remarkable efficiency, surpassing CPU capabilities
by a significant margin of 202 times, and exhibiting
latency levels comparable to GPU processing, with
differences ranging from just 3 to 12 milliseconds.
Notably, while achieving impressive performance
metrics, FPGAs exhibit minimal power consumption,
consuming less than 36 watts, in contrast to the con-
siderable power requirements of GPUs (around 220
watts). Our findings not only contribute to the ex-
panding field of FPGA-accelerated deep learning but
also provide a valuable perspective on the feasibility
of deploying custom models for real-time skeleton-
based human action recognition.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.31
Amine Mansouri, Abdellah Elzaar,
Mahdi Madani, Toufik Bakir