Experience of Information Students from an Ecuadorian University for
the Application of ICT in Project-Based Mathematics Learning (ABP)
1Facultad Departamento de Informática y Electrónica,
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH),
Km 1 1/2 Panamericana Sur, Riobamba, EC060155,
2Independent Researcher
Riobamba, EC060108,
aORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7055-9019
bORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4669-7715
Abstract: - Mathematical knowledge is a basic tool for understanding these processes, however, its learning can
be abstract, causing some difficulties for students to understand it, which is why pedagogical alternatives
(ABP) have been developed, which allow the resolution of real problems through the execution of projects in
the mathematical field, in this case supported by information and communications technologies. The usefulness
of this tool in learning was evaluated through its application in a group of 20 students from the information
technology major at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), 10 before the use of the APB and 10
after its use, comparing the changes in the academic performance of students after the application of the ABP,
as well as the perception of students in relation to the interest, value, motivation, and usefulness of mathematics
through the management of information from Ecuadorian databases for the construction of equations that allow,
through the use of derivation rules, to analyze the behavior of elements of economic interest. The results
obtained were satisfactory when observing an increase in grades after the implementation of project-based
learning since, it was observed that 57.6% of the students adequately understood the dictated contents and
65.76% correctly used ICT for teaching. Obtaining statistical information for the construction of mathematical
equations, which is done correctly in 62.69% of the cases, is a product of greatest interest (56.70%) and
motivation (54.20%) to do it, which was expressed in a higher level of competencies (58.30%) in the area of
mathematics, even with a lower level of tension (31.35%) and greater commitment (64.10%). The results of the
achievements achieved by the students allow us to conclude that the use of ABP is effective in learning
mathematics, especially if the skills of the area of knowledge are combined with the appropriate use of
information and communication technologies.
Key-Words: - Project-Based Learning, university education, meaningful learning, mathematical knowledge,
equations, estimates, derivatives, ICT, academic performance.
Received: January 26, 2024. Revised: July 9, 2024. Accepted: August 7, 2024. Published: September 4, 2024.
1 Introduction
With the advance of the Internet, the educational
system has turned towards massive use of
information and communication technologies (ICT),
which includes the use of virtual learning
environments [1], the management of social
networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
combined with the use of audiovisual applications
that allow greater student interaction. This has made
it possible to facilitate remote learning [2], either
synchronously or asynchronously [3], allowing the
inclusion of groups previously excluded from the
formal educational system, [4].
The rise of this technology has been such that
professional careers have been created for its use,
which is attractive for the use of computer tools due
to the familiarity presented by the groups known as
millennials, [5]. However, there is a lack of
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
knowledge of the skills that must be acquired
throughout this career, which are not limited to the
use of digital tools [6], but must also include
mathematical skills for their design, [7]. These tools
are based on complex algorithms for mathematical
calculations, which requires the curricular plan to
include the study of mathematics.
Considering the above, this constitutes a barrier
since the study of mathematics is complex and
highly difficult for students, [8]. Indeed, the reality
lies in the fact that students do not understand their
usefulness and, in association with the construction
of digital tools that are part of the catalog of
products within information and communications
technologies, the usefulness that can be given to
them, [9]. As well as the correct use of databases in
solving real problems that occur in the real world,
[10], [11] and [12].
Given the problems described in the previous
paragraphs, learning strategies have been sought to
motivate interest and greater understanding in the
study of mathematics. Project-based learning (ABP)
is one of the selected strategies since its use
achieves the development of mathematical skills
based on the resolution of real problems, [13]. In the
Ecuadorian case, due to the efficient management of
databases [14], can facilitate the work of students in
their use for the construction of differential
equations [15] and the use of derivation [16].
Consolidating the integration of the above with the
management of ICT in mathematical applications,
should motivate and promote greater interest in their
study by understanding their value and usefulness in
the real field, [17].
The adoption of new learning strategies results
in one of the difficulties observed within
mathematics classes, represented by the mechanical
and repetitive way in which the learning activity
occurs. In this sense, authors such as [18] affirm that
this problem is due to the strategies used by many
teachers since learning methods are based on the
memorization of concepts or the repetitive
performance of procedures on a routine basis,
without carrying out an in-depth analysis to
understand how it was possible to reach the solution
through logical and deductive analysis. This type of
learning makes it difficult to extrapolate knowledge
to real applications and causes a decrease in
student's motivation to learn, as suggested by [19],
who state that the teaching process should focus on
improving the ability analysis to propose solutions
to problems that affect the normal functioning of
day-to-day activities in society.
Researchers in [20] point out that learning from
the formulation of real problems has been identified
as a relevant aspect of teaching mathematics
education and has begun to be used more regularly
in the training process, [21]. In this sense, an
increasing number of didactic proposals are
presented that try to work on the reasoning through
problem-solving, which translates into a successful
methodology by increasing student's motivation to
learn and improving the efficiency of the problem-
solving in terms of quality and time.
The pedagogical strategy for project-based
mathematics learning has become a valid option for
learning statistics. This statement coincides with
what was stated in [22] by stipulating a
methodology that allows the integration of the
student's goals with the previously established
curricular design and the needs of society, mainly
within the scope of action of the educational
Considering the above, this research focuses on
an exhaustive methodological development that
allows data analysis, obtaining findings, and
achieving results with discussions consistent with
the underlying reality under study. In this order, the
objective is defined by project-based
methodological evaluation (ABP) as an optimizer of
the teaching-learning process of mathematics. This
is in order to build a project that encourages
cooperative work. The underlying intention is for
students to integrate the acquisition of knowledge
and the development of their skills through
motivation and an active role in undertaking data
analysis obtained through the optimal management
of information and communications technologies
(ICT) for the construction of differential equations
and the resolution of problems based on real data.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Contextualization
The research work was carried out at the Faculty of
Sciences of the Higher Polytechnic School of
Chimborazo in the Information and
Communications Technologies (ICT) program. This
delimitation arises in accordance with the interest of
the research since in this department mathematical
calculation is taught with emphasis on the skills for
the use and management of databases obtained
through the proper management of ICT for the
construction of mathematical equations and the
subsequent application of derivation rules. This
institution is a higher education establishment
located in Riobamba, Ecuador (Figure 1), and has
been part of the Ecuadorian Network of Research
and Postgraduate Universities since 2012.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Fig. 1: Location of the Chimborazo Higher
Polytechnic School
This educational institution was created on
April 18, 1969. It began its academic activities on
May 2, 1972, with the Schools of Zootechnical
Engineering, Nutrition and Dietetics, and
Mechanical Engineering. It was inaugurated on
April 3, 1977. Accredited by the National Council
for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher
Education of Ecuador (CONEA) in 2022. Currently,
this organization no longer classifies Ecuadorian
universities by categories, managing to define itself
as excellence. Within higher education, with
equipment, furniture, educational services, qualified
teaching staff, educational demand, and pedagogy,
among many other points that characterize its study
Being an Ecuadorian Higher Education
Institution that originated in the Higher
Technological Institute of Chimborazo created by
Law No. 69.09, issued by the National Congress on
April 18, 1969. It began its academic activities on
May 2, 1972. Chimborazo Higher Polytechnic
School is currently made up of 7 faculties and 2
campuses that offer 44 professional careers.
2.2 ESPOCH Educational Model
The educational model based on “Know, Be, and
Serve” competencies allows for the inclusive
management and transformation of student's
experiences in different learning environments, thus
enabling the creation of academic itineraries of
quality and excellence. That is, the various
professions are subject to rapid change as the
frontiers of knowledge exceed local and national
boundaries, in which case students must be trained
as citizens of the world.
Indeed, the definition of the educational model
that underpins training at ESPOCH focuses on the
development of competencies, aimed at
consolidating the skills, knowledge, and attitudes
that students need to be successful in their
professional and personal lives. This model is
implemented through different methodological
strategies, such as learning based on problem-
solving, collaborative learning, and autonomous
The competency-based educational model is
student-centered, based on a holistic approach to
ethical management, and contextualized in the
functions performed by academic staff, the student
sector, and other agencies involved in academic
activity. Aimed at promoting the construction and
reconstruction of their own knowledge in a
collaborative manner through transformative and
innovative learning linked to technology, artificial
intelligence, and sustainability.
2.3 Population and Sample
The population is made up of 26 students enrolled in
the mathematical calculation course, of which 11
were enrolled in the course before the application of
the ABP and 15 after the ABP, located in the
academic computer programming program of the
ESPOCH, from which a sample of 20 students was
obtained (10 before the use of the ABP and 10 after
its use). For the application of the IMI questionnaire
in the academic periods evaluated, divide the study
into two phases before and after the use of the ABP
2.4 Participants
The academic year in which the research is carried
out is in the subject of mathematical calculation for
the Information and Communications Technologies
(ICT) career. It was made up of twenty (20) students
who were assigned a mathematics project to solve
real problems using mathematical tools based on the
information obtained from data through the proper
management of ICT for the construction of
mathematical equations and the subsequent
application of derivation rules. Determining
performance and efficiency metrics that were
compared with the conditions prior to the
application of this learning strategy.
2.5 Variables
The variables evaluated for the comparison of
project-based learning (ABP) versus the exclusive
use of face-to-face education through master classes
were carried out through the estimated evaluation of
the degree of satisfaction with its use by
mathematical calculation students. In this sense, the
following parameters were considered: knowledge,
understanding, enjoyment, effort, collaboration, and
the usefulness of the learning process based on the
use of multimodal educational systems.
2.6 Instruments
To evaluate the degree of student satisfaction once
the project-based learning model was applied to the
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
mathematical calculation subject, information was
collected by applying the IMI questionnaire, which
is described below.
2.7 IMI Questionnaire
For data collection, the motivation questionnaire
and the IMI satisfaction level were used by
mathematical calculation students after the use of
project-based learning systems. This is an
instrument that has been previously validated by
numerous studies on motivation, with measurements
of the level of acceptance and motivation of students
for learning statistics, [23].
For the evaluation, aspects related to
knowledge, understanding, enjoyment, effort,
collaboration, and usefulness were considered.
These aspects were evaluated on a scale with 5
levels described below: a lot = 1, quite a bit = 2,
somewhat = 3, a little = 4, and not at all = 5. This
instrument was applied before the implementation
of the learning strategy based on multimodal
systems and after the delivery and evaluation of the
project. Ratings 1 and 2, Mucho and Quite a Lot,
will be categorized as positive evaluations.
The questionnaire used to establish the degree
of knowledge and motivation prior to using the
project-based learning (ABP) tool, applied to
mathematical calculation students, is described in
Table 1.
Table 1. Questionnaire on motivation prior to the
use of project-based learning (ABP) by mathematics
students in the Information and Communications
Technologies (ICT) program
A bit
The activity can be
The introductory
material for the
project has been
I feel
about the activity
to be carried out
The activity
represents a
personal challenge.
The idea of
working in a group
is attractive to me.
The activity can
strengthen my
relationship with
my classmates.
This prior application instrument is sized into
six items that reflect the expectations for
competencies that students perceive prior to the
implementation of project-based learning (ABP).
Then seven (07) items are developed, and sized in
such a way that they describe the underlying reality
of the interaction of project achievement based on
the implementation of project-based learning (ABP).
Therefore, the questionnaire used to establish the
level of knowledge and motivation was applied after
the use of the project-based learning (ABP) tool to
the mathematical calculation students described in
Table 2.
Table 2. Motivation questionnaire to evaluate the
use of project-based learning (ABP) by mathematics
students studying Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT)
A bit
The project
turned out to be a
very interesting
I felt tense and/or
nervous during
the execution of
the project.
My level of
commitment was
I am satisfied
with my
performance in
the execution of
the project.
After working on
the project, I felt
These types of
activities are
attractive and
The execution of
the project
strengthened my
ties with my
2.8 Resources Used
The resources used to carry out the research include
statistical software for data processing and Excel for
creating graphs.
2.9 Time
The study was carried out during the year 2022,
where the project-based learning strategy combines
the use of an online platform to support face-to-face
classes. This situation has been a product of the
adaptation to the in-person modality after the lifting
of health restrictions after the pandemic.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
2.10 Procedure
The project will cover several stages, from the
choice of the topic to the project formulation,
execution, and final delivery of a PowerPoint
product. This final delivery summarizes the most
relevant aspects of the project, the analysis of the
situation presented, and the final reflection. After
the presentation of the product, a self-assessment
and peer evaluation was carried out to introduce
corrections and modifications in its progress and
establish the final grade of the project.
2.11 Choice of Topic
One of the most important stages of the project is
the choice of the topic, which must be motivating
and of current interest, and the use of methodology
for project-based learning, where the application of
mathematical competencies based on the
management of databases arises using ICT
appropriately. The interest lies in the fact that when
reviewing information from public organizations,
students structure the data required to build
equations that allow them to calculate the maximum
production values in sectors of economic interest for
the country using derivation techniques (differential
2.12 Development of the Theme
Once the topic is selected, students are provided
with basic documentation of what the project entails
and covers. Guiding questions are posed to develop
the topics to be investigated, establish the
background, and develop strategies to achieve the
final objective. This is represented by the
understanding of the assigned topic with the use of
ICT for the search for information in public
organizations and the construction of mathematical
equations for maximum production (application of
differential calculus).
For the execution of the project, groups will be
formed based on compatibilities between students to
promote links of cooperation. These students will
analyze the data, use mathematical tools to construct
differential equations, apply derivation rules
included in the current curriculum, and deliver a
final PowerPoint product with the statistical results
using graphs, answers, and conclusions.
Before executing the project, the groups must
present a work plan that includes project contents,
objectives, research models, data collection
methods, classification, analysis and interpretation
of data, and presentation of results. It is worth
mentioning that students have their own autonomy
in the search, analysis, and contrast of the required
information. The role of the educator is to guide,
clarify doubts, promote self-evaluation, and make
corrections that facilitate the achievement of
objectives. The final interest is to comply with the
only requirement; the data collected comes from
official entities in charge of monitoring the
pandemic in Spain.
2.13 Data Analysis
The results corresponded to the qualitative
parameters generated from the IMI questionnaire to
determine the degree of satisfaction, which were
analyzed using descriptive statistics comparing the
average values obtained for each item evaluated in
the questionnaire. In addition, comparisons are
made of the percentage of students capable of
meeting the competencies achieved through the
learning project based on the development of
mathematical competencies, comparing this metric
with the level of performance and expectations prior
to its use.
3 Results
The results show that project-based learning (ABP)
strategies in the field of mathematics in the context
of an information technology program were positive
in improving academic performance. Such a reality
may apply due to an increase in student's interest in
learning mathematics. As described in the findings,
when determining a percentage of appreciation of
56.76% in the students who completed the project
with ABP implementation compared to the initial
41.79%, there was only a negative evaluation of
13.92% of the students, as seen in Figure 2.
Fig. 2: Level of interest in undertaking mathematics
learning projects among ESPOCH students
supported by the use of ICT
One of the factors that improves student
performance, particularly in the field of
mathematics, is reducing stress levels. In this regard,
Figure 3 shows that the tension levels were reduced
from 44.78% to 31.35%. However, 38.81% of
students still report feeling tense or nervous during
the execution of projects, even when using different
learning tools such as ABP.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Fig. 3: Level of tension when undertaking
mathematics learning projects among ESPOCH
students supported by the use of ICT
Greater interest and a reduction in tension levels
improve competence in the field of mathematics, as
reflected in Figure 4. However, it is observed that
mathematical competencies at the level of positive
assessment did not change significantly, with values
of 58.21% and 58.31% before and after the use of
ABP, while the negative evaluation was 13.44%.
Fig. 4: Level of mathematical competence through
the use of learning projects among ESPOCH
students supported by the use of ICT
Among the skills that you want to develop
beyond the competencies of the academic area is
collaborative work. The results presented in Figure
5 show that the use of ABP promoted this type of
skill by observing after the execution of the project
a positive evaluation of 58.21%, compared to the
previous evaluation of 32.84% with a negative
perception of 19.30%. Indicating that the efforts.
There is still much to be done to educate students
about the value of teamwork.
Fig. 5: Capacity for collaborative work through
mathematics learning projects among ESPOCH
students supported by the use of ICT
Achieving the desired objectives is not possible
if the educational material is not understood.
Fortunately, Figure 6 shows that 59.71% of the
students have a positive evaluation of the
educational material provided, while 14.93% have a
negative evaluation of it. This prevents them from
successfully developing the assigned project.
Fig. 6: Understanding the educational material used
in mathematics learning projects among ESPOCH
students supported by the use of ICT
The achievement of the objectives is not
possible without the commitment of the students to
carrying out the assigned tasks, which is highly
associated with motivation and interest in learning
mathematics. Fortunately, Figure 7 shows that
64.1% of the students were highly committed to
completing the project, while 13.44% showed a
negative attitude towards completing the tasks.
Fig. 7: Level of commitment to learning
mathematics through the use of learning projects
among ESPOCH students supported by the use of
Improvements in mathematics learning are not
only observed in academic performance but can also
be perceived in the student's own opinion of their
performance. In this line of thought, Figure 8
determines that 59.70% of the students were
satisfied with the performance achieved, while
14.83% expressed dissatisfaction with the
performance shown during academic activities.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Fig. 8: Perception of student performance after the
use of learning projects at ESPOCH supported by
ICT management
All the positive aspects observed in a large part
of the students in relation to better performance,
interest, willingness to work as a team, and
commitment are only possible if there is a level of
motivation to carry out the project. In this sense,
Figure 9 stipulates that 54.20% of the students
showed high motivation for the execution of the
project, and only 10.45% stated that they were not
willing to undertake the assigned tasks.
Fig. 9: Level of motivation for learning mathematics
among ESPOCH students through the use of a
project supported by ICT management
3.1 Level of Achievements Achieved
Greater interest, understanding, and motivation
should be reflected in a high level of achievement in
relation to the academic objectives set.
Table 3. Level of achievement achieved after the
use of a learning project among ESPOCH students
supported by ICT management
Use of ICT
Construction of
Regarding the above, it was observed that
57.60% adequately understand the contents taught,
while 65.76% adequately use ICT to obtain
statistical information for the construction of
mathematical equations, which they do correctly in
62.69% of the cases.
However, Table 3 also shows that 10.45% of
students do not understand the content taught, which
leads to incorrect use of ICT in 5.97% of cases.
Therefore, 7.56% construct mathematical equations
in an inappropriate manner for the analysis and
interpretation of information. In essence, a
significant impact achieved by students when using
the ABP methodology can be generalized to the
achievements achieved by students in the evaluation
of the level of understanding, applicability of ICT,
and implementation of mathematical demonstrations
correctly or, failing that, moderately correct (Figure
Fig. 10: Comparison between dimensions of
competencies achieved among ESPOCH students
supported by ICT management
A higher level of performance in mathematics
learning, added to the use of information
technologies, resulted in better academic
performance of the students, as was observed in a
slight increase in average grades, an increase in the
number of passing grades, and a reduction in
failures, a scenario shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Performance of mathematics students in the
Information and Communications Technologies
(ICT) program after the use of project-based
learning strategies
Use of
Average grade
Failed (%)
The interpretation of the performance obtained
by the students when using the ABP methodology is
satisfactorily described by increasing the average
grade, the increase in approval in evaluations by 8.3
percentage points, and the decrease in failures by
8.3 percentage points at a comparative level with the
group of students who did not use ABP (Figure 11).
020 40 60 80
Use of ICT
Construction of equations
Incorrect Moderately correct Correct
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Fig. 11: Comparison between categories of use in
the ABP methodology among ESPOCH students
supported by ICT management
4 Discussion
The present contribution focuses on the experience
of students of the Information and Communications
Technologies (ICT) program at ESPOCH, which
focuses on the application of ICT for project-based
learning of mathematics (ABP). In which the impact
of ABP on the development of digital skills,
collaborative work, and student motivation is
analyzed. Therefore, it is possible to identify the
main challenges and opportunities for the
integration of ICT in mathematics teaching.
The ABP methodology, according to the
findings in this study, allows ICT students to
consolidate their experience through the practical
application of mathematical knowledge in projects
with real data. As well as being a methodology
adaptable to the needs of students with a flexible
approach for the development of essential skills,
problem-solving, consolidation of teamwork, and
At this point, the degree of innovation of this
study is defined by combining different
methodologies: the integration of problem-based
learning (ABP) with the construction of differential
equations, which allows students to develop
problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Likewise, it consolidates the experience by
concatenating the fundamentals of the career under
study with mathematical demonstrations for solving
real problems.
Being able to undertake and understand the
level of stress in the development of learning
projects in the area of mathematics among ESPOCH
students, with the support of ICT, is essential to
motivating interest in achieving meaningful
learning. Authors such as [24] state that ABP seeks
to take advantage of the innate potential of students
with the aim of training them to be responsible
people with a high level of motivation towards the
acquisition of knowledge. Promoting the definition
of a project as an act carried out in a social
environment in order to carry out an enthusiastic
activity with a specific purpose, consolidating their
interest in the study of mathematics.
Regarding the level of tension developed when
undertaking mathematics learning projects among
ESPOCH students supported by the use of ICT. In
this context, considering the contributions of [25],
where they state that ABP aims to invite students to
search for sources or methods to obtain answers in
the project development phases. This allows them to
promote communication and coordination skills in
an inclusive learning context based on their interests
and abilities. This has been demonstrated in research
with a significant percentage of students who
reported that using ABP in academic activity turns
out to be very interesting.
In this regard, some authors, such as [26], point
out that the low academic performance of students
in mathematics, in addition to motivational issues
such as anxiety, occurs in a context in which fears
of having to abandon previous knowledge arise and
are present in learning situations.
In the study by [27], a meta-analysis of
numerous socio-emotional development programs
was conducted, finding that these programs
achieved an increase in indices related to general
well-being, interpersonal relationships, learning,
commitment, academic performance, and mastery of
the content, as well as a decrease in depressive
With respect to the level of competencies
developed through the use of learning projects
among ESPOCH students supported by the use of
ICT. The findings in this study coincide with those
found by [28], who indicate that it can be concluded
that ABP and ICT are excellent learning strategies
for the acquisition of mathematical knowledge in
students with learning difficulties. Given that the
initial test showed 27% of students with low
performance and 7% with superior performance, in
the final test, it turned out to be 83%.
Furthermore, it is noted that project-based
learning combines the development of cognitive
aspects with the ability to analyze and interpret data,
[29]. In this case, the author points out that when
evaluating a group of engineering students, they
successfully searched for information through the
identification and application of data. However, they
showed an important weakness when analyzing and
interpreting tables and graphs to conclude on the
importance of the topic analyzed.
The higher level of competence observed in the
mathematical calculation students of the ESPOCH
Average grade
Approved (%)
Failed (%)
0,0 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0
Yes Not
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
information technology program coincides with the
results found by [30], who indicate that Cuban
students who used ABP as a learning strategy
showed a medium to high level of competence in
aspects related to the depth of mental processes.
These authors point out that ABP seeks for the
student to use their own reasoning and procedures to
promote the development of skills and abilities
based on their own interests.
Regarding consolidating collaborative work
capabilities through learning projects in
mathematics among ESPOCH students supported by
the use of ICT. It implies the need to adopt
pedagogical strategies that generate meaningful and
collaborative learning in students to solve everyday
problems, as pointed out by [31]. In correspondence
with what was proposed by [32], who maintains the
main objectives in ABP: to promote team and
collaborative work, the development of capacities,
skills, and values, to generate a motivating
environment, and to develop self-learning and
creative thinking.
The level of understanding of the educational
material used in mathematics learning projects
among ESPOCH students is supported by the use of
ICT. The aforementioned results coincide with those
reported by [33], where it was observed that the
majority of participants consider them adequate or
very suitable. In fact, more than 85% of those
surveyed believe that the resources facilitate
understanding, learning, and reinforcement of the
topic addressed, which defines types of abstract data
similar to those prevalent in mathematics learning.
Therefore, [34] asserts that the selection,
creation, and use of educational materials, in
addition to strategies and other essential aspects of
the teaching-learning process, are decisive for
achieving the proposed objectives. It is fundamental
that the resources created must be efficient and,
above all, must not be prone to errors, and that the
language of interaction between students and
devices must be in terms of words, phrases, and
concepts familiar to students.
By establishing the level of commitment to
mathematics learning through the use of learning
projects among ESPOCH students supported by the
use of ICT. Authors such as [35] point out that
learning from solving real-world problems has been
identified as a relevant aspect within the teaching of
mathematics education and has begun to be used
more regularly, with an emphasis on the
mathematics teaching process. This increasing
increase is offered based on a series of didactic
proposals that try to work on the reasoning through
problem-solving, which enhances the level of
commitment to learning the subject.
Corresponding to [36], he compares the
statement that success in ABP is due to its ability to
demystify mathematics and bring it closer to real-
life problems and, therefore, to students. It is
considered an innovative methodology that makes
use of new technologies and involves the active
participation of students in the process of
construction and acquisition of mathematical
knowledge, based on the premise that they are
capable of doing so.
In relation to the perception of student
performance after the use of learning projects at
ESPOCH supported by ICT management, it is based
on the level of enthusiasm, commitment, and
motivation that the students have shown during the
project. This agrees with what was pointed out by
[37], who affirms that the high motivation of
students to learn through this methodology (ABP) is
closely related to their positive self-perception of
what they learned during the development of the
It is stated in [38] that PBL has produced
positive results in all areas of the curriculum,
including mathematics. Various studies have
compared this methodology with the traditional
class and have demonstrated its advantages in very
diverse aspects, such as academic performance, the
acquisition of competencies and skills, and the
improvement of student satisfaction.
Finally, the level of motivation for learning
mathematics exhibited by ESPOCH students
through the use of a project supported by ICT
management demonstrates that ABP has a broad
application approach because, in schools, it
improves ways to use the innate potential of
students and prepares them to be responsible
citizens motivated towards learning. Indeed, this is
indicated by [39], a statement that is corroborated
by [40], who mentions that the stimulation received
with this strategy allows students to feel motivated
and committed to the development of their activities
by autonomously strengthening their learning.
The levels of achievement achieved in this study
align with the findings reported by [28], [40], who,
after the implementation of ABP observed an
improvement in performance. This has confirmed
that the application of this methodology partially
overcomes the learning difficulties in teaching
mathematical operations and improves the academic
performance of students in mathematics, as
demonstrated by the results of the courses where
this strategy was implemented.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
The success of ABP as a learning strategy is
based on the improvement of the work environment
and the collaborative spirit of the methodology,
which are reflected in the performance of the
students. In this regard, the results obtained by [37],
[40] confirm this: These authors, when using ABP
in basic-level courses, found that the level of
organization of the projects, the size of the groups,
and the design of the assigned tasks were correct
from the perspective of the students, which has led
to results valued in greater motivation for the
execution of the project.
5 Conclusions
ICT allows students to use real information for the
development and execution of mathematical
equations, which translates into a greater
appreciation of their use, increasing motivation and
interest in learning them, which manifests itself in
better academic performance.
Improvements in academic performance were
evident in the correct use of ICT for the construction
of mathematical equations. These equations are
formulated for resolution using derivation rules to
allow interpretation of the behavior of different
sectors of economic interest in Ecuador. The above,
through the use of ICT, promotes the proper
management of databases and the ease of obtaining
information on the majority of the websites of
Ecuadorian public institutions.
The key to improving mathematics learning
through the use of ICT resided in the commitment
and motivation of the students, which was reflected
in a higher level of competencies in the
development of skills and abilities in the field of
mathematics. It was possible to verify the significant
increase in grades since the use of ABP was applied
to mathematics learning.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.39
Cristian Inca, Andrés Morocho,
Franklin Coronel, Angel Mena,
Evelyn Inca, Joseph Guerra
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024