A proposed mobile bill payment architecture and business solution based
on the new fiscalization process in Albania
Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics
University of Tirana
Nënë Tereza Square, 4
Abstract: Albania has introduced a new tax reform named fiscalization in 2020. The focus of the process is to
report the transactions electronically and in real-time to the tax authorities’ information systems. The intention is
to reduce informality and bureaucracy, two of the key issues in doing business within the country. Considering that
the new fiscalization process has a clear aim and stable requirements, the waterfall method is adopted to conduct
the research. Beginning with a detailed literature analysis on similar implemented systems, and subsequently
proposing a business solution followed by designing a suitable architecture. The proposed business logic solution
and system architecture have as focal points mobility and interoperability. The interoperability approach enables
the financial institutions’ information system to be connected to the proposed system, implying an increased
potential number of merchants using it. The use of mobile technologies and the possibility to integrate different
digital payment methods increase the number of people taking part in the formal financial system.
Key-Words: fiscalization, mobile, digital payments, interoperability.
Received: June 16, 2021. Revised: April 23, 2022. Accepted: May 18, 2022. Published: June 6, 2022.
1 Introduction
Fiscalization is a set of measures used to reduce tax
evasion in cash and cash transactions. The best way to
achieve this is to report all the transactions (invoices)
in real-time to the tax authorities. In Albania, from the
year 2020, this way of reporting should be the stan-
dard way [1]. Fiscalization as a process focuses more
on those who do not declare and do not pay their obli-
gations in accordance with the law. The new finan-
cial reporting process should ensure better control and
more efficient tax inspection, intending to reduce the
Value Added Tax (VAT) gap. This is not possible only
by using incentive approaches with taxpayers that are
willing to be involved in the process. Therefore, a
standard electronic model should be introduced for all
the stakeholders to exchange the needed data for pay-
ing the invoices and declaring the taxes automatically.
This standard way of sending and receiving informa-
tion between different systems of different organiza-
tions is expected to be embraced and used by many
states by 2025 [2].
Using the fiscalization process through information
systems, with real-time and electronic data can help
in reducing informality and bureaucracy. The infor-
mal economy in the country is among the biggest in
the region. It is estimated to reach 50% of the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) [3]. It is a fact that exists
a widespread informality, with a significant adverse
impact on tax revenues, and not only, but it also af-
fects negatively economic growth and competitive-
ness. Administrative efficiency is another factor that
helps in business facilitation. Figure 1 shows a cor-
relation between hours spent in bureaucracy and tax
payment. The good practices from OECD countries
show that electronic simplified tax systems reduce ad-
ministrative and compliance costs.
An electronic invoice system can be implemented in
different technology approaches and can be an inte-
gral part of the state strategies and policies for reduc-
ing cash payments and avoiding the informal econ-
omy. Enhancing this system through mobile bill pay-
ment methods brings added benefits such as mobil-
ity and interoperability facilities. Furthermore, it is
seen that cash usage diminishes the productivity of
small and medium enterprises when it is used to carry
out most of the business transactions [6]. Using digi-
tal payments instead also decreases operational costs,
raises profits, and promotes productivity [7]. This
method leads to cheaper and more secure business
transactions [8]. Applying mobile technologies to ex-
ecute these transactions, makes it easier to access the
marketplace and the money, without being obliged to
reach bank branches or suppliers’sites physically. Ac-
cessing the money remotely helps also to reduce the
risk of cash theft [9]. The big picture behind mobil-
ity is to store all the customer financial information
in the smartphone and then through one of the lat-
est access control techniques such as passwords, fin-
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.66
Elira Hoxha, Gjergji Mulla, Kreshnik Vukatana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
Hours Spent* % of Tax Payment**
Central Europe and Central Azia
Figure 1: Administrative Efficiency in Paying Taxes [4][5].
*Each unit corresponds to 10 hours spent for paying
taxes per year.
*Each unit corresponds to % of tax payment .
gerprints, or facial recognition, the payment can be
authorized, and the purchase is completed. Another
advantage that comes from this technological solu-
tion and goes in the direction of cutting the informal
economy is the improved transparency and reduced
document-related fraud, because every transaction in
a digital financial payment system, can be recorded
and traced.
As mentioned in the G20 digitization and informality
policy guide [10], individuals and firms can receive
help from the digitization process to address barriers
such as eligibility and affordability to formal inclu-
sion, through easier identity verification, digital pay-
ments promotion, and information environment im-
provement. Digitization is defined as the application
of digital technologies. It helps in the direction of
avoiding informality by using mobile money and dig-
ital payments, which results in including more people
in the formal financial system [11]. Anyhow, avoid-
ing informality is not easy at all. A lot of efforts and
policy actions should still be taken in the direction
of taxes, institutional development, and employment
An adequate fiscalization system like the one pro-
posed by the government leads to [12]:
Reducing taxes. By ensuring that more individ-
uals who are currently operating illegally, with-
out declaring and paying their dues, will now be
obliged to make the payments. The formalization
of the economy expands the circle of taxpayers,
forecasting real chances for tax cuts.
Identifying irregularities. The technical specifi-
cations of the new system will give to the citizens
the opportunity to verify whether the invoice, for
the goods or services he has paid, has been re-
ported to the tax system. With a few simple steps,
starting by scanning the unique invoice parame-
ters, they will be able to verify if it has been re-
ported to the tax system. This will give to the
taxpayer the opportunity to exercise his rights as
a citizen, and report when someone issues an ir-
regular bill.
Approaching EU membership legislation. By us-
ing an electronic invoice in line with EU norms,
will bring the country’s legislation closer to the
EU legislation.
Avoiding non-payers. The new electronic in-
voice system is easier to track payments and find
companies that generate insolvency, by not pay-
ing bills in the mandatory period.
Other countries in the region are undertaking efforts
toward the online fiscalization approach. In Greece
from the beginning of 2021 is introduced ”my Digital
Accounting and Tax Application”, an electronic plat-
form where the transactions and the income/expenses
of the companies are transmitted and recorded [13].
Serbia has implemented the Fiscalization Act in Jan-
uary of 2022, which introduces the use of electronic
fiscal devices [14]. As new features, the taxpayers
will have to use a security mechanism to sign fiscal
receipts and verify their identity when exchanging in-
formation with the Tax Administration. The fiscal re-
ceipts will contain a QR code, which the customer can
scan and check whether their fiscal receipt has been
issued in accordance with the Act. North Macedonia
has stated in its tax system reform strategy that one
of its priorities will be green taxation, which includes
the e-invoice system [15].
2 The Proposed business solution and
system architecture
Considering the issues related to tax payment men-
tioned in the introduction section, they could be dras-
tically improved by the proposed solution that enables
the payment of the fiscal invoices through mobile ap-
plications and by processing the financial transactions
in real-time. The proposed business solution, with its
respective system architecture design, is concepted by
keeping in mind mobility and interoperability. To bet-
ter understand the proposed architecture, it will be ex-
plained how the fiscalization process works through
an activity diagram.
Figure 2 shows the invoice fiscalization process and
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.66
Elira Hoxha, Gjergji Mulla, Kreshnik Vukatana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Figure 2: Invoice Fiscalization Process
the communication flow of data that is required be-
tween the tax authority system and the authorized so-
lution providers. The steps that should be followed
for completing the fiscalization process related to a
given invoice are [16]:
The taxpayer through a third-party application
that is previously certified by the government ac-
creditation bodies, sends the data to the tax au-
thority system in an XML format.
The tax authority system sends back the con-
firmation of the invoice receipt to the taxpayer,
by including in the response the Unique Invoice
Identification Number (NIVF).
The taxpayer issues a printed invoice to the client
with the included NIVF.
A Quick Response (QR) code is generated with
all the information required to process the fiscal-
ized invoice.
The registration and the correct completion of the in-
voice transaction can be verified by scanning the QR
code on the invoice from both, the customer, and the
merchant. The fiscalization process defines a stan-
dard template for QR codes and a protocol for how
to complete it. The latter is the most crucial compo-
nent of the architecture where the business solution is
The business logic of the proposed solution is shown
in figure 3 and it is composed by the following steps:
1. Scan the barcode of the invoice from the client
application (i.e., an e-banking application).
2. Extract from the QR code of the received invoice
the VAT number of the merchant that has issued
the invoice and the total amount.
Figure 3: Business logic
3. Collect the merchant information required to fill
the beneficiary details of the transfer form in step
4, by searching with the VAT number in the main
information system (IS) of the financial institu-
4. Fill the transfer form with the information gath-
ered from step 3, and the amount of the invoice
that we got from the previews scanning of the in-
voice barcode in step 2.
5. Check the account of the client for sufficient bal-
ance in order to validate the transfer.
6. Ask for confirmation from the merchant before
that the transfer is finally authorized.
To better understand the steps of the business logic, a
practical example is described as follows: The client
Beta buys 5 articles in the supermarket Alpha. After
Beta receives the fiscalized invoice, he opens the mo-
bile app and scans the barcode. The App will get the
VAT ID of the supermarketAlpha and the total amount
of the articles that Beta has bought. The app gets from
the system the E-wallet account of Alpha, the address,
and the commercial name. This data together with the
VAT ID are the required information needed for the
online payment. A fund transfer form is opened and
filled automatically with the Alpha’s and Beta’s data.
Then the application checks if the Beta’s account bal-
ance has sufficient money to pay the invoice amount.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.66
Elira Hoxha, Gjergji Mulla, Kreshnik Vukatana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
After the control is passed, Beta presses the ”pay” but-
ton to finalize the transfer.
The proposed architecture is shown in Figure 4. The
Figure 4: The proposed architecture
IS on the left (i.e., a core banking system) is divided
from the e-banking application on the right. One of
the main benefits of this solution is interoperability,
which in our case is the ability to integrate the e-
banking application with different ISs such as core
banking systems, ERP systems, fintech systems, etc.
The challenge to overcome regarding the proposed
solution is to ensure that the financial transactions
must be executed successfully in both systems, the
core banking system, and the e-banking application.
This implies that when a transaction is performed in
the e-banking application, it should be reflected even
in the core banking system.
The mechanism proposed to solve the above chal-
lenge is the two-phase commit protocol (2PC) [17].
2PC is a standardized protocol that ensures the atom-
icity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID)
properties of a transaction. It is an atomic commit-
ment protocol for distributed systems.
In the proposed architecture, the 2PC protocol re-
quires a role known as a controller. The controller
is in charge of the management and data synchroniza-
tion between the two servers, the one where the core
information system is hosted and the one where the
e-Banking application is hosted. The controller is as-
signed to the server that starts the transaction. The
2PC protocol is implemented in two stages. In the
first stage, both servers try to write the payment in-
voice transaction data. If one of the servers is not
able to perform this action, it replies to the controller
with an ”Error” message. If no error has occurred dur-
ing the transaction, the server sends to the controller
a ”Success” message. In case the server which has
the controller role does not receive any message from
other participants, it re-sends the request. The second
stage begins after the controller receives a ”Success”
message from the other server. Right after, the con-
troller sends a command to the servers to permanently
commit the transaction that was successfully written
in the first stage. As soon as the transaction is commit-
ted in both servers, the controller is informed that the
commit action is finalized successfully. If one of the
servers does not commit, the controller sends a com-
mand to both servers to roll back the payment invoice
Figure 4 shows various ways how to access the e-
banking application. This access can be through a
mobile app, a web application, a smartwatch app, etc.
The proposed protocol for accessing the platform in a
secure way is the Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
(HTTPS). This protocol ensures a required standard
for secure communication elements such as secure
data in transit, phishing protection, and man-in-the-
middle attacks. The HTTPS is designed to transfer en-
crypted information from the web server application
to the client application. It uses the HTTP protocol
combined with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which
is an encryption protocol invoked on a web server ap-
plication that uses HTTPS [18].
From the features defined in the HTTPS protocol, the
ones included in the proposed architecture are data in
transit encryption and website identity authentication
as shown in Figure 5. Encryption of the data in tran-
sit ensures that all the data sent and received from the
server are encrypted. Meanwhile, website authentica-
tion is the security process that allows both merchants
and customers to authenticate their identity to the ver-
ified server, so they can gain access to their personal
In Albania, at this moment exists only a mobile bill
payment system provided by a second-level bank
[19], which offers to the customers the possibility to
pay invoices for goods and services only for a limited
number of merchants within the country. The cus-
tomers can scan a QR image created at the merchant’s
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.66
Elira Hoxha, Gjergji Mulla, Kreshnik Vukatana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
cash desk to make the purchases in real-time.
The main difference between this solution and the one
proposed in this paper is related to the limited num-
ber of branches available for the customers to credit
their accounts and the small number of merchants that
have embraced their solution. The interoperability ap-
proach, proposed in our architecture enables all the
financial institutions present in the country to be con-
nected to the system, implying an increased potential
number of merchants and customers that will use the
Figure 5: HTTPS components used in the proposed architecture
3 Conclusions and future work
Technical specifications needed from the tax author-
ities for the fiscalized invoice system are fulfilled
by the proposed business logic and architecture
shown in this paper. Its implementation will bring
many benefits and expected results. Those can be
summarized in the following concepts.
Taxes - An improved way of taxes collection across
the country, where the principal part is still the VAT.
Using an electronic process from the taxation per-
spective will close faster tax declarations, reclaims,
and the traditional onsite audits will not be needed
in the future. The increased incomes carried out in
other nations are exceptional. Brazil has seen a $58
billion (USD) increment in charge income since the
improvement in invoicing and reporting; Chile and
Mexico diminished the VAT up to 50%; Colombia
found that it seems to be diminished 50% of the
country’s tax evasion by applying this models[2].
For this reason, in Albania, the VAT collection is
forecasted to increase by 10-15%, compared to VAT
incomes with the application of the presented system
Informality - It will be decreased by following
two primary perspectives: the identification of cash
transactions and the decrease of covered up no-cash
transactions, inferring an improved control of the
fiscal framework. The use of the new fiscalization
framework will improve tax control and online vali-
dation through risk-based strategies, which enables
proof of abusers. In this way, the daily businesses’
activities are not disturbed by the tax administration
Economy digitalization - The modern fiscalization
system gathers more data from citizens and this
leads to more efficient and complete tax reporting.
It helps the authorities to improve their service
to the taxpayers by using pre-filled documents,
which means fewer errors and a faster tax reporting
process. The digitization of these processes helps
the communication and information exchange with
the government and between businesses. This will
reduce administrative operations.
Mobility - Smartphones and computing technology
has grown at an exponential rate and has affected
the financial industry. Nowadays, more people are
oriented to not use cash and credit cards because of
a wide variety of mobile payments to securely com-
plete their transactions. The proposed architecture
goes in this direction.
Interoperability - The proposed system implements
the latest policies and rules in compliance with
international standards for secure transactions. It is
a robust, flexible, and scalable system incorporating
innovative techniques in payment systems such as
QR codes. It enables fair access to financial transac-
tion channels through the Albania Post cores system
for ATMs, online/offline merchants, etc.
Security - By implementing HTTPS in our solution,
the primary advantage that we apply in the system
architecture is the increased trust of the customers in
using the e-banking platforms to boost the revenues
of the companies that will implement such systems.
Furthermore, to minimize fraud losses and supply
user-controlled transactions, the customer is asked to
confirm the transfer.
The proposed system is planned to be implemented
as part of future work. After that, a protocol will be
defined in order to collect data from the day-to-day
usage of the system. The gathered data will then be
analyzed through statistical models and the findings
will be used to further improve the proposed model.
We would like to thank the Helius Systems sh.p.k.
for the support provided for the research project dis-
cussed in this paper.
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.66
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E-ISSN: 2224-3496
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.66
Elira Hoxha, Gjergji Mulla, Kreshnik Vukatana
E-ISSN: 2224-3496