A Novel Item-Weights Enriched Baseline Recommendation Model
1Department of Computing,
Xi’an Jiaotong, Liverpool University,
2College of Artificial Intelligence,
North China University of Science and Technology,
3University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”,
4Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI–BAS),
5Telecommunications Research Center (TRC),
University of Limerick,
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: - This paper proposes a novel weight-enriched ranking-based baseline model, WeightedSLIM, aiming
to provide more accurate top-N recommendations from implicit user feedback. The model utilizes ItemRank to
calculate the ranking score of each item, which is then used as an item weight within the Sparse Linear Model
(SLIM), while using Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) to optimize the item similarity matrix. Experiments,
conducted for performance comparison of the proposed model with existing recommendation models,
demonstrate that it can indeed provide better recommendations and can be used as a strong baseline for top-N
Key-Words: - ranking-based recommendation, implicit feedback, Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR),
ItemRank, SLIM, WeightedSLIM.
Received: March 11, 2023. Revised: October 15, 2023. Accepted: December 19, 2023. Published: February 14, 2024.
1 Introduction
In the modern ‘Big Data’ era, recommendation
systems have become essential tools to address a
myriad of services on offer to users, e.g., in the
context of the vast range of information sources and
services readily available, ranging from simple web
browsing to sophisticated Internet of Things (IoT)
services, by assisting users to discover what they
need or receive timely suggestions and
Generally, the recommendation problem could
be cast as either a rating estimation problem which
aims to predict as accurately as possible the rating
values for items (or services) unrated by a
particular user yet, or as a ranking problem which
aims to find top-N ranked items for a particular user
that would be of most interest to her/him, and which
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
s/he has not yet ranked. In contexts where explicit
item ratings of other users may not be available,
ranking prediction can be more important than
rating prediction. Most of the existing ranking-based
prediction approaches consider items as having
equal weights, which is not always the case.
Different weights of items could be regarded as a
reflection of items’ importance, or desirability, to
The Sparse Linear Model (SLIM) is a state-of-
the-art ranking-based collaborative filtering (CF)
baseline model, which can make top-N
recommendations with high quality and efficiency,
[1]. However, some limitations of SLIM are that (i)
it assumes that all items have the same weight when
computing the predictive rank, which is not always
the case, and (ii) the similarity matrix is optimized
by minimizing the squared error, which is not
adaptable for recommendations from implicit
feedback. In recommendation scenarios, it is
common knowledge that the importance of items
varies from one to another due to different
popularity or other features of items. Thus, in SLIM,
the predicted score on an unrated item i of user u is
calculated by the aggregation of items that have
been rated by this user. Among these rated items,
however, some items should be weighted higher
than others.
Based on this observation, this paper proposes a
new baseline for item ranking that incorporates item
weights, learned from the item correlation graph
using PageRank, [2], into SLIM, and then optimizes
the model using Bayesian Personalized Ranking
(BPR), [3]. Extensive experiments, conducted on
three benchmark datasets, confirm that the proposed
model outperforms the existing ranking-based
models (which do not use item weights) on several
different evaluation metrics.
The reminder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 briefly presents the related work
in this area. Section 3 explains the background.
Section 4 describes the proposed model. Section 5
presents the conducted experiments and analyses the
obtained results. Finally, Section 6 concludes the
2 Related Work
2.1 Recommender Systems
A common task of recommender systems is to
improve user experience via personalized
recommendations based on different sorts of user
behavior, [4]. The objective of the recommendation
can be treated either as a rating estimation problem
which aims to predict the ratings for unrated user–
item pairs as accurately as possible, or as a ranking
problem which aims to suggest several specific
unrated items to a user that are likely to be
appealing to her/him, [5]. Essentially, rating
prediction and item ranking are two distinct
recommendation tasks, and most recommendation
approaches are solely designed for either of them,
[6]. In the literature, the majority of
recommendation techniques, e.g., [6] [7] [8], are
focused on the rating prediction task with
recommendation performance evaluated by
computing the average error between the predicted
ratings and the actual ratings, [5]. However, many
current works have switched from developing more
accurate rating prediction models to ranking-
oriented models, since they seem better fitted for the
top-N recommendation task, which aims to provide
a size-N ranked list of items for users to encourage
additional use of items in most recommendation
scenarios, [1]. Ranking-oriented models also
perform better in recommendation scenarios based
only on implicit user feedback, [5], [9]. Another
difference is that the evaluation of a top-N ranking
model is typically done by calculating ranking-
based metrics (i.e., precision and recall) while rating
estimation models are evaluated through error-based
metrics such as the mean absolute error (MAE) and
root mean square error (RMSE).
No matter whether rating-based or ranking-
based, the recommendation models rely on past user
feedback, which is either explicit (ratings, reviews,
etc.) or implicit (clicks, browsing history, etc.). In
many recommendation scenarios, explicit rating
data is sparse or even nonexistent since users are
usually reluctant to spend extra time or effort on
supplying that information. In such cases, the
preferences of users can be approximated by their
implicit feedback. Compared to explicit feedback,
implicit feedback is closer to the real-industry
perception of the problem and potential
recommendation solutions, where the feedback data
may be collected automatically at a much larger and
faster scale with no user efforts needed, [4], [10].
Together with implicit feedback scenarios, many
recent works also address the top-N
recommendation problem, [3], [11]. This paper aims
to address both issues, dealing with top-N item
recommendations based on implicit user feedback.
Data-sparsity problem is one of the main
limitations in CF-based recommender systems, [12]
[13], [14], which ultimately affects the
recommendation performance. In the literature, it
has been proven that this problem can be partially
solved by incorporating additional data sources
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
besides the user–item ratings, [15], [16], [17]. In
real-world recommendation situations, however,
additional data sources may not always be available
but there is still intrinsic information within the
user–item rating matrix to utilize for improving the
recommendation performance. Concerning this
problem, the current paper proposes to exploit item
weights from the item correlation graph constituted
by the user–item interactions and utilize these
weights within the SLIM model, [1], with
optimization driven by BPR, [3], for incorporating
implicit feedback.
2.2 PageRank and ItemRank
PageRank is a very successful technique for
ranking nodes in a graph, e.g., for hyperlink analysis
in web graphs or user interaction analysis in social
networks, [18]. It computes the importance score for
each node in the graph according to the graph
connectivity. PageRank has also been used as a
weight-learning method in recommender systems,
based on different degrees of correlation between
users or items, [19], [20]. Given a graph
󰇛 󰇜, where is the set of nodes and is
the set of links, the ranking score of each node is
calculated by PageRank, as shown in [21], as
  󰇛 󰇜
, (1)
where denotes the normalized connectivity matrix
for graph , denotes the decay factor,  denotes
the vector representing the ranking score of each
node, and is a long vector of ones.
The current paper utilizes ItemRank, [21], to
calculate the ranking score of items. ItemRank is a
scoring algorithm based on PageRank, which can
rank the items according to users’ preferences in
recommender systems. One advantage of ItemRank
is that it works with both explicit and implicit
feedback since it is based on an item co-occurrence
matrix. According to [21], to obtain the items’
ranking scores, a directed graph is constructed
where nodes represent items and links represent the
normalized correlation between items. Suppose 󰇛󰇜
is the set of users who rated item and 󰇛 󰇜is the
set of users who rated both item and item .
Definition 1. Given an implicit feedback matrix
, containing users and items, each entry in
the item co-occurrence matrix  , computed as
  , represents the number of users
who showed interest in each pair of items.
 is a symmetric matrix, i.e., 󰇛 󰇜
󰇛 󰇜 . However, in situations where item
received far more ratings than item , the correlation
of item to item should also depend on the relation
of item to all other items and thus may differ from
the correlation of item to item . Therefore, a
normalized matrix  is defined to solve this
problem, [19].
Definition 2.  is an item correlation matrix
that records relationships between item pairs, which
is a normalized , computed as follows:
 
 , (2)
where denotes the set of all items in . For item
, the sum of its correlation values with the other
items is equal to 1, i.e., 
 .
Hence, the ranking score of each item according
to ItemRank, is calculated as:
   󰇛 󰇜
, (3)
where  is an -dimensional vector representing
the ranking score of each item, and 
 .
Thus, each element in  denotes the importance of
an item in relation to all other items. In other words,
each element can be utilized as the weight of each
item. The rules followed by ItemRank for item
weighting in a recommendation scenario are that: (i)
if item has incoming links from highly ranked
items, then item will also have a high rank; (ii) an
item will ‘spread’ its rank throughout the correlation
graph which is generated from the user–item
interactions, with the effects decreasing as it spreads
further away, [21].
An ItemRank-related example is shown in Table
1, Table 2 and Table 3. Specifically, Table 1
contains a binary matrix of the implicit feedback
from four users to five items, Table 2 contains the
corresponding item co-occurrence matrix, and Table
3 contains the corresponding correlation matrix,
where a row represents the outgoing links for the
corresponding item, and a column represents the
incoming links.
Table 1. A sample table containing an implicit
feedback matrix.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Table 2. A sample table containing the item co-
occurrence matrix corresponding to Table 1
Table 3. A sample table containing the item
correlation matrix corresponding to Table 2
Nearest-neighbor models are widely deployed
for CF rating predictions. They rely on the
correlation between items (a.k.a. item-based models)
or users (a.k.a. user-based models). They have also
been used to solve recommendation problems with
implicit feedback data for item ranking. For item
recommendation, the model of item-based -nearest
neighbor (KNN) with implicit feedback is given in
[3], as:
 
 , (4)
is the set of items that user has seen in
the past and is a symmetric item correlation
(item similarity) matrix, which is learned by
parameter optimization methods.
Similarity matrix is not necessarily symmetric,
as illustrated by Table 3. So, [1] proposes a similar
recommendation model, but without the constraint
for the item similarity matrix to be symmetric. Their
recommendation model is defined in [1], as:
 
 , (5)
where  is an asymmetric item similarity
One disadvantage of (5) is that it assumes that
similarities between item and all user-rated items
contribute equally to the predictive rating, ignoring
the fact that the similarity of item to an important
item may have a higher contribution. For example,
suppose that item  and  are two items that user
has seen in the past, but item  is more popular
(important) than item . In both models described
above, similarities of item to items  and 
possess equal weights when calculating the rating of
item by user . However, item  is popular for a
reason, which should be considered when estimating
the predicted rating. For this, a novel weighted
sparse linear model, named WeightedSLIM, is
proposed in the next section, aiming to provide
more accurate top- recommendations from
implicit feedback. The model utilizes ItemRank,
[21] to calculate the ranking score of each item,
which is then used as an item weight within SLIM
[1], while using BPR, [3], to optimize the item
similarity matrix.
3 Background
This paper aims to provide top- recommendations
with the consideration of item weights for implicit
feedback recommendation scenarios. More
specifically, it proposes to integrate item weights,
which are learned from a binary matrix ,
containing the transaction records of items from
users, within the SLIM framework to generate
more accurate recommendations.
The notations used in the remainder of the paper
are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. Notations
The objective of the recommendation task is to
recommend unrated items with the highest
prediction score to each user. A large number of
previous studies focused on predicting rating values
for each user as accurately as possible. However, the
ranking of the unrated/unobserved items is more
important, [22]. For recommendation scenarios
where only binary user feedback is available (which
is the most frequent case), BPR could be utilized to
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
optimize the parameters of recommendation models,
[3]. The assumption behind BPR is that the user
prefers a consumed/seen item to an
unconsumed/unseen item, aiming to maximize the
following posterior probability:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 , (6)
where denotes the rating matrix, denotes the
parameter vector of a predictive model, and 󰇛󰇜
denotes the likelihood of the desired preference
structure for all users according to .
Typically, BPR is based on pairwise
comparisons between a small set of positive items
and a very large set of negative/unrated items from
the users’ histories. BPR estimates parameters by
minimizing the loss function defined in, [3], as
  
 (7)
where 󰇛 󰇜 denotes the sigmoid
function of , denotes the set of available users,
 denote the predicted scores of user for items
and , respectively,
denotes the set of
unrated items, and is the model-specific
regularization term.
4 Proposed Model: WeightedSLIM
Most of the current ranking-based CF models treat
items as having equal weights. However, it is
common sense that some items are more important
than others, which can be represented by assigning
bigger weights to them. This idea is incorporated
into the proposed ranking-based CF model,
WeightedSLIM, which takes into account the item
weights as follows:
 󰇛󰇜
, (8)
where PR(l) denotes the weight of item l.
Example, illustrating the advantages of the
proposed model, is the following one. Suppose that,
in the past, user has rated two items,  and .
For determining the rank of two unrated items and
, their predictive rating should be computed first.
Suppose that 󰇛 󰇜 , 󰇛 󰇜 ; and
󰇛 󰇜 , 󰇛 󰇜 . According to (5),
 and  . Thus, item should
be ranked higher than item .
Assume now that item  is known as much
more popular than item , with 󰇛󰇜  and
󰇛󰇜  . Now, according to (8), 
and  . This indicates that item
should be ranked higher than item , which makes
more sense since item is more similar to the
popular items, and thus should have a higher chance
for recommendation.
In the proposed WeightedSLIM model, the
parameter for estimation is the similarity matrix .
The BPR optimization [3] and the stochastic
gradient descent (SGD), [23], were used to estimate
it. Let 
 for each triple 󰇛 󰇜,
(denoting that user prefers item over
item , [3]). Then, the gradient of  with respect
to  can be calculated as:
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
. (10)
The pseudocode for learning the proposed
WeightedSLIM model is shown in Figure 1, where
the input arguments contain the implicit feedback
matrix , the regularization term , the learning rate
, the number of dimensions , and the maximum
number of iterations maxIter. The output is the
learned item similarity matrix AS.
Fig. 1: The algorithm for learning the proposed
WeightedSLIM model
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
5 Experiments and Results
5.1 Datasets
The performance of the proposed WeightedSLIM
model was evaluated on three different public
datasets, namely FilmTrust, [24], MovieLens-100k
(ML-100k) [25], and MovieLens-1M (ML-1M)
[26], with characteristics presented in Table 5,
where density denotes the ratio of the number of
observed ratings over the total number of entries in
the user–item matrix.
Table 5. The statistics (initial) of the three public
datasets used in the experiments
Since FilmTrust is a very sparse dataset, every
user–movie pair having a rating is regarded as an
observed interaction. However, for ML-100k and
ML-1M, only ratings with values equal to 5 were
kept as part of the observed positive feedback. The
statistics of the three datasets after pre-processing
are shown in Table 6. In each dataset, 80% of the
rating values were randomly taken as a training set
and the rest – as a test set. This process was repeated
ten times to minimize the bias.
Table 6. The statistics (after pre-processing) of the
three public datasets used in the experiments
5.2 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate the recommendation performance of the
proposed WeightedSLIM model in comparison to
existing ranking-based models, the standard
evaluation metrics used for numeric prediction
(which is the case with rating-based models), such
as MAE and RMSE, are not suitable. Instead, the
well-studied top- ranking metrics, used for
information retrieval evaluation, were employed,
namely the precision, recall, F1-measure,
normalized discounted cumulated gain (NDCG),
mean reciprocal rank (MRR), and area under the
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve
(AUC), to the ranked lists found by the compared
models. These metrics are briefly presented below.
Prec@k: Precision indicates how many items
are relevant among all recommended items.
For a given user , the precision value of a
ranked recommendation list at position is
defined as follows:
 , (11)
where 󰇛󰇜 denotes the predicted ranking list
for user and
 denotes the set of
preferred items by user in the test set;
󰇛󰇜  if is true; otherwise 󰇛󰇜 .
Rec@k: Recall represents the number of
recommended items among all relevant items.
For a given user , the recall at position of
a ranked recommendation list is defined as
 , (12)
 denotes the number of preferred
items by user in the test set.
F1@k: The F1-measure is the harmonic mean
of precision and recall, defined as follows:
 
 . (13)
NDCG@k: NDCG measures the quality of a
recommendation model based on a weighted
sum of the degree of relevancy of the ranked
items (the graded relevance of the ranked
items), [27]. If an item is more relevant, it
contributes more to the recommendation
quality, by adjusting its relative position in
the ranking list. The NDCG value at position
of a ranked item list for a given user is
defined as follows:
 , (14)
 denotes the
normalization term.
MRR: MRR measures the inverse of the
position in the ranking of the first
recommended item which also appears in the
test set, [11]. The MRR value is calculated as:
 , (15)
where  denotes the set of users in the test
dataset and 󰇛) denotes the position of item
recommended to user .
AUC: AUC is a popular criterion to measure
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
the quality of classification in information
retrieval research field, [28]. The AUC is
computed as:
 󰇛
󰇛󰇜 , (16)
where 󰇛󰇜 󰇛 󰇜󰇛 󰇜 󰇛 󰇜󰇛
 denote the evaluation pairs per user, [3],
with  and  being the training and test
sets, respectively.
For all the evaluation metrics introduced above, a
higher value indicates a better quality of the model.
5.3 Performance Comparison
In the conducted experiments, the proposed
WeightedSLIM model was compared to the
following existing ranking-based recommendation
PopRank: A baseline ranking-based
recommendation model, which makes top-
recommendations for each user based on item
popularity, [29];
SLIM: A sparse linear ranking-based model,
which computes the prediction score for a
new item based on an aggregation of other
items, aiming to generate high-quality
recommendations fast, [1];
SLIMbpr: A SLIM model, but with
optimization driven by BPR [3].
For a fair comparison, the same parameter
settings were adopted in the experiments for both
SLIMbpr and WeightedSLIM, which were
implemented using the same algorithmic framework
(c.f., Figure 1). Suppose 󰇛󰇜 is the number of
items that user has rated. 󰇛󰇜  triples
󰇛 󰇜 :
were randomly generated
for each user for all datasets, where is an
observed item by user , and is an unobserved
item. The number of iterations was set to 30. For
regularization parameter , several values were tried
( 󰇝  󰇞) and the one that gave the
best AUC result was chosen, namely  for all
datasets. The learning rate was set to . The
recommendation performance comparison results of
WeightedSLIM and the three other existing models
on five evaluation metrics are shown in Table 7,
Table 8 and Table 9.
Table 7. Recommendation performance comparison
of WeightedSLIM with other ranking-based
recommendation models (on FilmTrust)
Table 8. Recommendation performance comparison
of WeightedSLIM with other ranking-based
recommendation models (on MovieLens-100k)
Table 9. Recommendation performance comparison
of WeightedSLIM with other ranking-based
recommendation models (on MovieLens-1M)
Based on these results, one can make the
following observations:
WeightedSLIM outperforms all other models,
used in this comparison, on all evaluation
metrics on the two MovieLens datasets,
which clearly proves its effectiveness. On the
FilmTrust dataset, WeightedSLIM generally
achieves the best result on all evaluation
metrics, except for AUC, where PopRank
takes the first place. This implies that the the-
state-of-the-art models may not always get
better performance than other well-
performing models, even the simple
WeightedSLIM generally achieves overall
better performance than SLIMbpr, which
indicates that the consideration of item
weights in a sparse linear ranking-based
model can help improve the recommendation
performance. Figure 2 shows the
experimental results for precision vs. recall
for different values of ( 
󰇝 󰇞) across the datasets, where
denotes the size of the ranked list. This
further demonstrates the effectiveness of the
item weights impact.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Fig. 2: Precision vs. recall for BPR-based models across the datasets
The BPR-based models (SLIMbpr and
WeightedSLIM) perform much better than
SLIM, which demonstrates the power of
pairwise preference learning algorithms, [3],
for top- recommendations from implicit
user feedback.
PopRank beats SLIMbpr on all evaluation
metrics on FilmTrust. This may be because
FilmTrust is a relatively sparse dataset and
that in the experiments every observed rating
was treated as positive feedback. However,
low rating values (e.g., 1’ and ‘2’) cannot
reflect users’ preferences and the assumption
of BPR (i.e., that users prefer observed items
over the unobserved ones).
5.4 Computational Complexity Analysis
The time complexity of the model training process
consists of two stages item weighting and model
learning. In the first stage, the main time is spent on
item correlation matrix computation and item
weights learning with ItemRank. Let the number of
observed ratings be . Then, in the worst case, the
computational complexity for correlation matrix
computation is 󰇛󰇜 using Sparse Basic Linear
Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), [30], and for item
weights learning it is 󰇛󰇜, where is the number
of iterations and is the number of items. In the
model training stage, the total time complexity of
learning the model parameters is 󰇛󰇜, where
is the number of iterations, is the number of
users, and  is the average number of items that
user likes. Thus, the worst-case total time
complexity of training process is 󰇛
For the parameter learning stage, the time
complexity of WeightedSLIM is the same as for
SLIMbpr. Thus, the complexity gain is in the item
weights learning. In [21], it has been demonstrated
that ItemRank scales very well with the increase of
the number of users, and the computation is very
efficient with fewer number of iterations.
6 Conclusion
This paper has proposed a novel ranking-based
model, WeightedSLIM, which aims to provide users
with high-quality top- recommendations based on
implicit feedback. WeightedSLIM is able to take
different item weights into consideration when
computing the predicted score for each unobserved
user–item pair, whereby the item weights are
calculated using ItemRank, and optimization is
driven by Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR).
Experiments conducted on three benchmark
datasets, using six ranking-based evaluation metrics
for performance comparison with one baseline and
two state-of-the-art ranking-based recommendation
models, demonstrate the effectiveness of
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This publication has emanated from research
conducted with the financial support of the
Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) under the
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.20
Haiyang Zhang, Xinyi Zeng, Ivan Ganchev
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024