that require a solution have been defined:
to propose a method for data processing and
data aggregation into a repository;
to propose a GIS architecture for data
processing and visualization;
to implement an experimental prototype
based on the proposed data processing
method and architecture to validate them.
The paper has been structured as follows. In
Section 2 similar works have been discussed. In
Section 3, a method for processing spatial data on
the sanitary protection zones and a database of
forests in Bulgaria has been considered. Section 4
describes the architecture of the WEB GIS
application. The main results and data visualization
have been provided in Section 4 and Section 5 is the
2 Related Works
Ecosystem services are the benefits that people
receive from nature, and therefore valuing these
services is an important challenge. Therefore,
various studies have been conducted that present
and discuss a regional ecosystem service assessment
and have created their ecosystem map, such as a
case study from Romania, [4].
Our research focused on studies that propose the
use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to
map territories that are involved in ecosystem
service assessment.GIS is used for visualizing,
managing, creating, and analyzing geographic data,
[5]. Thus, that application will help us to see the
linkage and identify patterns in new ways. For
example, a web-based GIS/spatial visualization tool
provides the ability to view the data in an online
map and visually explore the data in a web browser
without the need for additional software, [6].
Moreover, in another study, the GIS application
adopts a raster format to offer a simple data
structure and has high spatial variability
representation for easy and efficient overlay
analysis, and unified grid cells for several attributes,
The different GIS-based tools help to analyze
some priority ecosystem services, [8]. For example,
in [9], the authors have created a spatial model,
based on GISs, capable of quantifying the potential
amount of woody biomass from the forest sector.
Even a public participation GIS is used to assess the
cultural ecosystem services based on geo-located,
passively crowdsourced data from social media
through a large amount of available data, [10].
An interesting approach in the use of GIS is the
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis developed to
determine forest areas for soil protection function
based on erosion risk factors, [11]. The GIS method
with an assessment of stakeholders’ perceptions is
used to measure environmental change, while still
considering spatial variation, [12].
A GIS-based approach was designed to collect
data, perform spatial analysis, and map the
economic values of ecosystem services which is
implemented for three key steps of spatial valuation
- agricultural products, forest products, and tourism
services, [13].
On the other hand, the heterogeneity of data that
is being used for service assessment is also
challenging. Consequently, the following research
proposes a method for applying the standards of
interoperability using data provenance between the
processing steps in each transition to ensure
cohesive workflows across models and platforms,
3 Data Processing
A method is proposed to process spatial data for the
SPZs and a database of forests in Bulgaria. The
spatial data for the SPZs are provided as three ESRI
shape files for each of the three categories. The
second data are Excel tables that contain
information about the regions, districts, forest
groups, year class, SPZs, area, etc. The method
contains two main stages as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Data Processing
The first stage is implemented in two steps: the
initial processing of the source data and the database
design on forests in the SPZs.
In the initial processing of the source data,
topological processing of the spatial data for the
SPZs was performed. Overlaps were found both
between individual layers and between polygons
included in each layer. The topological rules "Must
Not Overlap with" to detect overlaps between layers
and "Must Not Overlap" to detect overlaps between
polygons within a layer were used. The following
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.33
Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova, Nevena Shuleva
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
algorithm was applied to remove the detected
1) In an ArcGIS environment, territories from
SPZ-II and SPZ-III that fell within SPZ-I
were sequentially removed; and
subsequently, territories from SPZ-III that
fell within SPZ-II were removed.
2) Overlaps within each layer were removed.
3) Three generalized layers were created for the
individual zone categories.
4) Sections were created between the
generalized layers for the SPZs as well as a
spatial layer including the boundaries of the
municipalities in the country.
The database of forests in the SPZ was created and
the following algorithm was used:
1) The cross sections between the national
forest layer and the layers obtained as a
result of points 3 and 4 of the proposed
algorithm using the INTERSECT procedure
were created. The execution of the
INTERSECT procedure with small objects
usually produces parasitic cross sections
(SLIVER POLYGONS) - these are polygons
with minimal areas and most often have the
appearance of long linear objects. The
resulting layers were considered based on the
Area/Perimeter ratio as a criterion for the
removal of such polygons.
Empirically, for the present data it was found
that when the Area/Perimeter ratio is less
than 0.3, polygons are subject to removal.
Subsequently, polygons with an area of less
than 100 sq. m from the
dSOZ2_mun_DLESO and
dSOZ3_mun_DLESO layers were also
excluded from further analyses. Polygons
from dSOZ1_mun_DLESO (SPZ-I) were
retained regardless of the cross-sectional area
due to the fact that there were polygons with
an area of less than 10 sq. m in the source
2) Selection of database records containing
information on the taxonomic characteristics
of sub-plots (or parts of sub-plots) falling
into the three SPZ categories. These data
according to the structure of the forest
database are contained in the WOODTYPE
table. Three tables were created
corresponding to the three SPZ categories
obtained from the general forest database
and the national parks.
3) The required data contained in a table
obtained from the common forest database
were added to the six tables.
The second stage of Data Processing is creating a
database in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS environment.
The database includes source (base) spatial layers
and data in the form of three tables that contain the
boundaries of the sanitary protection zones for belt1,
2, and 3. The tables have an identical structure and
contain the following fields: service identifier, site
identifier according to the Ministry of Environment
and Water of Bulgaria (MoEW) database, permit
number according to the MoEW database, site name
according to the MoEW database, Latin name
according to the MoEW database, belt, which
contains the numeric value 1, 2 or 3 depending on
the relevant belt, total stock in cubic meters of
woody vegetation present on the site, weighted
average increment of the woody species present on
the site, site perimeter in linear meters, site area in
square meters and a service field.
Three tables were created with information at the
subdivision level and by tree species, i.e. the three
belts contain attribute type data for the forests in the
respective sites. These tables include calculations in
terms of average growth, stock, forest groups, etc.
Each table has a correlation to the spatial data type
table (polygons) for the boundaries of the sanitary
protection zones for the respective belt.
The additional tables contained in the DB have
type spatial data (polygons) and content as follows:
x_dgp boundaries of state forest
x_dgs - boundaries of the State Forests/LFS.
x_municipalities - boundaries of planning
x_nuts2 - boundaries of planning regions.
x_regions - borders of districts.
x_rfb - boundaries of regional forestry
The SQL queries are created to reference the
materialized views and the data is returned directly
like from a table. In order to obtain summary
information from the above-mentioned tables,
similar SQL queries are generated which include the
following fields: 'Identifier', 'Permit', 'Name',
'Tree_species', 'Age', 'Age_class', 'Forest_group',
'Bonite', 'Completeness', 'Area_ha', 'Stock_cube_m',
'District', 'Average_growth', 'Municipality'.
Three MATERIALIZED VIEWS were created
as an extract from the respective SPZ boundary
tables and information on: geometry, "Identifier",
"Permit", "Name", "Total_stock_cubic_m",
"Area_ha" and "Average_growth" was obtained
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.33
Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova, Nevena Shuleva
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
using similar SQL queries. The resulting
MATERIALIZED VIEWS were converted to tables
with the same fields, which were then published to a
GeoServer environment for subsequent use in a
MapStore environment.
3 Design GIS Application
Open Source software products, compatible with
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards for
geospatial information interoperability were used to
create the web GIS application.
Fig. 2 shows the architecture of the designed web
GIS application. Three main layers have been
implemented: Database Layer, Server Layer, and
Presentation Layer. PostgreSQL has been used as
the database management system, along with its
spatial data extension PostGIS. The source
databases used were spatial data on sanitary
protection zones for each of the three belts and the
Bulgarian forest database as of December 2019.
Fig. 2: GIS Application Architecture
The Server Layer contains two servers
GeoServer and Apache Tomcat. The last one works
with the forest database and was used for data
filtering of the regions, districts, forest groups, year
class, SPZs, and area. Geoserver was used to
publish the spatial data in a web environment and
the MapStore application was used as the end-user
interface which is in Presentation Layer. The two
software applications, GeoServer and MapStore, are
products of the Italian company GeoSolutions.
4 Data Visualization
To visualize the data a Dashboard was created in
MapStore to provide a set of information suitably
collected to show aggregated data in one view.
Geospatial data are displayed on a map along with
different widgets, such as tables, charts, and others,
which are used to show different kinds of
information and details relating to a specific context
(Fig. 3).
Fig. 3: GIS application home screen with all filters
and statistics
to The system allows users to interact with
published dashboards by editing, adding, arranging,
resizing, or deleting the widgets inside a dashboard.
The system provides a function that helps users
to select which type of widget they want. The
process of working with widgets is almost the same
for the supported five widget types: chart, text,
table, counter, and map (Fig. 4). The process
includes the following main three steps: selecting a
vector layer, configuring data and saving and adding
to the dashboard.
Fig. 4: Widgets in the GIS application
For example, the user can use the chart widget to
show and aggregate data, having the option to
choose what type of chart they want to use for
visualisation pie, line, or bar charts.
The new interactive map on the dashboard adds
more than one map with the ability to connect other
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.33
Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova, Nevena Shuleva
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
widgets to them. After saving the first map, the
legend widget will be added to the list. The Legend
Widget will show a legend related to the connected
5 Results and Discussion
The implemented GIS system fulfills its intended
purpose, is user-friendly, and integrates the data
from sources to represent the water ecosystem
service in Bulgaria. Fig. 5 shows a screenshot of the
system when filtering data for a specific SPZ with
ID 7245, which is visualized on the map, calculating
and displaying the average values of age, health,
completeness, growth, total area, and total forest
Fig. 5: GIS application - data calculation and
The implemented system enables the generation
of detailed reports on forest territories within SPZs
by economic region, district, and municipality.
The territory of Bulgaria is divided into 6
economic regions: North-East, North-Central,
North-West, South-West, South-Central, and South-
East. Each region includes 5 or 6 districts. There are
28 districts altogether, and they are divided into a
total of 266 municipalities.
Fig. 6 shows reference data for Sofia City and
Sofia District:
in tabular form on the distribution of forest
territories in the 3 SPZs by area, forest type,
and age class and
in graphical form on the distribution of the
growth in the 3 SPZs by age class.
To be able to assess the state of ecosystems and
ecosystem services and determine their value, we
offer concrete practical steps for the implementation
of a GIS system for mapping the territorial
distribution and characteristics of sanitary protection
Fig. 6: Reports for Sofia City and Sofia District
1. Generalized layers for the three SPZ belts by
applying the DISSOLVE procedure.
2. Intersections between the generalized layers for
the SPZs and a spatial layer including municipal
boundaries by means of the INTERSECT
3. Intersections between the national forest layer and
the layers obtained as a result of the previous two
steps by means of the INTERSECT procedure.
4. Creation of a database containing information on
the taxation characteristics of the subdivisions (or
parts of subdivisions) falling into the three SPZs.
6 Conclusion
The paper proposes a method for integration of the
spatial data of the sanitary protection zones and the
database of the forests in Bulgaria in a repository. A
GIS system has been designed and implemented to
help visualize territorial divisions, water protection
forests, and water resources in Bulgaria. This helps
to determine the territorial distribution and
characteristics of forest areas falling in SPZs in
Bulgaria, which have a total area of 576,117 ha and
49.837 million cubic meters of total growing stock.
The reports generated by the system contain data
on the distribution of the area, stock, and growth per
1 ha of forest territory by forest group and main tree
The results will be used to determine the values
of "natural capital" forests and the water ecosystem
service. They are crucial for the development of
national ecosystem accounts and for assessing the
costs and benefits associated with national and
regional strategies and plans.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.33
Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova, Nevena Shuleva
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023
Thе rеsеarch lеading to thеsе rеsults rеcеivеd
funding from thе Bulgarian Sciеncе Fund project:
“Assessment of the water ecosystem service
provided by forest areas with water protection
functions in Bulgaria”, Contract No. КП-06-ОПР
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
Thе rеsеarch rеcеivеd funding from thе Bulgarian
Sciеncе Fund project: “Assessment of the water
ecosystem service provided by forest areas with
water protection functions in Bulgaria”, Contract
No. КП-06-ОПР 03/7.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2023.19.33
Adelina Aleksieva-Petrova, Nevena Shuleva
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 19, 2023