read others, and to impress and influence them.
Also, [8] Entrepreneurs have been found to have
higher degrees of resilience than the overall
population. At the individual level, resilience is a
determinant of future success. This was also
supported by [9], who posited that resilience is a
process that occurs in some individuals rather than a
trait present in them. [10] also noted that a tendency
for prior experience of shocks in business owners
increases the likelihood of SMEs resilience. None of
these studies focused on the relationships between
values creation and sustainable SMEs operational
resilience in the new normal. This suggests a
research lacuna that this study tried to fill. To this
end, this study explores the relationships between
value creation and sustainable SMEs operational
resilience in the new normal.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Value Creation
[11] defines value creation as engaging in business
processes to offer customers with what they
perceive to be useful while ensuring that the cost of
delivering the advantages does not outweigh the
benefits— it's all about economic impacts.
Customers can gain benefits from a product's
qualities (performance, quality, aesthetics,
durability, ease of use), the product's or firm's brand,
the product's or firm's location, the network effects
associated with the product, or the product's or
firm's service. As a result, the process of
developing, manufacturing, and testing a product all
provide value because they all contribute to the
product's attributes. The value created is the
difference between the benefits that customers
perceive and the cost of providing the benefits. A
company's advert is considered value addition when
the customer's perception of the product is improved
upon. When a product is distributed, it brings it
closer to customers who would not otherwise have
access to it. Value creation for items with network
effects is defined as efforts that add more customers.
The more people who use the product, the more
valuable it becomes to each user. Producer and
product transaction costs: Managers might look for
new technical options to cut costs and provide value
over time. They can also come up with solutions to
reduce the costs of doing business with clients and
suppliers. Personal computers, for example, were
relatively expensive to manufacture when they were
initially introduced. Companies learned to lower
these production costs over time. As a result, the
total value created within this industry has expanded
significantly, as has the number of personal
computers sold in the market. This cut across
consumer transaction costs, new products, and
services, converting organizational knowledge into
value and opportunities to create value.
2.2 SME Entrepreneurs Resilience and the
COVID-19 Pandemic
SME Entrepreneurs examine how COVID-19 will
affect their business and how a business crisis will
affect them. Several competitive characteristics,
such as scenario planning, stakeholder analysis,
development plans, and external and internal
communication, must be considered in order to take
appropriate action. Several indicators can be used to
assess its resiliency, comprehend the impact of
digital change, and determine whether it can
mitigate the negative consequences of the COVID-
19 problem. SMEs must design their business model
after completing external and internal evaluations.
Digital transformation is a process of revamping all
business models and introducing new technologies
for existing activity. The business model canvas is
logic for organizations to create, distribute, and
catch value [12]. Economic growth is related
primarily to earnings imbalance, which is typically
caused by the boom in the "FIRE" economy. SDG 8
promotes sustainable and prosperous economic
growth, optimal and practical opportunities, and fair
jobs for all, while SDG 10 focuses on reducing
income inequality as it affects economic growth:
finance, insurance and real estate sectors of the
economy [13].
To reach corporate goals and to build SME products
or services that are more competitive, the correct
digitalization strategy is required. Cultural diversity,
pluralism, and social motivation are all linked to
competitive advantage. Digital transformation
necessitates thorough testing of digital
infrastructure. The following are the stages that need
to be performed in a SME's digital transformation:
1) Developing the correct mentality and common
understanding; 2) Identifying exceptional
leadership; 3) Establishing a superb digital business
center; 4) Formulating a digital strategy; 5)
Learning, developing, and gaining expertise; 6)
Developing new digital capabilities [14]. With the
proper technology for system resilience, a business
can carry out its digital transformation and create
digital resilience.
2.3 Value Creation and SMEs Resilience
[15] When confronted with disruptive business
model changes, incumbent companies must choose
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.107
Alake O. R, Adegbuyi O. A, Babajide A. A