to the reliability of financial statements, [18].
Additionally, auditors possessing the necessary
qualifications and attributes offer assurance that the
financial statements faithfully represent the
underlying economic reality of the company, [19].
Previous studies have identified several key
auditor characteristics that are closely associated
with audit quality, including auditor independence,
[20], [21], [22], [23], auditor ethics, [24], [25], [26],
and auditor competency, [21], [22], [23].
Additionally, numerous studies have emphasised the
significant impact of auditor integrity on audit
quality, [27]. Therefore, this study aims to explore
the relationships between auditor independence,
ethics, and competency with audit quality while
considering the mediating role of auditor integrity.
2.1 Hypotheses Development
Auditor independence refers to the ability of
auditors to perform their duties without being
influenced by personal interests, [14]. It allows
auditors to utilise their skills and technical expertise
freely, without any external pressures, in
formulating and expressing their opinions, [28],
[29]. Therefore, many consider independence as the
cornerstone of auditing, [30]. Several studies have
provided evidence of the significant impact of
auditor independence on audit quality, [21, [22],
[23]. Based on this, the first hypothesis of this study
is formulated as follows:
H1: Auditor independence has a significant
impact on audit quality.
Auditor competency refers to the qualifications,
high level of skills, knowledge, and unique abilities
that positively impact their performance in carrying
out their responsibilities, [31]. The key elements of
competence include a deep understanding of
accounting principles, auditing standards,
regulations, and industry-specific knowledge, [32].
Competent auditors, with their comprehensive
experience, are able to address the majority of issues
they encounter swiftly, thereby enhancing audit
quality, [14]. Many empirical studies have
supported the significant impact of auditor
competency on audit quality, [21], [22], [23].
Therefore, the second hypothesis of this study is as
H2: Auditor competence has a significant impact
on audit quality.
Auditor ethics refers to the moral principles,
values, and professional standards that guide
auditors in their conduct, [25]. Auditors must
always maintain a high standard of ethical
behaviour, as it is integral to preserving public trust
and confidence in the auditing profession, [4], [33].
By adhering to ethical principles, the value of
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and
confidentiality can be upheld, leading to a good
quality audit. Various researchers have supported
this viewpoint, [24], [25], [26]. Therefore, this study
hypothesised that:
H3: Auditor ethics has a significant impact on
audit quality.
The significance of integrity in promoting trust
among shareholders, stakeholders, and management
and fostering public confidence in auditors' work
has been emphasised, [29], [34]. Integrity
encompasses moral principles like honesty and
fairness and is closely associated with adherence to
standard practices and policies, [6]. From an
accounting perspective, integrity refers to providing
services with honesty and prioritising the clients'
interests while disregarding personal conflicts, [8].
Numerous studies have shown the considerable
influence of integrity on audit quality, [8], [9], [22],
[35]. These studies demonstrate how integrity
affects the audit process's dependability, credibility,
trustworthiness, and results. Thus, it is hypothesised
H4: Auditor integrity has a significant impact on
audit quality.
The interaction of auditor independence, ethics,
and competency depends critically on auditor
integrity. It acts as a fundamental quality that affects
and engages with these three elements. Auditors'
independence is guaranteed by their integrity, which
enables them to maintain objectivity and avoid
conflicts of interest, allowing them to offer unbiased
and objective recommendations. In addition,
integrity, which includes honesty, impartiality, and
adherence to professional norms of conduct, is a
crucial aspect of ethical behaviour among auditors.
Additionally, auditor integrity encourages a
dedication to lifelong learning, adherence to
professional standards, and the efficient use of their
knowledge and experience in practice, all of which
support sustaining their competency. In essence,
auditor independence, ethics, and competence are
supported by auditor integrity, which is a
fundamental component.
Therefore, this study suggests that integrity acts
as a mediator in the relationship between auditor
independence, ethics, and competency in audit
quality based on these beliefs. Auditors who uphold
integrity show a dedication to moral behaviour and
professional ideals, improving the audit process's
overall quality and efficiency. As a mediator, the
following hypotheses are to be tested.
H5: Auditor integrity mediates the relationship
between auditor independence and audit quality.
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2023.11.40
Abdullah Said Ahmed Hubais,
Mohd Rizuan Abdul Kadir, Zaroug Osman Bilal