Mapping the Physical Properties of Soils and the California Bearing
Ratio (CBR) Value for Different Soil Types: A Case Study in the Bukit
Kemuning and Pugung Tampak Areas
Abstract: - It is widely accepted that soil is a mixture of mineral constituents that have accumulated over time.
The physical characteristics of soil vary according to the mineral and organic matter content and the
process of formation. The soil's unique characteristics have been the subject of research in the field of
civil engineering, which has continued to evolve to the present day due to the land's requirement for
civil engineering construction, such as road paving. As a result, the current study sought to determine
the similarity of soil samples based on their physical properties and California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
values, as well as the relationship between the soil's physical properties and CBR values. To our
knowledge, there is hardly little research in the literature investigating the topic under our
investigation. Furthermore, we also mapped the physical characteristics and CBR values of numerous
distinct soil samples using a Geographical Information System (GIS). This study concentrated on the
West Lampung Regency, specifically the area between Bukit Kemuning in Central Lampung and
Liwa in West Lampung, along the lines of Bukit Kemuning, Liwa, and Krui, all the way to the
Lampung Bengkulu province border. The soil samples from the area were taken for two tests: the
unsoaked CBR test and the soaked CBR test. The results of the tests show that a 31-kilometre distance does
not result in a significant difference in soil properties, which are generally similar except in clay-rich areas.
Furthermore, the results of the laboratory analysis show that the amount of water in the soil sample affects the
Liquid Limit (LL), Plastic Limit (PL), Maximum Dry Density (MDD), and CBR values; the lower the plastic
limit value, and thus the lower the CBR value, the less water in the soil. The implications of the current
findings are also discussed.
Key-Words: - California Bearing Ratio, soil physical properties, soil types, construction, pavement
Received: April 30, 2021. Revised: November 11, 2021. Accepted: December 12, 2021. Published: January 9, 2022.
1 Introduction
It is publicly accepted that soil is a material
composed of a variety of mineral constituents that
have accumulated over time [1]–[3]. It is reported in
the literature that almost no two soil types are
identical in terms of physical and mechanical
characteristics [4], despite the fact that they are
extracted from adjacent areas. Thus, the uniqueness
of this soil's nature necessitates additional research
[5], [6]. Therefore, we aim to be able to map the
state of soil qualities and serve as a model for other
areas in theory, looking for methods to specific soil
The reason for soil composition differences
begins with the way the soil is formed and the
material content of the soil. Thus, the soil material is
referred to as organic material or organic matter.
Additionally, soil materials can be classified as
cohesive or non-cohesive, depending on the
particle's tendency to stick together [7], [8]. The
physical properties of soil include its structure,
porosity, density, and fertility, all of which have a
1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung, INDONESIA
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Lampung,
3Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of
4Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Malahayati, INDONESIA
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
positive and significant effect on the elements
contained within [9]–[11].
The soil's unique nature has been the subject of
research [6] in the field of civil engineering, which
has continued to develop to the present day because
the land is required to support civil engineering
construction, such as road paving. Physical
characteristics of soil vary according to the amount
of mineral and organic matter present and the
formation process [12]. The spatial variability of
soil physical properties is revealed at a large scale
by capturing its variations using geostatistics from a
few metres to kilometres based on variograms and
variables [13]–[19].
In general, the pavement must be capable of
bearing the weight of the vehicles that pass through
it. The road surface can withstand the friction
generated by the wheels, as well as the effects of
rainwater [11]. If the pavement is not strong enough,
the road will deteriorate and shear, both on the
pavement and on the subgrade. As a result, the road
will suffer damage, specifically in the form of small
holes that will eventually become large holes,
destroying the pavement completely. To deeply
investigate this, a California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
test is one of the subgrade mechanical strength tests.
The CBR is a penetration test that is used to
determine the mechanical strength of subgrades for
new road construction. The California Department
of Transportation developed CBR tools prior to
World War II [20].
CBR testing is conducted in the laboratory and
in the field using CBR test equipment. The CBR test
is also referred to as a penetration test because it is
used to determine the fundamental strength of roads,
parking lots, and sidewalks. The results of this test
are combined with empirical curves to determine the
road's and component layers' thickness. This is the
most frequently used method for designing flexible
pavements [21], [22].
Furthermore, the strength of the subgrade is
dependent on its moisture content. The higher the
water content, the weaker the soil's CBR strength.
There is extensive local experience with a specific
soil type [23]. This does not mean that the subgrade
should be compacted with low moisture content in
order to achieve a high CBR value, as the moisture
content of the soil will soften during compacting
[24]. Following road construction, water will be
able to seep into the subgrade, reducing the CBR
strength until the moisture content reaches a
constant value [25], [26]. The so-called "balanced
water content" refers to this constant water content.
The moisture content and dry bulk density limits can
be determined using laboratory experiments,
specifically compaction and CBR tests. The CBR
experiment can be conducted in two ways: unsoaked
or soaked [27], [28].
Therefore, in the Bukit Kemuning and Pugung
Tampak areas, we sought to determine the similarity
of soil samples based on the physical qualities of the
soil and the CBR value, as well as the relationship
between the physical properties of the soil and the
CBR value. To our knowledge, there is hardly little
research in the literature investigating the topic
under our investigation. We also mapped the
physical characteristics and CBR values of
numerous distinct soil samples using a Geographical
Information System (GIS) [29]–[31]. The CBR
value and the physical parameters of the soil were
utilised to identify the characteristics of a soil
sample. A map was created using the findings of
laboratory test data processing and GIS applications.
Using spatial databases linked to geographic
features in GIS, it is possible to identify places that
can be utilised as road bodies immediately or that
need to be treated before being used [32], [33].
2 Materials and Methods
This study concentrated on the West Lampung
Regency, specifically the area between Bukit
Kemuning in Central Lampung and Liwa in West
Lampung, along the lines of Bukit Kemuning, Liwa,
and Krui, all the way to the Lampung Bengkulu
province border (see Figure 1). Because this area is
prone to minor earthquakes and is hilly, it receives a
lot of rain. The soil sample taken served as a
reference for the road repair plan because road
improvement work was going on in the area at the
time of the investigation.
Fig. 1: Research Site
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
The soil samples from the area were taken for
two tests: the unsoaked CBR test and the soaked
CBR test. Soaked CBR values were obtained by
immersing soil samples in water for four days.
Fig. 2: CBR Test Equipment
Source: [34]
The basic premise of CBR testing is to propel a
plunger cylinder with a diameter of 50 mm into the
soil or pavement component material to be tested at
a velocity of 1.25 mm per minute. The weights
necessary to cause plunger penetration of 2.5 mm
and 5.0 mm in the soil/material under test are
recorded [35]. The CBR test is primarily used to
determine the modulus and shear strength of
subgrades. The ductile modulus of the subgrade,
which has been connected with the CBR in the
American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design code,
determines the pavement layer thickness [36].
To obtain particles smaller than No. 4, the soil
was drained and sieved. The filter's output could be
used to display the physical characteristics of the
soil, such as its plastic properties at various moisture
levels. The compaction value was determined in the
first experiment. The optimum moisture content and
maximum dry density were obtained using a
standard proctor.
Each test parameter was run three times, with
the averaged result. Soil samples were taken in two
ways: undisturbed and disturbed. As needed, the
sample quantity was used. The soaked CBR test was
required to anticipate when rainwater puddled and
soaked into the soil, causing the soil's strength to
deteriorate. The lowest score was used as the
benchmark by the planner. The results of the soil
physical properties experiment, such as moisture
content, density, volume weight, plasticity index,
compaction, and CBR, were presented in the form
of figures and graphs depicting the relationship
between the two.
In addition, Gabriel introduced a bi-plot
analysis, which was used to map soil characteristics,
in 1971. Essentially, by superimposing vectors in a
low-dimensional space, this analysis attempts to
provide a graphical display of the X data matrix in a
plot [37]. A set of objects was positioned and
perceptually mapped using this analysis (rows from
the X data matrix). The bi-plot analysis process
necessitates data from a variety of objects with
attributes (columns from the data matrix X) that are
measured using interval and ratio scales. The
analysis' final results are displayed in the form of a
two-dimensional image display that includes
information about (1) the object's relative position.
Two objects with the closest distance are said to
have a high level of similarity based on the observed
attributes based on this information; and (2). the
relationship between attributes. Based on this data,
the linear relationship (correlation) between
attributes and the level of importance of an attribute
based on its variants can be determined. A bi-plot is
a graph that combines information (1) and (2). The
observed attributes were used to determine the
characteristics of each object.
3 Results and Discussion
Because the soil is made up of boulders of various
shapes and sizes, the behaviour of the subgrade is
determined by the natural conditions in which the
soil is formed [38]–[40]. This is demonstrated by
the fact that the rock mineral content is nearly
identical to that of the soil. Rocks of the Tuff type,
such as Tuff Pasiran, are commonly found in West
Lampung province [32]. Sandy tuff has a fresh grey
to brownish grey colour, a medium to coarse
texture, a round to very round grain shape, is well
sorted, has good permeability, can be kneaded, and
contains mica and pumice [33].
The main road to several areas in West Sumatra
was used for the research. This route begins in the
Bukit Kemuning area, which is administratively part
of the North Lampung Regency. Given that the
western route of Liwa Bukit Kemuning is
currently used as a feeder road, its function is
critical. Every day, various types of large tonnage
vehicles and even vehicles between provinces travel
this route. Surprisingly, this path has the same rock
diversity as the previous one, but part of the route is
an earthquake path. It is a route that passes through
a hilly topographic area with a steep slope to a very
steep slope in the West Lampung area. The
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
occurrence of landslides on the slopes along this
route is common, resulting in access loss.
In Lampung Province, which faces a high risk
of geo-disasters, the West Lampung area is one of
the most vulnerable areas. This area is formed by
young volcanic rocks that have not been properly
consolidated in terms of geology [41]. The
morphology consists of steep, wavy hills with deep
valleys that are traversed by rivers with a very low-
density level and are located between 500 and 1200
metres above sea level [32], [42]. It contains grains
of rock ranging in size from fine to large. Because
this location feels as though it has been exposed to
altitude and is a part of the plain with an average
elevation of 800 1,400 metres above sea level, it
experiences high rainfall.
From this intriguing case, a study was
conducted in which a sample was taken in a
disturbed manner and placed in a sack as research
material. The soil's physical properties and
unsoaked CBR values were determined in this
study. The CBR value can serve as a reference point
for planning road construction, parking lots, and
other infrastructure projects. The soil density and
CBR values were determined from the subgrade to
the pavement's top layer [38], [40], [43]. If the CBR
value is less than 6%, the land cannot be used as a
road body, or it can be used for trafficking purposes
to increase the CBR value above 6%. One of them is
compaction or soil replacement.
The soil properties, compaction, and CBR
values (see Table 1) obtained during the research
were statistically plotted using the Bi-plot method.
The Bi-plot method's output allows for easy
mapping of the study area's soil type. According to
laboratory analysis, the clay soils that comprise the
study area are generally classified as heavy clay
(CH) and heavy silt (MH) soil types, referring to the
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), with a
high degree of plasticity; this classification is based
on the AASHTO classification system [5], [39].
Table 1. CBR Values and Physical Properties
Fig. 3: Soil Sample Analysis at KM 293 + 500
As illustrated in Figure 2, the KM 293 + 500
soil sample has high values for the Atterberg Limits
PL, LL, and Water Content (w). While soil samples
from the KM 294 + 500 and KM 295 + 500 areas
exhibit identical physical properties, according to
the data, the percentage of data that passed the No.
200 indicates that the Percent Lose filter 200 has a
high content. This indicates that the area's soil
contains a high concentration of clay. Physical
properties of the soil, such as the Water Content
(W), correlate positively with the Atterberg Limits
of Plastic Limit (PL), Liquid Limit (LL). This
means that increasing the amount of water in a soil
sample increases the value of soil plasticity,
specifically the Plasticity Index (PI) and LL.
Additionally, as shown in Table 1, soil samples
containing the Percent Lose filter value exhibit a
positive correlation with the optimum water content
value (W Opt), implying that the higher the Percent
Lose filter value content in the soil sample, the
higher the W Opt. The values of the Atterberg
Limits PL, LL, W Opt, Water Content (W), and PI
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
are inversely related to CBR. This means that as the
CBR value in the soil sample increases or decreases,
the moisture content of W Opt, the Atterberg Limits
PL, LL, W Opt, W, and PI decreases.
The area surrounding the sampling location
exhibits similar soil conditions based on the
sampling location's five points. The formed line
indicates that the soil conditions are at node O. This
indicates that the soil conditions in these locations
are similar, implying that the soil parameters are
uniformly similar. This minor variation is reflected
in the circles created. Soil parameters are relatively
uniform. It is simply that the difference in the
condition of the per cent passed through the 200
sieves indicates that there are two locations with
varying clay contents, namely those with high clay
content. This is also illustrated in Table 1 and Figure
The CBR value, on the other hand, remains
high. This frequently occurs because the soil
sampled has a high clay content but also contains
sand and gravel. As a result, the CBR value is quite
high. However, in this case, the CBR value is nearly
uniform when compared to soil samples from other
locations, despite the fact that the clay content of the
soil varies.
The physical characteristics of the other area,
which is 4 kilometres long with sampling at seven
test locations, are discussed in Figure 4.
Fig. 4: Soil Sample Analyses at KM 297 + 500, 299
+ 000, 298 + 000, 303 + 000, 296 + 000, KM 299 +
500 and 301 + 000
In Figure 4 above, soil samples are classified
into two groups based on their physical properties
and CBR values: group 1 (KM 297 + 500, 299 +
000, 298 + 000, 303 + 000, and 296 + 000) and
group 2 (KM 299 + 500 and 301 + 000). Group 1
soil samples (circle on the left) contain a high CBR
value, unlike Group 2 soil samples, which contain
high Percent Lose filter values of 200, the Atterberg
Limit PL, LL, PI, W, and W Opt.
As shown in Figure 3, the physical properties of
the soil, specifically the water content, w, have a
positive correlation with the Atterberg Limits PL,
LL, W Opt, and PI. This means that as the water
content of the soil sample increases, the Atterberg
limit, PL, LL, W Opt, and PI values increase
proportionately. Meanwhile, the CBR value is
inversely proportional to W Opt, the Atterberg Limit
PL, LL, W Opt, and W. This means that the CBR
value increases as the W Opt, the Atterberg Limit
PL, LL, W Opt, W, and PI values decrease.
The classification of soil data varies by region,
or there may be an area with extremely dominant
physical characteristics. This is illustrated in Figure
Fig. 5: Soil Sample Analysis of KM 306 + 500 and
305 + 500
As illustrated in Figure 5, the KM 306 + 500
and 305 + 500 soil samples contain high values for
the Atterberg Limit PL, LL, per cent pass 200, and
W Opt. Meanwhile, the water content, w, correlates
positively with the Atterberg Limits PL, LL, PI, and
W Opt. This means that the more water in the soil,
the higher the concentrations of Atterberg Pl, LL,
PI, and W Opt. CBR values are inversely
proportional to W Opt, Atterberg Limit PL, LL, W
Opt, and W. This means that the higher the CBR
value in a soil sample, the lower the concentrations
of W Opt, the Atterberg Limit PL, LL, W Opt, W,
and PI. As a result, it can be concluded that the
moisture content of the soil has an effect on all soil
parameters. Indeed, the water content of the soil is
required, specifically as a lubricant. This frequently
occurs during compaction work in the field.
However, excessive water content results in a
reduced capacity of the soil to bear weight [5], [40],
[43]. The area around Bukit Kemuning - PD
Tambak is depicted in Figure 6, specifically, from
KM 155 + 500 to KM 166 + 500.
Figure 6 demonstrates that soil samples up to a
distance of 6 kilometres are similar, and the CBR
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
value is also quite good. However, due to the
distance from Bukit Kemuning, the soil conditions
are quite harsh, as indicated by the increasing CBR
value and the increasing value of Maximum Dry
Density. The maximum dry density value is
determined through Proctor Standard, DAS, and
other experiments designed to determine the density
of soil. In this case, soil density becomes critical for
changes in CBR values.
The soil conditions at KM 157 + 000 are
slightly different in that the soil contains a high
proportion of clay, as evidenced by the higher
percentage of clay that passes through filter No. 200
when compared to other soil locations. As a result, it
will have an effect on the water content value, the
optimum moisture content, and the Atterberg Limit.
Among other physical properties, per cent loss No.
200 exhibits a great deal of variation. The Atterberg
Limit experiment results, which yielded LL and PL
values, revealed a positive or positive correlation
between soil physical properties and the Optimum
Moisture Content (OMC) (see Figure 5). This
means that as the LL value in the soil sample
increases, the PL and OMC values increase as well.
However, the CBR value is inversely proportional to
the LL, PL, and OMC values. This means that as the
Atterberg Limit LL, PL, and OMC values decrease,
the CBR value decreases as well. The percentage of
material passing through sieve No. 200 is
determined through sieve analysis experiments.
Fig. 6: Analysis of Soil Sample from KM 155 + 100
to 160 + 000
As illustrated in Figure 6, the soil samples at
KM 155 + 100 and 160 + 000 have a high CBR
value and a low density, Maximum Dry Density
(MDD). In contrast, the soil samples at KM 157 +
000 have a high water content, affecting the LL, PL
parameters. Among other physical properties, per
cent loss No. 200 exhibits a great deal of variation.
The Atterberg Limit LL soil physical properties are
positively correlated with PL, W, and W Opt. This
means that as the water content increases, the LL,
PL, and W Opt values increase as well. The CBR
value is inversely proportional to the content of the
Atterberg Limit LL, PL, W, and W Opt. This means
that the greater the CBR value, the lower the LL,
PL, W, and W Opt values will be.
The local soil conditions provide insight into the
conditions that resulted in the formation of the
rocks. This condition cannot be maintained
indefinitely, as environmental factors such as
earthquakes, heavy rainfall, chemical, biological,
and other factors all affect the rock formation (Bell;
Das), as illustrated in Figure 7 below.
Fig. 7: Soil Sample Analysis from KM 162 + 000 -
167 + 500
As illustrated in Figure 7, the KM 162 + 000
and 166 + 500 soil samples contain the Atterberg
Limit values, PL and LL. Meanwhile, the soil
sample KM 167 + 500 contains a high Percent Lose
value. Physical properties of the soil, such as water
content (WC), correlate positively with the
percentage of particles passing through filter No.
200. The higher the water content in the soil sample,
the greater the percentage of water content that
passes through filter No. 200. This means that a soil
sample with a high clay content will have higher PL
and LL values.
As illustrated in Figures 7 and 8, after
experimenting with the Atterbeg Limit method and
obtaining the LL and PL values, it is possible to
determine the soil properties, conditions, and types.
Civil engineers determine the soil type through a
series of experiments on the soil's physical
properties, including moisture content, density, the
Atterberg Limit, and filter analysis. This series of
experiments is to ensure that the condition and type
of soil are accurately determined, as this parameter
will be used in subsequent civil engineering work.
The novelty of this article is to provide
information and scientific developments for civil
engineering regarding how statistics, specifically the
Bi-plot, can assist civil engineering scientists in
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
determining soil type classifications, which can then
be used to forecast the condition of soil density
values. If the soil type and condition of the soil are
known, the land can be used to construct roads,
parking lots, and embankments, among other things.
Because if the land does not meet geotechnical
requirements, it cannot be used; however, if
circumstances require the use of local soil, certain
chemicals or other substances are added to it and
mixed with the soil to increase soil stability.
Figure 6 depicts a condition that is distinct from
that depicted in Figure 6. The figure indicates that
the soil sample contains the Atterberg Limit LL, PL,
and OMC values that are positively correlated with
the content of CBR values. This means that
increasing the value of the Atterberg Limits LL, PL,
and W Opt can result in an increase in the density of
the soil and its CBR value.
Fig. 8: Test Pit Data (Bengkulu - Pugung Tampak)
The overall map of soil sample characteristics in the
Bengkulu - Pugung Tampak area is shown in Figure
8. Whereas, in general, soil samples are classified
into three groups based on their physical
characteristics and CBR value, with each group
sharing some physical characteristics and CBR
value similarities. Percent Lose filter 200 and the
Atterberg Limit LL are two soil physical properties
that have a high content value and diversity. The
contents of W and W Opt have a very strong
positive correlation with the contents of the
Atterberg Limits LL, PL, and PI. This means that
increasing the W and W Opt content in a soil sample
increases the Atterberg Limit LL, PL, and PI
contents, whereas the CBR value has a negative
correlation with the Atterberg Limit LL, PL, PI, W,
and W Opt contents. This means that as the CBR
value in the soil sample increases, the Atterberg
Limit values LL, PL, PI, W, and W Opt decrease.
Because the MDD content of each soil sample is
relatively low, it can be seen that the conditions
around the centre value of 0 are relatively stable.
Fig. 9: Relationship between % Pass through Filter
and CBR
Fig. 10: Test Pit Bi-plot Data (Bukit Kemuning -
Pugung Tampak)
The overall mapping of soil sample
characteristics in the Bukit Kemuning Pugung
Tampak area is shown in Figure 9. As illustrated in
Figure 8, soil samples are classified into three
groups based on their physical properties and CBR
value, with each group having some similarities in
terms of physical properties and CBR value. Percent
Lose Filter No. 200 describes the physical properties
of soils with a high content value and a high degree
of diversity (long line in Figure 10). The value of W
and the W Opt contents are highly correlated with
the Atterberg Limit LL, PL, and PI contents. This
means that the greater the amount of W and W Opt
in the soil sample, the greater the amount of the
Atterberg Limit LL, PL, and PI. Meanwhile, the
CBR value is inversely proportional to the content
of the Atterberg Limit LL, PL, PI, W, and W Opt.
This means that the greater the CBR value in a soil
sample, the lower the Atterberg Limit values for LL,
PL, PI, W, and W Opt. The MDD content of each
soil sample is relatively low; it is shown to be close
to the centre value of 0, indicating that the MDD
value has not varied significantly.
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022
Fig. 11: Data Plotting of Water Content Values
4 Conclusion
It is extremely precise in the Bi-plot programme,
which was used to determine the similarity of land
locations. The similarities and differences revealed
by the analysis serve as a guide for civil engineering
in terms of determining the source point of soil
material suitable for use as a landfill in civil
engineering construction. The data used in the CBR
test were the results of physical property testing and
soil sample testing. This parameter was chosen
using a sample of 31 samples spread over a distance
of 31 kilometres. The test results indicate that a 31-
kilometre distance does not result in a significant
difference in soil properties, which are generally
similar except for areas with high clay content.
Additionally, the laboratory analysis results indicate
that the amount of water in the soil sample has an
effect on the LL, PL, MDD, and CBR values. The
less water in the soil, the lower the plastic limit
value, and thus the lower the CBR value.
The findings of the current study also have
implications. It is widely known that the
government or contractors must use local land in
order to find better land. Apart from being more
cost-effective and quicker to obtain, it saves time at
work. Therefore, the findings of this study are
extremely useful in determining the location of
existing land. In addition, they can be used to map
conditions associated with specific soil types or
differences within an area. Therefore, if the
government, contractors, or consultants intend to
utilise the land surrounding the study site, it is
critical that this data be utilised because typically,
before soil is used as a landfill, it is tested in a soil
mechanics laboratory to determine its physical
properties. If the requirements for roads and other
earthworks do not comply with those of the
Directorate General of Highways (DGH), the land
cannot be used as a landfill or for any other purpose.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Lusmeilia Afriani drafted the manuscript, collected
data, and conducted the analysis. Nusyirwan and
Ryzal Perdana conducted the literature review,
drafted the general conclusions, edited the language,
and were responsible for the paper's formatting and
revision. Rina Febrina and Yan Juansyah enhanced
the study's structure, clarified the analysis,
completed the paper's finalisation, and developed
the abstract.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented
in a Scientific Article or Scientific Article
We would like to express our gratitude to the
Faculty of Engineering of the University of
Lampung for facilitating and assisting with the field
survey and data collection, as well as providing
financial support.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2022.18.10
Lusmeilia Afriani, Nursyirwan,
Ryzal Perdana, Rina Febrina, Yan Juansyah
E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 18, 2022