This study's limitation is the retrospective farmer
interviews on the water consumption of
mangosteen, as a result, the data collected might be
inaccurate. Consequently, to collect more precise
data on the water consumption of mangosteen, the
farmers should record the actual water used to
cultivate mangosteen in a record form. This will
increase the accuracy and reality of the results of the
water usage calculation. In addition, durian, a crop
that requires a lot of water, is another significant
crop in the TTCE. Studying the WF of durian is also
worthwhile. TTCE will be able to control water
usage appropriately and will have total crop water
consumption data. Finally, this study focuses on the
water consumption of mangosteen in the production
year 2019. Therefore, the annual WF of mangosteen
production should be gathered to analyze and plan
for the water consumption of mangosteen in the
future to cope with climate change.
This research was funded by the Thailand Research
Fund (TRF). We would like to thank the farmers
who are members of Tambol Troknong Community
Enterprise (TTCE) for taking the time to participate
in this research project and for their information.
Finally, we would like to thank Prof. Dr. Aree
Wiboonpongse for their valuable comments and for
making this research successful.
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.119
Narong Pleerux, Narissara Aimkuy,
Attawut Nardkulpat