- The occurrence of a random shock in the
general budget deficit by one standard deviation will
have a positive effect on the trade balance deficit.
This positive effect will continue to increase
incrementally from the second year until the end of
the sixth year, when it turns into a weak positive
response until the end of the tenth year, when the
reaction decreases as we move away from the period
of the shock, to fade and become almost non-
existent. The strength of the immediate response
function and the analysis of variance ratios in the
short term is greater than in the long term, and the
overall effect of a positive random shock on the
public budget deficit is the rise in the trade balance
deficit in the short term.
- The strength of the immediate response
function and the analysis of variance ratios in the
short term is greater than in the long term, and the
overall effect of a positive random shock on the
public budget deficit is the rise in the trade balance
deficit in the short term.
Accordingly, and from these results, we accept
the main hypothesis, which is that a positive shock
in the public budget deficit affects the trade balance
deficit in Algeria more in the short term than in the
long term. In light of these results, we recommend
the following suggestions:
The need to diversify the Algerian economy and
revitalize all its sectors to bring in hard currency
and develop foreign reserves, diversifying
sources of income and not relying entirely on oil
as a main source of income.
Restoring the information systems entrusted
with measuring and estimating macroeconomic
indicators and providing an information base on
which scientific research and studies are based
in order to derive solutions that serve the
Algerian economy.
The necessity to adopt a financial and
commercial policy based on the comprehensive
goals of the state and on solid rules and
foundations that enable it to face the
repercussions of internal and external
influences, and to achieve internal and external
economic balance.
The necessity to rationalize public spending and
limit wasteful public spending in order to reduce
the public budget deficit and to limit the
increase in imports and thus reduce the trade
balance deficit.
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.115
Abdelkarim Elmoumen,
Naeimah Fahad S Almawishir,
Houcine Benlaria, Taha Khairy Taha Ibrahim