5 Conclusion
In the context of the current digital economy's rapid
development, the real estate industry is also
gradually shifting towards smarter and more
automated management systems. The study
proposes a real estate digital marketing management
system applicable to the real estate marketing field.
The performance test results of the digital marketing
management system show that the system is
consistent with the expected outputs in terms of key
functional modules such as user login, property
query, customer information query, property
booking, and payment, the CPU occupancy rate
basically stays below 30% during the whole script
running period, and the system still maintains a
better system stability when the concurrent amount
of TPS users is 150, which makes its usage
experience better. The performance test results of
the GBDT-LR model show that its accuracy is as
high as 94.63%, and the regression rate is 94.82%,
which is particularly good in terms of classification
accuracy, and the comparison of the ROC curves
shows that compared with the 89% of the single
GBDT model, the 83% of the BP neural network,
and the 69% of the SVM, the accuracy of the
GBDT-LR model is as high as 92%. The
experimental results show that the GBDT-LR model
can model the linear relationship of the data with
certainty and achieve higher classification accuracy.
However, there are still limitations in the study and
although the hybrid GBDT model performs well in
terms of accuracy, the model structure needs to be
optimized and adapted when dealing with large-
scale data to improve efficiency.
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.26