of parents [18]. While university courses, media,
seminars, and books were sources of environmental
information without giving preference to any other
source of less influence. We conducted this study to
find out the extent of the role of higher education
institutions in raising awareness of environmental
issues and defining their real role in increasing EE.
The results also indicated the importance of the role
of multimedia in raising the attention to
environmental issues to the public and assessing
environmental problems. The results also show that
higher media coverage is closely related to higher
environmental knowledge and greater environmental
5 Conclusion
Environmental problems today have been a major
concern in the country, so educating individuals is
the best solution to reduce environmental challenges
by raising environmental consciousness and
sensitivity. Environmental education successfully
affects the mindset and actions of students in the
community. Education is a long-term cycle, and it is
necessary to educate society at all levels, from
preschool to university education.
The future leaders ought to be university graduates of
today. Those might be engineers at major facilities or
management staff in public and private regions in the
future or senior policymakers who may put leverage
on environmental issues to lessen. Therefore,
universities should include a course covering
environmental sciences for all disciplines to improve
the awareness and consciousness of students towards
the environment, which is currently found at ASU as
an elective university course within the student's
study plan of all majors. As a result, it has been
observed that generally, the level of environmental
literacy of the students of ASU Campus is
“knowledgeable”. Females have an edge over the
males, scientific disciplines over humanities, older
over younger, those with a moderated cumulative
average in the university over others, those with well-
educated family members and moderate-income
levels shown by their higher means. This shows that
students hold a pro-environmental literacy toward
global issues.
Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge
Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan,
for the full financial support granted of this research
article. Sincere thanks to all my Colleagues at basic
science department, for creating inspiring conditions
for work.
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