The Use of Loyalty Card Promotion:
Analyzing Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction of Card Holders
Department of Business Administration,
Telkom University,
Jalan Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257,
Abstract: - The increasing consumption of coffee in Indonesia makes business people try to create innovation
by establishing marketing facilities that can provide satisfaction for customers. In addition, each company
creates a loyalty program in the form of a member card that provides benefits and privileges in making
transactions. This study aims to determine the effect of member card usage and customer satisfaction on
customer loyalty. The research method used through descriptive and quantitative approaches with data
collection techniques through the distribution of online questionnaires through social media was obtained by
244 respondents. The sampling technique uses nonprobability sampling with incidental methods. This research
uses SMARTPLS software version 3.2.9 to conduct data processing. The results of this study show that
member cards have a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction and member cards also have a
significant positive influence on customer loyalty. In the end, customer satisfaction also has a significant
positive influence on customer loyalty.
Key-Words: - Member card, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, coffee shop, Card Promotion.
Received: November 2, 2022. Revised: September 16, 2023. Accepted: November 13, 2023. Published: December 4, 2023.
1 Introduction
Coffee shops have now become a part of the trend
and even lifestyle, particularly among millennials
and Generation Z. Coffee is a popular beverage
loved by people of all ages in Indonesia, including
children and the elderly. According to International
Coffee Organisation (ICO) figures, coffee
consumption in Indonesia ranked fifth in the world
in the 2020/2021 year. In Indonesia, coffee
consumption hits 5 million bags weighing 60
kilograms. As a result, it has grown in comparison
to prior years, when it reached 7.39 million bags
weighing 60kg, [1]. According to the Ministry of
Agriculture's Agricultural Data Center and
Information System, the average annual growth in
Indonesia's coffee consumption from 2016 to 2021
is expected to be 8.22%. The supply of coffee is
expected to reach 795 thousand tons in 2021, while
demand is expected to total 370 thousand tons,
leaving a 425 thousand tons excess. Smallholder
coffee plantation owners supply around 94.5% of
Indonesia's coffee production, [2]. As for the
robusta variety, it is produced in South Sumatra,
Lampung, Bengkulu, East Java, and Central Java,
accounting for 81.87% of the country's total coffee
production, [1].
As a result of the increasing consumption of
coffee in Indonesia, many business people are
competing to create an innovation to establish a
coffee shop business by adding contemporary décor
and facilities that can support customer satisfaction.
Each coffee shop certainly has its uniqueness and
characteristics and this coffee shop business is
considered quite promising for a long period of
time, [3].
With the rapid development of coffee shops in
Indonesia, competition cannot be avoided. The
increasing competition in the coffee shop industry
certainly requires companies or business shops to
continue to innovate regularly. Companies or
business stores must continue to pay attention to
customer needs and desires to create customer
satisfaction which will eventually make customers
make repeat or loyal purchases, [4].
Customer satisfaction is crucial to a company's
success because it may help clients form favorable
opinions of the goods and services the company
provides. An optimistic outlook has a significant
effect on future product or service repurchases.
Even if there are tempting offers from other
retailers, pleased customers are more likely to make
repeat purchases at the same store. In general, a
strong correlation between customer happiness and
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.46
Mutiara Dian Azzahra,
Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
loyalty may play a significant role or serve as a
moderating element.
One of a company's or store's advantages is its
ability to build a loyal client base. However, many
businesses are unaware that building a loyal
customer base involves several steps, from finding
new consumers to building customer advocacy that
will result in financial gain for the firm. The
business makes a variety of attempts to cultivate and
preserve client loyalty to improve its financial
performance and ensure its existence. In increasing
and maintaining customer loyalty, a business must
be able to manage effectively and efficiently. So in
its implementation, a business not only focuses on
finding or getting new customers but also must be
able to manage or retain old customers well so that
old customers are not disappointed, [5].
One way to maintain and increase customer
loyalty is by Loyalty Program. The program
supports repeat purchase rates and increases and
maintains sales rates by providing incentives for
customers who frequently buy in bulk, [6]. The
loyalty program is a special offer for those who
have Member Cards, For example, discounted
prices, and many other offers. Loyalty programs
affect customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study
discusses the relationship between, [7]. Member
Cards, mobile apps, and loyalty in any of the coffee
shops The results confirm that the program Member
Card And mobile apps are one way to build
relationships with customers and are part of
customer loyalty programs. The research that has
been done indicates that Customer satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on customer loyalty
through membership cards, [6], [7]. In addition, this
study shows that membership cards can increase
customer satisfaction and will indirectly make
customers loyal, [8]. Research shows that there is a
positive and significant relationship between
programs, Loyalty from member Cards, customer
satisfaction, and customer loyalty, [9].
Therefore, this study aims to discuss the
influence of member cards and customer loyalty on
customer satisfaction. This research is interesting to
study because considering the phenomenon of the
continued development of the coffee shop business
which is increasingly widespread and spread
throughout Indonesia.
2 Literature Review
Member Card
Loyalty programs are designed to increase customer
satisfaction and commitment. The effectiveness and
relevance of loyalty programs are measured by
achieving certain customer satisfaction threshold
levels, [10]. Loyalty programs provide perceived
benefits or value to members as a sign of
appreciation for their loyalty to the organization. In
addition, when customers engage in a loyalty
program, the benefits they feel and that they receive
will lead to the loyalty of a business. Therefore, the
benefits of customer loyalty programs can be
divided into two; Hard and Soft benefits, [11]
[12], [13]. Hard benefits a monetary gains in the
form of discounts, special discounts, and coupons
while soft benefits a non-monetary gains, [14]. A
member card is a membership card that the owner
gets: Discounts in the form of discounts from
promotions and services issued by the company that
issued the membership card, [15]. Member card
(membership card) provides more benefits and
facilities than those who do not use Member Card.
The company issues a loyalty program in the form
of a membership card to know the number of
customers in the company and become data for the
Customer Loyalty
Loyalty is a commitment made by customers in the
long term by making purchases or repeatedly
consuming a product. Customer loyalty is
inseparable from the satisfaction that has been felt
by customers in buying the same product at different
times continuously, [16]. Loyalty is proof for
consumers who are always loyal customers and
have a positive attitude toward a company. The
loyalty that exists in customers can be reviewed
according to the brand that consumers have
purchased and what consumers feel about the brand,
[17]. One of the crucial aspects that affect a
company's performance in competing against rivals
both now and in the future is loyalty, which is
measured by the volume of buybacks customers
make over a certain time period. Customers
anticipate that the business will consistently provide
exceptional value. High levels of customer
satisfaction and customer retention may be achieved
through offering exceptional service and producing
better value. Customer loyalty will be one of the key
drivers of success in the future in the age of current
technologies, [18], [19].
Customer Satisfaction
After completing a transaction, a customer's feelings
of satisfaction or dissatisfaction are dependent on
how well their expectations were met in relation to
reality, [20]. An enjoyable fulfillment reaction is
agreeing with something, whereas an unpleasant
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.46
Mutiara Dian Azzahra,
Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
fulfillment response is expressing discontent.
Additionally, satisfaction is a favorable and emotive
response that one party describes as the outcome of
an evaluation of all elements of the working
relationship with the other party, [21]. defines
satisfaction as the outcome of a process of
subjective assessment in which options are chosen
or expectations are exceeded. While other studies
explain that satisfaction is a post-purchase
orientation of an affective or cognitive nature that
focuses on evaluating product performance, [22].
Customer satisfaction is positively due to the
products and services offered by retailers. This habit
has an important role in future customer buybacks
Meanwhile, in the business dimension, when an
organization maintains a positive relationship with
its customers, some desired results may occur. If the
number of expectations obtained is high while the
performance value is ordinary, satisfaction will not
be achieved and customers will feel disappointed
and even leave the company or business because the
company or business is not able to meet the
expectations of these customers, [23]. Creating
satisfaction in the hearts of customers is very
beneficial for the growth of loyalty or loyalty to a
brand, [24]. Increasing customer satisfaction can be
achieved by doing work the first time correctly and
handling complaints provided by the customer
effectively and efficiently so that the customer is
satisfied with the attitude taken by the business,
[25]. Satisfaction involves the attributes of a product
or service that customers provide according to their
expectations, [26], [27].
The three variables, namely customer
satisfaction, customer loyalty, and member cards
can be connected as a research model, visually
explained in figure 1. Therefore, the hypotheses and
frameworks obtained are as follows:
Hypothesis 1: Member cards have a significant
influence on customer loyalty
Hypothesis 2 Member cards have a
significant influence on customer satisfaction
Hypothesis 3: Customer loyalty has a significant
influence on customer satisfaction
Fig. 1: Research Model
3 Methodology
Research Design
This research uses a type of quantitative research
with a descriptive approach. Descriptive is data
analysis by describing data that has been collected
without drawing conclusions that aim to find out
which relationship is the strongest between variables
through correlation analysis, prediction regression
analysis, and comparison between the average
sample or population data, [28]. Quantitative is a
research method based on philosophy positivism
which is used to research a specific population or
sample, aiming to describe and test the hypotheses
that have been established. The measurement scale
used is the scale, [Likert 1-5 used as a reference for
the length of the short interval on the measuring
instrument. The Likert scale consists of 1 (strongly
disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (moderately agree), 4
(agree) and 5 (strongly agree). Data obtained from
primary and secondary data, [29]. Primary data was
obtained through the distribution of questionnaires
with, Google Forms. While the secondary data is
obtained from journals and website relevant, [30].
Sample collection using Nonprobability sampling
with incidental specifications, [31]. Incidental
sampling technique is the determination of samples
by chance where the researcher meets anyone who
meets the criteria and can be used as a source of
data, [32], [33].
The method utilized for causal models is called
structural equation modeling. SEM may assess
factors that cannot be directly measured and can
correct measurement mistakes, [34]. Partial Least
Square (PLS), a statistical method based on SEM,
was utilized in this work, [35]. Regression models'
partial least squares, sometimes referred to as
projections against latent structures, are estimated
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.46
Mutiara Dian Azzahra,
Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
using PLS. PLS has the benefit of being able to
model several dependent and independent variables
(complex models), and even in the face of skewed
and missing data, its conclusions are still
trustworthy, [36].
3.1 Respondents' Profiles
This research was conducted in 2022 using a
quantitative approach based on the incidental
nonprobability sampling method. The questionnaire
was distributed using a Likert scale of 1-5 and
obtained as many as 244 respondents which were
then used as primary data. The questionnaire used
includes several characteristics of respondents such
as gender, age, and education. The results of these
characteristics are in Table 1.
Table 1. Respondents' Profiles
High School
16-20 Years
21-25 Years
36-30 Years
31-35 Years
From the characteristics of respondents that
have been obtained through the spread of Google
forms, it is known that the majority of respondents
are female as much as 72.13% with their education,
namely Bachelor (S1) as much as 74.59 and the age
range of 21-25 years as much as 63.93%.
Furthermore, these 244 respondents will be
processed data to obtain research results and answer
4 Results
Evaluation of the Measurement
Measured models are used to assess the relationship
between indicator variables and related constructs.
The results can determine measurement indicators
and the directional relationship between concepts
and measurement indicators. The validity and
reliability of measurements can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Evaluation of the Measurement
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Loyalty
Member Card
Based on the Table 2 above, what is used to test
validity and reliability is to look at the results of
Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and AVE
(Average Variance Extracted). In Cronbach's alpha
and composite reliability, it was found that all data
were said to be reliable to be used as research
instruments. Cronbach's Alpha and Composite
Reliability can be said to be reliable if it has a value
above 0.7. All variables namely customer
satisfaction, customer loyalty, and member cards
have a value above 0.7 therefore it can be said to be
reliable. The AVE (Average Variance Extracted)
value is used as a determinant of convergent validity
and can be said to be valid if it has a value above
0.5. The three variables namely customer
satisfaction, customer loyalty, and member cards
have a value above 0.5 therefore all variables are
declared valid and the data can be used for research.
Furthermore, testing was carried out on outer
loading contained in Table 3.
Table 3. Outer Loading
Factor Loading
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Loyalty
Member Card
In outer loading processing, the data used to be
processed is the loading factor value of each
indicator with details of customer satisfaction
having 9 indicators, customer loyalty having 5
indicators, and member cards having 7 indicators.
Table 3 obtained outer loading results on all
variables and each indicator is above 0.60 so that all
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.46
Mutiara Dian Azzahra,
Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
indicators can be said to be valid and have been
considered valid for research and can be used for
further research, namely in the Hypothesis test.
Hypothesis Test
Next, the researcher conducts testing on a
hypothesis that will examine the value of t-statistics,
p-values, and path coefficients between independent
and dependent variables to determine the
importance of predictive models in evaluating
structural models. t-statistics between independent
and dependent variables in the path coefficient table
obtained from software processingSmartPLS can
thus be used to determine the importance of
predictive models in testing structural models (Table
Table 4. Hypothesis Test
Card ->
Card ->
Loyalty ->
The findings of the analysis of this study
revealed that Member cards and customer loyalty
have a positive and significant influence on
customer satisfaction. The findings show that
consumers are satisfied with the Loyalty Program
Form Member Card. Previous studies have also
shown that Customer satisfaction has a positive and
significant effect on customer loyalty through
Member cards. In addition, this study shows that
[Membership Card can increase customer
satisfaction and will indirectly make customers
loyal. Research shows that there is a positive and
significant relationship between, [Loyalty Program
Form Member Card, customer satisfaction, and
customer loyalty.
Hypothesis 1: Member cards influence customer
The hypothesis test in Table 3 shows the p values
between Member Card against customer loyalty of
0.000 and this value is below 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) so
it is concluded that Member Card Has a positive and
significant influence on customer loyalty. This
happens because customers feel firsthand the
privileges of the loyalty program provided for users
who have accounts to Member Card. Therefore,
customers feel loyal and will make repeat purchases
even customers will recommend to friends or people
they know, [37]. Programs provided by coffee shops
Make customers continue to make transactions so
that they can increase the type of membership. The
higher the membership tier, the more benefits
customers can receive. This study is also in line with
stating that Member Card has a direct effect on
customer loyalty, [38].
Hypothesis 2: Member cards influence customer
The results of the hypothesis test in Table 3 between
Member Card to customer satisfaction using
Software SmartPLS get p values of 0.000. The value
is below 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) so it is concluded that
Member cards have a positive and significant
influence on customer satisfaction. This is because
customers are satisfied with the facilities or benefits
provided by Member Card, so that it is considered in
accordance with customer expectations. Some
Member Cards from Coffee Shops There are various
types of membership and each type of membership
has its advantages, [39]. Thus, from these benefits
and privileges, customers are satisfied with the use
of Member Card. This is also in line with research
which states that Member Card Significant effect on
customer satisfaction. In addition, the study states
that Member Card and Sales Promotion provided by
the company has a positive effect on Customer
Satisfaction, [40]
Hypothesis 3: Customer loyalty influences customer
In this study, the results obtained from the Table 3
hypothesis test found that customer loyalty to
customer satisfaction has a p-value of 0.009 which
The value is less than 0.05 (0.009 < 0.05). These
results can be said that customer loyalty has a
positive and significant influence on customer
satisfaction, [41]. From this, it is proven that the
positive experience that has been experienced by
customers on a product will have an emotional
effect in the form of satisfaction and can make
customers make coffee shop the main choice and
can provide recommendations to the closest people
so that it can cause a loyal attitude. For all sectors,
even those that provide both goods and services,
customer loyalty is crucial. Customer satisfaction is
essentially one of the key elements that may make
consumers loyal, thus when customers consistently
utilize the goods or services of a certain business, it
can be considered that the business has succeeded in
satisfying its customers, [42]. This study runs
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.46
Mutiara Dian Azzahra,
Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023
counter to previous studies that claim client loyalty
has little bearing on consumer happiness.
Additionally, one study found a strong indirect link
between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction
through customer trust.
5 Conclusion
This study uses coffee shops as research objects that
have loyalty programs in the form of member cards
that affect customer satisfaction at coffee shops. To
support the study, researchers use primary data and
secondary data in obtaining data so that it can be
processed, [43]. The results showed that member
cards have a significant positive influence on
customer satisfaction this is due to the benefits of
member cards in the form of product discount
promos in accordance with customer expectations so
that customers feel satisfaction [44], [45].
Furthermore, member cards have a significant
positive influence on customer loyalty where this is
because the benefits of member cards in the form of
discount promos make customers make repeat
purchases, [46]. Therefore, customers are loyal to
the coffee shop and customer satisfaction has a
significant positive influence on customer loyalty
where this is because customer expectations are in
accordance with the products in the Coffee shop can
make loyal customers, [47], [48].
In the next research, it is advisable to look for
other factors or variables that have not been studied.
In addition, it is also expected to use different
measurement methods, [49]. The limitation of this
study is that primary data in the form of
questionnaire distribution still requires more
respondents so it is expected that the results
obtained are more widespread, [50].
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Contribution of individual authors to the
creation of a scientific article (ghostwriting
- Mutiara Dian Azzahra carried out the field survey,
data analysis, and the optimization.
- Agus Maolana Hidayat was responsible for the
conceptualization and review.
- Mahir Pradana was responsible for the field
survey and submission of the article.
Sources of funding for research presented in a
scientific article or scientific article itself
The authors report no source of funding.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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(Attribution 4.0 International , CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
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DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.46
Mutiara Dian Azzahra,
Agus Maolana Hidayat, Mahir Pradana
E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 11, 2023