A Composite Impact of Urbanization and liberalization on
Environmental Degradation in Developed and Developing Economies
1International Institute of Islamic Economics (IIIE), International Islamic University Islamabad,
2Department of Agricultural Sciences, Paul Engler College of Agriculture & Natural Sciences,
WTAMU, Canyon, Texas,
Abstract: Now a days, urbanization and liberalization play a crucial role in environmental degradation.
However, the composite impact of urbanization and liberalization on environmental degradation is missing in
the existing literature. To cover this gap, the current study used the annual panel dataset of 103 developed and
developing countries over the period from 1980 to 2018, to empirically investigates the composite impact of
urbanization and liberalization on environmental degradation. For estimation purposes, this study employed the
fixed, Random effect, Least Square Dummy Variables (LSDV), and 2SLS approach. The study results indicate
that the composite impact of globalization and urbanization have a positive effect on CO2 emissions in
developed economies, which explains that globalization speeds up urbanization with increasing carbon
emissions. Furthermore, the results show that globalization is linked to urbanization through trade, economic
growth, capital-labor ratio, and financial integration in developing economies by reducing the environmental
quality. Based on estimates results, the current study recommends that a comprehensive policy is required for
urban improvement and for the creation of smart cities to decrease the urbanization influence on environmental
Keywords: Urbanization, Liberalization, Environmental Degradation, Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV),
Two-Stage Least Square (2SLS).
Received: July 29, 2021. Revised: May 21, 2022. Accepted: June 10, 2022. Published: June 24, 2022.
1 Introduction
The relationship between environment and economy
has been unavoidable since the beginning of life. It
not only provides resources but also acts as a sink
for emissions and waste. The environment and
economic growth have a complex relationship with
each other. Economic growth works with different
drivers that come into play, such as the scale of the
economy, urbanization, and globalization. This
century has experienced a greater migration of the
world’s population to urban dwellers. However,
urbanization refers to a general increase in the city's
population. There are many causes of urbanization
but one of the reasons that forces people to move
from rural areas to cities is more job opportunities.
A few of the most essential reasons are
industrialization, better education, social benefits,
services, employment opportunities,
modernizations, and changes in lifestyle [1]
The movement of people from rural to urban has
both positive and negative effects. However,
increasing urbanization is inevitable; therefore,
urbanization issues depend on effective planning,
development, and infrastructural management. This
unplanned population growth is associated with
population demands that supersede infrastructure
and service capabilities, leading to environmental
degradation [2].
The different historical patterns and
backgrounds of economic development and
urbanization may create significant contrasts in the
expression of the urban stream syndrome among
high-income and low-income countries [3,4,5].
According to a UN report, the population of world
cities was 34% in 1960. There is a consistent growth
in the urban population, but in 2014 it jumped to
54% and is expected to reach 66% by the end of
2050 [6]. Generally, there are two causes of urban
growth. One is due to natural growth as we
experienced in the last three decades birth rate has
improved due to advancements in medical terms.
The other major factor is migration when people
move from one place to another place. Migration is
the result of economic growth, development, and
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
technological changes [7] and possibly also conflict
and social disruption. Migration is driven by pull
and push factors that drive rural areas away from
urban areas. Also, in cities, there are somehow
better job opportunities which is one of the major
pull factors.
Urbanization also has positive impacts on the
environment. The cluster of economic and human
resources, gathered in place, helps to stimulate
innovation and development in business, science,
technology, and industry. Relatively simple
approaches to health, education, social services, and
cultural activities are more readily available to
people in urban areas than rural areas [8]. On the
other hand, population density in cities makes it
easier and cheaper for government and public
services to provide basic goods and services [9].
The rapid growth of the urban population often
creates an urban sprawl with negative economic,
social, and environmental consequences. In
Ethiopia, the increase in the urban population often
strains the capacity of local and national
governments to provide urban residents with even
the most basic water supply, sewerage, and solid
waste disposal [10] are some of the negative
impacts of urbanization on the environment.
Population growth in cities can also affect the
broader regional environments. These regions
downwind of huge and congested industrial areas
also cause an increase in the amount of
precipitation, air pollution, and the increase in the
number of days of thunderstorms. Urbanization not
only affects weather patterns but also leads to
changes in the pattern of runoff water. Perhaps the
urban area due to pollution generally generates more
rain, but indeed the infiltration of water lowers the
water tables. That means that this runoff happens
faster with higher peak flows. This has led to an
increase in the volume of floods and water pollution
that occurs downstream.
Globalization is not a new terminology that is
used nowadays. From the beginning of civilization,
communalities have had a habit of trading among
each other with their surplus of goods and services.
With advancements in cultures, they were able to
travel farther afield to trade their goods for desirable
products found elsewhere. Liberalization or
globalization in economics refers to the process by
which organizations, businesses, and countries
begin to operate internationally.
Globalization is most commonly used in an
economic context, but it is also affected culturally
and politically. Thus, in general, globalization has
been shown to raise living standards in both
developed and developing countries. On the other
hand, some analysts warn that globalization may
harm local or emerging economies and individual
workers. The positive impact of globalization is that
it also helped to increase the movement of raw
materials and food from one region to another.
Previously, populations used only locally grown
food, but globalization has given the privilege to
consume products that have grown in other
Liberalization is being considered as most
widely represented in debates on environmentalism,
and green activists have highlighted to its far-
reaching effects. Activists have pointed out that
liberalization has led to an increase in the
consumption of goods and services, which has
impacted the ecological cycle. An increase in
consumption of goods and services mean or leads to
an increase in manufacturing of goods and services
which in turns automatically puts pressure on the
environment. Liberalization is a global phenomenon
that affects human well-being through its effects on
the socio-economic and political aspects of human
life [11]. It improves economic well-being through
trade, capital flows, the diffusion technology, and
even cultural and public policies [12]
Liberalization stimulates economic growth
through trade openness and financial capital, but it
has far-reaching environmental consequences across
economies [13]. Moreover, developing countries are
more interested in increasing the size of their
business activities in urban areas.
On the other hand, there is an increase in
pollution due to urbanization and liberalization with
the rest of the world. This implies that urbanization
and liberalization can be significant indicators of
environmental degradation. However, to put it
another way, importing technology and energy can
be beneficial for production and economic activity,
but the imported energy and technology are
carbon emission-free in developing countries.
Additionally, economic development through
rapid industrialization and urbanization causes
environmental pollution positively. Urbanization
has promoted the transfer of labor from rural to
urban areas, resulting in economic transformation in
several countries [14]. However, urbanization has
improved living standards and expanded job
opportunities with the negative effect of
increasing CO2 emissions.
Interestingly, many researchers have analyzed
the environmental degradation hypothesis with the
importance of urban growth and globalization and
panel-specific studies. All these studies report
mixed results regarding their dynamic
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
characteristics. Accordingly, the first group found
that liberalization reduces pollution in their
studies ([15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] and [21]
but neglects the importance of urbanization. While
the group of other researchers ([22], [23], [24] and
concluded that urbanization increase CO2 emissions
From the review of literature, it has been noted that
very limited studies have analyzed the impact of
liberalization, urbanization, and environmental
degradation in the context of developing countries.
[25] discussed the issue of environmental
degradation and economic growth. [26] examined
that financial instability increases in environmental
degradation evidence from Pakistan. Consequently,
few studies have focused on the reality of the
liberalization effect on urbanization which is
accompanied by environmental degradation.
Although, other studies have not considered
structural breaks in environment, liberalization, and
urbanization. The empirical estimates can be
misleading and estimations through econometric
methods may include biases in the presence of
structural breaks [27],[28],[29]. Based on the
opposing arguments in the existing literature, it is
important to review the empirical studies conducted
on the environmental degradation hypothesis.
Hence, to overcome the abovementioned gaps, this
study aims to examine the following objectives: i)
To explore a composite impact of urbanization and
liberalization on environmental degradation in
developed and developing countries. ii) To conduct
a comparative analysis of environmental
degradation between developing and developed
countries. The current study investigates these
relationships between developed and developing
countries over the period from 1980-to 2017.
This study will be beneficial for policymakers in
developing countries. Policymakers will make a
better decision regarding environmental
degradation. This study offers a new look at
environmental degradation from today's perspective.
Especially, based on this study, all developing
countries can draw important conclusions regarding
the context of liberalization and urbanization. This
study will also be beneficial for policy reviewers
and researchers to understand the dynamics and
behavior of liberalization and urbanization and their
impact on environmental degradation in developing
The general intention of the study is to compare
the composite impact of urbanization and
liberalization on environmental degradation in both
developed and developing countries. In addition,
this study will also serve to explore the significant
impact of the composite interactive factor to explore
urbanization and liberalization on environmental
The remaining section of this study is arranged as
follows: section 2, describes the material and
methods. Section 3, discusses the results and
discussion. Lastly, concludes the study results and
suggests some policy recommendations.
2 Material and Methods
2.1 Empirical Model
The current study examines the effect of
liberalization and urbanization on environmental
degradation using the following functional form of
the model followed by [30],[31],[32],[28],[33].
𝐸𝐷𝑖𝑡 = 𝑓(𝑈𝑅𝐵𝑖𝑡 , 𝐿𝐼𝐵𝑖𝑡 , 𝐺𝐷𝑃𝐶𝑖𝑡 ,𝐹𝐷𝑖𝑡 , 𝐼𝑁𝐷𝑖𝑡) (1)
Where ED denotes the environmental
degradation such as CO2 emissions, 𝑈𝑅𝐵 denotes
urbanization, LIB is the liberalization. In this model
we also include the control variables such as GDPpc
is the GDP per capita, FD is the financial
development, and IND denotes the industrialization
that also affects the environmental degradation,
The abovementioned relationship between
liberalization and urbanization on environmental
degradation can also be written in panel equations.
The ordinary least squares (OLS) regression without
dummy variables, a pooled regression model,
assumes a constant intercept and slope. The
econometric form of the model has been formulated
as follows:
𝐸𝐷𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽0+ 𝛽1𝑈𝑅𝐵𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝐿𝐼𝐵𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑝𝑐𝑖𝑡 +
𝛽4𝐹𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽5𝐼𝑁𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 (2)
where, i = number of countries, t = time
period (1990-2018). Similarly, 𝜀𝑖𝑡 is the error term,
respectively. We used the interaction term
(URB.LIB), then our model becomes like this.
𝐸𝐷𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽0+ 𝛽1𝑈𝑅𝐵𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝐿𝐼𝐵𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3(𝑈𝑅𝐵. 𝐿𝐼𝐵𝑖𝑡 ) +
𝛽4𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑝𝑐𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽5𝐹𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽6𝐼𝑁𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 (3)
Similarly, our model also used the time-specific
dummies known as Least Squares Dummy Variable
(LSDV). The new extended model is:
𝐸𝐷𝑖𝑡 = 𝛽0+ 𝛽1𝑈𝑅𝐵𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2𝐿𝐼𝐵𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3(𝑈𝑅𝐵. 𝐿𝐼𝐵)𝑖𝑡 +
𝛽4𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑝𝑐𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽5𝐹𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽6𝐼𝑁𝐷𝑖𝑡 + 𝛼𝑖+ 𝜀𝑖𝑡 (4)
2.2 Estimation Methods
For estimation purposes, we have used the panel
estimation techniques such as fixed effect (FE) and
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
random effect (RE). Additionally, the Hausman test
has been used to identify whether FE is more
appropriate or RE is more appropriate. Further, in
this study, we have used the LSDV regression and
two-stage least square (2SLS) regression analysis.
LSDV regression is the ordinary least square (OLS)
regression equation with dummy variables.
Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) regression
analysis is a statistical tool that is applied in the
analysis of structural equations. Hence this
technique is an extension of the OLS method. It is
mainly used when the dependent variable error
terms are correlated with independent variables.
Several ways help to lessen simultaneity bias, but
the most regularly used in econometrics as an
alternative to OLS is called 2SLS. 2SLS is a method
of avoiding simultaneity bias by systematically
creating variables to replace the endogenous
variables where they appear as independent
variables in simultaneous equations systems.
2.3 Data Sources and Variables Description
This study used a balanced panel of annual data
which includes 103 developed and developing
countries for the period 1990to 2018. All variables
data has been taken from the published source of
World Development Indicator (WDI) except
Globalization data has been taken from the KOF
Index of Globalization (2018) dataset. We have
taken overall globalization into three components:
economic, social, and political globalization.
Moreover, economic globalization has been used as
a proxy for economic liberalization. The list of
countries is given in appendix-A1. Countries have
been selected based on data availability.
Table1. Variables Description
(used as a proxy
of CO2
Metric tons
per capita
Percentage of
the urban
population to
Liberalization is
used as a proxy
of economic
taken into
social, and
GDP per capita
GDP as
percentage of
Broad money
as a percentage
of GDP
percentage of
Source: Author’s own collections
3 Results and Discussion
The results consist of developed and developing
economies. First, we report the estimates of
developed economies using the FE, RE, LSDV, and
2SLS methodology in Table 2.
Table 2. Environmental Degradation in Developed Countries: Role of Urbanization and liberalization
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
No of code
Hausman test
Notes: Standard errors in parentheses. The significance of coefficients at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels are shown by *, **, and
***, respectively.
The first column of Table 2 shows the FE model
results, which explains that the coefficient of
economic globalization is statistically insignificant
for developed countries. While a similar result is
found in the RE model (Column 2), the coefficient
of urbanization is positive and significant in both FE
and RE regression models. It implies that a 1 %
increase in urbanization causes a 78.5% increase in
carbon emissions in developed countries.
Further, a composite impact of globalization and
urbanization has a positive effect on CO2 emissions
in developed economies under both FE and RE
models, which indicates that globalization speed up
urbanization with increasing carbon emissions. This
also means that globalization connects with
urbanization through trade, economic growth,
capital-labor ratio, and financial integration in
developed economies by lowing the environmental
quality. This result is also consistent with [34],[35],
which infers that urbanization improves the
economy by increasing transportation with rising
traditional and modern energy consumption, which
enhances the CO2 emotions. Fast speed in
urbanization can affect energy use, economic
activities, and carbon emissions. However, previous
literature reports mixed results regarding the
relationship between urbanization and CO2
emission, but our finding confirms the positive
effect of urbanization on carbon emissions. One of
the possible reasons is that urbanization is related to
economic activity, which explains that higher
economic activity creates wealth and richer
residents often demand more energy apparatuses
products which can upsurge environmental
The coefficient of GDP is positive and
significant in both FE and RE regression models.
Our results also show that industrialization has a
negative effect on carbon emissions under both FE
and RE models.
The variable, financial development, is negative and
significant in both FE and RE models, which
indicates that financial development has a negative
influence on carbon emissions. This result explains
that an increase in financial development improves
the clean and green energy in developed economies
which in turn decreases environmental pollution.
Lastly, we compare FE and RE models. The
result of the Hausman test shows that the fixed
effect is the best-fitted model in our analysis
Additionally, the current study estimates the
results by using LSDV method to determine the
relationship between, economic globalization,
urbanization, and economic growth. The advantage
of using LSDV over FE/RE is that it considers the
time dummy effect in the analysis which is more
important in real analysis. The results of LSDV test
explain that the coefficient of economic
globalization coefficient remains negative and
insignificant. While urbanization has also similar
results in LSDV method, which means that
urbanization has increased the environmental
Further, a composite impact of globalization and
urbanization has a similar effect on CO2 emissions
as in previous models. The same results are also
found for industrialization, GDP, and financial
development in LSDV model.
The results also show that the dummy year
(1980) has a positive effect on carbon pollution
while over the period, the time effect on the
environmental pollution is changed from positive to
negative in the dummy year (2018) under LSDV
This also means that environmental pollution is
decreasing in developed economies with the passage
of time.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
Finally, we apply the 2SLS method to improve
our findings by dealing the potential endogeneity
problem. The possibility of endogeneity due to
reverse causality, measurement error, and omitted
variable biases. Therefore, in the presence of
endogeneity FE, RE, and LSDV estimates become
inefficient and biased. Therefore, to address the
problem of endogeneity, we apply the 2SLS in our
analysis for better results. The results of 2SLS are
given in Column 4.
The 2SLS model result explains that the
coefficient of economic globalization is negative
significant at 1 % level, which reveals that a 1 %
increase in economic globalization leads to a
decrease in carbon emissions by 22.0 %. This
implies that globalization is a global phenomenon
that affects environments through socio-economic-
political aspects of human life. Globalization also
stimulates economic activities through financial,
trade openness, and FDI, but it has also considerable
environmental quality consequences across
economies. This result is conclusive with [36] which
stated that globalization is one of the main factors
that enhance the environmental health quality for
developing and developed countries and worldwide
it has various consequences. The variable,
urbanization, the result is similar to the previous
models. However, the interesting finding is that the
industrialization coefficient is turned negative to
positive in 2SLS. This implies that a 1% increase in
industrialization has a 92.9% increase in carbon
emissions in developed economies. While the
composite impact of globalization and urbanization
result has been maintained in 2SLS. This also infers
that industrialization is also one of the main sources
of environmental pollution in advanced economies.
However, the result of variable GDP is similar in
2SLS while the coefficient of financial development
changes signs from negative to positive in 2SLS.
This indicates that as financial development
increases it leads to an increase the environmental
Next table 3 explains the impact of urbanization
and globalization on environmental pollution in the
context of developing economies. The results are
based on FE, RE, LSDV, and 2SLS estimators.
The first column of Table 3 shows the FE
results, which indicate that the coefficient of
economic globalization is statistically positive and
significant for developing countries. We have found
similar results in the RE model in Column 2. The
results also show the positive influence of economic
globalization on environmental pollution, which
indicates that trade and technology innovation
enhances environmental pollution by hurting the
trade and technology policies related to control of
air quality and world environment concerns.
Further, economic globalization is an essential
determinant of environmental pollution as supported
by [37], [38], [39],[40]. Developing economies also
obtain ecological benefits from economic
globalization via access to energy-saving and
energy-efficient innovative machinery from
developed nations. This is very helpful in
environmental quality. However, our result is
contradicting these facts. Another explanation is that
globalization enables nations to attain trade and
environmental benefits from these resources. This
also implies that globalization allows developing
economies to enlarge their industrial sector
production at the cost of environmental quality.
The estimated results also show that the effect
of urbanization is positive and significant in FE and
RE regression models. It implies that a 1 % increase
in urbanization leads to an increase carbon
emissions by 1.55% in FE and 1.545% in RE
regression model.
Table 3. Environmental Degradation in Developing Countries: Role of Urbanization and liberalization
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
This also implies that globalization has also
stimulated urbanization in developing economies
which is a possible source of environmental
pollution. This shows that globalization has created
an increasing level of interdependence in
urbanization, which is one of the sources of air
pollution in a new era. We also found that
globalization affects CO2 emissions through
urbanization in composite forms. Our results
revealed that industrialization has a negative
effect on carbon emissions in developing
economies while similar results have been
found in developed economies. However, the
effect of GDP is positive and significant in FE
and RE regression models, this means that
economic activity is more producing
environmental pollution. Financial
development has a positive and significant
influence on carbon emissions which implies that
an increase in financial development improves the
fossil fuel energy in developing economies which
in turn increases environmental pollution. In the
end, the Hausman test shows that the fixed effect is
significant and our preferred model and gives better
estimates our estimates.
We also estimate our model by using the
LSDV method to determine the relationship
between, economic globalization, urbanization, and
economic growth in developing economies. We
have found that the economic globalization
coefficient remains positive and significant,
implying that a 1% increase in economic
globalization increases environmental pollution by
1.10% in developing economies. While
urbanization has also similar results in LSDV
method as compared to FE and RE, which means
that urbanization increased carbon pollution.
Similarly, industrialization, GDP, and finance
effects also exist in LSDV. The results also show
that the dummy of the year1980 has a negative
effect on carbon pollution, while with the passage
of time, time effect on the environmental pollution
is turn into negative to positive significant in LSDV
model. This also means that magnitude of the time
period is converted from negative to positive
effects, this shows that environmental pollution is
more in the latest era compared to the initial period.
Finally, we have also employed the 2SLS
estimation to improve our results by dealing with
the potential endogeneity problem using the
developing economies dataset. The results are
given in Column 4, the coefficient of economic
globalization is positive and significant at 1 % level
of significance revealing that a 1 % increase in
economic globalization causes carbon emissions to
decrease by 2.6%. While the urbanization impact
on carbon emissions is positive and insignificant
with a magnitude of 0.1%. However, the
remarkable finding is that industrialization has a
positive effect in 2SLS, the magnitude is higher as
compared to other models. This implies that a 1%
increase in industrialization has 0.5% increase in
carbon emissions in developing economies. This
also revealed that industrialization is one of the
main indicators of environmental pollution in
developing economies. However, the result of
variable GDP deviates from the previous models in
2SLS, while financial development has a positive
influence on carbon emissions.
Table 4 shows the result of the full sample of
developing and developed economies using FE,
RE, 2SLS, and LSDV. The results reported in
Column 1 and 2 shows that economic globalization
has a positive effect on environmental pollution at a
statistically significant at 1%. It means that
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
economic globalization is not a helping factor in air
quality in the globe. For instance, economic
globalization affects air quality. Similarly, the
effect of urbanization in Column 1 and 2 is
statistically significant. The result also shows that
composite impact is also a positive influence on
carbon emissions. However, industrialization has a
positive and statistically significant impact on
carbon emissions in both columns. The coefficient
of industrialization in Column 1 and 2 shows that a
1% increase in industrialization will cause 0.3%
increase in carbon emissions. Finally, the parameter
estimate on GDP is positive and significant at 1%
percent level implying that economic activity
causes an unfavourable impact on environmental
Overall, similar results have been found in FE and
RE models. This also implies that GDP and
development have also an adverse effect on
environmental pollution. In the Hausman test, FE is
our preferred model.
Column 3 of table 4 shows that economic
globalization and urbanization have a positive
significant influence on carbon emissions
indicating that if economic globalization and
urbanization increase by 1% then carbon emissions
will increase by 0.5% and 2.65%. Composite
effects are also remaining the same in regression.
This finding also infers that the magnitude of
urbanization is more compared to economic
globalization. This result is reliable with facts,
empirics, and theory. Regarding control variables,
we found that industrialization, GDP, and finance
variables have a significant positive influence on
carbon emissions. While table 4 shows empirical
results when 2SLS is used. The coefficient of
economic globalization in Column 3 shows that a
1% rise in economic globalization will lead to a 6%
increase in environmental pollution and this result
is statistically significant. While the urbanization
indicator is insignificant, this implies that
urbanization is not mattered in global pollution.
The coefficients of control variables have expected
sign and become statistically positive significant
indicating that industrialization, GDP, and financial
development will directly affect the carbon
emissions in the globe.
4 Conclusion and Policy Implications
The present study explores the effect of
liberalization and urbanization on environmental
degradation by using FE, RE, LSDV, and 2SLS
models in both developed and developing
economies over the period from 1980 to 2018. The
findings revealed that economic globalization
negatively affected the carbon emissions in
developed economies. Moreover, urbanization has
a positive and significant impact on CO2
This means that economic globalization,
urbanization, and the combined effect of twin
indicators has also a positive influence on
environmental pollution in developing economies.
Our results of the full sample are also consistent
with the previous sample of developing and
developed economies.
Based on our empirical evidence, we find that
the outcomes are varied across the developed and
developing sampled countries. Thus, there is
always a need to conduct analysis at country level
in direction to determine the association among
variables at the gross root level for better policy
Table 4. Urbanization, Liberalization, and Environmental Degradation in Developed and Developing
Economies (Full sample)
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
It is more important to implement a proper plan
of policies for urban improvement and create smart
cities to decrease the urbanization influence on
environmental pollution. Authorities should use
environmental-friendly apparatuses in the urban
areas and provide energy-efficient public transport
for residents. Unplanned urbanization and the
speed of urbanization are one of the key problems
in developing economies. Therefore, developing
nations should build the road map of new
urbanization and should impose environmental
taxes to lessen the effect of urbanization and
industrialization on the environment. Moreover,
authorities build green belts to reduce CO2
emissions, however, better environmental
regulations, political regime, institution quality, and
human capital are also essential to attract clean
urbanization and environmental quality.
Regulations should increase the quality of the
atmosphere of any strategies for urban
transformation. Developing economies should
redesign the industrialization policies in the context
of environmental quality. Authorities can be a
separate an industrial zone from outside the urban
areas. In addition, asymmetric panel data
estimation techniques can be incorporated in the
analysis along with globalization, industrialization,
and urbanization in future research for each
developing and developed countries separately.
Visiting Research Fellow, Sania Shaheen, from
Pakistan has been funded by Higher Education
Commission (HEC), Pakistan through her academic
institution, International Islamic University
Islamabad (IIUI), Pakistan. The partial support
from the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Paul
Engler College of Agriculture and Natural
Sciences, West Texas A and M University is also
acknowledged and sincerely appreciated.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
All authors equally contributed to this research
regarding the data collection, empirical analysis,
and writing of the manuscript. Tahira Niaz
conceived the study idea, reviewed the literature,
collected data, and completed the write-up of this
research. Sania Shaheen and Madiha Asma did the
empirical analysis of this study and improved the
study writeup and formatting. Faiz ur Rahim and
Lal K. Almas provided the technical support,
model development, and abstract, and suggested
the policy recommendations.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funds have been received for this research
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.82
Faiz Ur Rahim, Tahira Niaz,
Sania Shaheen, Madiha Asma, Lal K. Almas
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022