Effects of Agile Customer Relation Management System on Business
Performance and Entrepreneurship
Department of Business Administration,
University of Western Macedonia, GREECE
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2337-5775
Department of Regional and Cross Border Development,
University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, GREECE
Abstract:- Agile CRM, with its automated features and simplified user interface, is an excellent alternative for
businesses aiming to reduce operational expenses while simultaneously improving overall performance and
efficiency of their operations. The purpose of this article is to explore the very particular ways in which the
usage of agile CRM might impact the performance of a commercial firm. The article finds that the use of agile
CRM helps businesses become more motivated, efficient, and determined in their approach to customer
management, and that long-term connections with customers are established as a result of the usage of such a
system. The article presents a short overview of the literature on the topic, CRM in general, and agile CRM in
particular, following which the methodology of the study and the findings of the study are discussed in two
different chapters. The document concludes with a discussion of the future directions of research. Following the
conclusion of the paper, a number of important and realistic advice are provided on how business organizations
may utilize agile CRM to improve the performance of their enterprises by leaps and bounds.
Key-words:- CRM system, Customer Relation Management, System Business Organization.
Received: April 19, 2021. Revised: March 15, 2022. Accepted: April 17, 2022. Published: May 19, 2022.
1 Introduction
Customer relationship management is given vital
importance by business organizations, especially by
small and medium scale enterprises that are largely
dependent on client patronage in order, to survive
and grow [1]. There are effective strategies and
solutions which have been developed over the
years, by business organizations in order, to be able
to understand and cater to customers better and to
provide them with the services that they require,
which are of quality, and which are designed to
ensure that they keep coming back, to avail such
services again [4]. While there are many attempts
that have been made to understand how a customer
relationship management system can be built to add
to the convenience of customers, several of these
options, as conceived, have turned out to have
multiple defects [7]. The emergence of agile CRM
is just another attempt made to understand, how the
varied queries and concerns of customers can be
resolved within a quick time frame, while ensuring
quality services in the process [8]. This paper
investigates the specific impact which is exercised
by agile CRM on the performance of business
organizations. The paper discusses a brief review of
literature on the subject, of CRM in general, and
agile CRM, after which the methods of the study
and the results of the same are talked about, in two
separate chapters. The paper concludes by
providing a number, of relevant and pragmatic
recommendations on how business organizations
can use agile CRM in order, to enhance the
performance of their businesses by leaps and
bounds. The goal of the paper lies in showcasing
the value and the significance that is connected to
the use of agile CRM on the part of business
organizations, in order, for businesses to be able to
bring about an improvement in terms of efficiency
in their work processes, overall.
1.1 Statement of the Problem
There is a lot of business literature that have delved
into a deep analysis on the purpose and the
significance of CRM and why it is that business
organizations are increasingly taking recourse to
the use of CRM in order, to be able to deal with and
cater to their customers better [10]. However, there
is not much in terms of literature that one can
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
access on the role that specifically agile CRM can
play in enhancing the operations and the
performance overall, of a business. Hence it is the
objective of this research paper to engage in a
detailed analysis based on the study of literary
sources, to understand how agile CRM can impact
the performance of a business organization.
1.2 Research Aims and Objectives
The following are the most important objectives
that are associated with this study
To determine the importance of agile CRM
for a business organization
To arrive at an understanding of how agile
CRM can be useful for the performance of
a business organization
To determine how agile CRM when
implemented, has an impact on business
1.3 Research Questions
The following are the main research questions
which are to be addressed by this study
RQ 1 What is the importance of agile CRM for a
business enterprise?
RQ 2 How can agile CRM be useful for the
performance of a business organization?
RQ 3 How can agile CRM when implemented,
have an impact on business performance?
2 Literature Review
2.1 Customer Relationship Management A
Conceptual Overview
Customer relationship management maybe
understood as a specific type of technology which
is made use of by a business organization in order,
to be able to understand and manage all the daily
engagements and interactions that it undertakes
with its customers [9]. The main goal that is
associated with CRM is to bring about efficiency in
the way in which the business works. With the help
of CRM systems, companies are able, to remain
connected to their customers as well as with their
potential customers [8]. The various processes of
the business are streamlined with the help of CRM
and profitability is improved by a considerable
degree, in the process. The CRM system plays an
important role in getting a company to establish a
relationship with its customers that is long lasting
in value, and which keeps customers coming back
to the business while recommending the services
and products of the same to the people that they
know [7]. The loyalty of the customers towards the
business and its services is also something that is
established with the help of a CRM system, largely
because of the little time that is taken for customer
service rendition using such a system [6]. While
there is a considerable degree of investment that a
company has, to undertake in order, to be able to
setup a CRM system in the first place, the results of
doing so turn out to be quite fruitful for a business
enterprise, as it helps the enterprise to maintain and
retain customer relationships [5].
2.2 Understanding the Benefits of using
One of the most important benefits that are
associated with CRM use by business organizations
is the fact that, CRM makes it possible for a
business to experience increased revenue growth.
A company which uses CRM will be able to ensure
that orders are delivered to perfection, and in a
timely way, so that the clients receive the service or
the product on time and do not have to experience
any delay while doing so [4]. The CRM process is
one that is automated, which means that the whole
mechanism of making services and products
available to customers and receiving their feedback
in turn, for the same, functions like clockwork [2].
The efficiency in service rendition, which is
brought about upon the use of CRM, allows
businesses to take on more order requests than
usual, and in the end, the revenue received by the
company, is seen to go up by leaps and bounds [1].
Marketing optimization is an important goal
that is attained through CRM use. CRM makes it
possible for a business organization to promote its
products far more readily to customers and
understanding their needs and requirements about
the services that they book for, becomes easier to
do as well when there is a CRM system that is in
place [12]. Marketing optimization is undertaken
in the best possible way upon using CRM, as the
exact need of the customer is identified and
assessed using CRM, and products are
manufactured and sold in accordance with the
specific needs that customers have pertaining to
such products and their use [13] To gauge an
understanding of the target audience and to provide
them with a set of services and products which adds
efficiency and comfort to their daily lives, is
something that is done easily with the help of
CRM, and which is why more and more business
organizations are taking recourse to the use of the
same, in order, to improve their business
performance [14]. CRM not only helps the business
in acquiring a firm understanding of its customer
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
base, but it is also able to sell its products better
through the acquisition of such an understanding
Improved customer satisfaction is one of the
most desirable outcomes that is connected to the
use of CRM. It is with the help of a CRM system in
place, that a business is able, to note down the
specific requests that are made by customers when
booking a service or when placing an order, so that
the same maybe followed when providing the
customers with the service [15]. CRM helps the
business to understand whether customers are truly
satisfied with what they have been sold or not, or
whether there is any negative feedback that is
associated with product quality and sales services
[15]. The knowledge of this in turn, makes it
possible for a business organization to understand
the various areas that it needs to work on, in order,
to ensure that customers are not dismayed or
discontent with the services being offered and so
that they are given the impetus that is needed to
make repeated purchases from the same business
[16]. Hence the CRM by virtue, of the fact that it
helps a business to evaluate its own services, leads
to improved customer satisfaction in the bargain, as
the business gains every understanding of what it
needs to do to cater best, to the requirements of its
customers [17].
Collaboration as well as coordination as and
how it is seen to take place within the four walls of
a business organization is something that is greatly
improved, with the help of CRM. The different
departments of a business organization are able, to
coordinate and work better with one another
because of the automation features that come with
the use of CRM [18]. Each department or division
of the enterprise has a thorough understanding of
all that it needs to do, in order, to deliver products,
work on defects and how and when to get in touch
with the concerned department should an issue or
concern arise. Hence the team, on, the whole,
within a business organization is able, to function
much better with the help of CRM [18]. The team
members are able, to collaborate and coordinate
with one another in a more efficient way, are able,
to stay up to date with the requests that are being
made by customers, and in the bargain, they are
able, to render a more efficient job, of offering
customer services that are of the highest quality,
and which are guaranteed to ensure, the satisfaction
of customers [19].
A better understanding of data analytics and
data insights can be gathered with the help of the
CRM system that business organizations make use
of. The business is able, to understand with the help
of improved analytics, how well it is that the
customers of the business are responding to its
services and products, whether they are visiting the
website of the business often, or the social media
pages of the same, and which in turn makes it
possible for businesses to understand what more it
is that they need to do in terms of marketing and
promotion and in terms of service rendition, in
order, to be able to handle and cater to their
customers better [19]. The data analytics made
viewable through the implementation of a CRM
system, are quite advanced, and give businesses the
succinct understanding of customer behavior and
responses which they are in need, of, to improve
upon their products and services and ensure
increased revenue growth, in the bargain [20]. Such
insights are usually generated on a daily and on a
weekly business for the benefit of business
organizations, helping businesses to stay up to date
with tracking customer behavior and responses
2.3 Assessing the Gaps in the Review of
The literature which has been discussed above,
points to the essential benefits that can be
experienced by a business organization when it puts
a CRM system in place in order, to be able to
manage customer relationships. A conceptual
understanding is demonstrated of what it is that
CRM entails, after which a discussion ensues on
the main advantages that can be experienced on the
part of a business organization when it starts
running a CRM system to cater to customer needs
and desires. There is not much mention that one
can find in the literature review on the innovative
nature of the CRM system that is being used by
businesses today, and the specific innovation that is
associated with agile CRM, as introduced, and used
by many business organizations around the world.
The purpose of this research paper is to discover
more innovative ways of handling customer needs
and relationships, and which is why the role of
agile CRM on business performance is going to be
investigated in this paper. The gaps in the literature
above, shall be addressed by engaging in secondary
research of quite an in-depth nature, to know how it
is that agile CRM is implemented and used by
business organizations, the benefits associated with
the same, and the vital role that such a system can
have on, the efficiency and the overall performance
of the business organization, driving its growth and
progress, in turn.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
3 Methodological Approach
3.1 Research Philosophy
The research philosophical framework exerts a
crucial influence on study outcomes, and which is
why academics must pay due consideration to the
same when embarking on a small or large-scale
research venture [22]. The positivist paradigm, the
realist research paradigm and the paradigm known
as interpretivism are three types of philosophical
frameworks which researchers often use the most,
for the various studies that they undertake [22]. The
current paper has utilized the positivist paradigm to
acquire a rigorous account of agile CRM and its
impact on business performance, on the basis, of
detailed factual analysis.
3.2 Research Design
Strategies which are utilized for gathering and
interpreting data and for engaging in an assessment
of the same, maybe understood as research design
[5]. The descriptive research design, the
explanatory research design as well as the
exploratory design are three important techniques
that researchers generally utilize when carrying out
an academic project [5]. This paper has utilized the
descriptive design in order, to provide an in-depth
analysis of how it is that agile CRM when
implemented, can prove to be beneficial for the
performance of a business organization.
3.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis
The data collection approach for this paper, was
implemented by consulting a wide range of relevant
literary sources on the subject, of agile CRM.
Specifically, platforms like Pro-Quest, Elsevier,
ScienceDirect and Google Scholar were used to
locate and download relevant information on the
subject matter [5]. Articles as published in refereed
journals, chapters published in edited volumes and
books on the topic of agile CRM are examples of
the some of the secondary literary sources which
have been referred to, in order, to be able to write
this research paper. The analysis of the information
that was collected from the study of these
secondary resources, was undertaken using the
technique of content analysis, which is known also
as textual analysis [5].
Ethical Considerations
There were some important ethical factors that
were taken into consideration while writing this
research paper, and which happen to be as follows
The literary sources which have been
consulted in order, to write down the key
arguments of the paper have been cited,
and it is the Harvard referencing style
which has been used, to this end [22]
There is no bias or opinion expressed in the
arguments made in this paper [22]
There is special care that was taken
concerning the protection of data used to
write the paper. All important information
as derived from secondary sources were
kept stored in Cloud storage and in a
separate USB device, where the data
continues to remain. Once this paper has
been approved for publication, the data will
be removed from the concerned devices,
permanently [5].
3.4 Research Limitations
Due to paucity of time and resources, the study
undertaken for this paper is based on secondary
sources alone, and which in turn is one of the most
limiting features of this study. With more resources
and time at hand, rigorous primary research could
have been undertaken for the same work, and
which would have given it a more in-depth
dimension than what it is currently characterized
by. As such, primary research that entailed the use
of survey questionnaires and interviews, statistical
analysis and thematic analysis using a mixed
methods approach could have been taken up, had
there more time and resources with which to
undertake this study.
4 Results
4.1 What is Agile CRM?
Agile customer relationship management (CRM) is
a systematic technique that is used in order to better
manage customer relationships and to ensure that
the sort of communication that a company engages
in with its consumers is open-ended in nature. It is
well known that organizations operating across a
broad variety of sectors make use of a wide range
of software solutions in order to collect, utilize, and
analyze customer data [11], [24]. It is the goal of
Agile CRM to improve the effectiveness of a
business organization's operations by simplifying
the business processes of businesses, particularly
those procedures that are connected to customer
service and customer management. This allows
them to obtain a better knowledge of their clients'
backgrounds, while also gauging the expectations
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
that such consumers have of the company in the
course of doing business. Managing client data and
the process of identifying and locating potential
clients for a company, in addition to the
fundamentals involved with planning and managing
client campaigns, are some of the tasks that may be
handled with the assistance of an agile CRM
system [11], [26] . The major innovation of the
agile CRM system is its capacity to simplify
processes, and in the process of doing so, the
amount of time required to complete various tasks
inside the organization is significantly reduced[23].
Because of this, when a company has an agile
CRM system in place, it is able to save both money
and time, and as an added bonus, the general
efficiency and performance of the firm is
significantly improved [14] [27]. More on this will
be explored in further detail in the section
4.2 Agile CRM System and Business
Streamlining customer data and dealing with
reports pertaining to marketing and sales is
easier for a business to engage in, when it has an
agile CRM system in place. There is a gamification
option that is also present in this software, which is
designed to improve the efficiency of the
employees that are using such a system to perform
their daily duties, in the first place [15], [25].
Employees are able, to organize and conduct their
duties with a lot of care and efficiency with each,
and every, task which they are assigned to perform
being laid out before them. The agile CRM makes
it possible for the employees of an organization to
work with a lot of precision, and employees are in a
position, to check and re-check the tasks that they
are assigned to do, when they have such a system in
place before them. The work of the employee is
considerably optimized with the help of agile CRM
[15]. The employee is able, to view and perform
tasks with ease and in the event of any query is
able, to get in touch with the customer easily, so
that the work done for the customer meets
standards pertaining to quality [16], [28] Hence the
matter of employee optimization as facilitated with
the help of agile CRM, over and above the fact that
it streamlines the work of the business is one of the
many ways in which such a system is seen to
enhance the performance of a business organization
A significant manner, in which agile CRM is
able, to enhance the performance of a business
organization is because there are numerous
automated features that come with the use of this
system [17]. Marketing activities are readily
automated with the help of this CRM, which makes
it easy for the employees of the business to find out
if orders are being delivered on time, if there are
tickets that are being raised with respect to the
orders that are being delivered, and whether there
are any grievances that are being reported by
customers and which are in need, of immediate
redressal. This is a CRM system that can also be
integrated quite easily with apps, such as Facebook
and Skype [17]. This makes it possible for the
officials of a business organization to understand
what customers of the enterprise are saying about
the company on its social media pages, the type of
feedback that is being generated about the services
of the business on such platforms, and whether the
marketing strategies of the business as
implemented on social media are being well
received by the target audience, or whether there
are improvements that need to be introduced in this
specific context [18], [30]. Hence the automated
dimension of agile CRM makes it one of the most
coveted platforms by business organizations that
are looking to cut down on their operating costs and
which are looking for ways and means by which it
can better service its clientele using innovative
tools and processes [19].
The cost-effective nature of agile CRM has,
to be taken, into account, when analyzing how it is
that such a system can have an impact on the
performance of a business overall. The many
operations of a business can be performed on one
single platform when agile CRM is in place [20].
Hence a lot of the operating costs which would
otherwise have arisen for the business are cut
down, and in the bargain, the business is able, to
save money and allocate a lot of its resources
towards the pursuit of activities that will generate
profit, and which will lead to the expansion of the
business organization, overall [21]. The fact that
there are limited expenses to incur with the help of
an agile CRM system in place is one of the many
reasons why business organization around the
world are making use of the same, especially small,
and medium scale business enterprises that operate
on limited resources [21]. The onboarding system
is also quite fast which is why there is a reduced
time frame in which a company can conduct its
onboarding activities when using agile CRM, and
there is a free version of this software which is
available for use for companies as well [21], [29].
This means that companies can opt for the use of
the trial version first, to see whether agile CRM
works for their enterprise, or whether they need to
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
opt for a CRM system which is more streamlined
than what agile CRM is known to be [20].
Improved data management, as well as
improved productivity are some of the immediate
ways in which agile CRM can boost the
performance of a business, but the fact that it
allows for long lasting relationships to be
established with customers is possibly the most
relevant way in which it helps a business to
perform [18]. There is not much that can be
achieved on the part of a business organization
unless it has a proper customer base to fall back on.
The purpose of using the agile CRM is to make
sure that there are long term relationships which are
created with the customers of the organization, that
is, relationships which are harmonious and positive
in nature, which are reeking of customer wellbeing,
and which provide customers the inclination to
come back and purchase the services and products
of the business again in the future, be it in the near
future or in the distant future [18], [31]. Using the
agile CRM, it is possible for the employees of the
business to stay up to date with the type of requests
which are made by customers and responding to
these requests in a quick and easy manner is
something that becomes easier to do through, the
use of such a system as well [18]. The profiles of
customers can be better sorted out through, the use
of the agile CRM system, and by looking at and
examining such profiles, employees are able to
understand the specific needs of every customer
and cater to them accordingly [19].
The agile CRM system is known to help in
business performance because the time taken to
perform tasks is greatly reduced and the time taken
to respond to customer queries is reduced as well.
Customers do not have to keep waiting endlessly
once they have raised a ticket, to get the query
resolved when the agile system of CRM is in place
[20]. Once the query has been registered by a
customer it gets escalated to the concerned
authorities immediately, and it is possible for the
business to find out what exactly it is that is
causing the customer grievance and what ought to
be done, about the same [14]. Agile CRM thus
ensures that there is no extended waiting period for
customers for getting tickets addressed and
resolved, and the level of customer satisfaction as
offered by the business for its clients, is something
that is greatly improved upon, and which has a
bearing on the overall performance of the business
To summarize, the use of agile CRM is quite
beneficial for a business organization because it
streamlines the operations of the business
enterprise and makes it possible for an enterprise to
go about its varied activities in an organized,
systematic way [11]. With the help of agile CRM, it
is possible for a business organization to keep its
customers happy, and to make sure that every need
of every customer is met in a timely way, while
ensuring at the same time, that the marketing
activities of the enterprise, have their desired
outreach [8] ,[32].
5 Conclusion
In conclusion, it can be stated, that agile CRM is
one of the most innovative systems that have been
conceived of late, to design the efficiency and the
performance of a business organization. It is a
system which enables business organizations to
streamline operations and to engage in marketing
activities and implement promotional strategies
using automated features, that allow goals and
objectives to be achieved on time. Agile CRM is a
system that is thus preferred for use by business
organizations, given that, it is cost-effective in
nature too, and all the different activities of the
business can be performed under a single platform.
Agile CRM is fully automated and the employees
using this system can do so, to follow up with all
the marketing and the promotional activities of the
business while ensuring that their daily tasks and
duties are performed in a timely manner. Agile
CRM is thus beneficial for the performance of a
business organization in the sense that it makes it
possible for a business to go about its activities in a
more efficient way. It also enables the business to
establish long term relationships with its customers
and which ultimately create the basis that is
necessary for the enterprise to expand. The happy
and satisfied customers of the business are likely to
endorse the services of the enterprise in the future
as well, and which is again one of the main reasons
why agile CRM can be considered as being a
system that helps the performance of an enterprise.
6 Recommendations
The following recommendations ought to be taken
into consideration by organizations, that are
looking to engage in the use of agile CRM, in
order, to achieve the goals of the business and
boost the performance of the business by a
considerable degree.
To begin with, there is an effort that needs
to be made by business organizations to
make sure that the agile CRM system
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
which is being used is one that is up to
date, and the software is not one that is in
need, of upgradation, all, of the time [7]
Business organizations need to make sure
that their employees are well trained in the
use of agile CRM, so that they are able, to
engage in the best use of the same. For this
purpose, there is rigorous training that
needs to be given to the employees of the
firm in the use of agile CRM [17].
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DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.48
Stavros Kalogiannidis, Fotios Chatzitheodoridis
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022