Design and Hardware Implementation of CNN-GCN Model for
Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
Abstract: Deep learning algorithms in general have shown outstanding performances on tasks involving Human
Action Recognition and spatio-temporal modeling. In our ever-more interconnected world where mobile and
edge devices take center stage, there is a growing need for algorithms to operate directly on embedded platforms.
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), owing to their reprogrammable nature and low-power attributes, stand
out as excellent choices for these edge computing applications. In this work, our aims are threefold. Firstly, we
aim to design and develop a novel custom model that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) to effectively capture spatial and temporal features from skeleton data
to achieve Human Action Recognition. Secondly, we endeavor to implement this custom model onto FPGA
hardware using Vitis-AI, thus exploring the potential for efficient hardware acceleration of deep learning models.
Lastly, we seek to evaluate the real-time performance of the FPGA-accelerated model in comparison to CPU and
GPU implementations, assessing its suitability for deployment in real-world applications requiring low-latency
inference. Experimental results based on the NTU dataset demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our custom
model compared to traditional CPU or GPU implementations.
Key-Words: Convolutional Neural Networks, Graph Convolutional Networks, Human Action Recognition,
Real-time Applications, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Vitis-AI.
Received: April 19, 2023. Revised: April 6, 2024. Accepted: May 9, 2024. Published: June 4, 2024.
1 Introduction
In recent times, there has been a growing need for
smart applications in both research and business. Ar-
tificial Intelligence (AI), especially Deep Learning
(DL), is being used in various areas like healthcare,
industry, education, and safety. These applications
bring clever solutions that easily become part of our
daily routines. Importantly, the impact of AI and ma-
chine learning is also seen in Human Action Recog-
nition (HAR), a pivotal task in computer vision, that
has witnessed a surge in demand for real-time and
efficient solutions across various applications, rang-
ing from surveillance systems to human-computer in-
teraction. The motivations for this present work are
straightforward, we need a real-time HAR applica-
tion, running in resource-constrained hardware. Our
hardware choice was Field-Programmable Gate Ar-
rays (FPGA) after comparing the performances of
our proposed model between FPGA with CPU and
GPU implementations. The HAR model running in-
side the FPGA board was custom-made combining
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Graph
Convolutional Networks (GCN) concepts for an ef-
ficient spatio-temporal feature extraction. This pro-
posed model was built in such a way that it won’t
cause issues in the compilation process while using
Vitis-AI to generate the Deep Learning Processing
Unit (DPU) instructions. Implementing a HAR task
within an embedded system such as FPGA presents
a significant challenge, particularly when aiming for
real-time functionality. The prevailing strategy for
minimizing hardware usage involves adopting model
compression methods, including weight quantization
1ImViA Laboratory
University of Burgundy
21000 Dijon
2Laboratory of R&D in Engineering Sciences
Abdelmalek Essaadi University
93000 Tetouan
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Figure 1: Vitis-AI environment structure, [1].
that shifts from floating-point 32-bit (FP32) to 8-bit
integer (INT8) representations, along with network
pruning. The second challenge involves crafting a DL
network that aligns with hardware constraints and op-
erates within milliseconds (ms) to achieve real-time
performance. To build our proposed model, we in-
vestigated the concepts of CNNs and GCNs. CNNs
have proven highly effective for the aforementioned
applications in capturing spatial features, while GCNs
have shown promise in modeling complex relation-
ships within graph-structured data. In section 3 we
dig into the subtleties of our proposed custom model’s
architecture, detailing the synergistic connection be-
tween CNNs and GCNs that aims to exploit both spa-
tial and temporal information present in skeleton data.
Our suggested approach (DL model) performs notice-
ably better in a variety of applications than existing
CNN-based DL models or earlier Machine Learning
(ML) models like Decision Tree (DT), Random For-
est (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Re-
stricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs). Furthermore,
each of these methods has its shortcomings: CNNs
are ineffective at capturing long-term temporal corre-
lations, SVM is ill-suited for noisy data, RF and DT
can be computationally costly, and RBMs are chal-
lenging and slow to train. For this project, we present
an endeavor to fuse the strengths of CNNs and GCNs
for skeleton-based human action recognition, imple-
mented on FPGAs. Our primary hardware choice is
the Xilinx Kria KV260 FPGA board. Consequently,
our framework selection aligns with this board, opting
for the Vitis-AI tool (see Fig. 1), an open-source and
actively maintained library by Xilinx. We also discuss
in this paper the nuances of the Vitis-AI tool, show-
casing its role in seamlessly interfacing with FPGA
hardware. Additionally, we provide insights into the
training process on the NTU RGB+D 60 dataset, [2],
highlighting the model’s robustness and generaliz-
The contributions of the study reported here are
To reduce latency and increase energy econ-
omy, we introduce an FPGA-based acceleration
of a skeleton-based HAR (time-series) custom
model, ResGCN-T, using a single SoC.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
time we’ve attempted to build a custom spatio-
temporal GCN-based model (called ResGCN-T)
for time-series Human Action Recognition, uti-
lizing Xilinx Vitis AI and DPU. Also, we used
the NTU large-scale dataset to train and evaluate
We compared the performances between CPU,
GPU, and FPGA-DPU implementations, provid-
ing a comprehensive analysis of the efficiency
and speed of the ResGCN-T model and showcas-
ing the advantages of leveraging FPGA-DPU for
time-series Human Action Recognition.
These contributions collectively contribute to the
ongoing efforts to advance the capabilities of embed-
ded systems, particularly in the context of edge com-
puting applications using FPGA technology.
2 Related work
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Previ-
ous research in the area of human action recogni-
tion has prominently featured CNNs. These CNNs
have demonstrated their prowess in extracting spatial
features from video frames, enabling effective action
classification. Notable works, such as [3], [4], have
explored the application of CNNs in this context, es-
tablishing a foundation for subsequent advancements.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with empha-
sis on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM): In ad-
dressing the temporal dynamics inherent in time-
series data, RNNs, specifically LSTM and Gated Re-
current Units (GRUs) networks, have gained signif-
icant attention. The sequential nature of human ac-
tions necessitates capturing temporal dependencies,
making LSTM/GRU an appealing choice. Prior stud-
ies, [5], [6], have delved into the integration of LSTM
and GRU networks for improved modeling of tempo-
ral aspects in human action recognition.
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs): Extend-
ing beyond the conventional CNNs, GCNs have
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Figure 2: Framework of the proposed end-to-end Resnet {GCN+TCN}-based Network (ResGCN-T). It consists
of consecutive spatio-temporal ResGCN-T blocks. In the ResNet block, we learn the dynamics representation of
skeleton joints (input data Sj,t,k). We utilize the GCN module to model the dependencies of the skeleton joints.
We make use of the TCN module to model the dependencies of frames.
emerged as powerful tools for modeling relationships
in graph-structured data, making them particularly
relevant for skeleton-based action recognition. Re-
cent works, [7], [8], [9], have explored the applica-
tion of GCNs in conjunction with traditional CNNs
to capture both spatial and temporal dependencies in
complex human actions, presenting a promising av-
enue for improved recognition accuracy.
FPGA Implementation: As the demand for real-
time and power-efficient solutions escalates, re-
searchers have turned their attention to implementing
deep learning models on FPGAs. Leveraging the re-
programmability and parallel processing capabilities
of FPGAs, recent studies, [10], [11], [12], [13], [14],
have investigated the deployment of different types
of DL models for human action recognition or other
related tasks accelerating inference on edge devices.
A multimodal DCNN network called SensorNet was
introduced by [13], to process multimodal time series
signals as input for classification. The Artix-7 FPGA
was used to execute the model and evaluate a number
of applications, including HAR and stress detection.
At 100 MHz, the HAR application consumed 175 mW
of power while achieving 98 % accuracy. Further-
more, [14], constructed a model comparable to Sen-
sorNet in a different study that concentrated on HAR.
However, by applying an LSTM instead of CNN,
taking numerous sensor modalities as input. The
accuracy of their architecture decreased to 87.17%
with the PAMAP2 dataset, [15], although achieving
a power consumption of 82 mW at 160 MHz. To
handle accelerometer and gyroscope data for HAR,
[10], used the DeepSense network, [16], a time-series
multimodal DL architecture that combines GRU cells
with CNNs. They also suggested a co-design method
for improved performance in the Xilinx Vitis-AI de-
velopment environment. When compared to the ini-
tial baseline, the study improves latency and energy
usage by up to 2.5 and 5.2 times, respectively.
When compared to our proposed CNN-GCN-based
method for action recognition inference time, [10],
achieved a latency of 24 milliseconds during infer-
ence testing, whereas our model demonstrates signif-
icantly lower inference times, as shown in Table 3
(ranging from 6.8 to 19.4 milliseconds). Furthermore,
our proposed model operates entirely on the DPU, un-
like theirs, which relies on both DPU and CPU due
to Vitis-AI limitations regarding RNN implementa-
tion. This difference can be viewed as another im-
provement. In comparing the accuracy performances
on the NTU dataset, [2], our model outperforms the
approach proposed by [17]. Their model, which uti-
lizes a one-dimensional convolutional neural network
(1D-CNN) implemented on SMIC CMOS technol-
ogy hardware, achieves accuracy rates of 80.7% and
87.8% in the Cross-Subject and Cross-View bench-
marks respectively. In contrast, our model demon-
strates significantly better performance across the
same dataset, as evidenced in Table 2. These results
highlight the effectiveness of our proposed CNN-
GCN method capturing spatio-temporal features to
achieve the skeleton-based HAR tasks.
This section provides a comprehensive overview
of relevant works, from the foundational CNNs to
temporal modeling with RNNs, the synergy of CNNs
and GCNs, and the recent advancements in FPGA-
based implementations for human action recognition.
The subsequent sections of this article build upon
these foundations, exploring novel approaches for en-
hanced performance and efficiency in skeleton-based
action recognition.
3 model explained
We present the ResNet {GCN+TCN}-based Network
(ResGCN-T) showed in Fig. 2, a deep learning archi-
tecture that uses a series of Spatial-Temporal modules
in conjunction with relevant information to improve
the model’s understanding of human body dynam-
ics. Furthermore, this model includes a succession of
spatio-temporal blocks (ResGCN-T blocks) in the pri-
mary stream and ends with a classification block. By
focusing on specific regions of interest, the ResGCN-
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
T blocks can extract meaningful spatio-temporal in-
formation with effectiveness. The features that re-
sult after each ResGCN-T block’s fine-grained pro-
cessing are sent to the classification block as the last
stage stream, where they help to produce action clas-
sification probabilities. End-to-end training is applied
to the complete network to optimize the classification
score and improve performance.
Given the input set represented as S=Sj,t,k,
where the indices are defined as follows: The joint
index is denoted by j, the frame index by t, and the
coordinate axis by k(x, y, and z for 3D coordinates).
Frame index tfalls in the range 1, ..., T , where the
maximum number of frames in a series is constituted
by T. In this instance, we have chosen T= 25 as
a balance between the accuracy metric and the data
volume of the input. The value of Tis established
through experimentation. The dynamics of each joint
position kof type jat time tcan be characterized. Dy-
namics is the three-dimensional coordinate system (x,
y, and z) of a joint.
3.1 CNN-ResNet module
[18], in their research dealt with an important question
in DL architectures. A degradation issue has been re-
vealed when deeper networks are able to begin con-
verging: accuracy increases with network depth un-
til it becomes saturated, at which point it rapidly de-
clines. Surprisingly, overfitting is not the cause of this
degradation, and as shown in [19], and extensively
confirmed by their experiments in [18], adding addi-
tional layers to a suitably deep model results in in-
creased training error. It is evident from the training
accuracy degradation that not all systems are as sim-
ple to optimize.
A deep residual learning framework called ResNet
was introduced as a solution to the degradation issue.
The authors specifically allowed each of the several
stacked layers to fit a residual mapping rather than
assuming that each one would fit a specified underly-
ing mapping (see the module ResNet in Fig. 2). For-
mally, they let the stacked nonlinear layers match an-
other mapping of F(x) = H(x)x, identifying the
intended underlying mapping as H(x). They recast
the original mapping into F(x) + x. They postulated
that compared to the original, unreferenced mapping,
it is simpler to optimize the residual mapping.
3.2 GCN module with pre-defined
Adjacency matrix
A skeleton sequence can be shown in a variety of
ways. In continuous frames, it can be represented
by the joints’ or nodes’ 2D or 3D coordinates. The
GCN block employed in this article draws inspira-
tion from the ST-GCN model, [7], it builds structural
and hierarchical forms conveying more precise skele-
ton data using a spatial-temporal graph. Put other-
wise, a spatial-temporal graph designated G= (V, E)
{V:joints/nodes, E :edges}will be constructed
by the V(V: Nodes) intra-body joints that create a
skeleton spanning Tframes (duration) and conceive
the inter-frame connection.
In contrast to 2D or 3D convolutions, a graph-
based convolution (GCN) requires a few steps in be-
tween to be implemented. An equivalent implemen-
tation of GCNs, as described in [20], is obtained with
the ResGCN module. An adjacency matrix Arelating
to self-connections of the nodes/joints and an identity
matrix Irepresenting the connections of body joints
in the same frame. To establish the propagation rule
for information across the graph, a crucial step in con-
ceptualizing GCNs, in [20], suggested the following
formula in Equation 1.
fout =σ(ˆ
2·fin ·W)(1)
Here, the input and output feature maps are de-
noted by fin and fout, respectively. The adjacency
matrix with self-connections of the undirected graph
Aij )is ˆ
A=A+I. In this case, the weight
matrix with trainable parameters is denoted as W. The
ReLU non-linear activation function is σ. Under the
spatial-temporal scenario, the input feature map is ac-
tually represented by a tensor of dimensions (C, T,
V). A typical 2D convolution conv(fin) = fin ·W
is used to perform the graph convolution, and the ten-
sors that result are multiplied to obtain the normalized
adjacency matrix ˆ
In a notable modification to our program, we
introduced a strategic alteration to the Equation 1,
specifically replacing matrix multiplication, com-
monly known as outer-product multiplication, with an
element-wise product. The new term is ˆ
2fin ·W, with : denotes element-wise ma-
trix multiplication. This adjustment was necessitated
by the manner of outer-product matrix multiplication
performed within the FPGA DPU.
3.3 Temporal module TCN
In the context of skeleton-based action recognition,
the Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) module
serves to model the temporal evolution of human ac-
tions over time. It is responsible for analyzing the se-
quence of skeletal poses captured at consecutive time
steps and extracting relevant temporal features. We
used a temporal module inspired by the methods pre-
sented in [18], and designed in [21], to recognize ac-
tivities of different durations efficiently.
To decrease the number of feature channels in the con-
volution computation throughout a reduction rate r,
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Figure 3: Vitis-AI workflow.
in [18], the authors proposed an elegant block struc-
ture called Bottleneck, which includes two convolu-
tional layers with a kernel 1×1before and after the
regular convolution layer, respectively. In this study,
we achieve a considerably quicker implementation of
model training and inference by utilizing the Bottle-
neck structure within the spatial and temporal mod-
Assume that the temporal window size Lis 9, the
channel reduction rate ris 4, and the input and output
channels are both 128. The Bottleneck block has ap-
proximately 8.5 times fewer parameters than the basic
block, with just 128 ×32 + 32 ×32 ×9 + 32 ×128 =
17,408, compared to 128×128×9 = 147,456 in the
basic block.
4 Xilinx Vitis AI Development
For AMD boards, PCs, laptops, workstations, and
some Alveo data center accelerator cards, the Vitis AI
software offers a complete AI inference-building so-
lution. A vast array of AI models, deep learning pro-
cessing unit (DPU) cores that have been tuned, tools,
libraries, and sample designs for AI at the edge and
data centers are all included. It fully utilizes AI accel-
eration on AMD SoCs and RyzenTM PCs, thanks to
its great efficiency and user-friendly design (see Fig.
Currently, two primary methods are used to tar-
get FPGA devices: (1) Using HLS (High-Level Syn-
thesis) language, which is C/C++-based language.
The researcher has to create manually the architec-
ture of the Neural Network (NN). (2) The second ap-
proach involves the automatic generation of hardware
through software integration with machine learning
frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. The
second approach is becoming more frequently used
and becomes the standard for increased design pro-
ductivity as NN models get bigger and more compli-
cated. On the other hand, since hardware optimiza-
tions and parameters have a significant impact on la-
tency and energy efficiency, designers must carefully
set them up.
For this paper, we opt for the second approach by
harvesting the Xilinx Vitis-AI tool and we use Py-
Torch to create our model. Both software and hard-
ware deployment procedures will be covered by Vitis-
AI. That is, optimization, quantization, and compi-
Figure 4: Top-Level overview of the DPUCZDX8G.
APU - Application Processing Unit. PE - Processing
Engine. DPU - Deep Learning Processing Unit, [1].
lation in the following manners (see Fig. 3): 1)
Vitis-AI-Optimizer: With little influence on accu-
racy, Vitis-AI-Optimizer will compress the model by
cutting its complexity by five to fifty times. 2) Vitis-
AI-Quantizer: By calibrating and converting our
floating-point 32-bit FP32 model into a fixed-point
8-bit INT8 model, Vitis-AI-Quantizer provides speed
and computational efficiency. The generated model
will seek less memory usage/bandwidth. 3) Vitis-AI-
Compiler: The model will be mapped by Vitis-AI-
Compiler to a set of DPU-understandable instructions
and data flow. The compiler identifies which opera-
tions are supported by the DPU core and assigns un-
supported operations to the CPU.
4.1 DPU
The Vitis AI solution’s Deep Learning Processing
Units (DPUs) are an essential part (see Fig. 4. A
soft accelerator aimed at deep learning inference is
called a DPU. It could also refer to several possi-
ble accelerator systems that support various network
topologies. A DPU can be built as a collection of
micro-coded functions that are implemented on the
FPGA AI Engine, or it can consist of components that
are available in the FPGA programmable logic fab-
ric, such as DSPs (Digital Signal Processors), LUTs
(Look-Up Tables), Flip-Flops, BlockRAM, and Ul-
traRAM. The following graphic shows an example of
the DPUCZDX8G, which targets Zynq Ultrascale+
MPSoC device (i.e., the board Kria-KV260 utilized
for this paper). The user can deploy and process sev-
eral CNNs and streams simultaneously using a sin-
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Table 1: Evaluating performance across our proposed network configurations for identifying the best approach,
in terms of accuracy (%), using the NTU 60 dataset on CS benchmark.
State Model name Model architecture Approach Hardware Parameters (M) Accuracy (CS %)
1.1 (GCN+TCN) - Only Local 0.8 81.74
1.2.1 Resnet12-Bo - - Only Local 3.4 84.26
1.2.2 Resnet18 - - Only Local 9.8 84.78
2.1 Resnet8-Ba + (GCN + TCN) Serial Cloud 5.3 83.93
2.2 Resnet12-Bo + (GCN + TCN) Serial Cloud 4.3 83.99
2.3.1 Resnet18 + (GCN + TCN) Serial Cloud 10.8 83.52
2.3.2 Resnet18 + (GCN + TCN) Serial Local 10.8 83.59
2.4 Resnet50 + (GCN + TCN) Serial Local 13.2 83.98
2.5 Resnet152 + (GCN + TCN) Serial Cloud 32.8 84.32
3.1.1 Resnet12-Bo // (GCN + TCN) Parallel Cloud 4.2 84.47
3.1.2 Resnet12-Bo // (GCN + TCN) Parallel Local 4.2 84.58
3.2 Resnet18 // (GCN + TCN) Parallel Local 10.6 85.12
3.3 Resnet50 // (GCN + TCN) Parallel Local 13.0 85.37
3.4 Resnet152 // (GCN + TCN) Parallel Cloud 32.7 85.52
gle DPU core or instance in a design. The size of
the DPU can be adjusted to meet the needs of the
user. Processing is dependent on the DPU’s ability
to support the number of streams and network com-
binations with enough parallelism. A device can in-
stantiate more than one DPU instance. The NN model
is compiled with Vitis-AI-Compiler to an instruction-
specific set inside an executable .Xmodel file. The
DPU executes the .Xmodel to deploy the NN model
within the FPGA card. The fundamental chores of
scheduling numerous streams, different networks, or
even multiple DPU instances if necessary, are taken
care of by the Vitis AI Runtime. The DPU may con-
tain several engines, each tailored to handle a particu-
lar task. For example, a dedicated PE Processing En-
gine accelerates the Conv2d layers, while a separate
process handles depthwise convolutions.
5 Experiments
5.1 Model results
We conducted a series of experiments utilizing the
NTU RGB+D 60 dataset to assess the performance of
our proposed network configurations and validate the
effectiveness of our approach. The Table 1 presents
the results of these experiments, showcasing the accu-
racy (%) achieved by various network configurations
on the CS benchmark. Each configuration is labeled
with a state and model name, and its corresponding
model architecture, approach, hardware deployment,
number of parameters (in millions), and accuracy on
the CS benchmark are provided. Our aim was to iden-
tify the most effective approach for real-time Human
Action Recognition, considering different combina-
tions of ResNet, GCN, and TCN architectures. The
results highlight the significant impact of architecture
choices and deployment strategies on the accuracy of
our HAR model, providing valuable insights for opti-
mizing performance in resource-constrained environ-
The first investigation done using the information
in Table 1 is about proving the efficiency of the hier-
archical architecture chosen for our final model. Use-
ful to know that we exploited three approaches while
building the networks. The first approach is using
only ResNet architecture or GCN+TCN modules (de-
noted Only in Table 1). The second one is using
ResNet layers in serial to the GCN and TCN mod-
ules (denoted Serial in Table 1). The third approach
is the same as the second approach but the ResNet
layers are in parallel to the GCN and TCN modules
(denoted Parallel in Table 1).
Here, the network ”Resnet12-Bo + (GCN + TCN)”
denotes a hierarchical formation where the baseline
is a ResNet Block followed by the modules GCN
and TCN. This baseline will be repeated as shown
in Fig. 2. The symbols ”//” and ”+”, denote respec-
tively ”parallel” and ”serial” combinations between
the blocks/modules. Note that the modules GCN and
TCN are always serial in this research, which is why
they are always inside parenthesis ”(GCN+TCN)”.
We tested several ResNet architectures under the
name ResnetX-Y. Here ”X” is the number of layers
and takes the value (8, 12, 18, 50, or 152), ”Y” is
the type of layer used, and it can be either Basic-layer
”Ba” or Bottleneck-layer ”Bo”. We notice the subse-
quent observations taken from the Table 1:
a: from the state 1.1, using only the GCN and TCN
modules to construct the network. It gives us an ac-
curacy of 81.74% which is relatively a similar score
as the ST-GCN, [7], since the GCN implementation
for this paper was inspired by this ST-GCN model.
There is a 0.24% improvement compared to the orig-
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
inal ST-GCN model with fewer learning parameters,
this improvement of accuracy and less weight is due
to the addition of the TCN module, we used 3 con-
secutive modules only compared with 10 consecutive
st-gcn blocks in [7].
b: From comparing the states 1.2.1 and 1.2.2, or from
states 3.1.1 to 3.4, we notice that the more we add
learnable parameters (building a denser network) the
more accuracy we get. Thus, better performance. For
example, if comparing state 3.1.1 with 4.2 million pa-
rameters to state 3.4 reaching 32.7 million parame-
ters, the accuracy on the CS benchmark is 84.47% and
85.52%, respectively.
c: If we compare the types of approaches used to
train the networks, we observe that the Parallel net-
works perform better than the Serial networks. Con-
cretely, comparing the states 2.2 and 3.1.2, there is
a difference of 0.57% accuracy in favor of Paral-
lel state 3.1.2. A logical reasoning for this improve-
ment resides under the fact that by processing input
data through multiple parallel pathways (in our case,
ResNet layers in parallel to GCN+TCN modules), the
model can capture a richer set of features from the in-
put data. Each parallel pathway may specialize in ex-
tracting different types of features, leading to a more
diverse and comprehensive feature representation. In
addition, parallel convolution blocks can act as a form
of regularization by introducing additional pathways
for feature extraction. This can help prevent overfit-
ting by promoting generalization and reducing the re-
liance on individual convolutional pathways.
d: comparing the approach Only with Parallel show-
cases the fact that our contribution implementing the
concepts GCNs in addition to TCNs improves the
overall performance of the ResGCN-T baseline (see
Table 2).
e: We used two types of GPUs to train the networks,
one is on a Local machine and the other one is on the
Cloud throughout the CCUB 1(the university clus-
ter, utilizing a GPU Tesla V100s card). The study
shows that training the networks on our local machine
(GPU NVIDIA RTX 3070) it gives slightly better per-
formance. If we compare the same architecture used
in states 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 but the first is trained on the
cloud and the other on our Local GPU, we find a
0.11% difference in accuracy. This is not much, but,
in some cases, it can make a difference. Our findings
demonstrate that the increase in performance can be
attributed to the utilization of recent GPU models on
our Local machine compared to those deployed on the
CCUB Cloud infrastructure. However, The CCUB
Cloud GPUs have more significant RAM capabilities,
which allowed us to train the state 3.4 model with its
32 million parameters.
1Calculations were performed using HPC resources from DNUM
CCUB (Centre de Calcul de l’Université de Bourgogne)
Table 2: In terms of accuracy (%), the performance
of the presented approach ResGCN-T was compared
with SOTA methods on the Cross-Subject (CS) and
Cross-View (CV) benchmarks of the NTU 60
Method CS CV
HBRNN-L, [22]. 59.1 64.0
Part-Aware LSTM, [2]. 62.9 70.3
ST-LSTM + Trust Gate, [23]. 69.2 77.7
STA-LSTM, [24]. 73.4 81.2
GCA-LSTM, [25]. 74.4 82.8
Clips+CNN+MTLN, [26]. 79.6 84.8
VA-LSTM, [27]. 79.4 87.6
ElAtt-GRU, [28]. 80.7 88.4
ST-GCN, [7]. 81.5 88.3
DPRL+GCNN, [29]. 83.5 89.8
SR-TSL, [30]. 84.8 92.4
HCN, [31]. 86.5 91.1
ResGCN-T-12-Bo 84.5 91.5
ResGCN-T-18 85.1 91.2
ResGCN-T-50 85.3 91.6
ResGCN-T-152 85.5 91.6
5.2 Comparison with the State-Of-The-Art
Using the NTU 60 dataset, we provide a compre-
hensive examination of existing State-Of-The-Art
(SOTA) methods with our suggested model/baseline,
ResGCN-T, in the following section. You may find
the evaluation results in Table 2. Notably, to at-
tain better performance, our strongest baseline, called
”Resnet152 // (GCN + TCN)”, combines temporal
convolution-based and graph-based concepts.
The significant impact of using the spatial-
temporal ResGCN-T architecture with GCNs and
TCNs is seen in Table 2. Notably, prominent CNN-
based and RNN-based techniques are represented
by the ”Clips+CNN+MTLN” and ”ElAtt-GRU” ap-
proaches, [26], [28], respectively. By contrast,
ResGCN-T outperforms them, with accuracy margins
of 5.9% and 4.8% for the CS benchmark, respectively.
We compare our proposed method to other GCN-
based approaches such us ST-GCN, [7], which was
the first model that introduced the concept of GCNs
into HAR and laid the foundation for subsequent
prominent graph-based works. Compared to ST-GCN
we observe an improvement of 4% and 3.3% in re-
spectively CS and CV benchmarks, in favor of the
ResGCN-T model. DPRL+GCNN architecture, [29],
combining a deep progressive reinforcement learn-
ing method empowered with GCNs for an effec-
tive skeleton-based action recognition, this is another
model utilizing GCNs and our proposed model shows
better performances with a difference of 2% and 1.8%
on respectively CS and CV benchmarks.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Table 3: Inference Time Comparison for CPU, GPU, and DPU on the NTU CS Benchmark evaluation set.
State Running all Test set Running one sample
CPU time (s) GPU time (s) DPU time (s) CPU time (s) GPU time (s) DPU time (s)
3.1.2 24 318 51 113 1.4 3.0×1036.8×103
3.2 59 299 89 257 3.5 5.3×10315.5×103
3.3 100 891 129 321 6.1 7.8×10319.4×103
3.4 128 134 184 - 7.7 11.1×103-
Power consumption - GPU220 DPU36
Moreover, compared with the model HCN, [31],
that exploits the concept of Co-occurrence Feature
Learning with CNN, this model performs better than
ours on the CS benchmark with a difference of 1%,
but the percentage lost on CS is slightly regained on
the CV benchmark with a difference of 0.5% to our
As an explanation for the superiority of our pro-
posed scheme compared with the mentioned SOTA
models, we believe that CNNs are effective in cap-
turing spatial features from input data, while RNNs
are good at modeling temporal dependencies over se-
quential data. However, for tasks like skeleton-based
action recognition, where both spatial and temporal
information are crucial, the combination of CNN and
GCN can leverage the strengths of both architectures
to capture both spatial and temporal dependencies si-
multaneously. GCNs are specifically designed to op-
erate on graph-structured data, such as skeleton data.
By treating the skeleton data as a graph and apply-
ing GCN layers, the model can effectively capture
the relational information between joints, which is
essential for understanding human actions. Another
perspective is that CNNs are known for their ability
to learn hierarchical features through convolutional
layers. By integrating GCN layers into the architec-
ture, the model can learn hierarchical representations
not only in the spatial domain (through CNNs) but
also in the relational structure of the data (through
GCNs), leading to more informative and discrimina-
tive features. On the other hand, RNNs can suffer
from vanishing or exploding gradient problems, espe-
cially with long sequences, which can lead to overfit-
ting or poor generalization. By incorporating CNNs
and GCNs, which are less prone to such issues, the
model can mitigate overfitting and improve general-
ization performance.
5.3 Inference time (processing speed)
To assess the inference time of our proposed model
through different hardware components (CPU, GPU,
and FPGAs DPU), we conducted the following ex-
periment: We tested different states (3.1.2, 3.2, 3.3,
and 3.4) using the NTU CS test set with 16487 sam-
ples. We run the different networks (states) on CPU,
GPU, and then DPU to measure the time (in seconds)
spent predicting the test set, we report the results in
Table 3. In general, lower inference times indicate
faster model speeds, meaning the model can process
data more quickly and efficiently. From Table 3, it’s
evident that the GPU generally offers faster inference
times compared to both the CPU and DPU across dif-
ferent states, suggesting that it may be the preferred
choice for inference tasks in this context. However,
it’s essential to consider other factors such as cost,
power consumption, and hardware availability when
choosing between CPU, GPU, and DPU for inference
tasks. The explanations below will clarify more this
point of view. If we compare only from a numeri-
cal perspective, to process the test set samples/data
on the CPU under state 3.1.2, it takes 24328 s (6.7
hours) in total, or 1.4 s latency to process one sample
(one action). In contrast, the DPU takes 6.8 ms, and
the GPU takes 3 ms. However, we believe that the
best approach is to use the FPGAs DPU. The reasons
behind this proposition depend on the fact that:
1) The data is still processed in a few milliseconds
even if the application is 2x faster with the GPU com-
pared with the DPU, which means 6.8 ms latency is
enough to provide decent real-time performance. 2)
The power consumption of the FPGA board (Kria
KV260) is just 12 V (volts) with a maximum of 3 A
(amps) of current, which gives us a P=UxI=12x3=36
W (watts) as the max theoretical value, in practical it
is only sipping around 7 W. However, our GPU model
has a power consumption that can increase up to 220
To summarize, the FPGA consumes less power and
provides decent inference time (speed) compared
with the GPU.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we detailed the development of a cus-
tom Deep Learning model leveraging Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) and Graph Convolutional
Network (GCN) concepts, specifically tailored for
implementation on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
(FPGAs) using the Vitis-AI development tool. The
FPGA-DPU latency performances have demonstrated
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
remarkable efficiency, surpassing CPU capabilities
by a significant margin of 202 times, and exhibiting
latency levels comparable to GPU processing, with
differences ranging from just 3 to 12 milliseconds.
Notably, while achieving impressive performance
metrics, FPGAs exhibit minimal power consumption,
consuming less than 36 watts, in contrast to the con-
siderable power requirements of GPUs (around 220
watts). Our findings not only contribute to the ex-
panding field of FPGA-accelerated deep learning but
also provide a valuable perspective on the feasibility
of deploying custom models for real-time skeleton-
based human action recognition.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024