How did Covid 19 Affect Strategic Goods? A Study using the Scenario
1Department of Business Management, Jouf University, Sakaka, SAUDI ARABIA
2Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commerce and Management Sciences, Chlef University, ALGERIA
Orcid ID Zouheyr Gheraia:
Abstract: - Based on a review of literature dealing with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international
transactions, it should be noted that this pandemic in the world has led to a radical change in several areas. In
this article, we have chosen to focus on the sectors that are strongly affected by this pandemic, namely the oil
sector and not forgetting to study fluctuations related to the metals sector (gold). Indeed, the oil sector is a
market that is well affected by this pandemic, which has caused significant price fluctuations. That is why this
study is trying to identify the impact of this pandemic on this sector. Similarly, due to the lack of stability in the
prices of metals (particularly gold), this leads us to analyze and process these fluctuations in order to determine
the effect caused by the pandemic.
Finally, to clarify our research questions, a study based on the scenario model is retained to identify the impact
of Covid-19 on each of these variables, at the beginning and to verify the effect between all these variables,
thereafter. The obtained results demonstrate that the pandemic affects negatively Oil prices. On the contrary,
the high number of infected people leads to the rise in gold price during the forecast period.
Key-Words: - Covid-19 pandemic, strategic goods, oil price, gold price, scenario method, Var model.
Received: August 21, 2021. Revised: June 5, 2022. Accepted: June 16, 2022. Published: July 8, 2022.
1 Introduction
Since the Second World War, the Covid 19
pandemic constitutes the global crisis and the
biggest challenge we have lived. Nevertheless, the
pandemic is much more than a health crisis. It is an
unprecedented crisis putting pressure on each
countries it affects.
COVID-19 pandemic is having a considerable
effect on all states around the world. It is
engendering the loss of many lives, affecting
people’s way of life and work, and bringing about
socio-economic changes that have a considerable
impact during the coming years. The measures taken
by States to deal with the pandemic are changing all
aspects of the economy and life. As a result, the oil
sector and the metals sector are under-going
dramatic changes.
Thus, according to the literature, many studies
tried to identify the impact of this pandemic in these
variables. At first, according to [10], the Covid 19
pandemic has an impact on the fluctuation of the oil
price. [9] who noted that the change in the oil price
remains to the Covid 19 outbreak approves this idea.
The prices of metals, especially, the precious metals
(gold) has seen a significant fluctuation and
movement during this pandemic [2], [7].
Therefore, to deal with these propositions, this
study aims to answer the following questions:
•Is there an effect of Covid 19 on oil price and the
precious metals (gold) price?
Is there a relationship between the effects of the
Covid 19 on these variables?
2 Literature Review
Since the end of 2019, the world has been in a
critical situation following the appearance of the
COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has caused
many problems for countries including the strategic
changes that have affected the global economy and
international transactions. Beyond this crisis, the
Coronavirus pandemic triggered an economic crisis
that had dramatic effects on the financial markets.
An economic slowdown has been caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic that affects the oil demand
[1], [9], [10]. Not only the oil sector has been
affected by the pandemic but also the prices of
precious metals (especially gold) has seen a
significant fluctuation during the pandemic [2], [7].
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
Starting with the oil sector, the COVID-19
pandemic has affected oil prices [2], [5]. An
imbalance has characterised the oil market in 2020.
The procedures taken by the while world to deal
with this pandemic has led to fluctuations in the
demand and supply of the oil market. Since March
2020, the oil market has undergone a radical change
in the oil prices. [10] states that an unprecedented
collapse in oil prices has been distinguished because
of this pandemic. The authors add that the crude oil
price fell by 85 percent from the date of 22 January
2020 when the first case of COVID-19 was
detected. It means that the crude oil price
experienced a sever fall of two-thirds since January
2020 to April 2020. According to a recent OPEC
report, it appears that in 2018 the price per barrel
was practicing the same as in 2017 (53.12 dollars) to
fall in 2019 up to 40.23 dollars the barrel. This price
will see an increase of up to 49.12 a barrel during
the year 2020. This is primarily related to the
current COVID 19 health crisis, which is causing
patterns energy consumption has changed. (OPEC,
2020, p145). Similarly, according to the World
Bank, as a result to this pandemic, the oil price fell
to 30 dollars in March and to 25 dollars in April
2020. Therefore, to summarize, the COVID-19
pandemic is negatively related to the oil prices,
which means that a negative relationship exists
between the oil prices and Qin et al. (2020) note the
COVID-19 pandemic as it.
Concerning the precious metals, we find that the
gold prices have increased 8 percent during
COVID-19 pandemic exactly from January 2020.
Similarly, [6] provide that gold prices has
experienced a slight fall at the beginning of the
crisis. Nevertheless, subsequently from February
2020, gold prices presented a considerable increase.
[3] indicate even with the pandemic the demand for
gold continues to increase, which causes a
continuous increase in its price. In addition, the
study presented by [11] provides that a pushing in
the price of the gold can be seen during the period
from 1-Jan to 9-Mar, from 1.517 dollar to 1.680
dollar. Although, a simple fall in the prices was seen
during March but this for a short period. Regarding
the relationship between oil prices and gold prices,
[4] indicated that the increase of gold prices is
related to crude oil prices. This relationship is linked
to the role of oil as a principal input for several
goods. In this way, it is important in this study to
demonstrate if the oil prices affect gold prices
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
3 The Standard Study (Knowing the
Behavior /Movement of the Internal
Variables during the Year 2022 by using
3.1 Analyzing the Sensitivity between a Set of
Variables by using the Vector
Autoregression (VAR):
In order to recognize how both oil and gold prices
are sensitive and closely related in the context of the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we estimate
the VAR model to highlight the relationship
between variables in the price of oil, the price of
gold and the number of people infected by the
pandemic in the world.
The aim is to determine the direction in which
the two variables will move, especially when
changes and innovations occur in the number of
infected people, taking into consideration, the
renewed global changes. This can be done through,
on the one hand, the analysis of both response
functions variance and, on the other hand, analyzing
the possible scenarios provided by the VAR model
between the variables in order to know the size and
direction of the change of these two variables by
causing any value change in the global number of
infected people.
However, before considering and estimating the
VAR model, the following important steps must be
taken into consideration:
3.2 Studying the Stability of Study Variables
Based on the evolution curve of the study variables
during the period of study, it appears that the series
initially contain a general trend, which firstly
suggests the instability of the time series. In order to
do this, the stability of the study variables is tested
by using the developed Dickey Fuller test
and Philips Peron (PP). However, before that, since
we include monthly-frequency variables, it is
necessary to remove the Compounding Quarterly
Formula (in case it exists) before the test that cares
about the general trend.
With regard to the results, which includes parameter
values of the seasonal component and the partial
correlation coefficient (correlogram) that we got
directly through EViews program 12.0, it is worth
noting that the variables are free from the Quarterly
Compounding, where the coefficients values were
almost closer to 1. Therefore, there is no significant
difference between the sample variables and the
variables that are compounded by the seasonality
coefficients. It shows uniform rotundity in the
autocorrelation coefficient during the study period.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
Relying on the Stability Testing software prepared
in the Eviews 12.0²² program for ADF test, we
obtained the following results in the following
Variables Augmented Dickey
Fuller test results PhillipsPerron test
PP with
1st Difference
1st Difference
1st Difference
1st Difference
*,**,*** Show that the variables are significant at1%, 5% and 10% levels,
Fig. 1: ADF Test results for the Stationality
(stability) in series
Source: Authors
The present Fig. 1 shows us that, concerning the
two series
, the values of the calculated
statistics related to ADF and PP tests are
smaller (in absolute value) than the tabulated
statistics in the three models at the 5% level
of significance, that’s why we accept the hypothesis
Also, the non- significance of the general trend in
the third model for both series shows that the two
series are of type DS. Nevertheless, after the first
difference is made, he calculated statistics values
become greater (in absolute value) than the
tabulated statistics in the three models at the
level of significance 5%. Hence, the two series
are stationary (stable), whereas the
of type TS are unstable and can be
made stationary by using regression. Whereas the
equation of a trend line that is subtracted from the
original series to become stable takes the following
tPOC t+= 13,231,39
where we get the
stable series
. In addition, the instability
resulting from the presence of a significant
structural change in all series, has been tested by
knowing the significance of the coefficient of the
endemic variable that represents the time of
occurrence of the structural change in the series.
Therefore, based on Eviews 12.0 program, we note
that the probabilities corresponding to the statistic
of the two parameters BREAKDUM in the two
that are
( )
05,017,0 =
( )
05,042,0 =
( )
,0 =
proves that the chains are free
from the problem of structural change, which may
lead to its instability.
3.3 Test of the Co-integration Relationship
Until now, we found that the two series
are unstable, but they are not homogeneous in terms
of instability as the series
is of type DS but the
is of type TS. Therefore, we can say
that there is no room for joint integration (a long-
term relationship) between these two variables
according to the conditions of the Cointegration
test .Also, given that these two variables represent
the internal variables of the VAR model that we
want to estimate, there is no need to use the VECM
error correction model in the estimation.
3.4 Estimated Results of VAR Model
The VAR model is successfully applied on
identifying the size and nature of the relationship
between the variables
However, before doing this, it is necessary to
determine the optimum delay. So, with regard to
figure 02, we note that the optimal degree of delay
according to most of the statistical criteria is
(Based on Eviews 12.0 program).
( )
( )
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
Fig. 2: Optimum Delay degree, Source: Authors
In addition, one of the conditions for estimating the
VAR model is using stable series. We can
summarize the estimated results of VAR model
according to the following equation after removing
the insignificant variables at the 10% level of
Estimated results of oil price model
: BN * Significant at 10%، ** Significant at 5%،
*** Significant at 1%، Source: Authors
The results of the estimation can be analysed as
There is a proportional relationship between
the oil price a month ago and now.
Therefore, if the price of oil rose by 1
dollar last month this would also lead to
an increase by $ 0.73 in today’s price.
There is an inverse relationship between the
oil price of two month-late period and now.
In that, if the oil price rose by $1, this would
lead to a decrease by $ 0.45 in today’s price.
There is a significant and inverse
relationship between the gold price of two-
month late period and the current price.
Therefore, if the price of gold rose by $1,
this would lead to a decrease in today’s
price by $0.03. Because oil and gold
constitute two alternative articles, so when
1 We can find the Fisher and Student values by using eviews
program @qtdist(0.95,20)=1,66 ،@qtdist(0.90,20)=1,29 ،
demand of one increases, the other’s price
There is an inverse relationship between the
numbers of people infected by the
coronavirus disease in one or two- month
late period and the price of oil since an
increase of 1 million in the number of
infected people would lead to today’s oil
prices drop by-0.46 and -0.45 dollars,
respectively. In this way, the increase
spread of the epidemic leads to increased
closure that means a significant drop in
In general, the fluctuation of the oil price is
related to its dynamism based on its current
price that depends on the past price of oil.
Therefore, this proportional relationship is
due to the high demand for the oil in the
short term. In addition, on the one hand, the
transactions of oil sales, are forward
contracts with relatively long period. On the
other hand, there is an inverse relationship
between the current price of oil and the two
periods of delay, which makes economic
sense. In this way, the rise of the oil price
leads to the lower demand, which in turn
reduces the price to increase demand.
Therefore, generally speaking, economic
interpretations of oil prices are limited due
to its attachment to the international
policies, security, and based on cartel
decisions such as OPEC.
The results of Gold price estimation
The results of the estimation can be analysed as
follows :
There is a proportional relationship between
the price of gold last month and the current
price .If the gold price rose by 1 dollar the
last month , this would lead to an increase in
the current price of gold by 0.47 dollars.
This result leads to a reduction in the
counties’ imports, their trade balance and
the overall product cost. It leads, also, to an
improvement in country’s crude domestic
output, which increases national income and
increases the demand for gold as a strategic
commodity. In this regards, there is a rise in
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
the price of gold by producing countries due
to the increased demand and urgency by
most countries.
There is an inverse relationship between the
number of people who had been infected by
the coronavirus disease in one month late
period and the price of gold. In fact, the
one-million infected people will lead to an
increase in the current gold price by $5.04.
In this way, the rise in the number of people
infected by the epidemic forces countries to
pursue a policy of total closure, resulting in
a sharp decline in domestic and global
demand for most goods and a halt in the
production of most enterprises. This will
contribute to the decline in dollar prices,
which will lead to a rise in the price of gold
as an alternative commodity to the price of
the dollar.
4 Model Validation
Many tests should be done to verify the validity of
the results of the var (2) model and, most
importantly, to demonstrate that all the residuals
resulting from the model are Noise trade (stable)2.
This is confirmed by the partial and autocorrelation
functions of the residual series. Therefore, by
looking at the graphic representation of the partial
autocorrelation function for the residuals of the var
model, we notice that all the simple and partial
autocorrelation coefficients are located inside the
Confidence Interval. This indicates that these
Correlation Coefficients do not differ from zero at
the 5% level of significance. Therefore, the residual
walkways of the var model can be considered as
white noise. It can be confirmed by the Ljung-Box
test, where we find that A significant P-value in The
Ljung-Box Test statistic is and
respectively, which completely
greater than 5%. Therefore, we accept the null
hypothesis, that is, the residual walkways of the Var
model is white noise and therefore these residual
series can be considered as stable.
2 If the residuals are white noise (noise trade), that is, they are
stable and this will avoid the most important problems of
estimation. There is no problem of correlation of residuals of
the first degree or degree p, there is no problem of heterogeneity
of residual variance
4.1 Testing the Stationary VAR Model
(Testing the Stability of the VAR Model)
We can say that the radial path with
dimension (n, 1) subject to a representation from the
form VAR (p) is stable. If all the values of the roots
of the polynomial Inverse time delay parameters are
less than one in absolute value, by using the 12.0
Eviews program directly, we get the
following figure.
Fig. 3: VAR model stability conditions, Source:
This figure shows that the estimated model fulfills
the requirements for stability as all coefficients are
less than one, and all roots are located within the
unit circle, which indicates the structural stability of
the Var model as a whole and that this model is
valid for forecasting.
4.2 Scenario Analysis: Forecasting the
Future Values between COVID-19
Pandemic, Oil Price and COVID-19 Deaths
Cases shocks
The main advantage of these scenarios that are
extracted from the results of the previous Var (2)
model and obtained directly using Eviews 12.0
program, is to know the size and direction of the
impact of any change in any internal variable of the
VAR model on the future values of the same
variable and other variables in the model. However,
in the Shock Analysis, the results are obtained
automatically, and the standard deviation value of
the variable is often taken as a percentage change in
its value without changing this shock size.
( )
( )
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
It is of a great importance now to present
forecasting results by using different scenarios.
However, before that, we need to predict and
forecast an exogenous3 variable
according to the Box-Jenkins method for ARIMA
linear time series models, where we find that the
optimal model for this series
( )
( ) ( )
, is
where the series
, that represents the
forecasted values until the end of 2022, is used in
the events of different scenarios.
An important first step is to forecast the future
values of the internal variables (the baseline) based
on the outcomes and results of the previous Var (2)
The results of this prediction are called Baseline and
in order to make this baseline prediction in Eviews
12.0 we should:
First, we extend the sample size until the
period in which we want to predict its future
values. We want to predict the future values
of the price of gold and oil for the next year
(until 12/2022).
Then, The VAR (2) model should be re-
After that, based on the results of the Var
model, we create a simple prediction by
developing a model, which includes the
prediction period (from 12/2021 to
After activating it, its formula is as follows :
Model: Untitled
Date: 02/26/22 Time: 18:12
Sample: 2021M12 2022M12
Solve Options:
Dynamic-Deterministic Simulation
Solver: Broyden
Max iterations = 5000, Convergence = 1e-08
Parsing Analytic Jacobian:
0 derivatives kept, 0 derivatives discarded
Scenario: Baseline
Solve begin 18:12:39
Solve complete 18:12:39
3 The prediction of the future values of the internal variables
(the baseline) is done according to the Box-Jenkis method for
ARIMA linear time series models, where we find that the VAR
models are nothing but a generalization of the latter, and there
are two types of this simple initial prediction: dynamic
(DYNAMYQUE SOLUTION) as in Our case, which takes past
values into account while making a forecast, and STATIC
SOLUTION, which depends only on current values in
EVIEWS 12.0 allows us to obtain the predictive
values (baseline) shown in the figure 4.
Fig. 4 : The baseline predictive values of monthly
prices for gold and oil from December2021 to
December 2022, Source : Authors
Generally speaking, we notice that the predictive
values during the relevant period (from 12/2021 to
12/2022) with an average of -2,96 and 14.16 for oil
and gold prices are stable and these are the simple
predictive values (baseline).
However, during the forecast period, the values of
the oil price are all negative because the predictive
values are less than zero whereas the values of the
gold price is positive (greater than0).
Oil prices went negative due to the effect of the
Coronavirus pandemic worldwide. On the contrary,
the rise in gold price during the forecast period can
be attributed to the high number of infected people.
Scenario 1
A scenario can be created by making a specific
change in the number of infected people to see its
impact on the predictive values of the two internal
variables (oil and gold price). For example, if we
suppose that the number of infected people
increased by 30% (which represents the average
growth during the study period) during the forecast
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
period. By using the Eviews output, we can obtain
the following results.
Fig. 5: Predictive values for the price of gold and oil
as a result of the increase (30%) in the number of
monthly-infected people. Scenario Results (Scenario
1), Source: Authors
We note that there is an increase of 30% in the
number of people with coronavirus over the
predictive values (i.e. the baseline), which will lead
to a slight decrease in the monthly oil price (-3.45
dollars on average), but a small increase in the price
of gold during the forecast period.
Scenario 2 : This will be totally different from the
previous one. In that, it is possible to reduce the
number of infected people by 30% (which
represents an average growth during the study
period) to see its impact on the predictive values of
the two internal variables (oil and gold price).
During the same period (from 12/2021 to 12/2022)
and by using the outputs of eviews, the results can
be as follows.
Fig. 6 : Predictive values for the price of gold and
oil as a result of the decrease (30%) in the number
of monthly infected people. Scenario Results
(Scenario 2), Source: Authors
It is worth mentioning that, on the one hand, the
decrease of 30% in the number of infected people
from 12/2021 to 12/2022 will to a slight increase in
the price of oil (-2, 94), which is slightly greater
than the forecast standards. On the other hand, the
decrease in the number of infected people will lead
to a decrease in the price of gold (-2.94 on average)
during the relevant period.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we investigate the relationship
between the price of gold and oil during the Covid-
19 pandemic. We find that, in general, the decrease
or changes in the price of gold and oil when the
number of infected people changes in the different
scenarios can be explained to the form of the
estimated Var model, as most of the variables are
not explanatory. In this regards and according to our
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
results, it is clear that Oil prices went negative due
to the effect of the Coronavirus pandemic
worldwide. On the contrary, the rise in gold price
during the forecast period can be attributed to the
high number of infected people.
This work was funded by the Deanship of Scientific
Research at Jouf University under grant No (DSR-
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Annex: Vector autoregression (VAR)
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.90
Sawssan Saadaoui, Mohamed Benmeriem,
Hanane Abdelli, Zouheyr Gheraia
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022