The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills
through Inquiry Social Complexity (ISC)-based Student Worksheets
1,2,3Primary Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, INDONESIA
4Master’s Program in Educational Science, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Lampung, Bandar Lampung, INDONESIA
Abstract: - It is widely accepted that in the twenty-first century, educational processes place a greater emphasis
on students' cognitive understanding than on rote learning. Thus, twenty-first-century students must possess
fundamental skills, one of which is the capacity for critical and creative thinking. However, empirical evidence
suggests that they lack so-called critical and creative thinking (CCT) skills. As a result, educators must
concentrate their efforts on preparing students for future success. Thus, the purpose of this study was to find out
the effect of an inquiry social complexity (ISC)-based student worksheet that would empower students' critical
and creative thinking (CCT) skills to the point where they would be expected to participate actively in learning
activities and achieve the best results. This study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design with numerical
data (quantitative). The results indicated that the average of pre-test, post-test, and n-gain was 0.77 ± 0.06
(High), indicating that the implementation of the ISC-based student worksheet had a positive and significant
effect on students' CCT skills, as demonstrated by the Sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.000, which was < 0.005.
Key-Words: - Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills, Student Worksheets, Inquiry Social Complexity
(ISC), Learning Model, Experimental Research, Learning Activities
Received: July 27, 2021. Revised: May 20, 2022. Accepted: June 10, 2022. Published: June 24, 2022.
1 Introduction
It is widely accepted that educational process in the
twenty-first century places a premium on students'
cognitive understanding rather than rote learning
[1]. Students must acquire knowledge quickly and
gain direct experience [2;3], as direct experience
enables students to gain a greater understanding
[4;5]. Thus, students in the twenty-first century must
possess fundamental skills, one of which is the
ability to think critically and creatively [3].
Nevertheless, empirical evidence from the literature
indicates that they lack the so-called critical and
creative thinking (CCT) abilities. As a result,
educators must focus their efforts on preparing
students to be more competitive in the future.
To accomplish this, one possible strategy is to
employ an innovative learning model since it is
intimately connected with the goal of
enlightenment, as evidenced by a behavioral image
or educated participant's coefficients. In this regard,
the adoption of an innovative learning model may
facilitate the coexistence required of educated
participants in the twenty-first century. One of them
is the inquiry-based model of learning [6;7].
The inquiry model was created with students
who already possess a readiness mindset when it
comes to learning [8;9]. As a result, students with
low academic abilities will struggle to think
critically and articulate relationships between
concepts, both in writing and orally. To address
these shortcomings, one possibility is to combine
the inquiry learning model with elements of social
complexity. This is possible because an individual's
personality can be developed through observation of
others' behavior [10;11]. Social complexity
facilitates what is known as collaboration-
elaboration, a process of sharing between
individuals [12;13].
Therefore, this current study is significant
because it demonstrates to teachers and prospective
teachers that the paradigm of needs-based learning
must result in the development of learning models.
Its objective is to enhance both the quality and
quantity of education. A student worksheet utilizing
inquiry-based social complexity (ISC) to empower
students' CCT skills is critical in this endeavor. This
ISC-based student worksheet can assist students in
comprehending learning and achieving desired
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.81
Supriyadi, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias,
Amina Izzatika, Ryzal Perdana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
learning outcomes in accordance with the teacher-
designed learning objectives.
In other words, combining the inquiry learning
model with social complexity is critical for
mitigating the model's shortcomings and ensuring
that all students participate actively in learning
activities and achieve their maximum academic
potential as a result of their enhanced CCT skills.
Therefore, this study sought to empower students'
CCT skills through the use of an ISC-based student
2 Literature Review
2.1 Critical and Creative (CCT) Thinking Skills
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) include
critical and creative thinking abilities [35;36;37;38].
High-level skills have been shown to be critical
indicators of future success, particularly in the
twenty-first century. Critical and creative thinking
abilities are critical for students' success in school
because they enable them to comprehend complex
information [39;40].
These thinking abilities are supported by a
variety of substances. Nonetheless, implementation
surveys are integrated into all aspects of learning
and educationclassroom instruction, advisory
services, and public servicesfrom a practical
standpoint. That is, when someone has extraordinary
ideas and ideas, starting with daily observation and
critical analysis of an object, results in a clever
conclusion as a result of customization.
According to [14], critical thinking abilities are
comprised of six components, abbreviated as
FRISCO. These components include Focus, Reason,
Inference, Situation, Clarity, and Overview. Critical
thinking is reflective decision-making wisdom in
problem-solving about what to believe and how to
act intellectual processes [15;16;17;18] an active
discipline that is skilled at conceptualizing,
applying, studying, and evaluating information
gathered from, or generated by, investigation,
experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication,
and that serves as a guide to beliefs and actions
[16;19] According to the various perspectives
above, indicators of creative thinking and critical
thinking skills are obtained as a conceptual
construct for creative thinking and critical thinking
skills that are divided into six dimensions: problem
sensitivity, analysis, inferences, elaboration,
evaluation, and novelty, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Creative and Critical Thinking (CCT) Skills
The ability to identify and generate
novel ideas in response to problems
and situations encountered.
Producing novel ideas or concepts in
response to the questions he/she faces
Predicting how a problem will appear from
various perspectives (Flexibility).
The ability to discern truth between
questions and concepts as well as
data in order to make sound
judgments based on accurate
Identifying information that is supported
by evidence based on existing data
Connecting the rationales for and against
fact-based decisions (Reason)
The ability to explain the relationship
between data and applicable theory,
as well as the capacity to defend
opinions in order for others to accept
Defining the terms used (Clarity)
Communicating effectively with others
requires a high level of understanding
The ability to describe something
precisely and in detail in such a way
that others can understand it.
Creating something that will help him/her
or others understand him/her better
Considering a question from a different
angle or compare it to others to ensure
comprehension (Redefinition)
The ability to evaluate the credibility
of a question or experience that
describes, from a person's
perspective, knowledge, situations,
Recognizing and comprehending their own
thought processes in order to comprehend
their capabilities (Self-regulated)
Conducting a thorough review of the
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.81
Supriyadi, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias,
Amina Izzatika, Ryzal Perdana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
decisions, and beliefs, and to
evaluate the logical strength of the
resolution relationship in actual or
other forms of representation.
decisions made (Overview)
The ability to create or overcome
something in a novel but beneficial
Producing or completing something in a
unique and different manner from how it
is normally done because it is rarely used
by the majority of people (Originally)
2.2 Student Worksheet
According to the Ministry of National Education, a
student worksheet contains questions or tasks for
students to complete, as well as instructions and
work steps for solving problems through theory and
practice. According to [20], a student worksheet is a
document that contains tasks that students must
complete, assisting them in integrating their
physical and mental activities throughout the
learning process. According to [41], a student
worksheet is classified into five types based on its
objectives: 1) a student worksheet assists students in
locating a concept; 2) a student worksheet assists
students in applying and integrating the various
concepts they must locate; and 3) a student
worksheet serves as a learning guide; 4) a student
worksheet serves as reinforcement; 5) a student
worksheet serves as a reference guide.
According to the definition above, a student
worksheet contains information, explanations, and
directions from teachers to students to investigate or
break down a subject in the form of a practical
experiment in which learning occurs.
2.3 Inquiry Social Complexity (ISC)
The Inquiry Social Complexity (ISC) learning
model is based on the idea of adding an element of
social complexity to increase the level of learning in
the inquiry model. This enables students to enhance
their cognitive abilities [21;22]. Figure 1 contains
the model syntax, illustrating the sequence of using
the ISC model in learning from the beginning to the
Fig. 1: Inquiry Social Inquiry (ISC) Model
Then, for each syntax, Table 2 illustrates the model
of student learning activities.
Table 2. Learning Activities in Each Syntax
Learning Activities
Students work in small group teams to observe phenomena presented by
the teacher via videos or demonstrations and to pose pertinent questions
about the issues that will be investigated and studied during the learning
Each team's members proposed ideas and gathered data in both qualitative
and quantitative formats. Data collection occurs through the compilation
of practical tools and materials used by students in their group debut.
Students in their groups share their perspectives on the data collected
between groups, and each student is assigned a role in order to participate
fully in the group.
Students in small groups exchange ideas about the data collected, and each
student plays a critical role in effectively participating in groups.
Students and team members present the outcomes of their discussions
orally or in writing and discuss how they can apply them in daily life.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.81
Supriyadi, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias,
Amina Izzatika, Ryzal Perdana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
According to Table 2, the ISC model's steps are
extremely coherent, which enables CCT to be more
effective, because students' abilities are influenced
by their ability to solve problems and share
information with others [23]. With a collaborative
social system between individuals at each stage of
learning, the ISC conceptual model can maximize
overall student learning outcomes. This is consistent
with the opinion stated by [42] that while the
inquiry-based learning model was successfully
implemented at Illinois State University, a literature
review revealed that the model had weaknesses.
These weaknesses, according to [5], can be
mitigated by allowing students' understanding and
knowledge to allow them to express their learning
outcomes in understanding social experiences and
the power of cognitive processes.
According to the literature review above,
teachers can use the ISC-based student worksheet to
guide and empower students' CCT skills by guiding
and providing opportunities for students.
3 Method
3.1 Research Flowchart
This research was conducted in a public secondary
school in Metro city, Lampung, Indonesia, with a
sample size of 30 students. This study, which
adopted an experimental design, took place between
April and September of 2021. [27] defines
experimental research as objective, systematic, and
controlled research conducted in order to predict or
control phenomena. Then, [25] stated that
experimental research could be defined as a method
for determining the effect of certain treatments on
others under controlled conditions.
This study employed a One-Group Pretest-
Posttest Pre-Experimental Design, which examined
whether or not there was an improvement in critical
and creative thinking skills prior to and following a
controlled condition. As defined by [46],
experimental research is a method for determining
the effect of specific behavior on other objects under
controlled conditions. The following diagram
illustrates the detailed implementation of the
research steps.
Fig. 2: Research Flowchart
3.2 Data Collection
The following data collection instruments were
1. Observation
Observation is a technique that was adopted in
this study. [26] asserts that observation is
intrinsically linked to human behavior, work
processes, and natural phenomena.
2. Test
This instrument was used to collect data on
student learning outcomes in the cognitive
domain, administered at the start of the learning
process, before students received the material
(pre-test), and at the end of the learning process,
after students received the material (post-test).
Due to the numerical nature of the data and its
statistical processing, the test is quantitative in
nature [43].
3. Questionnaire
According to [26], a questionnaire is a data
collection technique that concludes with the
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.81
Supriyadi, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias,
Amina Izzatika, Ryzal Perdana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
respondent responding to a series of written
statements or questions.
3.3 Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
1. Qualitative Analysis
In quantitative analysis, the results of
observations made during the learning process
were elaborated [44]. We conducted observations
throughout the process, focusing on the values
reflected in students' attitudes and personalities.
2. Quantitative Analysis
It was generated quantitatively using students'
pre-test and post-test scores. It was tested
differently following the normality test of the
data. If the data were normally distributed, a t-
test was used; however, if the data were
abnormally distributed, the Chi-Square test was
used [45].
4 Results and Discussion
Table 3 contains the results of statistical tests.
Table 3. Statistical Test Results Data (pre-test, Post-test, and N-Gain)
± Sd
Normality Test
Sample t-test
43.79 ± 2.53
Sig. 0.062 > 0.05
Sig. (2-tailed)
0.000 < 0.005
86.74 ± 3.25
Sig. 0.823 > 0.05
0.77 ± 0.06 (High)
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to
determine whether or not the research sample was
normally distributed based on the research findings.
The result of the normality test, Sig > 0.05 with a
value of 0.154 on the pretest and 0.814 on the
posttest, led to the decision. This means that the
research sample was drawn from a normal
population. The hypothesis was then tested using the
Independent Sample t-test, which was used to see if
there was a positive and significant impact on
students’ critical and creative thinking skills after
the implementation of the ISC-based student
worksheet. Table 3 shows that the value of Sig. (2-
tailed) is 0.00, which is <0.005, indicating that there
is a significant increase in CCT skills between
before and after treatment using an ISC-based
student worksheet. The result of the N-gain test is
0.77, which is in the high category. This
demonstrates that the ISC-based student worksheet
has a significant impact on the CCT skills of
students after treatment.
This increase in CCT skills occurs as a result of
the application of ISC-based student worksheets,
which transforms students into a center of learning,
where an educator guides students in planning and
developing procedures of inquiry to infer alongside
group members. In so doing, during the learning
process, students understand the steps necessary to
solve a problem and can explain or justify one
solution. Students solve problems by consulting
information sources in the form of literature. When
students present and develop the results of their
investigations, they convey the results of trial and
error and respond to analytical questions about
applying concepts in real life, thereby developing
students' thinking skills. Solving environmental or
social problems exposes an individual to a variety of
scientific, social, and moral perspectives [27]. As a
result, connections between what they learn and
their environmental problems must be made [28].
Additionally, students are taught how to
collaborate with their peers to solve problems
during the learning process through the inclusion of
full and active student participation. Students are
developing their ability to think systematically,
critically, and logically. This is due to the fact that
the inquiry-based learning model is coupled with
social complexity. Through this model, students
have a chance to communicate the relationships
between concepts, develop problem-solving
abilities, and exchange written and oral information
with their peers. According to [29], the inquiry
learning model is a method of instructing students
on how to think. To summarize, inquiry learning is
the process by which students work systematically,
critically, logically, and analytically to uncover an
object or problem through a variety of sources in
order to obtain a solution to a problem. Students can
develop their thinking skills through interaction,
from investigating an issue to understanding
assumptions, formulating and selecting relevant
hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. This way,
students can take a more proactive role in
conversations and discussions, assessing their
knowledge and providing opportunities for students
to form a concept from what they have. This is
consistent with [30], who states that in order to
develop students' thinking skills through interaction,
it is necessary to deviate from psychology in order
for all students to adapt to collaborating with peers
in the process of knowledge development. The
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.81
Supriyadi, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias,
Amina Izzatika, Ryzal Perdana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
average N-Gain for each aspect of CCT skills is
shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Average N-Gain for Each Aspect of CCT
Average N-Gain
0.76 (High)
0.81 (High)
0.70 (High)
0.81 (High)
0.72 (High)
0.76 (High)
According to Table 4, the highest value of N-
Gain was 0.81 in the analysis and inferences aspects
and the lowest 0.70 in the making aspect. While the
average for all aspects of CCT skills is 0.76.
The high average value of N-Gain across all
domains of CCT skills is due to students' use of the
ISC-based student worksheet. Students collaborate
with group members and rely on sources of
information in the form of literature to solve
problems and respond to each question. When
presenting and developing the investigation's
findings, students collaborate with their group
members to communicate the outcomes of problem
solving and to respond to analytical questions about
the application of concepts in real life. With each
learning process, students can enhance their ability
to think critically and connect these facts to form a
concept of knowledge. Tyler, as cited in [31],
discovered that inquiry-based learning enables
students to develop problem-solving skills that can
help them improve their critical thinking abilities.
Additionally, according to [32], the inquiry-based
learning model's application of social interaction
within and between groups can boost students'
abilities to improve direct results. Additionally,
active student participation in inquiry-based
learning can boost information's resilience in long-
term memory, resulting in increased mastery of
concepts [33]
The highest aspect is the analytical aspect, which
demonstrates that students' analytical ability and
intellectual level are adequate when using ISC-
based student worksheets. In this case, learning
through the inquiry model helps students develop
their analytical skills and requires them to connect
investigations to scientific knowledge, which
requires students to use scientific reasoning and
think critically when developing a concept. This
finding corroborates previous research by LM
Sartorelli and R. Swartz, cited in [31], which
concluded that the inquiry learning model can
enhance analysis and develop observing/observing
skills, thereby enhancing students' critical thinking
The making aspect of CCT skills is ranked
lowest when compared to the other CCT skills
aspects. Students often struggle with describing
something in a way that others can understand. This
is because the students experienced a shift in their
learning from the traditional method to the
application of the ISC-based student worksheet.
Learning in this manner is a new strategy for them.
To overcome this, we encouraged students to
practice describing something. In this case, we
asked them to share mind maps with one another
through discussions about creative ways to describe
concepts in greater detail so that they can be
understood by others and to guide students in
discovering deeper meaning within the concepts
they already possessed. This is consistent with [34],
who asserts that the presence of an educator during
the learning process can help students achieve better
learning outcomes.
5 Conclusion
According to the findings and discussion, learning
through the Observation Team, Reconstruction,
Socialization, Verification, and Applied
Communication activities engages students
physically and mentally. It has been demonstrated to
improve students' CCT skills in student-centered
learning. Students' CCT skills must be continued to
be honed through use of the ISC-based student
Finally, this research is beneficial in the learning
process because it establishes a new model and
method for the use of inquiry and serves as a
substitute for the inquiry model in order to mitigate
the inquiry model's shortcomings. It can be used
with all students, but is particularly effective with
passive students, because it involves developing
one's personality through observation of others'
behavior and the process of knowledge sharing
between individuals.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Supriyadi conceived the idea, designed the research,
and wrote the initial draught of the manuscript. Ika
Wulandari Utamining Tias conducted field research,
aided in the preparation of the draught, and
conducted the statistical analysis. Amina Izzatika
conducted the review of literature, collected and
analysed the data. Ryzal Perdana assisted with
computations, corrected the earlier draught of the
manuscript, and supervised the overall research
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.81
Supriyadi, Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias,
Amina Izzatika, Ryzal Perdana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022